謝謝藍燁願意一起翻譯,願意在251 Studio錄音,願意出現在MV裡😳
Great Korean songs can be great in Chinese too!
Thank you Lan Yeh for helping translate, recording in 251 Studio, and appearing in this MV! 😳
I'm used to doing things myself, everything from shooting videos to recording the audio and editing. This time I had help every step of the way, and I don't know how to express my gratitude towards those who've contributed.😭
I hope you can feel the effort everyone put in, I hope you'll enjoy this cover.❤️
🔍 喜歡的可以去追下面的社會媒體!
🙏 謝謝每一位跟我們合作的
▶︎藍燁 Lan Yeh: https://www.instagram.com/lanyeh251
▶︎孟菲 Sonia Chang: https://www.instagram.com/soniasunny_chang
▶︎崔璀璨 Tristan H.: https://www.instagram.com/yakitorisutan
▶︎荼靡 ERIN: https://www.instagram.com/erin.makeup2018
▶︎Robert Lin: https://www.instagram.com/idea_convergence
▶︎Max Hsieh: https://www.instagram.com/max.hsieh31
▶︎小雷 Rengar: https://www.instagram.com/garena770
▶︎北灣俱場 North Bay: https://www.facebook.com/northbay.tw
《주지마 Don't》
原曲:로꼬 (Loco), 화사 (마마무)
歌詞翻譯:崔璀璨、藍燁、Hung-Sen Kang
【音樂 / Music】
藍燁 Lan Yeh / Rap 饒舌
孟菲 Sonia Chang / Drums 鼓手
茼蒿 Dang Ou / Guitar 吉他手
崔璀璨 Tristan H. / Vocals 主唱
Sho Chien / Bass 低音吉他
【攝影 / Cinematography】
Robert Lin / Director 導演
Max Hsieh / D.P. 攝影師
EVAVAX Studio / Production 製作
【製作團 / Production Team】
倫心金堽 King Kon Lin / Manager 管理人
荼靡 ERIN / Makeup & Styling 造型師
251 Studio / Vocal, Rap, Guitar Recording 錄音室
小雷 Rengar / Bartender 調酒師
Sho Chien / Mixing 混音
孟菲 & Sho Chien / Beat Editing 節奏編輯
Chia Chi Chen / Assistant Producer 助理製作
Neo Liu / Assistant Producer 助理製作
【場地 / Location】
北灣俱場 North Bay
#Hwasa #Mamamoo #翻唱 #Cover #Loco