■Move Pokemon Kids
00:00 Bonsly / Fake Tears
00:22 Combusken / Sky Uppercut
00:39 ime Jr. / Teeter Dance
00:58 Marshtomp / Tackle
01:19 Latios / Dragon Claw
01:39 Absol / Quick Attack
01:58 Seviper / Poison Tail
02:19 Zigzagoon / Tail Whip
02:39 Skitty / Assist
02:58 Cacnea / Needle Arm
03:19 Grovyle / Leaf Blade
03:40 Latias / Wish
04:05 Poochyena / Swagger
04:25 Wailmer / Water Spout
04:46 Corphish / Guillotine
■Pokemon Kids Advance 8 (2004)
05:16 Rayquaza
05:41 Torkoal
05:56 Lombre
06:23 Exploud
06:48 Clamperl
07:14 Ralts
07:33 Bagon
07:54 Castform
08:15 Anorith
08:32 Ninjask
09:00 Barboach
09:24 Munchlax
09:46 Hariyama
10:08 Deoxys
10:29 Regirock
10:51 Manectric

anorith 在 Where to Find Anorith Claw Fossil Pokemon Brilliant Diamond ... 的推薦與評價
Where to Find Anorith Claw Fossil Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl guide shows you how to get the National Pokedex #347 that ... ... <看更多>