【我逆光最帥|New Video Out】
神曲製造機The Chainsmokers曾立下狂言,每個月釋出單曲洗腦大家!今天這首正是和Coldplay合作,在YT點擊已經超過18億的Something Just Like This。
The Chainsmokers, the catchy songs maker, once said they would release song every month to make people brainwashed! So this is one of those hooked songs. With Coldplay's collaboration, Something Just Like This has got over 1.8 billion views already so far on Youtube Channel.
The song sounds like a boy’s monologue, saying he's working hard for his dreams, but had to admit that he was just an ordinary person, not a superhero. However, the girl told him that all she wanted was someone who could be with her and willing to love her, instead of being a legend.
I try to use the violin to express Martin's vocal that is full of story-telling emotions, and I imagined this kind of dialogue to create something warm and gentle of the melody. Hope y’all like this🥰
Feel free to come to Taipei Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Xinyi Plaza to enjoy more my live cover songs. Check it out on my Instagram stories! ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀
小提琴 Violin: 林子安 Lin Tzu An
攝影/剪接師 Photographer/Film editor:@santon.w
文字編輯 Social media editor/manager:Lily Wu
1 billion views on youtube 在 小編神器 Facebook 的精選貼文
樂高的 youtube,居然破了100億的瀏覽人數,真的是我們一輩子達不到的目標啊
1 billion views on youtube 在 Namewee 黃明志 Facebook 的精選貼文
Break 1 Billion total views on YouTube! 今天破了Youtube十億觀看人數!感謝支持!
2006年的時候,林北成立這個頻道的目的只是為了方便跟大學同學討論影片剪接作業和備份我的作品。當時還沒有五秒按掉的廣告,沒有業配,沒有黃標,像素只有240p, 就連訂閱按鈕都還沒有發明出來...14年過去了,這裡已經多了好多朋友,這個頻道已經變成了我發布作品,分享生活,傳播自由思想,對抗種族歧視,以及和惡勢力抗爭的平台。
感謝一路以來喜歡這個頻道的朋友們,也感謝所有參與過這個頻道的影片及音樂製作,演唱及演出的台前幕後的同學們。最重要我要感謝YouTube, 雖然他們很CB一天到晚黃標我的作品,但還是要感謝他們給於我一個自由自在的空間,來發表主流媒體無法接受的言論及作品。創作無罪,造反有理,自由媒體萬歲!下一個目標是100 億!
This channel was created in 2006, no ads, no income, no subscribe button and no 1080p back then. The only purpose of mine for creating this account is just to back up my songs and upload my videos homework for my Mass Communication lesson. 14 years had passed, Namewee became the real “OG” of Youtube, don’t play play… No matter who you are and which country you are from, Thanks for supporting Namewee’s Channel for 14 Years!
Namewee YouTube Channel Link:
#Namewee #黃明志