- 向在囚申請人提供每人每月10,000元定額支援金,本基金不會作任何審查;
- 日常探訪在囚申請人的支援費用,包括在囚者日用品物資費、親友探訪之交通費等;
- 申請者入獄後因相關訴訟而引致的開支或法援分擔費;
- 基金日常運作的必要開支,如核數費用、職員薪金等;
公眾人士可以銀行轉帳或支票方式捐款。支票抬頭為「香港職工會聯盟」,寄往「香港西灣河耀興道七十二號聖十字架中心六樓 香港天主教正義和平委員會收」,信件及支票背面註明「在囚抗爭者支援基金」;捐款亦可直接存入「香港職工會聯盟」設立之基金之戶口,恆生銀行︰295-164578-009。
( 中文版本請參閱:http://bit.ly/2wgGiE9 )
Imprisoned Activists Support Fund (IASF)
13 activists who protested against the North East New Territories Development and the 3 activists who "stormed" the government HQ Civic Square was re-sentenced to 6-13 months of imprisonment due to the sentence review by Justice Department.
Imprisoned Activists Support Fund (IASF) was founded to support their financial need and litigation cost of these 16 activists while they are imprisoned and to fulfill our civil social responsibility towards them. Margaret Ng Ngoi-yee, HUI Po-keung, Andrew To Yiu-ming and Denise Ho Wan-see are the trustees of IASF and the sole decision makers for matters relating to the fund, IASF is independent from any organizations and political parties.
To support the 16 imprisoned activists, IASF intends to raise HK$4 million from the public, which will be used for:
- a fixed $10,000 monthly allowance for each imprisoned applicant while serving the sentence
- buying basic necessities for the imprisoned applicants and travelling expenses for prison visits
- Related litigation costs incurred after imprisonment
- Operating expenditure of the Fund such as audit fee and salary
IASF does not accept any conditional donations, and will announce the amount and identity of the donor if donations over HK$100,000 was received and the identity of donor was made known to the Trustees. IASF has set up a secretariat to assist the day to day administrative work and has entrusted The Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions to set up a dedicated bank account to receive donations and to disburse payments.
The HK$2.53 million raised on 20th August in the demonstration organized by the “North East Support Group”, “League of Social Democrats”, “Demosistō” and “Students Fight For Democracy” was donated to IASF as the startup donation. We thank Hong Kong residents for their support.
Donation methods --
1. Please send cheque to
6/F., Holy Cross Centre, 72 Yiu Hing Road, Sai Wan Ho, Hong Kong
Cheque payable to "Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions"
Attention to "Imprisoned Activists Support Fund"
2. Bank Transfer to "Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions"
Account no.: Hang Seng Bank 295-164578-009
3. International Wire Transfer
Bank Name : Hang Seng Bank Limited
Branch : Hankow Road Branch, Hong Kong
Bank Address : No.4, Hankow Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Remittance Address: 83, Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong
Account Name : Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions
Account Number : 024-295-164578-009
Swift Code : HASE HKHH
For enquiries and donation receipts, please contact us via Facebook message or iasfhk2017@gmail.com. Donations are not eligible for tax deduction.
「any cost incurred」的推薦目錄:
any cost incurred 在 Sophie Willocq Facebook 的精選貼文
Please help if you can, or share!!!
PLEASE HELP! Even a small amount counts!
We are urgently appealing for donations to help this stray cat.
She was found with a big cut on her right thigh exposing her muscle and her wound already started to smell badly! :(
My aunt Jean Say and uncle Eric Ang T T found her outside my grandmother's house at Lengkong Dua, Kembangan.
We suspect it is most likely an abuse case and has contacted Cat Welfare Society.
She is currently receiving treatment at Animal Recovery Veterinary Referral Centre and needs to be hospitalised for at least 3-4 weeks.
The minimum hospitalisation and medical cost is $150 per day and will potentially reach $5000. The current bill incurred as of 15th November is $1800. Emergency late night treatment (when we first found her) at Mount Pleasant Animal Hospital is $240 and she was transferred to ARVRC the next morning with an initial deposit of $1000. ARVRC requested us to name her for receipt purposes and she was named Minnie.
*WE ARE ALSO LOOKING FOR FOR A SAFE & LOVING FUREVER HOME FOR MINNIE as it will be unsafe to release her back after she recovers and we're not able to keep her as we already have cats at home. Please PM me if you're keen or pls help to share so she can find a good adopter. Minnie is a very sweet and friendly cat :) Minnie's vet said she is very easy to handle and is very cooperative despite being so seriously injured.
If you are able to help, please PM me or donate directly to my aunt, Jean Say (the rescuer)
POSB SAVINGS 084-55482-0
For ibanking:
1. Ibank nick pls state: your name
2. Payee name: Jean Say
3. Pls update us with the screenshot or update us your ibank nick and donation amount so that we can update on FB for transparency purposes.
For ATM transfer/deposit:
Pls update us with a clear photo of the receipt so that we can update on FB for transparency purposes.
Any extra amount will be donated to Cat Welfare Society, Lily Low Shelter, Cause For Paws SG, Love Kuching Project , Metta Cats and other cat shelters.