[Books / 書訊] Guide Michelin, Yann Couvreur, Angelo Musa 米其林評鑑與知名主廚新書 / The Michelin guide, chef Yann Couvreur, and Angelo Musa publish their books (for English, please click "see more")
大概到了年末,又是大家要為送禮頭痛的時節,法國出版界近來採取一個逼死人的節奏,許多好書都在這個時候上市。包括米其林指南、Yann Couvreur 主廚、Angelo Musa 主廚都選在此時發表他們的重量級作品。
擁有超過百年歷史、被全球美食家奉為圭臬、幾乎能主導餐館生殺大權的米其林指南在 11 月初推出了他們的鉅作《M, le grand livre du Michelin》,大寫的 M 也象徵了這本小紅書在餐飲界聖經般的地位。不過這本書並不是在揭開米其林的秘辛、告訴你密探們怎麼調查一間餐廳、怎麼給分、組織如何運作,而是邀請讀者和密探們一起上路,和 foodie 們分享法國與世界各國的美食風貌與相關知識,如主廚介紹、星級餐廳、鮮為人知的餐館、廚房與餐飲界運作、地方傳統、食材來源、歷史故事等。裡面當然也沒有忽略甜點,所以如 Pierre Hermé Paris、Cedric Grolet 等當代大師和他們的影響力、代表作品等也都涵括在內,是想要更瞭解當代「美食學」、輕鬆有趣地為自己補充美食相關知識的讀者極佳選擇。
Yann Couvreur 主廚則在第一本書《La pâtisserie de Yann Couvreur》推出兩年後,推出他的第二個作品《Ephémère - Les desserts à l’assiette de Yann Couvreur》,和大家分享他鍾愛的盤式甜點。記得我上次在訪問 Yann Couvreur 主廚時,他就已經提到自己雖然現在開了甜點店,但始終熱愛盤式甜點,畢竟自己一開始是廚師出師、且一直受到旅館餐廳的訓練。書名的標題「éphémère」點出了盤式甜點「稍縱即逝」的特性,不過幸好有食物攝影與食譜書、還有品嚐完的感動,能幫我們留下這些令人印象深刻的作品。本書收錄 48 道盤式甜點的食譜,分成三部分:「Fraîcheur et acidité」(鮮冽與酸度)、「Rondeur et gourmandise」(圓潤與美味)、最後則是包括如 Maxime Frederic、Cédric Grolet、Nicolas Paciello、Michaël Bartocetti、François Perret 等 13 位當今最具代表性的主廚們客座分享他們的盤式甜點食譜。
最後一位則是一直以來相當低調的 Angelo Musa 主廚,他是 Hotel Plaza Athenee 巴黎雅典娜飯店的甜點主廚,並領導法國隊在 2003 奪下甜點世界盃(Coupe du Monde de la pâtisserie)冠軍、另外也在 2007 年通過嚴苛的試煉,獲得「MOF」法國最佳工藝職人的頭銜。這本《Ma promesse - Récit d’un pâtissier d'exception》呈現了他至今數十年甜點人生涯的歷程,是一本自傳、但也在各個章節中加入了總共 25 個他的代表性甜點食譜。想要深入了解這位大師的甜點愛好者,不能錯過這本著作。
🔖 延伸閱讀:
Cédric Grolet 主廚最新食譜書《Cédric Grolet Opéra》:https://tinyurl.com/sdshg3d
毋需花言巧語、自然就是最美的溝通——專訪 Yann Couvreur 主廚:https://tinyurl.com/y555d2qy
It seems that every year-end has to be accompanied by wonderful books. Publishers would not miss the great occasion of gifting, neither would the readers. Influential chefs like Yann Couvreur, Angelo Musa and even the Michelin guide choose to publish their work this month.
The diners’ essential companion and the ruthless judge of the restaurants and chefs, the fable red guide publishes their book “M, le grand livre du Michelin” earlier this month. While the capitalized M symbolizes its Bible-like existence, this book does not aim to demystify how the inspectors work, how they rate a restaurant, and how the system operates, but it’s inviting the readers to come along for the great voyage through the French and global culinary patrimony that help shape the “gastronomy” discipline. Portrait of chefs, starred restaurants as well as the most unusual ones, kitchen and food industry operation, local traditions, sourcing of ingredients, legends and stories, etc. are all included in this encyclopedia. Pastries and desserts are not skipped, of course. Master pastry chefs like Pierre Hermé and Cédric Grolet have their own pages. It’s a fantastic book to read and to enjoy for all the foodies as well as those who are passionate to know more about the subject.
After two years of the popular first book "La pâtisserie de Yann Couvreur”, the chef Yann Couvreur is publishing his second book "Ephémère - Les desserts à l’assiette de Yann Couvreur” later this month (21st November), and this time talking about plated desserts. If you still remember, he has told us during my interview with him that he always loves plated desserts even though he’s now running his own pastry shop and creating pastries that have a different logic. But as he is trained originally as a cuisinier, and had been working as a pastry chef in hotels during most of his career, plated desserts are something that naturally attracts him. Though named as “éphémère” (ephemeral in French), this book has captured the beauty of his work by gorgeous photographs. And by following the recipes, we readers and pastry passionates are able to recreate those delicacies. The book covers 48 plated deserts recipes that are divided into 3 parts: “Fraîcheur et acidité” (freshness and acidity), “Rondeur et gourmandise” (roundness and delicacies) as well as recipes from 13 invited great pastry chefs, such as Maxime Frédéric, Cédric Grolet, Nicolas Paciello, Michaël Bartocetti, François Perret, etc.
Last one is “Ma promesse - Récit d’un pâtissier d’exception” from Angelo Musa, head pastry chef of Hotel Plaza Athénée, Meilleur Ouvrier de France (2007), and the one who won the Pastry World Cup 2003 championship with the French team. The book is a biography that presents the career of this artist as a bold and avant-garde pâtissier, from his childhood to the sommet of the haute-pâtisserie. It also covers 25 recipes of his signature pastries and desserts. If you want to get to know more about this discret master chef, this book is a must-read.
Click on the photos to get to know more about the 3 books!
🔖 To read more on this topic:
Cédric Grolet’s second book - Cédric Grolet Opéra: https://tinyurl.com/sdshg3d
More book reviews and recommendations: #yingsbookreviews, https://tinyurl.com/u8p42vz
Interview with the chef Yann Couvreur: https://tinyurl.com/y555d2qy
What are plated desserts? https://tinyurl.com/yxmf2ojn
Getting to know more important French pastry chefs: https://tinyurl.com/y49mhpl3
#yingsbookreviews #yingspastryguide #yingc #guidemichelin #yanncouvreur #angelomusa
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