TikTok Live Using Wirecast with DJ Macky Suson #Shorts
Products I use during my LIVE on TikTok:
#Apogee #HypeMic
You will need to get access of "Cast on Mac or PC" from TikTok app.

TikTok Live Using Wirecast with DJ Macky Suson #Shorts
Products I use during my LIVE on TikTok:
#Apogee #HypeMic
You will need to get access of "Cast on Mac or PC" from TikTok app.
TikTok Live Using Wirecast with DJ Macky Suson #Shorts
Products I use during my LIVE on TikTok:
#Apogee #HypeMic
You will need to get access of "Cast on Mac or PC" from TikTok app.
TikTok Live Using Wirecast with DJ Macky Suson #Shorts
Products I use during my LIVE on TikTok:
#Apogee #HypeMic
You will need to get access of "Cast on Mac or PC" from TikTok app.
Apogee HypeMiC USB電容式麥克風美國指標性大廠USB麥克風再升級! 高音質而且隨接隨錄專業上的需求或追求方便的好聲音都凱瑞起來完全就是你各位手機直播的好夥伴現在 ... ... <看更多>
apogee hypemic VS 歡歌app - 刪文(iPhone 第1頁) ... <看更多>
#1. Apogee HypeMiC 麥克風- Apple (台灣)
Apogee HypeMiC 麥克風具備錄音室品質類比壓縮功能,使用輕鬆,可為你的人聲、旁白、樂器、打擊樂和podcast 等任何錄音增添魅力。透過HypeMiC 與iPhone、iPad 或Mac, ...
#2. Apogee HypeMiC USB 麥克風 - DigiLog 聲響實驗室
促銷價NT$ 12,500 · 錄音室等級類比Compressor · 聲音品質高達24-bit/96kHz · 心型指向、高品質振膜 · 零耳機監聽輸出 · 內附配件組:防噴罩、攜帶箱及三腳架 · 兼容iOS 、 Mac ...
#3. Apogee Hypemic的價格推薦- 2022年12月| 比價比個夠BigGo
Apogee HypeMic 電容式麥克風心形指向收音附旅行攜帶盒適用於iPhone、iPad、Mac 與PC · $12,450. 價格持平. Yahoo奇摩超級商城 小新樂器館(15).
#4. Apogee HypeMiC - The only USB Microphone with an Analog ...
Apogee MiC+ ($249) and HypeMiC ($349) are both studio-grade, USB microphones that deliver simple, high-quality recordings on the go. Both offer the same ...
#5. Apogee HypeMic USB 麥克風 - 大鼻子樂器連鎖
Apogee HypeMiC 麥克風具備錄音室品質類比壓縮功能,使用輕鬆,可為你的人聲、旁白、樂器、打擊樂和podcast 等任何錄音增添魅力。透過HypeMiC 與iPhone、iPad 或Mac, ...
#6. APOGEE / HYPEMIC USB電容音頭麥克風 - 阿通伯樂器
APOGEE / HYPEMIC USB電容音頭麥克風. NT$12,800. ◇隨插即錄高級USB麥克風組配套◇相容iOS PC和MAC ◇搭載24bit / 96kHz音質USB電容麥克風◇內建耳機輸出無延遲監聽和 ...
#7. Apogee HypeMic 電容式麥克風心形指向收音附旅行攜帶 ...
HypeMiC 非常適合用於即時串流直播、podcast、廣播和旁白,可平衡音訊動態以獲得更佳的清晰度,促成更出色的「廣播就緒」錄製。HypeMiC 與Mac 或PC,以及任何可讓你選擇 ...
#8. 【樂器通】APOGEE / HYPEMIC USB電容麥克風
【樂器通】APOGEE / HYPEMIC USB電容麥克風. ◇隨插即錄高級USB麥克風組配套 ◇相容iOS PC和MAC ◇搭載24bit / 96kHz音質USB電容麥克風
#9. apogee hypemic - 人氣推薦- 2022年12月| 露天市集
apogee hypemic 網路推薦好評商品就在露天,超多商品可享折扣優惠和運費補助。大鼻子樂器Apogee HypeMic USB 麥克風『立恩樂器』免運分期美國製專業級Apogee HypeMic ...
#10. 禾豐音響直播樂器人聲錄音Apogee HypeMiC iPhone/Mac 專用 ...
Apogee HypeMiC 麥克風具備錄音室品質類比壓縮功能,使用輕鬆,可為你的人聲、旁白、樂器、打擊樂和podcast 等任何錄音增添魅力。透過HypeMiC 與iPhone、iPad 或Mac, ...
#11. 配備analog compressor嘅USB mic - Apogee HypeMic
立即到門市或網店選購 https://bit.ly/3yWw14a#Shorts #tomleemusichk #通利琴行# Apogee # HypeMic #USBmic.
#12. Apogee Hype Mic - USB Microphone with Analog ...
NEXT-LEVEL SOUND CLARITY: HypeMic is a cardioid condenser microphone that supports sample rates up to 24-bit/96kHz. It's the most detailed USB microphone on the ...
#13. Apogee HypeMiC – Thomann UK
USB Condenser Microphone with Built-In Compressor · Directivity: Cardioid · Preamp with 46 dB gain and precise digital control · Analog compressor with three ...
#14. apogee hypemic 麥克風- FindPrice 價格網2022年10月購物推薦
apogee hypemic 麥克風的推薦商品價格,還有更多Apogee HypeMic 電容式麥克風心形指向收音附旅行攜帶盒適用於iPhone、iPad、Mac 與PC相關商品比價,輕鬆購物 ...
#15. Apogee HypeMiC评论|36 个事实与亮点 - Versus
Apogee HypeMiC ⭐ 评测。探索在麦克风排名中影响Apogee HypeMiC表现的关键事实。
#16. Apogee HypeMiC USB Microphone with Headphone ...
Apogee HypeMiC USB Microphone with Headphone Output and Stereo Quality Compression. 品牌: APOGEE. PRODUCT CODE: A65-HYPEMIC. $2,780.00.
#17. Apogee HypeMiC 麥克風直播手機平板 - 反拍樂器
HypeMiC 非常適合用於即時串流直播、podcast、廣播和旁白,可平衡音訊動態以獲得更佳的清晰度,促成更出色的「廣播就緒」錄製。HypeMiC 與Mac 或PC,以及任何可讓你選擇 ...
#18. 亞邁樂器台中店- Apogee HypeMiC USB電容式麥克風美國指標 ...
Apogee HypeMiC USB電容式麥克風美國指標性大廠USB麥克風再升級! 高音質而且隨接隨錄專業上的需求或追求方便的好聲音都凱瑞起來完全就是你各位手機直播的好夥伴現在 ...
#19. Apogee HypeMic review - MusicRadar
HypeMic incorporates analogue signal processing to deliver three levels of compression, all brought in using the Gain switch. The mic is usually ...
#20. Apogee Hypemic的價格推薦- 飛比價格Feebee
apogee hypemic 價格推薦共25筆。另有apogee hype。飛比為你即時比價,全台電商網購價格輕鬆找,一秒為你找便宜,快速比對商品價格,讓你花最少,省最多!
#21. 國行Apogee HypeMiC可攜式錄音話筒配音唱歌麥克風iOS ...
優雅外觀彰顯品位;藍牙連接兼容性強;一鍵式操作便捷方便。歡迎前來淘寶網實力旺鋪,選購國行Apogee HypeMiC可攜式錄音話筒配音唱歌麥克風iOS蘋果手機直播, ...
#22. Apogee Electronics HypeMiC USB Cardioid Condenser ...
Professional podcasters, singers, and voiceover artists take notice: the Apogee Electronics HypeMiC is a studio-quality microphone in a USB form-factor, one ...
#23. Apogee HypeMic for iPad, iPhone, Mac and Windows
The Apogee HypeMiC is great for podcasters and home recordists alike. Its cardioid condenser mic capsule captures vocals and instruments with premium ...
#24. Apogee MiC Plus & HypeMiC | Which one is right for me?
The MiC Plus & HypeMiC from Apogee are high quality USB Microphones, designed for mobile content creators. They plug straight into your computer, ...
#25. Apogee HypeMic, 音響器材, 咪高風/麥克風- Carousell
喺Hong Kong,Hong Kong 買Apogee HypeMic. 原價2848 今年4月apple store買用咗幾次齊配件西鐵站/地鐵站交收喺咪高風/麥克風度買嘢,傾偈買嘢!
#26. Apogee HypeMic review: small, simple, and superb
Released in January 2019, the Apogee HypeMic is close to the perfect portable microphone. It has a built-in analog compressor, a tripod that ...
#27. Apogee HypeMiC - USB Microphone with Analogue ...
HypeMiC is an awesome way to introduce new sounds into your recordings and mixes. You can send audio out of the HypeMiC stereo output into a mixer, audio ...
#28. Apogee HypeMiC USB Microphone - Guitar Center
HypeMiC combines a microphone, analog compressor, microphone preamp, and A/D and D/A converters into one compact device. Apogee has carefully designed each ...
#29. Apogee HypeMiC Review - PCMag
The new Apogee HypeMiC is a $349 reimagining of the MiC Plus. Both are USB condenser mics with the same cardioid pattern, and mostly the ...
#30. Apogee HypeMiC USB Microphone w/ Headphone Output ...
HypeMiC is an awesome way to introduce new sounds into your recordings and mixes. You can send audio out of the HypeMiC stereo output into a mixer, audio ...
#31. Apogee HypeMiC 咪高風價錢、規格及用家意見
Apogee 的HypeMiC 咪高風配備錄音室質素的類比壓縮技術,簡單易用,讓你可所錄製的人聲、旁白、樂音、敲擊樂器及podcast 等更加動聽。有了HypeMiC 及iPhone、iPad ...
#32. Apogee HypeMiC USB Microphone (Demo Deal / Open Box)
You can send audio out of the HypeMiC stereo output into a mixer, audio interface and stand-alone recorder to capture the unique and bold sound of HypeMiC's ...
#33. Apogee HypeMiC USB Microphone for Mac iOS and Windows
Get your Apogee HypeMiC USB Microphone for Mac iOS and Windows from Better Music! Free shipping over $50, 10000+ Yotpo reviews.
#34. Buy Apogee HypeMic USB Microphone | Sam Ash Music
That's compression. HypeMic by Apogee features studio-quality analog compression that's easy to use and brings the magic to your vocals, voice-overs, ...
#35. Apogee - USB Condenser Instrument and Vocal Microphone
This Apogee HypeMiC USB microphone features a stereo headphone output to assist with low latency monitoring, letting you capture that perfect take faster.
#36. Apogee HypeMic for iPad, iPhone, Mac and Windows
The Apogee HypeMiC is great for podcasters and home recordists alike. This studio-quality effect smooths out and pumps up your vocals, voice-overs, ...
#37. Apogee's HypeMiC Eases High-Quality Mobile Recording
Apogee announces the availability of two new USB microphones, the HypeMiC and the Mic+. The HypeMic provides built-in compression.
#38. Apogee HypeMiC USB Microphone - Sound Productions
Apogee HypeMic Features. Professional cardioid condenser mic capsule; Built-in analog compressor; PureDIGITAL connection for pristine sound quality up to ...
#39. Apogee HypeMiC - Sound On Sound
However, the new Apogee HypeMiC takes things a step further: in addition to its USB computer/tablet connectivity, a headphone output with variable ...
#40. Apogee Hypemic
Apogee Digital Hype MIC USB Microphone for iPhone/iPad/Mac/Windows ,HypeMiC - USB microphone with analog compressor - Apogee Electronics,Apogee HypeMiC ...
#41. Apogee HypeMiC USB Microphone with Analog Compression
Apogee HypeMiC is a studio-grade, USB microphone that delivers simple, high-quality recordings on the go. HypeMiC offers outstanding sonic performance, ...
#42. Apogee HypeMiC USB Microphone - Perfect Circuit
HypeMiC from Apogee is a groundbreaking USB condenser mic with an integrated analog compressor. Dexterous and easy to use, HypeMiC is much more than a ...
#43. Apogee HypeMic - MediaCast Dubai
HypeMiC. USB Microphone with Headphone Output and Studio Quality Compression ... Apogee HypeMiC features studio-quality analog compression that's easy to ...
#44. 鑫乐莆Apogee HypeMiC MiC+Plus便携式电脑配音录音唱歌 ...
鑫乐莆Apogee HypeMiC MiC+Plus便携式电脑配音录音唱歌手机麦克风iphone apogee mic+U型+海绵+桌面支架图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送, ...
#45. Apogee HypeMiC - Microphone - LDLC
Buy Microphone Apogee HypeMiC (1347518000002) on LDLC, high-tech expert. Condenser microphone - Cardioid directional - USB - Analogue compressor - Headphone ...
#46. Apogee HypeMiC 录I Kissed A Girl-哔哩哔哩
Apogee HypeMiC 录I Kissed A Girl. 云游戏-. 相关推荐. 查看更多. 【百合/虐狗】I Kissed A Girl. 3.4万 68. 5:27. App. 【百合/虐狗】I Kissed A Girl.
#47. Apogee HypeMiC – Audio Gate International
Apogee HypeMiC · The Only USB Microphone with Built-in Analog Compression · Ever wonder how your favorite recordings seem to leap from the speaker, with vocals ...
#48. Apogee HypeMic review | Top Ten Reviews
The Apogee HypeMic is a cardioid condenser toting mic which makes it ideal for single-point audio recording. But it's the USB connectivity that ...
#49. 简单方便、好音质:Apogee HypeMiC录制大三角钢琴分享
住在曼谷的英国钢琴家Paul Barton在油管就分享了他最近录制大三角钢琴的方法:简单的使用两支Apogee HypeMiC连接苹果电脑,使用Logic软件进行立体声 ...
#50. Apogee HypeMiC « Microphone - Musik Produktiv
Apogee HypeMiC. Speech/vocals; Type: USB-Microphone; Transducer principle: Condenser; diaphragm: Large-diaphragm; Pickup pattern: Cardioid; Pre-Attenuation: ...
#51. Apogee HypeMiC USB microphone USB, Corded incl. cable ...
Apogee HypeMiC USB microphone USB, Corded incl. cable, incl. stand, incl. bag, incl. pop filter ; Ready for dispatch: Wed 29.11. - Thu 30.11. ; Item no. · 2532987 ...
#52. Apogee HypeMiC - USB Microphone | Turramurra Music
Apogee's HypeMiC's patented studio-quality analog compression that's easy to use and brings the magic to your vocals, voice-overs, instruments, percussion, ...
#53. Apogee HypeMic Microphone | Derringers Music Australia
Apogee HypeMic Microphone. Make Recording Magic Happen with HypeMiC! Ever wonder how your favourite recordings seem to leap from the speaker, ...
#54. Apogee HypeMIC USB Microphone with Compressor
Order your Apogee HypeMIC USB Microphone with Compressor from AMS and enjoy 0% Interest Payment Plans, Free Shipping, Free Extended Warranty & 45 Day Money ...
#55. Apogee HypeMic (13 stores) at Klarna • Compare prices »
Make a good deal when shopping your Apogee HypeMic ➔ 349 USD is the cheapest price among 13 stores we compared. Use Klarna's easy Microphones price ...
#56. ไมโครโฟน Apogee HypeMiC สต็อกแน่น พร้อมส่ง - CT Music
HypeMiC is an awesome way to introduce new sounds into your recordings and mixes. You can send audio out of the HypeMiC stereo output into a mixer, audio ...
#57. Apogee 推出更高品质的土豪金USB 麦克风HypeMiC - Midifan
Apogee 将要在NAMM 2019 发布MiC+ 的升级版土豪金大兄弟HypeMiC。 Apogee HypeMiC 是一个心型电容式话筒,支持iOS,Mac 和PC,通过Apogee ...
#58. Apogee HypeMiC - USB Microphone with Compressor for iOS ...
The Apogee HypeMiC is a studio-quality, 24-bit/96kHz, large-diaphragm USB condenser microphone with built-in compressor and Apogee's world-class conversion.
#59. Apogee HypeMiC USB Microphone w/ Headphone Output ...
Apogee HypeMiC USB Microphone w/ Headphone Output & Studio Quality ... HypeMiC's unique analog compression enhances vocals like no other microphone.
#60. Apogee HypeMiC (Demo Deal) - Vintage King
Apogee HypeMiC (Demo Deal). USB microphone with headphone output and studio quality compression - bring magic to your vocals, voice-overs, instruments, ...
#61. Apogee HypeMiC Microphones | Sudeepaudio.com
Apogee HypeMiC. The Only USB Microphone with Built in Analog Compression. Make Recording Magic Happen with HypeMiC. Ever wonder how your favorite recordings ...
#62. Review: Apogee Hype Mic with inboard analog compressor
Ahead you'll read my detailed observations and can listen to eight audio clips. apogee-hypemic-hero. What comes included. Here is what you get ...
#63. Apogee HypeMiC USB Cardioid Condenser ... - Adorama
Kit Savings: Apogee HypeMiC USB Cardioid Condenser Microphone with Headphones MFR: HYPE MIC A. Buy now & save $38. Mount Type: Desktop.
#64. Apogee HypeMic - Modern Musician
Apogee HypeMic - Apogee. ... Apogee USB microphones and audio interfaces deliver ultimate sound quality and ease of use for a variety of Work From Home and ...
#65. Apogee HypeMiC - Microphone - USB - Walmart.com
Arrives by Thu, Dec 8 Buy Apogee HypeMiC - Microphone - USB at Walmart.com.
#66. Apogee HypeMiC - RSPE Audio Solutions
Small, portable, studio quality USB microphone with integrated compression and headphone output, making it an all-in-one portable studio. Apogee HypeMiC is a ...
#67. Apogee HypeMiC USB Microphone - Music Store
The Apogee HypeMiC USB Microphone is a studio quality USB Condenser Microphone with Cardioid polar pattern & on-board Compressor.
#68. Apogee HypeMiC | USB Microphone with Headphone Output ...
Apogee HypeMiC - USB Microphone with Headphone Output and Studio Quality Compression. Studio-quality analog compressor; PureDIGITAL connection for pristine ...
#69. Apogee HypeMiC - SoundCloud
Play Apogee HypeMiC by Sound On Sound on desktop and mobile. Play over 265 million tracks for free on SoundCloud.
#70. Apogee HypeMiC USB Microphone | Musician's Friend
HypeMiC combines a microphone, analog compressor, microphone preamp, and A/D and D/A converters into one compact device. Apogee has carefully designed each ...
#71. Apogee HypeMiC USB Microphone - Music & Arts
HypeMiC combines a microphone, analog compressor, microphone preamp, and A/D and D/A converters into one compact device. Apogee has carefully designed each ...
#72. Apogee HypeMiC | Sinamex Recording Store
Make Recording Magic Happen with HypeMiC Ever wonder how your favourite recordings seem to leap from the speaker, with vocals that magically float above ...
#73. Apogee HypeMiC USB and iOS Microphone with Compressor
The Apogee HypeMiC features studio-quality analog compression that's easy to use and brings the magic to your vocals, voice-overs, instruments, percussion, ...
#74. HypeMiC – Media Integration, Inc.
Apogee HypeMiC ; デスクトップ三脚; マイクロフォンスタンド・アダプター; ポップフィルター; 専用ケース; Micro-USB to USB-C cable; Micro-USB to USB-A cable ...
#75. Apogee HypeMic - USB Microphone With Headphone Output ...
HypeMiC is an awesome way to introduce new sounds into your recordings and mixes. You can send audio out of the HypeMiC stereo output into a mixer, audio ...
#76. Review: Apogee HypeMiC USB Microphone
When you hear for yourself the difference in sound quality and the flexibility of the onboard sound customisation, it really does explain and ...
#77. New Gear/ New Toy Review: Apogee HypeMiC
Apogee Electronics' HypeMiC is a small and portable studio-quality USB condenser microphone that's great for podcasting, Facebook Live or ...
#78. Apple 香港獨家易用靚聲USB咪APOGEE HYPE MIC $2,500 勁 ...
Apogee HypeMiC 麥克風具備錄音室品質類比壓縮功能,使用輕鬆,可為你的人聲、旁白、樂器、打擊樂和podcast 等任何錄音增添魅力。
#79. Apogee - HypeMiC USB Condenser Microphone with Built-In ...
Buy from Scan - Apogee - HypeMiC USB Cardioid Condenser Microphone with Built-In Analogue Compression, 24-bit/96kHz.
#80. Apogee HypeMiC (Black/silver) | USB Condenser Microphone
Shop for Apogee HypeMiC (Black/silver) USB Condenser Microphone with Richer Sounds for expert advice and Lowest Prices Guaranteed.
#81. Apogee HypeMiC USB Microphone - PMT Online
The Apogee HypeMiC USB Microphone features an internal analogue compressor that instantly optimises the signal for Podcasting, Radio Broadcast or Acoustic ...
#82. Apogee HypeMiC Cardioid USB Microphone - Reverb
Apogee Digital HypeMic USB Microphone w/ Built-In Analog Studio Compressor Make Recording Magic Happen with HypeMiCEver wonder how your favorite recordings ...
#83. Apogee HypeMiC USB Microphone for Mac ... - Guitar Factory
Apogee HypeMiC USB Microphone for Mac iOS and Windows Ever wonder how your favourite recordings seem to leap from the speaker, with vocals that magically ...
#84. USB Microphone with Headphone Output and Compression
Buy the Apogee Electronics HypeMiC, USB Microphone with Headphone Output and Compression at Full Compass Systems. 0% Financing and Free Shipping on ...
#85. Apogee Digital: HypeMiC USB Powered Mic - Tape Op
The Apogee HypeMiC is a compact, premium quality, USB-powered cardioid condenser mic designed for use with iOS, Mac, and PC. It records up to 24-bit/96 kHz, ...
#86. Apogee HypeMic for iPad, iPhone, Mac and Windows
Apogee HypeMic for iPad, iPhone, Mac and WindowsThe Apogee HypeMiC is great for podcasters and home recordists alike. Its cardioid condenser mic capsule ...
Professional podcasters, singers, and voiceover artists take notice: the Apogee Electronics HypeMiC is a studio-quality microphone in a USB form-factor, ...
#88. APOGEE HypeMic - beher.com
Apogee HypeMiC - The only USB Microphone with an Analog Compressor , HypeMiC - USB microphone with analog compressor - Apogee Electronics, Apogee HypeMic ...
#89. Apogee HypeMiC | Axe... And You Shall Receive
Apogee HypeMiC. Brands: Apogee. $349.00. Ever wonder how your favorite recordings seem to leap from the speaker, with vocals that magically float above even ...
#90. Apogee | HypeMiC | $549 | for Windows, Mac & iOS - Gsus4
The Apogee HypeMiC gives you a USB microphone that features studio-quality analog compression. Offering extreme ease of use, the HypeMiC allows you to bring ...
#91. apogee hypemic VS 歡歌app - Mobile01
apogee hypemic VS 歡歌app - 刪文(iPhone 第1頁)
#92. Apogee HypeMiC USB Cardioid Condenser Microphone with ...
Apogee HypeMiC USB Cardioid Condenser Microphone with Built-In Analog Compressor Overview: Make Recording Magic Happen with HypeMiCEver wonder how your ...
#93. Apogee HypeMic for iPad, iPhone, Mac and Windows
Apogee HypeMic Features ... - High-quality studio-grade cardioid compression mic with smooth output. - Perfect for vocals, instruments and podcast ...
#94. Apogee HypeMiC USB Microphone w ... - Musiclab Brisbane
Apogee HypeMiC is a truly prtable professional USB Microphone that includes a Headphone output and studio quality compression. It's perfect for capturing ...
#95. Apogee HypeMic noise floor? - Gearspace.com
Apogee HypeMic noise floor? I'm a complete amateur in mics and recording so bear with me if this is a dumb question...
#96. Apogee HypeMiC USB Microphone with Analog Compressor
The Apogee HypeMiC is a USB Cardioid Condenser Microphone that features studio-quality analog compression and is compatible with PC, MAC and iOS.
#97. Apogee HypeMiC USB Microphone with headphone out for ...
Apogee HypeMiC USB Microphone with headphone out for iOS, Mac & Windows. SKU: HYPE-MIC. $609.00. $554.43. Sold Out. Notify me when in stock ...
#98. Apogee HypeMic (4 stores) at PriceRunner • See all prices »
Apogee HypeMic - Find the lowest price on PriceRunner ✓ Compare prices from 4 stores ✓ SAVE on your purchase now!
#99. Apogee HypeMiC Dubai - Abu Dhabi - UAE - BHM Store
The Apogee Electronics HypeMiC is a USB cardioid condenser microphone designed to provide easy setup and high-resolution audio for singers, podcaster.
apogee hypemic 在 配備analog compressor嘅USB mic - Apogee HypeMic 的推薦與評價
立即到門市或網店選購 https://bit.ly/3yWw14a#Shorts #tomleemusichk #通利琴行# Apogee # HypeMic #USBmic. ... <看更多>