“I got hit.”
I believe that's the last thing any of us would want to hear from a friend/ family who got caught in a traffic accident.
Reality is, if you've been on the roads long enough, there will come a point where you'll realise accidents are inevitable, just a matter of whether it's a serious one or not.
I've had my fair share too.
In any accident, however big or small, it's important to remain calm at all times and take note of the key things you’d need to do.
✔ Check for injuries. If you notice any, call 995 immediately.
✔ Take photos of the accident scene without moving any of the vehicles involved. This is important for insurance companies and the police to help determine the cause and impact of the accident.
✔ Exchange particulars of of drivers/ riders involved. Note down the name, contact, address, vehicle registration plate details. Do also take note of the time, date and location of the accident as this would be required in the police report that you make.
✔ Regardless of whether there are any claims/ injury in an accident, you must report it to your insurance provider within 24 hours from the time of accident. This is to ensure your interests are protected at all times. If you fail to do so, not only will you stand to be at the disadvantage, you may risk losing your NCD too.
Make sure you keep yourself and your family safe on the roads with comprehensive insurance like what DirectAsia Insurance offers.
You can tailor your policy with different optional benefits and they even have a dedicated specialist to attend to your policy needs so do check them out and stay safe wherever you are!
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同時也有153部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2,160的網紅Tess Chung,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Please don't forget to subscribe :) follow me on insta too http://instagram.com/tesschung tiktok @tesschung products used jones road the best penci...
as just as fair 在 Jiashinlee Facebook 的最讚貼文
Gourmet South Australia Food Fair just landed in Malaysia and they'll be bringing the best of South Australia to you 🇦🇺
Ranging from fresh produce to ice creams, tortilla chips, honey and many more. The fair itself will take place at 5 venues concurrently – Isetan (KLCC and Lot10) from 23 September to 5 October and Aeon (One Utama; Bukit Tinggi, Klang; Queensbay Mall, Penang) from 23 September to 6 October.
To commemorate this joyous occasion Gourmet South Australia MY] will be hosting a contest where participants with the most insta-worthy photo post and creative caption will stand a chance to win a Gourmet South Australia Hamper worth RM300 and shopping vouchers worth RM100.
Follow these simple steps to participate 👇
1️⃣Like & Follow Gormet South Australia Facebook & Instagram page
2️⃣Purchase RM60 worth of South Australian products from the South Australian Fair and submit the proof of purchase
3️⃣Upload a selfie with a catchy caption!
This is such a great opportunity for us to experience the best of South Australia, I hope you love Gourmet South Australia's products as much as I do, happy shopping 🛒
Gourmet South Australia MY]
as just as fair 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文
1. TLDR:星州唔炒輪,唔通炒米?正如馬克吐溫唔吐溫,唔通吐痰?山口素弘唔素弘,唔通掃黃?(呢個句式明顯抄林振強,但我已唔記得佢原文係用乜嘢例子)
一週年!比別人知得多。subscribe now(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)。Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費100,已經1900人訂! 畀年費仲有85折,20/40年費VIP 送本人著作一本。
2. 香港嘅新輪商,登登,就係我舊東家(唏一夜夫妻都百二蚊,何況我做咗年幾,拎咗好多個百二蚊),星展銀行。這不是愚人節
3. 個重點唔係 星展咁XX 都學人出輪—大把更加XX 嘅公司都出輪啦,星展喎大佬,好長時間係東南亞最大市值公司(唔肯定而家仲係咪,視乎SEA你當唔當東南亞公司),好失禮你?
4. 咁你咩Macquarie都出做輪商啦(死咗未?我對上一隻買嘅輪就係Macquarie,十幾年前嘅事),「我知Macquarie在澳洲好大」(其實都唔係,迫科CBA NAB ANZ WestPac後都未到佢,有冇話你知我係睇銀行股的?),但,we talking about 新渣坡 ok?新加坡LP(*)咁大嘅地方,600萬人,又唔似香港咁有大陸公司上市(坡國上嘅大陸公司就算鳩數啦),但股市市值好長時間係東南亞最大—大佬你印尼講緊3億人呀!(其實印尼GDP係坡國4倍,see?坡國係金融中心呀)
5. 同朋友講起呢,個重點當然唔係「星展都學人出輪」,而係「而家先出」?
6. 的確,星展當然夠資格出輪有突,樓上都講咗。反而你可以奇怪係,做乜而家先出?朋友話頭,「個個炒美股啦仲有人炒香港窩輪牛熊證?」
7. 不過朋友此言我又唔係完全同意,首先,why not both?炒美股都可以照炒港股。況且,窩輪牛熊證可以買跌嘛,咁覺得騰訊爆煲嘅,咪瞓身家put 咯(Just saying,而星展出嘅正係騰訊輪,有call有put,可以幫襯下)。
8. 況且你睇港股每日嘅輪證成交,當然仲有大把人炒輪炒牛熊證。可能因為覺得自己眼光好準,可能唔想捱夜(但,邊個話買美股要捱夜?好多人以為買股票要日日望住佢,但你見我有時瞓到四點港股收市先起身),可能係覺得美股交易費貴(其實唔貴),或者覺得升咗好多,或者覺得「唔熟美股」(你以為自己好熟港股?)。Whatever.總之,睇多次呢段第一句。
9. 而另一方面,過去十幾廿年,最大嘅轉變係:發輪已經成為commodity business.呢個亦係商業社會嘅殘忍,或者進步。最初你就「認股證認法興」,後來就「買得準里昂輪」(行家戲稱「買得準你戇卵」,後來里昂都冇埋,變咗「買得準匯里輪」),仲有遠近馳名嘅「波法比餅店」(自己google)
10. 講過了,多數係歐洲嘢。里昂法興比聯(KBC,好多人都唔知點解係K,行家俗稱Kredit Bank),歐洲公司。最初就係請晒啲巴黎第X大學嘅數學家,法國出名多數學勁人,真的。
11. 但後來,人人有得抄啦,你識請法國佬我唔識?況且後來亦都有大陸仔印度仔嘅quant,一樣識講法文(嗰時匯理個quant頭同我舊老細相熟,係個踢拖但一口流利法文嘅大陸佬),點做pricing,用乜software,點行銷,點搞講座上電視,人人都識抄。波法比甚麼,只能搵第一輪水。
12. 任你講乜都好,呢啲鬥到最後係commodity business,你唔會因為A行輪后對波大啲就幫襯(我唔會啦下,我鍾意細胸),散戶都係睇貼唔貼市,多唔多成交,睇引伸波幅(**)
13. 鬥到最後,咁鬥乜?就鬥funding cost,銀牙!呢啲就係歐洲行唔夠鬥嘅地方啦。眾所周知(你唔知嘅我話你知),波法比等等,在香港邊有deposit base?咁你出輪當然要有貨打底,錢從何來?歐洲行就只能靠問匯豐中銀之類日日借,當時我做蕉行都拆唔少出去。(有啲戇鳩仔真係以為輪商要同你對賭,錯,人地食硬你,使撚同你對賭睇好定睇淡騰訊)
14. 但星展,就係個funding cost夠低,見唔見張相寫撚住亞洲最安全銀行?信貨評級好多的說。況且,quasi 國企啦。我都話我去坡國,淡馬錫都肯見我聽我鳩up—何晶識我老鼠咩(當然我亦唔會見到佢),畀面星展之嘛
15. 你見到嘅係,之前N年好多歐洲行都收晒皮,開始少人競爭,亦都有返啲肉食,所以可能而家想入場咯。
16. 仲有一樣嘢,睇嘢不能咁狹窄啦。你出輪之餘,又掃埋正股做對沖,但你又可以出埋產品畀private bank嘛。成套咁睇的。得罪講句,你KBC啲private bank,同星展點比?我唔止淨係賣香港喎,坡國馬國仲有大把……客。
17. 以上種種,只係我猜測,冇任何內幕,冇問過任何做星展嘅人。但星展啲嘢,OK架,可以幫襯下。
18. 話時話,做quant我就冇料啦,星展搵唔搵人做廣告post?Inbox我,一場舊相好,畀個特價你,保證唔講粗口。
19. 正文講完,但,當然後記仲好睇。
20. 首先講個好簡單嘅故事:話說我在星展嘅年代,真係有次有間PR公司搵我,叫我宣傳某銀行嘅產品,問得幾問,原來係星展。成件事好似你上Tinder Match返自己老婆咁。PR問我介唔介意,我梗係唔介意,但我話你去問下你個客aka星展介唔介意,當然成件事就冇咗下文。但,我真係覺得something is wrong,星展肯畀錢街外人,然後街外人搵我喎。
21. 不過講返,我對星展真係無仇無恨,固然佢有大公司嘅老味嘢,但亦有大公司嘅好嘢。人工高(還好啦,陣間講)福利好(廿鳩幾日假,仲有士大夫供樓,搞到我幾乎買咗太古城)。你見我同啲星展舊同事都仲有食飯(你估我好得閒?),同啲舊客都仲有傾計,星展as a company 係OK的,「我係同我舊老細唔妥之嘛」
22. 遲下再寫個故事,但聽啲小朋友見工,話HR「壓佢價」,come on,C朗都減人工啦,supply and demand,老細當然係壓價,兩萬八請到嘅人點解要畀三萬?正如你想叫高人工,甚至有人吹大上一份工嘅人工(我從來唔會),咪又係昆鳩人賺到盡。哦,唔同,人地係仆街資本主義巨獸—咁你就米撚去做啦。
23. 我想講,我去星展嗰時,我開嘅人工,佢冇壓價之餘,仲加多咗啲畀我。「多五百都係多丫」(唔止五百嘅)。呢啲先係做大事嘛。其實我請人都係咁,一般你叫幾多我再畀高你,「又唔係我啲錢」。
24. 當然,入到去我冇加過人工,就係後話,一個仙都冇,雖然都只係年半。食得鹹魚抵得渴啦,喂但你條鹹魚越食越渴喎。咁你可以話我辦事不力廢撚柴,你做星展年年都加好人工,的確好多人係咁。但我又話你知,我去第間公司都係年年加人工,即使康宏咁XX都仲有加我人工(託我老細洪福,多謝)—結論?都係八字唔夾,早走早著。
25. 真的,唔夾咪分手,唔通我仲要去「好,我要好努力,證明畀你睇係你睇錯」,仲十八廿二咩,我使撚靠你「證明」咩,我去搵過份工咪最好嘅證明。
26. 其實唔應該講,但最後我都係忍唔住講。到我當時轉去星展呢,我啲朋友就叫我delete 晒以前啲Facebook Post,我話咩回事?佢地話,「你成日話人地係「保險箱都掉撚埋你嘅亞州最安全銀行嘛」」
27. 心諗,係喎,雖然我覺得我冇「成日」講(但今日又講多次),但,即係好似啲球員轉會咁,「咁轉去利物浦就梗係delete咗之前係咁串人嘅ig post」
28. 不過還是要講,「保險箱」呢單嘢真係太經典,開埠以嚟第一次喎!威唔威?更要留意,當時(2004年尾)我剛由教書轉去做銀行(蕉行嘛),真係深深震憾我心靈。我仲記得當日係標哥睇睇下報紙,自己在個位度講,「哈,啲坡佬咁撚樣都得喎」(原文照錄),當然仲要係有女同事在場。咁留意,當時我只係返工個幾月,試用期都未過,當然唔敢回佢「點撚樣呢?」。但以佢性格,當然自己主動講畀我地知。
29. 不過呢,諗深一層,扯,人地講「亞州最安全銀行」,講個credit rating嘛,講借錢存錢畀佢好安全之嘛,nothing to do with 保險箱喎。況且,to be fair,班友個個都拎一大舊錢和解啦,幾大舊冇人知,non-disclosure 嘛,但,肯定好大舊掩口費啦。Fair enough 啦。
30. 拿,有呢段,你可以肯定唔係廣告post啦。
(*)這很經典 — https://bityl.co/8SED
(**)我成日都話,香港地呢,屯門街市師奶都識講引伸波幅,金融普及程度肯定全球首位,啲咩學者話香港人金融知識不足都戇鳩。Try me,你去紐約去倫敦街市,試下問人咩叫縮vol?
一週年!比別人知得多。subscribe now(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)。Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費100,已經1900人訂! 畀年費仲有85折,20/40年費VIP 送本人著作一本。
as just as fair 在 Tess Chung Youtube 的最佳解答
Please don't forget to subscribe :)
follow me on insta too http://instagram.com/tesschung
tiktok @tesschung
products used
jones road the best pencil - black*
tati beauty textured neutral vol1 - aura matte, ritual matte
beauty bay pastels - cloud free, day dream
colourpop just a glitch palette - T9
ilmakiage inkliner eyeliner - black
colourpop so very lovely palette - rose ave
matcha lashes - motchi*
colourpop creme gel liner - honey dude
colourpop creme gel pencil - latice
age 35
skin type : dry sensitive
skin tone: fair-light neutral leaning warm undertone
FTC: This video is not sponsored. mark * as PR.
Music by Fabricator - Xtherapy - https://thmatc.co/?l=C2AEF494
#gigihadidmetgala2021 #gigihadidmakeup #hoodedeyesmakeup #hoodedeyestutorial #369
as just as fair 在 祖寧 Youtube 的精選貼文
《機智的醫生生活》由《請回答系列》申元浩導演以及李祐汀作家合作製作,由曹政奭、柳演錫、鄭敬淏、金大明、田美都主演,首季就獲得網上一致好評,以醫生日常展開一系列的故事。而其中政源與冬天終於在第一季留下好結局,但Winter Garden 組合發展神速,也讓一些人不太理解政源怎麼就親下去了呢?一起看影片爬爬細節就知道囉!
#機智醫生生活 #WinterGarden #柳演錫
00:00 機智醫生生活奇蹟之吻
00:18 我說第六集真暖
00:49 政源矛盾的原因
01:54 衝突期
05:09 和平期
07:27 情感萌芽期
10:14 情感爆發期
12:18 冷凍期
14:29 動搖期
15:44 最後的溫柔
17:12 抉擇
✦祖寧 IG搜尋 / ning_twins0125
📌《機智醫生生活》為由EGG IS COMING製作,並由TvN播出。
All videos on my channel are only used for commentary.Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use.
If you are the original owner and want me to remove the video, I will do it immediately, just send me an email to inform me. Please do not resort to any unnecessary copyright strikes.
이 유튜브 채널을 결코 패스트 영화 만드는 것이 아니에요.드라마를 평론하고 분석하는 것을 목표로 해요. 이 비유튜브 채널을 공정한 사용을 위한 것이며 저작권을 침해하려는 의도가 아니다.
1976년 저작권법 제107조에 따라, 비평, 논평, 뉴스 보도, 교수, 장학금, 연구 등의 목적으로 사용될 때 허락된다. 공정한 사용은 저작권법에 의해 허용된 사용이며 그렇지 않을 경우 침해될 수 있다. 비영리적, 교육적 또는 개인적 용도는 공정한 사용을 위해 균형에 도움이 된다.
as just as fair 在 祖寧 Youtube 的最佳解答
#機智醫生生活2 #曹政奭 #田美都
00:00 機智醫生生活2 EP10解析
00:08 頌和的赤足有意思
01:39 B104頌和的小天地
04:23 頌和送給安治弘的禮物寓意
04:53 燃燒生命的恐龍稜線
06:00 1988小彩蛋
06:36 生命追求共存
07:35 冬天的心房分鏡解析
08:26 新西遊記羅PD來了
09:07 大熊去美國?
10:23 翊晙出事了?
✦祖寧 IG搜尋 / ning_twins0125
📌《機智醫生生活》為由EGG IS COMING製作,並由TvN播出。
All videos on my channel are only used for commentary.Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use.
If you are the original owner and want me to remove the video, I will do it immediately, just send me an email to inform me. Please do not resort to any unnecessary copyright strikes.
이 유튜브 채널을 결코 패스트 영화 만드는 것이 아니에요.드라마를 평론하고 분석하는 것을 목표로 해요. 이 비유튜브 채널을 공정한 사용을 위한 것이며 저작권을 침해하려는 의도가 아니다.
1976년 저작권법 제107조에 따라, 비평, 논평, 뉴스 보도, 교수, 장학금, 연구 등의 목적으로 사용될 때 허락된다. 공정한 사용은 저작권법에 의해 허용된 사용이며 그렇지 않을 경우 침해될 수 있다. 비영리적, 교육적 또는 개인적 용도는 공정한 사용을 위해 균형에 도움이 된다.