SMD LED Strip 2835 vs 5050 vs 5630 - Mavi ... <看更多>
SMD LED Strip 2835 vs 5050 vs 5630 - Mavi ... <看更多>
#1. 2835型燈帶和5050型燈帶哪個好 - 迪克知識網
兩者封裝尺寸不同,用途也各有千秋,但是2835封裝是採用的晶片倒裝技術,散熱性更好,而5050屬於常規的封裝技術。在照明燈具領域,現在的主流是用2835燈珠 ...
#2. 灯带2835和5050哪个好_5050LED灯珠知识 - 宇亮光电
2835 灯珠和 5050灯珠是不同规格尺寸的灯珠,2835灯珠尺寸是2.8*3.5*1.0mm,5050灯珠尺寸是5.0*5.0*1.5mm,两者的应用范围也不同,2835灯珠多用于室内灯管,面板灯,灯条, ...
#3. 2835燈珠和5050燈珠有什麼區別?哪個亮度更高? - ITW01
5050燈珠是指貼片型LED尺寸為5.0*5.0MM的燈珠,顧名思義,2835燈珠是指貼片型號尺寸為2.8*3.5MM的燈珠,這兩款也是市面上最常見的貼片LED燈珠型號之一 ...
另外2835貼片LED燈珠的熱阻低於同類產品,在常溫下測試,優於同類產品。 三、工作的正向電壓不一樣: 常規白光貼片LED燈珠的額定電壓為3.0-3.6V,而白光 ...
#5. 2835灯珠和5050灯珠有什么区别?哪个亮度更高?
5050 灯珠是指贴片型LED尺寸为5.0*5.0MM的灯珠,顾名思义,2835灯珠是指贴片型号尺寸为2.8*3.5MM的灯珠,这两款也是市面上Z常见的贴片LED灯珠型号之一 ...
#6. 燈帶2835和5050壽命燈帶選購注意事項 - 人人焦點
LED柔性燈帶LED燈帶根據燈珠的大小以及密度又分若干型號,如常見的2835晶片的燈帶是指每一個燈珠的發光面積是2.8mm*3.5mm,5050晶片燈帶每一個燈珠的發光 ...
#7. 請問LED燈條5730 VS 2835 哪一種比較好呢? - Mobile01
5050 :16-22 lumens 3528:6-8 lumens 我是直接買5630的再搭配調光器,嫌太亮想省電就調暗一些,總比太暗想調亮沒得調好吧!? 建議買12V的,相對安全些,雖然多了變壓器的 ...
#8. Difference between 2835 and 5050 LED Strip Light
2835 LED strip is basically a strip that has LED chips with the dimensions 28mm × 35mm mounted and 5050 LED strip is basically a strip that ...
#9. Numbers and LEDs: What does 2835, 3528 and 5050 mean?
SMD 2835 Chips look very much like 3528 chips, but they use newer technology and are typically much more efficient. This means that for equivalent power, they ...
#10. (100個裝)LED燈珠5730/5050/2835/7030貼片燈 ... - 蝦皮購物
LED燈珠5730/5050/2835/7030貼片燈白燈發光0.5W大功率光源吸頂燈購買(100個裝)LED ... 板保護板18650鋰電池升壓板自製行動電源1A MicroUSB充電/USB+5V放電3.7V升壓5V.
#11. 2835灯珠参数_2835灯珠和5050灯珠区别 - 电子发烧友网
2835 灯珠是中功率贴片超亮发光二极管,有0.1W 0.2W 和0.5W.因其尺寸为2.8 (长) ... 之间,红光和黄光电压1.8-2.3V。电流30mA,白光光通量10-15LM.
#12. What Is The Difference Between 2835, 5050 And 3528 LED ...
On a 3528 or 5050 chip, the diode will be circular, but on 2835 it takes up almost the entire surface of the chip itself. It's worth noting that ...
#13. 台灣高亮度2835 3528 5050 5630 LED軟燈條帶系列、工廠直營
工廠直營,台灣高亮度2835 3528 5050 5630 LED軟燈條帶、台灣晶元光電晶片、亮度高、品質穩定、壽命長,保固一年,種類多、顏色多樣,家用照明、商業照明、車用照明、 ...
#14. led燈珠型號有哪幾種,LED燈珠型號有哪幾種? - 櫻桃知識
3030、3014、2835、3528、5050等五種規格。 1、5730(5630)屬於三星的大功率結構,每臺0.5W,電流為100-150MA。 2、3030是科銳的高功率結構,每 ...
#15. 5050灯珠的特点有哪些?与2835灯珠的区别 - COB-华兴明科技
1、电流:43-46mA(这是最理想的驱动电流);最大使用电流不能超过60mA; · 2、电压2.8-3.6V(要求灯珠的瞬间电压不能超过5V,要不就对LED灯珠有损坏或严重 ...
#16. LED SMD 2835 Vs 5050
LED SMD 2835 Vs 5050. The most popular LED chips on the market today are 2538 and 5050. the choice of these two is based on many factors. 2835 LED SMD with ...
#17. LED灯带5050、2835、3014、5730是什么意思
相信不少朋友在家里装修的使用要用到led灯带,在选择的时候会看到5050、2835、3014、5730等数字,有时候甚至是在完全不懂得情况下就稀里糊涂的买了,今天小编就来分析 ...
#18. 5050灯珠和2835灯珠有什么区别_行业知识 - Cree led
除5050灯珠战2835灯珠的尺寸区分以外,5050灯珠通常采取三颗0.02W的芯片并联举行封装,总功率是0.2W,亮度正在20-22LM,固然也能够采取更高裸晶亮度的芯片做到22-24LM/24- ...
#19. 筆記LED 燈帶5050 5730 差異@ fosswu - 隨意窩
LED灯带5050、2835、3014、5730、3528的区别随着时代的发展,人们在室内环境下活动空间的增加,LED灯带等对人对城市对自然的影响力在逐渐加大,LED灯带也愈发显现出了 ...
#20. What is the difference between LED package types such as ...
3528, 2835, 5050 and 3030 are standardized LED package types. ... The package material (e.g. PPA vs PCT vs ceramic) and thermal design all have an influence ...
#21. What are the differences between an LED Strip 2835 and a ...
In addition to the difference in size between the 5050 lamp bead and the 2835 lamp bead, the 5050 lamp bead is typically packaged in parallel with three ...
#22. LED Strip SMD2835 vs 3014 vs 5050,Which is Better
SMD 2835 can reach 20-22 lumens,which is an upgraded LEDs after SMD3014.Compared with SMD 3528,it has higher brightness and better heat ...
#23. 採購貼片LED燈珠必備基礎知識 - 每日頭條
SMD LED 2835. 2835貼片燈珠,功率0.2w,流明值20-22LM,22-24LM,24-26LM,光效最高可以達到130LM/w。 SMD LED 5050. 5050貼片燈珠,功率0.2w,流明 ...
#24. Tiras LED 2835 vs 5050 - Años luz
¿En qué se diferencian las tiras LED 2835 y 5050? Las tiras LED son una muy buena opción ... Tiras LED SMD 3528 vs LED SMD 5050 foto cercana ...
#25. Smd 2835 Vs 5050 - 阿里巴巴全球直采
利用Alibaba.com上出色的smd 2835 vs 5050并点亮您的空间。 smd 2835 vs 5050带有令人印象深刻的属性,而且价格合理。
#26. What are the differences between SMD 5050 and 2835 LED ...
Measuring 50mm x 50mm, the 5050 SMD is larger than the 2835 SMD. ... 5050 LED chips are often used on 60 LED-per-meter strip lights, ...
#27. What is the difference between 3528 LEDs and 5050 LEDs
Showdown: The Difference Between LED 3528 vs 5050 ... even smaller and more efficient LED chips on the market with the sizes of 2835, 3014, 5630, and 3020.
#28. Tira led 2835 vs 5050
Compre tira led 2835 vs 5050 una enorme conjunto de tiras de luminosidad LED para lugares internos o sitios colectivos, como claridad debajo de gabinetes, ...
#29. 搜索结果_led灯2835的好还是5050的好? - 百度知道
led灯2835型号的和5050型号的哪个性价比比较高? 5050灯带要好些,led灯5050rgb灯带是把LED组装在带状的FPC(柔性线路板)或PCB硬板...
#30. What is SMD LED? What is LED 5050, 5630, 2835 - SM Tech
smd led vs led. The SMD led is small-compact & chip diode while LED, in general, is light-emitting diode with long leads. The only ...
#31. TIPOS DE LED! VENTAJAS LED SMD 5050 VS 2835 VS 3528
Es significativamente más pequeño que el SMD5050 y tiene una mejor disipación de calor. Ventajas de SMD 2835 vs 3528. SMD ledcba TIPOS
#32. LED SMD 5050 VS 2835 VS 3528
It is significantly smaller than the SMD5050 and has better heat dissipation. Advantages of SMD 2835 vs 3528. Chip direct conduction fins improve the heat ...
#33. File:SMD-LED-comparison-5050-2835-3528-3014 ... - Wikipedia
File:SMD-LED-comparison-5050-2835-3528-3014-Flexfireleds.jpg · Summary · Licensing.
#34. LED light strip: 5050 VS 2835
LED light strip: 5050 VS 2835. Views:0 Author:Site Editor Publish Time: 2021-07-09 Origin:Site. 5050 SMD and 2835 SMD led strips are the most popular LED ...
#35. New Popular 2110 CRI>90 LED strips
Small size. 2110 CRI>90 SMD LED components have small size 2.1×1.0mm, much smaller than 3528(3.5×2.8mm) and 3014(3.0×1.4mm). 2.Strong body.
#36. 【5050 led規格】2835與50505730貼片LED燈珠... +1
5050 led規格:2835與50505730貼片LED燈珠...,一、外形尺寸:2835/5050/5730型號指的是貼片LED燈珠的外形尺寸:2835LED燈珠:長2.8mm,寬3.5mm,厚0.8mm.5050LED燈 ...
#37. led燈貼片3014哪種好5050 - 嘟油儂
3030、3014、2835、3528、5050等五種規格。 1、5730(5630)屬於三星的大功率結構,每臺0.5w,電流為100-150ma。 2、3030是科銳的高功率結構,每個1w, ...
#38. What are the differences between types of LED chip?
In practice, you can view 2835 SMDs as a more efficient replacement for the 5050 – producing 20% more light but drawing less wattage. Each 2835 ...
#39. LED贴片灯珠3528、3014与2835产品性能对比 - 知乎专栏
2835 的优点:1,芯片采用大功率背镀铝工艺,SMD类灯珠独有的垂直式散热,底部带散热片,芯片直接导通散热片,相对3014散热 ... 7,特殊规格使用,可有效代替灯珠5050。
#40. 2835燈珠和5050燈珠有什麽區別?哪個亮度更高? - koinim光電 ...
5050 燈珠是指貼片型LED尺寸為5.0*5.0MM的燈珠,顧名思義,2835燈珠是指貼片型號尺寸為2.8*3.5MM的燈珠,這兩款也是市麵上最常見的 ... 電壓:3.0-3.4V, 電壓:3.0-3.4V.
#41. LED Light Strip Showdown: 5050 vs. 3528
Here is an image of 2835 vs 5050 LED strip: 2835 and 5050 LED strip placed side by side. All LED light strips are recognized by similar ...
#42. 【技術論壇】3014與3528/5050/3020 貼片的區別 - LED照明的 ...
貼片3014/3528/5050 的區別3014/3528/5050指的是貼片元件的外形尺寸: 3014:元件長3.0mm,寬1.4mm 功率:0.1W 9-13LM一兩個LM一個檔.
#43. 車用常見的10種LED晶片|特性大解析
一般LED小燈、方向燈、煞車燈、倒車燈常用的LED晶片 · 4014晶片 · 5050晶片 · 3528晶片 · 2835晶片 · 2525晶片.
#44. Co znamenají čísla u SMD LED 5050, 3528, 2835 a jiné?
V současné době je v nabídce několik druhů SMD LED čipů. Čím se liší se Vám pokusíme vysvětlit na příkladu srovnání mezi MD LED 3528 a SMD LED 5050.
#45. led strip 2835 5050 DC12V waterproof flexible tape light ...
SmartLight 5M 300 LED Adhesive Flexible Light Strip 12V SMD 2835 WATERPROOF. 24V led strip 5050 white/warm white RGB 5m 300led Flexible Tape light ...
#46. قضيب معرفة القيمة led smd 5050 vs 2835 -
رباعي السطوح محفظة نقود متهور SMD LED Strip 2835 vs 5050 vs 5630 - RED - YouTube; كوكب عملي تضيء latin Consimţământ proză led 5630 rgb ...
#47. Strisce LED 2835 e 5050 a confronto
Come detto, le 5050 presentano in genere meno diodi al metro rispetto alle strisce 2835. Questo comporta che i diodi modello 5050 saranno ...
#48. 3528 vs 5050 vs 5630 LED SMD Diodes | Heraco Lights
3528 vs 5050 vs 5630 - Which LED is the brightest? These are the most common types of LEDs available, but which is best for your project?
#49. SMD 2835 5630 5050 60/120/240/480LEDs/m RGB LED Strip ...
Cheap LED Strips, Buy Quality Lights & Lighting Directly from China Suppliers:SMD 2835 5630 5050 60/120/240/480LEDs/m RGB LED Strip 5M ...
#50. What Is The Difference Between SMD 5050 And 2835?
Moreover, 5050 belongs to the first-gen surface mount design, while 2835 is from the 2 nd ...
#51. SMD LED light strips 3528 vs 5050 comparison - Future ...
There is also SMD 2835 that is worth to consider if it comes to quality and brightness but we are going to write about it in the future. In our offer you will ...
#52. Difference among SMD2835, SMD3528, SMD5050, SMD5630 ...
Difference among SMD2835, SMD3528, SMD5050, SMD5630, SMD5730(SMD5630). First, let me have a short look for different SMD LED the component.
#53. 4014LED灯珠怎么样-深圳_2835|4014|3014|3528|5050|3030 ...
5050 灯珠规格尺寸:5mm*5mm*1.6mm,灯珠光强可以达到5500-6000MCD,5050灯珠的工作电压和普通的LED灯珠一样,只需要3.2-3.4v,电流和普通LED灯珠不 ...
#54. LED Light COB和SMD有什麼區別 - 豐睿光電LED 泛光燈
其電壓為1.9-3.2V,紅燈和黃燈電壓最低。 ... 貼片LED 2835 ... 5050 SMD燈珠,功率0.2w,流明值20-22LM,22-24LM,24-26LM,發光效率可達130LM / w。 貼片LED 5630
#55. What Is The Best SMD LED for LED Strip? - Myledy
... of LED strip lights, such as SMD 2835, 3528, 5050, 2110 or COB LED. ... Generally speaking, the operating voltage of SMD is 2-3.6V. The ...
#56. LUXEON 5050 LEDs - High Power White LEDs - Lumileds
LUXEON 5050 LEDs are multi-die, high power white LEDs that provides high luminance output in a robust, cost effective, single optic package.
#57. Which performance is better than 2216 strip light or 2835 strip ...
Solemn promise: All products will use double panels! With high-quality electroplated copper plate, good thermal conductivity, and longer life!
#58. Strisce Led e differenza tra chip SMD 5630, 2835, 5050
Descrizione delle caratteristiche delle strisce led che montano i diversi chip 5630, 2835, 5050, 3014, 3020 e indicazioni su come orientarsi nell'acquisto.
#59. Соединитель Feron LD117 для светодиодной ленты 2835 ...
И эту задачу легко решить с помощью специального соединителя для светодиодной ленты Feron LD117 для 2835/5050 220 V. Купить соединитель для светодиодной ...
#60. LED Strip Light - Flash 5050 60 LED 3 Chip Wholesale ...
... Flash 5050 60 LED 3 Chip, Ir Remote For LED Strip Light, Flash Plus 2835 Led Strips and ... 2835 120 LED - Blue Tape Double PCB ... Input Voltage, 12 V.
#61. jakie diody wybrać? Porównanie SMD 5050 vs 2835 oraz 3528.
Zastanawiasz się jakie diody LED RGB wybrać? Różnice pomiędzy SMD 5050 vs 3528, 2835? Sprawdź które są prawdziwymi diodami, ...
#62. Web search results - 2835 vs 5050 led
2835 Led Vs 5050 - Search Here & Browse Results · Led Vs 5050 ... LED 5050 vs 2835: Which is Better & Brighter - Elstar.
#63. SMD chip comparisons - Tera Lighting
For example, the dimensions of SMDs on 5050 LED strip lights are 5.0mm x 5.0mm. With so many LED chip types available (2835, 3528, 3020, 3030, 3535, 3014, ...
#64. Отличие светодиодов 3528 и 5050 - Novolampa
Светодиоды 3528, 2835, 5050, 5630, 5730 выигрывают в сравнении с галогеновыми, ... В статье приведены подробные характеристики LED 5050 и LED 3528, ...
#65. 3528 vs 5050 vs 5630 LED: All need to know [Updated ...
... efficient way to light up your space. So, which of the most popular LED strips should be chosen: 3528 vs 5050 vs 5630 LED? Let's find out!
#66. 3528, 5050 및 2835와 같은 LED 패키지 유형의 차이점은 무엇 ...
예를 들어 2835 패키지는 3528과 동일한 표면적 크기를 갖지만 훨씬 높은 전력 수준을 허용하는 최신 패키지 디자인입니다. 패키지 재료 (예 : PPA vs PCT vs 세라믹) ...
#67. Apakah perbezaan antara jenis pakej LED seperti 3528, 5050 ...
Apakah perbezaan antara jenis pakej LED seperti 3528, 5050, dan 2835? ... Bahan bungkusan (contohnya PPA vs PCT vs seramik) dan reka bentuk termal semuanya ...
#68. LAS TIRAS LED SMD 2835 O LAS 5050? | DMD Iluminación
Una guía con las diferencias entre los modelos de LED SMD 5050 y SMD ... Led 2835 vs. 5050. Diferencias entre las tiras LED SMD 2835 y 5050: ...
#69. Faire le dropshipping de led 2835 vs 5050 sur
À la recherche de faire le dropshipping de led 2835 vs 5050 en ligne, peut offrir la meilleure qualité du service de faire le dropshipping ...
#70. محفظة نقود مع الوقت اللياقه البدنيه 2835 rgb vs 5050 rgb
خرطوشة التسول رغبة Smd 2835 5630 5050 60/120/240/480Leds/M Rgb Led Strip 5M 300/600/1200/ –; يسود مندوب الحداد What Is The Difference Between ...
#71. Wat is het verschil tussen de led types 5050, 3528 etc.?
Wat is het verschil tussen de led types 5050, 3528 etc.? De meest voorkomende led-modules in flexibele ledstrips zijn de types SMD 5050 en SMD 3528. Het ...
#72. Typy SMD čipů - 2835, 3014, 5630, 5050, 3528, COB
V současné době jsou na trhu LED žárovky s SMD čipy různých typů a generací. Liší se zejména účinností a kvalitou chlazení. Nové typy SMD LED čipů: SMD 2835 ...
#73. 3030 vs 5050 led chip SMD - IHTF
發光二極體封裝之研究開發設計,開發,屬於LED 下游封裝產業。 2835 LED Die 2835 SMD Bauform hat die 3528, 5050 und 5630 LED abgelöst. Diese LED-Bauform ist ...
#74. 2835 SMD LED - 6000K Cool White Surface Mount LED w ...
This Epistar 2835 SMD surface mount component LED in Cool White features 25 ... 5050 SMD LED - 6500K Pure White Surface Mount LED w/120 Degree Viewing Angle.
#75. Good Price Full Spectrum Smd 2835 5050 4 Red 1 Blue ...
Good Price Full Spectrum Smd 2835 5050 4 Red 1 Blue 660nm Uv Led Strip Grow Lights ... RB5050RGB60G12D smd 5050 led strip ... Input Voltage(V):.
#76. Czym różni się taśma LED z oznaczeniem SMD 3528, SMD ...
Oznaczenia SMD 3528, 5050, 2835 i 2216 to nic innego jak informacja o wymiarach diod umieszczonych na taśmie. W przypadku taśmy LED SMD 3528 ...
#77. filtre destek Önsöz led 2835 vs 5050 -
ereksiyon açgözlü Yardım 3528 vs 5050 vs 5630 LED SMD Diodes | Heraco Lights · takma ad Karşı taraf teşvik Difference between 2835 and 5050 LED ...
#78. 2835 LED | LED Typen | LED-Technik | Themen | LED-Emotion
Lesen Sie hier warum wir die besten 2835 LEDs der Welt verwenden: Die 2835 SMD Bauform hat die 3528, 5050 und 5630 LED abgelöst.
#79. Difference Between 3528 vs. 5050 - ITALUCE Lighting
By Bruce Leed SMD 3528 vs SMD 5050, those are the two types of chips most used in strips nowadays, and it is essential to distinguish which one is used in ...
#80. SMD LED Strip 2835 vs 5050 vs 5630 -... - ENR LED Aydınlatma
SMD LED Strip 2835 vs 5050 vs 5630 - Mavi
#81. Welchen LED Streifen nehme ich und wofür? - LEDkauf24 Blog
SMD 3014, SMD 3528, SMD 2835, SMD 5050 oder SMD 5630. Vereinfacht könnte man diese Reihenfolge für die Helligkeitsbestimmung nutzen. Ganz so ...
#82. 3528 led vs 5050 - Paxhg
Showdown: The Difference Between LED 3528 vs 5050 LED strip lighting can be ... Advantages of SMD 2835 vs 3528 Chip direct conduction fins improve the heat ...
#83. Entenda as diferenças entre Fita LED 5050 ou 3528 | Iluminim
Olá Germano, o indicado para essa situação é a Fita 5050 Branco Quente. A fita 3528 possui efeito decorativa, enquanto a 5050 além de decorar ilumina o ambiente ...
#84. Обзор светодиода SMD 2835 — характеристики и отличие ...
Отличие LED 2835 от 5050. Светодиод типа SMD 5050 – это 3 кристалла SMD 3528 в одном корпусе, ...
#85. led 2835 vs 5050 vs 5630 Off 55%
led 2835 vs 5050 vs 5630,led living room light,led bed frame full,accent wall with led lights,best solar led landscape spotlights,good earth ...
#86. Rodzaje taśm LED. Czym różnią się diody 2835, 5050, 3528?
Na rynku znaleźć można taśmy LED oparte na diodach SMD 3528, 5050, 2835 oraz 5630. Na czym polegają różnice między nimi? Sprawdź!
#87. LED pásiky SMD3528 vs SMD5050 -
Väčšina flexibilných SMD pásikov v súčasnosti ponúkaných na trhu sú buď s čipmi SMD3528 alebo SMD5050 a je veľmi dôležité aby ste vedeli medzi nimi ...
#88. LED chipek összehasonlítása: 3528 vs. 5050 vs. 5630
Összehasonlítottuk az SMD 3528, 5050 és 5630 LED-ek felépítését és tulajdonságait, hogy bemutassuk, melyik méret, megoldás, fényerő hova és miért való, ...
#89. LED'lerdeki Sayılar (5050, 3528, 2835, 5630, 3030) Ne ...
LED'leri araştırırken 5050, 3528, 2835, 5630 ve 3030 gibi sayılarla karşılaşabilirsiniz. Özellikle dekoratif aydınlatma maksadıyla ...
#90. What Are the Best LED Chips for Tape Light? - 1000Bulbs ...
The most common sizes are 2835, 3528, and 5050. ... making the 2835 chip excel from a cost versus performance viewpoint. The 2835 chip is ...
#91. difference among smd2835, smd3528, smd5050, smd5630 ...
Strip Model LED Density Rated Power Available Colors PCB Width Lig... SMD3528‑150 30LED/Meter 2.4W/Meter White, Red, Green, Blue, Yellow 8mm To... SMD3528‑150 30LED/Meter 2.4W/Meter Pink, Purple, Orange,IR, UV 8mm To... SMD3528‑300 60LED/Meter 4.8W/Meter White, Red, Green, Blue, Yellow 6mm/8mm To...
#92. Verschil in LED-strips - LuxaLight
Bij de 2835 zijn de LED chips 2,8x 3,5mm. De SMD 5050 hebben 3 LED chips in een behuizing, vandaar ook wel tri-chips genoemd en geven een 3x ...
#93. Seoul Semiconductor
LED 전문 제조, 조명, Display, 자동차 관련 LED 제품. SunLike, Wicop, nPola, Acrich, Driver등 안내.
#94. haksız önerme trompet 5630 ile 5050 led arasındaki fark
yük vagonu ders kitabı Deniz ürünleri 3528 vs 5050 vs 5630 LED: All ... farkına varmak Bir dakika bekle Yasaya göre SMD LED Strip 2835 vs ...
#95. Difference Between A 3528 LED , 5050 LED And 5730 LED ...
3528 LED 5050 LED and 5630 (5730) LED are the 3 most commonly used surface mount diodes for flex strip lighting. They are traditionally used ...
2835 vs 5050 在 請問LED燈條5730 VS 2835 哪一種比較好呢? - Mobile01 的推薦與評價
5050 :16-22 lumens 3528:6-8 lumens 我是直接買5630的再搭配調光器,嫌太亮想省電就調暗一些,總比太暗想調亮沒得調好吧!? 建議買12V的,相對安全些,雖然多了變壓器的 ... ... <看更多>