PR就是Public Relation公關
Co. company 公司
Ltd. Limited 有限公司
Inc. Incorporated 股份有限公司
R&D research and development 研發
PR public relation 公關
HR Human Resources 人力資源
TBA to be announced 待公佈
NDA Non-disclosure agreement 保密合約
PA Performance Appraisal 績效考核
FYR for your reference 供您參考
FYI for your information 供您參考
FAQ frequently asked question 常見問題
ASAP as soon as possible 盡快
BTW by the way 順道一提
CSR corporate social responsibility 企業社會責任
IT information technology 資訊科技
CS customer services 顧客服務
QC quality control 品質管控
CEO Chief Executive Officer 執行長
KPI Key Performance Indicator 綜合績效指標
COO Chief Operating Officer 營運長
CTO Chief Technology Officer 技術長
CFO Chief Finance Officer 財務長
CMO Chief Marketing Officer 行銷長
GM General Manager 總經理
VP Vice president 副總經理
PM Project Manager 專案經理
AVP Assistant Vice President 協理
AE Account Executive 專案執行
PA Personal Assistant 個人助理
INT Intern 實習生
#派脆E起唸 #小人物Patrick
appraisal personal development 在 Personal development plan (PDP) for an appraisal - YouTube 的推薦與評價
Content from: mythbusters@RCGPThere is nothing that the GMC requires your personal development plan (PDP) to include. ... <看更多>