asylum seeker meaning 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳解答

#1. Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Migrants - Amnesty International
An asylum seeker is a person who has left their country and is seeking protection from persecution and serious human rights violations in another country, but ...
#2. ASYLUM SEEKER | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
asylum seeker definition: 1. someone who leaves their own country, often for political reasons or because of war, and who…. Learn more.
#3. asylum seeker in Traditional Chinese - Cambridge Dictionary
someone who leaves their own country, often for political reasons or because of war, and who travels to another country hoping that the government will ...
An asylum seeker is a person who leaves their country of residence, enters another country and applies for asylum (i.e., international protection) in that ...
An asylum-seeker is someone whose request for sanctuary has yet to be processed. Every year, around one million people seek asylum.
#6. asylum-seeker noun - Oxford Learner's Dictionaries
asylum seeker a person who has been forced to leave their own country because they are in danger and who arrives in another country asking to be allowed to stay ...
#7. asylum seeker
In the global context, a person who seeks protectionEN••• from persecutionEN••• or serious harmEN••• in a country other than their own and awaits a decision on ...
#8. Asylum seeker definition and meaning - Collins Dictionary
An asylum seeker is a person who is trying to get asylum in a foreign country. Fewer than 7% of asylum seekers are accepted as political refugees. Synonyms: ...
#9. Asylum seeker Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
Asylum seeker definition, a person, especially a political fugitive, who applies for refuge or asylum in a foreign country or its embassy. See more.
#10. Asylum Seekers: Definition and Rules | StudySmarter
Asylum seekers are a type of forced migrant, meaning they migrate involuntarily. Someone leaving their home for another place to seek better job ...
#11. Asylum Seeker - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
An asylum seeker is a person who says that he or she is a refugee, but whose claim has not yet been assessed. A refugee has been assessed by a government or by ...
#12. Refugees, Asylum Seekers & Migrants: A Crucial Difference
Definition : An asylum seeker is someone who claims to be a refugee but whose claim hasn't been evaluated. This person would have applied for asylum on the ...
From a policy perspective, many governments define asylum seekers as those awaiting a decision on their claim for asylum. In this context, refugees are defined ...
#14. Refugees and Asylum | USCIS
Refugee status or asylum may be granted to people who have been persecuted or fear they will be persecuted on account of race, religion, ...
#15. Asylum seekers and refugees | Australian Human Rights ...
2 Who are asylum seekers and refugees? An asylum seeker is a person who has fled their own country and applied for protection as a refugee. According to the ...
#16. Asylum Seekers, Migrants and Immigrants and Refugees
Similar to a refugee, an asylum seeker is someone who may be in search of protection due to dangers in his or her home country. While every refugee is initially ...
#17. The truth about asylum - Refugee Council
A person whose asylum application has been unsuccessful and who has no other claim for protection awaiting a decision. Some people who have their case refused ...
#18. What is an asylum seeker? | Myth Busting | British Red Cross
The definition of an asylum seeker, or someone seeking asylum, is a person who has left their country, often suddenly, because they are faced with persecution, ...
#19. What is a Refugee? Definition and Meaning | USA for UNHCR
A refugee is someone who has been forced to flee his or her country because of persecution, war or violence. A refugee has a well-founded fear of ...
#20. Facts about refugees - Refugee Action
The definition of an asylum seeker is someone who has arrived in a country and asked for asylum. Until they receive a decision as to whether or not they are a ...
#21. Asylum in the United States | American Immigration Council
Asylum is technically a “discretionary” status, meaning that some individuals can be denied asylum even if they meet the definition of a refugee ...
#22. Definitions | Refugees and Migrants - the United Nations
The refugee definition can be found in the 1951 Convention and regional refugee instruments, as well as UNHCR's Statute. --United Nations High Commissioner for ...
#23. International protection terms explained - Citizens Information
Introduction · Asylum seeker · What does 'refugee' mean? · Subsidiary protection · Permission to remain · Dublin Regulations · Safe country of origin ...
#24. Asylum seekers and refugees: what are the facts?
There is a difference between an asylum seeker and a refugee—asylum seekers are people seeking international protection but whose claims for refugee status have ...
#25. Is it legal to cross the U.S. border to seek asylum?
An asylum seeker is someone who has fled their home in search of safety and protection in another country. Because they cannot obtain protection ...
#26. Talking About Refugees and Immigrants: A Glossary Of Terms
Convention refugee – a person who meets the refugee definition in the 1951 Geneva Convention relating to the Status of Refugees. This definition is used in.
#27. ASYLUM SEEKER (noun) definition and synonyms
Definition of ASYLUM SEEKER (noun): person asking to stay somewhere to escape danger.
#28. What is the difference between a "refugee" and an "asylum ...
An “asylum seeker” is someone whose claim for refugee status is being formally considered. Countries have over time developed their own systems ...
#29. Key Migration Terms
Asylum seeker – An individual who is seeking international protection. In countries with individualized procedures, an asylum seeker is someone ...
#30. What's the difference between a refugee and an asylum seeker?
In countries with individualised procedures, an asylum seeker is someone whose claim has not yet been finally decided on by the country in which ...
#31. Refugee vs. Asylum Seeker: What is The Difference?
Asylum Seeker Definition. Asylum seekers are not officially designated refugees, but they have appealed to achieve refugee status. They're in ...
#32. Refugee and asylum seeker facts - Australian Red Cross
A refugee is a person who asked for protection and was given refugee status. They may have been resettled in another country or be waiting for resettlement. Not ...
#33. Refugee Status & Asylum - Department of Home Affairs
An Asylum Seeker. He is a person who has fled his or her country of origin and is seeking recognition and protection as a refugee in the Republic of South ...
#34. Refugees and asylum-seekers: UK policy
An asylum-seeker is a person who is seeking international protection and has applied for refugee status under the convention, but whose claim ...
#35. Difference between migrants, refugees and asylum seekers
An asylum seeker is a person who has left their country to claim refugee status elsewhere but whose request for asylum has yet to be processed. According to ...
#36. Who is a refugee under law? - Refugee Council of Australia
'Refugee' is used commonly to refer to people who are forced to leave their homes for many reasons, including conflict and violence.
#37. Definitions: What exactly is a refugee, an asylum-seeker and a ...
An asylum-seeker is someone who is seeking international protection abroad, but hasn't yet been recognized as a refugee. Who is a migrant? A migrant moves from ...
#38. Refugee Admissions - United States Department of State
U.S. Refugee Admissions Program. Refugee resettlement is a durable solution for individuals with humanitarian protection needs who have left their country, ...
#39. Asylum Seekers vs. Refugees: What's the Difference, and Why ...
Millions of migrants fear persecution or violence in their home country but lack official refugee status. The definition of an asylum seeker ...
#40. Convention relating to the Status of Refugees - OHCHR
Article 1 - Definition of the term "refugee" ... the term "the country of his nationality" shall mean each of the countries of which he is a national, ...
#41. Who is an Asylum Seeker? - YouTube
Find more educational materials on www.unhcr.org/teaching-about-refugees. ... What does it mean to be a refugee ?
#42. Asylum procedure | Asylum policy | Government.nl
First, however, special procedures are followed to determine whether an asylum seeker genuinely needs protection. Reception of asylum seekers in the Netherlands ...
#43. Refugees and Asylees - Homeland Security
An asylee is a person who meets the definition of refugee and is already present in the United States or is seeking admission at a port of entry.
#44. Definitions of Refugee, Asylum Seeker, IDP, Migrant - HIAS
Refugee, Asylum Seeker, IDP, Migrant. Refugee: A refugee is a person who has been forced to flee their home country due to persecution because of.
#45. Asylum Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of ASYLUM is an inviolable place of refuge and protection giving ... 42 and the implementation of a new set of tougher rules for asylum seekers, ...
#46. Asylum seekers in Cambridgeshire
An asylum seeker is someone seeking international protection from dangers in his or her home country, but whose claim for refugee status hasn't been determined ...
Indeed, the fact that you have submitted your application in a particular European country does not mean that it will necessarily be examined there. Before ...
#48. What is Asylum? - Right to Remain
What is an asylum claim? Asylum is defined in the Refugee Convention 1951, an international law which the UK signed many years ago. Asylum is ...
#49. The concept of vulnerability in European asylum procedures
Chapter I: Categorising the asylum seeker: Vulnerability and special needs . ... definition precarious as long as their refugee status is not formally ...
#50. Asylum seekers and refugees guide | Hampshire County ...
In most countries a person must apply for asylum before they are recognised as a refugee. An asylum seeker is someone who arrives in a new country and makes ...
#51. Asylum and refugee resettlement in the UK
It looks at overall numbers, characteristics of asylum seekers, ... least one asylum seeker registered there as of 31 December 2021, meaning that 164 (44%) ...
#52. Education Guidance for Refugee and Asylum Seekers
Appendix 1: Welcoming asylum seeking and refugee pupils . ... be open for a significant amount of time, meaning that asylum seekers and their children.
#53. Who are asylum seekers? - Settlement Services International
An asylum seeker is a person who has sought protection as a refugee, but whose claim for refugee status has not yet been assessed. Many refugees have at ...
#54. Asylum Process | Refugee Council USA
Obtaining Asylum in the United States. To be eligible for asylum in the United States, a person must first meet the definition of a refugee as established ...
#55. asylum seeker - English-Spanish Dictionary
Principal Translations. Inglés, Español. asylum seeker n, (person seeking refugee status), persona que solicita asilo nf + loc conj.
#56. Asylum Seekers & Refugees - National Immigrant Justice Center
U.S. law enshrines the protections of the international Refugee Convention, drafted in the wake of the horrors of World War II. The law provides that any ...
#57. Asylum regulations - Migrationsverket
Asylum seekers. An asylum seeker is a person who makes their way to Sweden and applies for protection (asylum) here, but whose application has ...
#58. Claim asylum in the UK: Overview - GOV.UK
You must apply for asylum if you want to stay in the UK as a refugee. To be eligible, you must have left your country and be unable to go back because you ...
#59. Asylum seeker and refugee permits - South African Government
The asylum seeker's permit is a temporary permit which you are given pending a decision on your application for refugee status or for asylum. If your asylum ...
#60. Refugees and asylum seekers - gov.scot
An asylum seeker is a person who has asked a government to recognise their refugee status and is waiting to hear the outcome of their application. Some people ...
#61. What Is the Definition of an Asylum Seeker? - Newsweek
An asylum seeker is an individual who has left their country and is seeking protection from "persecution and serious human rights violations ...
#62. Claiming asylum in Canada – what happens?
The Immigration and Refugee Protection Act requires that every person ... meets the United Nations (UN) definition of a Convention refugee, ...
#63. Refugee and protection | Immigration New Zealand
Refugees arrive in New Zealand under our quota, as family members or as asylum-seekers. We work to settle refugees successfully into their new communities, ...
#64. Refugee definitions: Migrants | Internationally displaced persons
Asylum seekers. An asylum seeker is a person who has fled from his or her own country due to fear of persecution and has applied for (legal and physical) ...
#65. Refugee status under international law | European Parliament
According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) 'an asylum-seeker is someone who says he or she is a refugee, but whose ...
#66. Refugees Info: Asylees
A refugee applies for protection while overseas and enters the United States (U.S.) as a refugee, while an asylee requests protection and is granted asylum ...
#67. No place to call home: What does it really mean to be ... - Medair
Some people are classified as refugees, others as internally displaced persons, and others as asylum seekers. But what do each of these terms ...
#68. How Does the U.S. Refugee System Work?
As defined by U.S. law and the 1951 Refugee Convention, refugees are ... Asylum seekers are those who meet the criteria for refugee status but apply from ...
#69. 10 things you should know about migration and refugees | NRC
If you've ever wondered about the difference between an asylum seeker and a refugee, or puzzled over the meaning of “internal displacement”, then read on!
#70. Useful Definitions | Irish Refugee Council
Asylum seekers are people seeking protection as refugees, who are waiting for the authorities to decide on their applications. They are legally entitled to ...
#71. Guidelines and Requirements of Refugee Visas Worldwide
Refugee Visa Eligibility Criteria. To qualify for a refugee visa, you have to meet the definition of a refugee as defined by your host country or by UNHCR.
#72. Asylum1 - European Court of Human Rights
The term “asylum seeker” refers to a migrant who seeks international protection. In Europe, international protection may take the form of refugee status or ...
#73. 8 USC 1158: Asylum - U.S. Code
The burden of proof is on the applicant to establish that the applicant is a refugee, within the meaning of section 1101(a)(42)(A) of this title.
#74. Five Things to Know About the Right to Seek Asylum
The United States passed its own federal law in the Refugee Act of 1980, for people who are fleeing persecution on “account of race, religion, ...
#75. The distinction between asylum seekers and refugees
This definition is a paraphrase of the statutory definitions of “asylum seeker” and “claim for asylum” in section 94(1) of the Immigration ...
#76. Refugee vs. Asylum Seeker: What's the Difference?
The primary difference between a refugee and an asylee is that a refugee is granted refugee status while still outside the United States; an ...
#77. Asylum application - Ofii
Reception of asylum seekers. Watch our video to learn more about applying for asylum. Miniature de la vidéo. Not sure if you can benefit from this procedure ...
#78. Asylum Seeker Advocacy Project (ASAP): Home
ASAP sees a future where the United States welcomes all who seek safety here. We work with our members — over 500,000 asylum seekers — to make that vision a ...
#79. Nation of Sanctuary Refugee and Asylum Seeker Plan
In this plan we frequently refer to 'asylum seekers' and 'refugees'. These terms have precise meaning and relate to the immigration status of individuals. An ...
#80. The stages of the German asylum procedure - BAMF
Asyl und Flüchtlingsschutz. ENGLISCH. Page 2. Page 3. Who is a “refugee”? The term “refugee” is often used in everyday language as a general synonym for people ...
#81. Migrants, refugees, asylum seekers
... of protection or humanitarian assistance. Refugees and asylum seekers, who enjoy specific protection under international law, fall into this category.
#82. Refugee Status Determination in Australia | Factsheet
Those arriving with a valid visa access a standard refugee status ... a person is a refugee as soon as they meet the definition set out in ...
#83. Refugee and Asylum Seeker Populations by Country o..
Using data from the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), this map shows countries of origin and destination for the overall UNHCR populations of ...
#84. Asylum seekers, migrants or refugees: Which word is correct?
Charlotte does have concerns about words used around migration such as "wave, flow, flooded by". She believes this type of language can mean ...
#85. After you get refugee status - Citizens Advice
Finding new housing and applying for benefits after you get refugee status. ... claiming benefits to help them pay rent, it might mean they receive less.
#86. Registration as an asylum seeker - Handbook Germany
How do I register as an asylum seeker in Germany? Every refugee who comes to Germany has to go to the relevant German authorities and register- this is called " ...
#87. Asylum procedure - oesterreich.gv.at – Startseite
Once an asylum application has been filed, the applicant is usually granted de facto protection against deportation, meaning that the ...
#88. Asylum Act - Gesetze im Internet
(1) A foreigner is a refugee as defined in the Convention of 28 July 1951 on the legal status of refugees (Federal Law Gazette II, pp. 559, 560) if he,.
#89. Refugees, Asylum Seekers, Migrants – What's the Difference?
However, asylum seekers must apply for protection in the country of destination—meaning they must arrive at or cross a border in order to apply.
#90. Apply for asylum in the Netherlands - IND
You want to apply for an asylum residence permit because you need protection. Find out what the requirements are and how you apply for a ...
#91. Asylum and refugee policy - BMI
The admission procedure for asylum seekers is governed by the Asylum Procedure ... German states according to a formula defined in the Asylum Procedure Act.
#92. Refugee and migrant health - World Health Organization (WHO)
Refugees and migrants often face worse health outcomes in countries of ... The term refugee is defined in Article 1 of the 1951 Convention ...
#93. (PDF) Refugees, asylum seekers, and other immigrants
The 1951 Convention related to the status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol provided a clear definition for refugees, also used to create the 1980 Refugee ...
#94. 8 U.S. Code § 1158 - Asylum - Law.Cornell.Edu
To establish that the applicant is a refugee within the meaning of such section, the applicant must establish that race, religion, nationality, membership in a ...
#95. Immigrant Health Service : Asylum seekers
An asylum seeker is someone who has applied for refugee status and who is awaiting a decision on this application. See: Refugee policy and timeline. Asylum ...
#96. guide to refugees and asylum seekers - Bradford Schools Online
An asylum seeker is someone who has arrived in a country and asked for asylum. ... meaning that asylum seekers and their children can be uncertain about ...
#97. Asylum | Definition, Rights & Processes | Britannica
asylum, in international law, the protection granted by a state to a ... halted mobile app appointments to admit asylum-seekers at a Texas ...
#98. Secondary Refugee Movements and the Return of Asylum ...
Secondary Refugee Movements and the Return of Asylum Seekers to Third Countries: The Meaning of Effective Protection. Stephen H. Legomsky.
#99. Asylum Seekers and Refugees with Disabilities
with disabilities seeking protection as refugees: status determination processes and the interpretation of the definition of refugee.
#100. Refugee and asylum seeker settlement in Victoria - Health.vic
Who are refugees and asylum seekers? This resource is concerned primarily with two groups which, for the purposes of the resource, are defined as follows:.
asylum seeker meaning 在 Who is an Asylum Seeker? - YouTube 的推薦與評價
Find more educational materials on www.unhcr.org/teaching-about-refugees. ... What does it mean to be a refugee ? ... <看更多>