認真說起來這對書架喇叭在國外的價格高於這對落地喇叭,只是台灣代理商賣一樣的錢錢而已 ,今天介紹的主角就是「ATC SCM20SL」跟「ATC SCM40」... ... <看更多>
認真說起來這對書架喇叭在國外的價格高於這對落地喇叭,只是台灣代理商賣一樣的錢錢而已 ,今天介紹的主角就是「ATC SCM20SL」跟「ATC SCM40」... ... <看更多>
#1. 代購服務ATC SCM20 SCM 20 20SL 英國原產旗艦書架被動 ...
歡迎提問~ scm 20 跟50 在上是屬於同一系列的。 然而真正讓ATC在發燒圈子裡名聲大噪的還應該說是SCM20, 在1989年推出後,參加1990年CES展第一次公開亮相便引人矚目, ...
#2. ATC SCM 20的價格推薦- 2022年3月| 比價比個夠BigGo
代購服務ATC SCM20 SCM 20 20SL 英國原產旗艦書架被動音箱SCM50技術下放可面交. 櫻桃木 $168,000. Yahoo拍賣赫客音頻(469), 桃園市. 進口英國ATC SCM20ASLpro ...
#3. 現場報導|再遇經典:ATC SCM20SL監聽級書架箱
SCM20 是一對中等體型的中近場監聽音箱設計,ATC廠方有相對應的專業監聽型號,無源版SCM20PSL Pro和有源版SCM20ASL Pro都有提供。按ATC的一貫作風,家用 ...
#4. 代購服務ATC SCM20 SCM 20 20SL 英國原產旗艦書架被動 ...
你在找的代購服務ATC SCM20 SCM 20 20SL 英國原產旗艦書架被動音箱SCM50技術下放可面交就在露天拍賣,立即購買商品搶免運及優惠,還有許多相關商品 ...
#5. ATC SCM20 - 飛比價格- 優惠價格推薦- 2022年3月
ATC SCM20 是你要找的商品嗎?飛比有ATC SCM、ATC SCM7、ATC SCM40推薦,飛比為你即時比價,全台電商網購價格輕鬆找,一秒為你找便宜,快速比對商品價格,讓你花最少, ...
#6. atc scm - 優惠推薦- 2022年3月| Yahoo奇摩拍賣
VAS140新ATC SCM40 gen.2 passive monitor 聲音準確通透的代名詞新一版SCM40 饅頭中音$999,999直購. 14 · 代購ATC SCM20 ASL PRO MKII 專業二分頻主動監聽音箱一對可.
The SCM20PSL is ATC's flagship 2-way stand-mount loudspeaker and is the ideal choice in modestly sized rooms, but where performance cannot be compromised. Its ...
#8. SCM20 | 龍聲音響
The active tower version (SCM20ATSL) is powered by the ATC “Grounded Source” Bi-amplifier. The bass/mid is driven with 200 watts, while the tweeter has 50 watts ...
#9. [喇叭] ATC scm 20 SL開箱 - Hiendy.com 影音俱樂部
好在唔使我去搬!提早收工回家執枱面!斷舍離左一大袋野!終於4:30收到!立即開箱!獨... ATC scm 20 SL開箱,Hiendy.com 影音俱樂部.
#10. atc scm 20 二手價格
ATC SCM20Pro passive. 19500 19500 HKD HKD. review33. 2022-02-19. 新版ATC SCM20SL + 喇叭腳架Sound Anchors. 150000 150000 TWD TWD. MyAV. 2022-02-11.
#11. ATC SCM20 - Mobile01
我使用ATC SCM20喇吧,一眨眼二十多年了,目前用Mclntoch或Denon AVR6500推,因為一直很好,不忍心脫手換B&W 804D3。哈哈,好喇吧的煩惱?
#12. 台灣ATC喇叭分享/交流/研究俱樂部Public Group
認真說起來這對書架喇叭在國外的價格高於這對落地喇叭,只是台灣代理商賣一樣的錢錢而已 ,今天介紹的主角就是「ATC SCM20SL」跟「ATC SCM40」...
#13. ATC SCM20 Passive (Bookshelf)
ATC SCM20 Speaker (Bookshelf) 概觀混合設計整合75mm軟半球形音圈蓋嫁接到150mm低音盆。 磁體組件採用ATC獨特的“SL”技術,大大降低了動圈式驅動單元的失真, ...
#14. atc音箱腳架-新人首單立減十元-2022年2月|淘寶海外
還音音響悅牌定製英國ATC SCM 100 PRO監聽音箱底座四柱金屬腳架 ... 力高總理正品英國原產ATC SCM20 20SL家用書架HIFI被動音箱喇叭.
#15. 兄弟鬩牆....ATC SCM20SL VS SCM 10 - MyAV視聽商情網
JOVICHIANG 發表於2004/05/19 11:09:25. 兄弟鬩牆....ATC SCM20SL V.S SCM 10 弟3次迎取ATC SCM20了,這次是正版的SL後期版本,以前用過20,20T,總覺得他們的透明度及暫態 ...
#16. ATC SCM 20 SL - Incinte acustice hi-end de stand - AudioStereo
ATC SCM 20 SL Features: ATC 195mm Super Linear midbass driver; ATC 25mm Dual Suspension 'S-Spec' tweeter; 9kg optimised short-coil/ long gap motor assembly ...
#17. ATC scm - 比價撿便宜- 優惠與推薦- 2022年3月
音響}}現貨力高音響英國原產ATC SCM 7鋼琴漆特別版書架式音箱5寸單元發燒 ... 代購服務ATC SCM20 SCM 20 20SL 英國原產旗艦書架被動音箱SCM50技術下放可面交桃園市 ...
#18. ATC家族交流討論區- MyAV視聽商情網
但是想想有點怪,擴大機定價都到喇叭的9倍了,換成想升級喇叭。 只是這幾年都沒聽過人談ATC SCM20SL,換上新版高音的表現。想說不管7,11都在 ...
#19. Used ATC SCM20 SL Loudspeakers for Sale | HifiShark.com
Used ATC SCM20 SL Loudspeakers for sale on 400+ second hand hifi sites & shops. Use Hifi Shark to monitor pricing and global availability.
#20. NEW ATC SCM20sl _ 搜索结果 - 哔哩哔哩
点击查看更多相关视频、番剧、影视、直播、专栏、话题、用户等内容;你感兴趣的视频都在B站,bilibili是国内知名的视频弹幕网站,这里有及时的动漫新番,活跃的ACG氛围 ...
#21. ATC SCM20 SL P Loudspeakers - Cherry - Pre-Owned
Not only does the SCM20SL reproduce bass with remarkable articulation and authority, it also has outstanding mid-band clarity, incredible dynamic range, and ...
#22. ATC - SCM 20SL (Matching pair) - 揚聲器組合
Famous studio speakers ATC-20SL monitor, in good condition and completely working. Visually there are some wear and ageing marks. Please carefully check the ...
#23. 现场报道|再遇经典:ATC SCM20SL监听级书架箱 - 网易
SCM20 是一对中等体型的中近场监听音箱设计,ATC厂方有相对应的专业监听型号,无源版SCM20PSL Pro和有源版SCM20ASL Pro都有提供。按ATC的一贯作风,家用 ...
#24. ATC SCM20-ASLT - Sound Temple
ATC SCM20 -ASLT. €10,430.00. SCM20ASLT. Overview: Active or Passive. Also available in passive version (SCM20PSLT); Full SL Spec Bass driver with 75mm ...
#25. ATC SCM20SL - Raty 50x0% lub specjalna oferta! - Q21
ATC SCM20SL CLASSIC to hybrydowa pasywna konstrukcja, zawiera 150mm przetwornik nisko-średnio tonowy z 25mm miękką kopułką. Zespół magnesów wykorzystuje ...
#26. 售ATC scm20sl喇叭紅木色新款- MyAV視聽商情網
quote: 原發表者是joe54 **售ATC scm20sl喇叭紅木色新款**使用十個月九成九新,當初購買$90000 現售價$60000不二價!!附保證書,保固五年。
#27. ATC SCM20SL 點先玩得靚聲? - HiFi音響- Post76玩樂網- 手機版
小弟一直都好鐘意ATC喇叭。有意吞下ATC SCM20SL。已經送走劍橋Azur 851買ATC SCM20SL + AMP。 來個徹底大升級。本人比較喜愛聽女聲,陳慧嫻,王菲。
#28. ATC Loudspeakers SCM20SL - Pair - Vintage King Audio
The SCM20SL Passive low-frequency section is a hybrid design incorporating a 150mm bass cone with a grafted 75mm soft dome for mid-range assist. The woofer ...
#29. 我的ATC书架箱SCM-20 - HIFI中国音响网
因此,ATC公司又相继推出了SCM-20T、SCM-20SL多个版本作为产品延伸。十分凑巧,泽森公司也有SCM-20T同时出售,比较二者发现,两款型号喇叭单元区别不大。唯一的不同 ...
#30. Atc Scm 20 SL | Łaskarzew | Kup teraz na Allegro Lokalnie
ATC SCM20 SL CLASSIC należą do top 10 monitorów wszech czasów. Jest to najnowsza edycja wyposażona w najlepszy tweeter dostępny w serii professional ...
#31. ATC SCM20PSL Speakers (Pair) - Audio Affair
ATC SCM20 PSL speakers use a hybrid design that incorporates a 75mm soft dome tweeter and a 150mm bass cone for exceptional power handling.
#32. 【现场报道】再遇经典:ATC SCM20SL监听级书架箱 - 音响网
ATC SCM20SL 技术规格驱动单元:25mm高音单元,75mm中音/150mm 中低音单元频率响应:60Hz-20kHz(-6dB) 匹配响应:±0.5 dB
#33. atc scm 20-2a - Positive Feedback
I have found writing this review rather difficult in that I feel I've said before of other ATC speakers the same thing I think of the powered SCM20-2A speakers.
#34. atc scm50飛搜購物搜尋- 第1 頁
(新品平輸) 英國品牌ATC SCM 50 SCM50 落地喇叭HIFI 主動被動 · ATC SCM50P 聲音沉穩不挑音樂 · 代購服務ATC SCM20 SCM 20 20SL 英國原產旗艦書架被動音箱SCM50技術下放可面 ...
#35. ATC SCM20SL | 音響足跡
Drivers : HF 25mm, Mid 75mm, LF 150mm. Frequency Response -6dB : 60Hz - 20kHz. Matched Response ±0.5dB. Dispersion : ±80° Coherent Horizontal
#36. ATC SCM20 Loudspeaker - Soundstage UK
Not only does the ATC SCM20 Loudspeaker reproduce bass with remarkable articulation and authority, it also has outstanding mid-band clarity, ...
#37. ATC SCM20 Users: Where's the Low-End???? - Gearspace.com
hi all, first its not about room, speaker size etc. but the SCM20's are bass shy. they are sealed - integration of a subwoofer is very easy with ...
#38. ATC SCM-20ASL PRO MKII (Pair) - Turramurra Music
Introducing the new ATC Active SCM20SL MKII loudspeakers. Maintaining the strict performance criteria of ATC reference monitors, the SCM 20SL MKII offers ...
#39. Review: ATC SCM 20sl TA loudspeaker | Gramophone
Review: ATC SCM 20sl TA loudspeaker. Originally printed in the April 1999 issue of Gramophone. Despite a lifetime's involvement with loudspeakers, ...
#40. ATC SCM20 SL Tower Loudspeakers - Analogue Seduction
Also available in both a passive and an active version, the ATC SCM20 SL Tower Active Speaker features a full SL spec bass driver with a 75mm integral soft ...
#41. -ATC SCM20SL Speakers - HiFix
Not only does the ATC SCM-20 SL reproduce bass with remarkable articulation and authority, it also has outstanding mid-band clarity, incredible dynamic range, ...
#42. ATC: SCM20SL monitors | Tape Op Magazine
ATC : SCM20SL monitors. Reviewed by Craig Schumacher. Quick question... What is the most important piece of equipment in your studio?
#43. atc scm20sl 蔡琴-偶然
#44. ATC SCM20 - Audio Database
The length of the gap of a magnetic circuit is set as 20mm which hits several usual times. Thereby, show with a volume width of 8mm and a voice coil are made to ...
#45. ATC SCM20 SL Speakers - Hi-Fi 4 Sale
Not only does the SCM20SL reproduce bass with remarkable articulation and authority, it also has outstanding mid-band clarity, incredible dynamic range, and ...
#46. Hi-Fi › ATC SCM20SL - Mark Hennessy
The SCM20SL is a relatively compact stand mounting model, employing two drive units in a sealed enclosure which uses a deep-and-narrow form factor to help make ...
#47. ATC SCM20 SL - Passive Hi-Fi Loudspeakers - Milk Audio Store
ATC SCM20 SL - Passive Hi-Fi Loudspeakers, Passive Hi-Fi Loudspeakers, Standmount high fidelity speakers. ATC Classic Series, Hi-Fi and high fidelity, Hi-Fi ...
#48. 【新品优惠】力高行货正品英国原产ATC SCM20 20SL家用 ...
【团购优惠价】HIFI音响器材老店,官方授权代理,正品行货联保。 ... 英国ATC SCM-20 新品上市书架音箱:SCM20 20SL 为书架式无源音箱、SCM20 20TPSL 为落地 ...
#49. Thread: ATC SCM 20SL speakers - The Art Of Sound
ATC SCM 20SL speakers. Hi, I have not been on here for a while tbh, so hope you don't mind me offering these for sale here -
#50. For sale ATC SCM 20sl - StereoNET
FS: ATC SCM 20sl monitors Item: ATC SCM 20sl monitors Location: Melb. Price: $1650.00 ono Item Condition: used, refer to photos for ...
#51. ATC Ζεύγος Ηχείων Hi-Fi Βιβλιοθήκης SCM20 300W 2 ...
Τα ηχεία SCM20 της εταιρείας ATC χαρακτηρίζονται βιβλιοθήκης γιατί τοποθετούνται σε ράφι ή ειδική βάση, η οποία πωλείται ξεχωριστά.
#52. Atc scm20 - Hi-Fi Corner - Naim Audio - Community
ATC speakers have the same sound signature throughout their range. So the bigger the model, it's will sound bigger and goes lower. SCM 20 being ...
#53. ATC SCM20小型揚聲器
ATC SCM20 小型揚聲器. 作者:劉文生 發佈時間:2009-05-16 12:28:27來源:影音風雲. ATC是一對怎麼樣的喇叭,我已在「至愛」專欄中「浪漫經典」詳細解剖過了,今次我再次 ...
#54. ATC SCM20SL - Opinie i ceny na Ceneo.pl
ATC SCM20SL - od 10995,00 zł, porównanie cen w 2 sklepach. Zobacz inne Kolumny podłogowe, najtańsze i najlepsze oferty, opinie.
#55. ATC SCM20 SL - koris.pl
Monitor SCM20SL korzysta z nowego, ulepszonego głośnika wysokotonowego i hybrydowego głośnika niskotonowego z napędem Super Linear.
#56. ATC SCM20 SL Passive Studio Monitors (Pair) | Sonic Circus
The SCM20SL Passive low-frequency section is a hybrid design incorporating a 150mm bass cone with a grafted 75mm soft dome for mid-range assist. The woofer ...
#57. ATC SCM20SL - Studio Hi-Fi
ATC SCM20SL : Since my first encounter with these monitor speakers back in the mid-90's, I have been looking out for an affordable pair.
#58. 影音天地: ATC Friends Club - review33
連scm25A Pro 亦有新貨, 開studio 都夠! #4268 [HiEndfans], 17-04-01 09:11. 我對呢對ATC SCM20 ASL Pro ...
#59. ATC SCM20 - Peak Hifi
Product Code: ATC SCM20. Description. Overview. Also available in passive version (SCM20PSLT). Full SL Spec Bass driver with 75mm integral soft dome.
#60. ATC SCM20 SLT | What Hi-Fi? Forum
Hi all, I was wondering if anybody had some experience with the ATC SCM20 SLT speakers(passive) and if they are superior to the atc scm 40.Everybody seems.
#61. 【開箱】ATC SCM 20ASL PRO - 痞客邦
I88娛樂城百家樂運動分析今彩539 六合彩FOCAL CMS50陪伴生活兩年,大體來說表現相當稱職,不愧為音質美、品相佳,全方位的監聽小喇叭,使用上唯一缺點 ...
#62. ATC SCM20 - Studio 22
El diseño híbrido incorpora un cono de graves de 150 mm (6") en el que está injertado una cúpula blanda de 75 mm (3"). El conjunto de imán utiliza la tecnología ...
#63. ATC SCM20 PSL (Used) - Sonic Circus
ATC “Passive 20” features the same ATC built woofer and tweeter as the active (SCM20ASL) version of the speaker. The SCM20SL passives are housed in a ...
#64. 出售二手ATC SCM20英國音箱
二手ATC SCM20英國音箱,原裝單元,全正常,英國製造,少花,請問各位師兄,二手價是多少,請赐教,谢谢! 廣告▽. 小提醒:若您發現該賣家/買家要求你輸入任何信用咭 ...
#65. ATC SCM 20 sl ? | diyAudio
Hello, I try to biuld a clone of ATC SCM20 sl but i dont have some information that i need. I have the midwoofer unit and the tweeters ...
#66. ATC SCM20 SL Stativhögtalare - Akkelis Audio
ATC SCM20 SL Stativhögtalare. 74 995 SEK. Vi listar bara denna högtalare i det enklaste utförandet (Svart Ask), vill du veta mer om dom möjliga ...
#67. [WTD] - ATC SCM20/SCM50 | pink fish media
I'm looking for a pair of larger ATC speakers, along the lines of the SCM20/SCM50. Probably the older SCM20SL (Standmount or Tower) or older ...
#68. Meet the classic again: ATC SCM20SL monitor bookshelf box
1), British ATC SCM20, Denmark DALI Dani Royal Menuet Crown Prince third generation, Italian Sonus Faber Guarneri Homage small name piano, British Rogers ...
#69. ATC SCM20 PASSIVE Lattiakaiuttimet - Audiomania | Helsinki
ATC SCM20SL Classic Passive Hyllykaiuttimet ; Viimeistely 30 ; Color type 88 ; SCM20 · The hybrid design incorporates a 150mm bass cone on to which is grafted a ...
#70. ATC SCM20 Bookshelf Speaker (Pair) - The Audio Company
The ATC SCM20 is ATC's flagship 2-way stand-mount loudspeaker and is the ideal choice in modestly sized rooms, but where performance cannot be compromised.
#71. ATC SCM20の仕様 - オーディオの足跡
SCM20 の画像. ATC SCM20. ¥420,000(1台、1990年7月発売). 解説. ATCブランド初のコンパクトスタジオコントロールモニターとして開発されたスピーカーシステム。
#72. ATC SCM20 [SM20] - Audiophile Zone
Audiophile Zone High End Affordable Audio Los Osos California ATC SCM20 [SM20] - SCM20 Overview The hybrid design incorporates a 150mm bass cone on to which ...
#73. FS/IC: ATC SCM20 (black, passive) | Super Best Audio Friends
FS/IC: ATC SCM20 (black, passive) ... I have a pair of ATC SCM20psl. All black. ... Magical ATC midrange blah blah, I'm not a salesman.
#74. ATC SCM20 ASLT Active Floorstanding Speakers - Igloo Audio
The ATC SCM20 ASLT tower loudspeaker is a long standing tradition in the ATC line-up, with custom wood finish’s such as rosewood, the SCM20 is a truly ...
#75. ATC SCM 20T - Malaysia Hi-Fi (音響記載)
ATC SCM 20T. ATC(Acoustic Engineers)仍聞名世界的著名鑑聽揚聲器廠家,早年專做Studio(錄音室)之生意,而這些採用ATC作為鑑聽喇叭的公司計 ...
#76. LESLIE版,来点ATC SCM20的资料好吗? - 非常发烧网
ATC SCM -20小型鑑聽喇叭 朱耀明 提鑑聽喇叭(Studio Monitor),相信大多數的資深發燒出會心的微笑。是的,自從某一名東洋的發燒友首次將這種錄音室 ...
#77. ATC SCM20 PSL Pro MKII Passive Monitors - Reflexion Arts
The ATC SCM20 PSL Pro MKII is an passive freestanding professional 2-way studio reference monitor, well suited for smaller studios or nearfield use.
#78. ATC SCM20SL - Mixonline
Las Vegas Pro Audio, the U.S. sales office of UK-based ATC (Acoustic Transducer Company), is introducing the new ATC passive SCM20SL ($3500 ...
#79. [心得&体会] 我的初恋情人:ATC SCM-20
但到SCM20近年正式面世之後,ATC才真正在音响界尊立其声誉基础,SCM一20系厂方第一个两路设计,为了维持ATC中音与动态无敌的特点,Bill Woodman为此 ...
#80. ATC SCM20 Bookshelf Loudspeaker Reviewed - Home ...
ATC -SCM20-Review.gif Bribery, hypnosis, threats — it doesn't matter what method ...
#81. 轉載: 經典鑑聽小喇叭英國ATC SCM20影音HiFi
轉載: 經典鑑聽小喇叭英國ATC SCM20我說我話: 中低無敵(以小喇叭而言)-四個字足可形容ATC SCM 20,要找匹配功放著實不易,當年頗為好勝的我, ...
#82. ATC SCM20SL AT Active Loudspeakers REVIEW
ATC SCM20SL AT Active Loudspeakers REVIEW ... In the case of ATC's range of fully active speakers, the relationship between amp and speaker ...
#83. ATC SCM 20SL | VNAV - Mạng Nghe nhìn Việt nam
Tiếp tục chương trình đổi audio lấy lương thực, em xin phép đăng bán cặp loa ATC SCM20sl pro đời đầu tem xanh, khá hiếm ạ.Loa còn rất đẹp, ...
#84. [AUDIO] ATC SCM20SL - 네이버 블로그
ATC SCM 20 SL. ATC SCM20SL. SPEC. - 출시년도 : 2010년대. - 우퍼 : 15cm. - 트위터 : 2.5cm. - 주파수응답 : 60Hz-20kHz. - 임피던스 :8ohms.
#85. √ Atc Scm 20 SL Occasione Usato - Codice 150737 - Audio ...
Vieni a scoprire Atc Scm 20 SL in vendita come Usato nella categoria Diffusori acustici.
#86. ATC SCM20 - Singapore & Malaysia Hifi
The ATC SCM20 is a superlative product that demands the finest ancillaries to sound its best.
#87. 英国ATC SCM20史上最经典书架音箱_1963@我心永恒_新浪博客
英国ATC SCM20史上最经典书架音箱_1963@我心永恒_新浪博客_1963@我心永恒_新浪博客,1963@我心永恒, 英国ATC SCM 20书架箱售价:11800元不包邮在音响领域中,ATC 一向是 ...
#88. ATC - SCM 20 SLT - Audio Lounge
Full SL Spec Bass driver with 75mm integral soft dome. 9kg optimised motor assembly. In-house, hand wound precision flat wire coil.
atc scm 20sl 在 ATC SCM20 - Mobile01 的推薦與評價
我使用ATC SCM20喇吧,一眨眼二十多年了,目前用Mclntoch或Denon AVR6500推,因為一直很好,不忍心脫手換B&W 804D3。哈哈,好喇吧的煩惱? ... <看更多>