Marvel's Spider-Man's Turf Wars DLC, the second of Spider-Man’s three-part DLC plotline, takes place almost entirely against a slate-grey sky, sapping the colour from this usually vibrant depiction of New York. It’s an intended and effective metaphor, of course – things have taken a dark turn, with mob boss Hammerhead running rampant across the city.
“地盤爭奪戰” DLC 除了為遊戲增加新的劇情之外,還將加入新任務、基地、犯罪、挑戰、獎杯。本次更新也為小蟲的衣櫃新增了漫畫中的鋼鐵蜘蛛戰衣、蜘蛛人裝甲戰衣MK1和來自Marvel Mangaverse的戰衣。
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漫威蜘蛛人dlc戰衣 在 [問題] 漫威蜘蛛人戰衣裝置推薦? - Play Station - PS | PTT遊戲區 的推薦與評價
目前進度在打第二次xx人戰衣只覺得蛛網開花好用想問一下之後比較推薦先解鎖的戰衣跟裝置順序謝謝!! 順便問一下...dlc看評價都不太好3片dlc有真的值得 ... ... <看更多>