Nearly 1 year has passed since the release of our first single "Calling From The Higher Ground", how would you rank this tune among all of our compositions?
"Uniqueness" is a combination of everything - different messages and personal status of the two writers, different influences and preferences on tone which changes constantly as we grow, and most importantly the visions of us 5 individuals.
And that could be the hardest thing to compromise on earth.
Without struggles there would be no satisfactory, looking back on the band's short history it's safe to say those struggles paid us back well.
Reaching people and getting feedbacks, constantly judging the music itself is indeed the most effective way for a musician to step his/her game up, and to think whether the messages got delivered thoroughly makes people grow as a person.
All these awesome memories will become part of the band's uniqueness. And we thank you for giving creators in this world motivations and inspirations.
By the way we've got a new single - "Scars", coming up next month. Please stay tuned and help to spread the news out whenever the materials are available.