社團🔍《Crystal 晶礦部落》
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* 為了讓線材壽命長一些,請不要碰水、摩擦、拉扯
謝謝虹光觀邸 halohouse🙏
It’s healing energy is all about serenity and peace – just like stepping out into the cooling hues of calm waters on a hot day. For those who are feeling burnt out or like their spirit is being weighed down, this stone knows how to effectively heal those life traps, so you can shake free and step into your own space rather than trying to cram all your feelings into a box.
all on 4壽命 在 媽媽監督核電廠聯盟 Facebook 的最讚貼文
法國最古老核電廠將走入歷史,第一座反應爐已在02/22關閉,開始除役程序!! (02/24/2020 TechNews科技新報)
英國 Calder Hall 是世界第一座商業化運作的核能發電廠,於 1956 年落成,之後核電廠進入商業化,也因為石油危機、電力需求隨著經濟發展提升,70 年代起核電廠與日俱增,不過隨著時間流逝,核電廠的壽命將至,就好比法國首座發電廠,也已在 22 日落幕。
法國費森海姆核電廠(Fessenheim Nuclear Power Plant)自 1978 年運作至今,已經 43 歲了,擁有兩座 920 MW 反應爐,發電容量共 1,840 MW,法國已經在 22 日關閉第一反應爐,並在 6 月底關閉第二反應爐。
事實上,費森海姆核電廠已經是法國長久以來爭論不休的議題,不僅是因為電廠老舊,其設置地點也另法國人不安,費森海姆核電廠位於萊茵大裂谷附近,距離造成 1356 年巴塞爾大地震的斷層非常接近,故 2011 年日本福島核災後,核能安全議題再度浮上檯面。
專家指出,費森海姆核電廠的建築和安全是基於 1977 年的標準,標準遠低於福島電廠。
除了憂心核安全,費森海姆電廠也過於老舊,能源和核政策分析師 Mycle Schneider 表示,雖然說包括法國電力公司(EDF)核電廠廠長在內,有許多核能單位都反對關廠並簽署請願書,但費森海姆的運作效率實在太低,負載因數已低於 66%。
法國綠色和平組織表示,費森海姆核電廠已經超過使用年限,縱使進行翻修也無法滿足安全要求,法國綠色和平組織能源活動經理 Alix Mazounie 表示,不過到了 2025 年,法國就有超過三分之二的核電廠超過 40 歲。
如今法國已決定費森海姆關廠的時程,並在 22 日凌晨 2 點關閉第一座核反應爐,待冷卻 2 個月後才會開始處理第一反應爐的用過核燃料棒,預計會在 2023 年夏季完全清除用過核燃料棒,電廠要到 2040 年才能完全退役。
目前法國的供電主力是核能,擁有 18 座核電廠、56 座核反應爐,提供 63,130 MW 電力,足以滿足法國超過 71% 電力,同時法國也是歐洲能源出口大國,2019 年向鄰居出口 56 TWh 電力。
不過法國正在減少核電與燃煤比例,更通過在 2022 年前關閉最後 4 座燃煤電廠,根據法國的能源政策,希望 2020 年將再生能源占比提高到 23%,2030 年與 2040 年再躍升至 32% 跟 40%,至於核電比例,則在 2030 年關閉 12 座核反應爐、或是年紀超過 40 歲以上的電廠,將核電比率降至 50%。
不少團體認為這是法國朝永續發展前進、承諾能源轉型的證明,不過法國前總統 François Hollande 任內也曾承諾,會在 2025 年將核能占比從 75% 降至 50%,費森海姆核電廠原本也會在任期內、也就是 2017 年關閉,同時提高再生能源發電比例。
目前法國雖然降低核電比例,但也不會放棄核能。費森海姆電廠關閉後,還會有新的補上,弗拉芒維爾核電廠(Flamanville Nuclear Power Plant)的第三核壓水式反應爐預計會在 2023 年完工上線,其容量約為 1,650 MW。
只是關閉核電廠的成本也高,就以費森海姆電廠為例,法國政府和已經與法國電力公司(EDF)在 2019 年 9 月 27 日簽署協議,作為關廠造成的的後續營運支出、員工處置等補償,也會根據先前的發電量,計算出 2041 年前的損失,預計法國政府將補償 EDF 4 億歐元,這其實是原先預計的 4 倍。
完整內容請見 :
本文作者 : Daisy Chuang
更多相關訊息請見 :
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all on 4壽命 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的精選貼文
你看不到我 你看不到我 你看不到我⋯⋯
You can’t see me, you can’t see me, you can’t see me... 😁
【德昭鄰壑 才震四方】(English writing below)
Virtues That Shine, Talents that Astound
1. 不生邊國(沒有佛法的地方)
2. 不受貧困
3. 不得邪見愚痴之身
4. 壽命長遠
5. 可得十六大國之王位
6. 可得金剛羅延力
7. 可得無比廣大之福德
8. 得蒙諸佛菩薩之慈悲
9. 具足三明六通八解脫
10. 得往生十方淨土
如果這時候,你選擇乘火打劫,賺缺德錢,溫馨告訴你,這錢會讓你和你的後代吃不了 兜著走。因為這是犯了偷盜戒,東西明明不值那麼多錢,可是你故意抬高價格。其因果包括有錢沒命花,疾病連連,或多世的貧困低賤命,子孫後代也一樣。
怎麼了?您不知道嗎?一個人特別有本事和才華時,就是因為後面有大天神或佛菩薩罩著啊! 有的人命之所以會平庸,因為後面「空空如也」啊!
Today is the day to pay homage to Tian Gong!
Tian Gong, also known as the Lord of the Trāyastriṃśa (thirty-three) Heavens, the Jade Emperor and in Buddhism, Śakra.
He is the lord of a hundred devas, seventy-two lands, the four dvipas and billions of living beings.
In a previous reincarnation, He was a Brahmin lady. Before Shakyamuni Buddha, there was Kassapa Buddha. When Kassapa Buddha entered parinirvana, this Brahmin lady wished to construct a stupa as a offering to Kassapa Buddha.
32 other ladies joined in her initiative.
Building stupas have 10 karmic rewards:
1. One will not be born in border lands. (where no Dharma is present)
2. One does not suffer from poverty.
3. One will not receive a body of ignorance and erroneous views.
4. One's lifespan is long.
5. One receives the throne of 16 great kingdoms.
6. One obtains the Vajra Indestructible Power.
7. One obtains immeasurably vast and grand blessedness and merits.
8. One receives the compassion of all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.
9. One has complete three kinds of supernormal awareness.
10. One will be reborn in the pure land.
Because of the virtuous cause from building a stupa, these thirty-three ladies ascended to the heaven. The Brahmin lady became the ruler of the Trāyastriṃśa Heaven, while the other 32 ladies became respective rulers of the 32 Heavens under it.
The Wuhan virus has everyone in a jittery mode recently.
As a human, one should fear being stupid rather than being poor. Yet when money is placed as a bait, the brains of some people seemed to have dropped right out of the head and straight to the bottoms.
If at this point in time, you choose to take advantage of this misfortune and make money unscrupulously, let me gently remind you: you are getting more than you bargained for.
This constitutes stealing. The goods you are selling are not worth that much money, but you deliberately raise the prices to fleece off the consumers.
The retribution for stealing will be having to spend your "hard-earned" money on prolonged/frequent sickness, and/or many lifetimes of poverty and lowliness. The same applies to your descendants.
As the epidemic spreads and worsens, should you remain callous, that means you have utter disregard to human life. You do not protect lives but choose to commit the sin of killing lives. This sows the seed for you to be banished to Infernal Hell upon your death.
If at this point in time, you spread false news without checking on facts, or out of sabotage, causing fear and panic in sentient beings, beware that you have planted the seed for ignorance and lack of enlightening wisdom.
In the future, you will have to undergo the retribution of being frightened by others, and live your days in tenterhooks.
There is another kind of people who likes to speak recklessly in times of disasters. They pick at everything and anything, lacking empathy, patience and forbearance.
It is very easy for a person with a sharp tongue and little wisdom to commit sins of the speech.
Do not underestimate the karma from that. Its karmic retributions can cause a person to suffer from a stinky breath, untidy teeth, ugly mouth, poor inter-personal relations, disharmonious family, flagging career, and/or lack of credibility and likability in his/her words.
When a disaster strikes the human realm, it is a very good time for us to cultivate our merits.
We should take a leaf out of Tian Gong's book - donate money that you have, contribute your physical effort that you can, use your brain that you...erm...have. Do no evil and cultivate all good.
(Oh, come on, if you can read this, you sure have a brain. It's just a matter of whether you have the heart to or not. )
Regardless of how you pay homage to Tian Gong, bear in mind how He generated bodhicitta to uphold Buddhism, benefit sentient beings and hence, obtained a distinguished rebirth.
There is no lacking in gold and silver treasures, delicacies and fine wines in the Heaven realm. In fact, they are a billion times better than what we have here in the human world.
The offerings we give are peanuts, but the Jade Emperor comes forth to receive our offerings out of compassion.
If you truly seek His protection, do your spiritual cultivation well, be diligent in your giving, uphold Buddhism, and have the heart to protect and help the common people, like the Jade Emperor's heart.
When your virtues are so well-known that you win the respect of your neighbours, the Jade Emperor will definitely
bless you with talents that astonish the world, plenty of wealth and a peaceful and healthy family.
Why? Didn't you know? When a person is especially talented and capable, that is because behind the person, there is a great Deva, Buddha or Bodhisattva watching over him/her.
On the other hand, when a person's destiny is very mediocre, that is because behind him/her is just empty space.
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