#crisis #motivation #動機 中文在前一個文章
Today I got a long msg from a stranger who’s struggling with his life, his purpose & direction💔 He had dreams & started working on them, but got caught in reality & stopped believing. Now he doesn’t see how to continue life. He is scared to be too old to fail. He asked me “What shall I do? How do I find a path worth living? How do you do it?” ⁉️
I was overwhelmed by this & I thought “How am I gonna reply without writing a book”🙈
So anyway here is what I think...
I believe that in everyone there‘s a “spark” that always waits to be turned on. During hard times I also can’t see goals that are worth pursuing or even attainable, because my self-confidence gets buried in doubt & fear 😣
Thats when I typically forget about my “spark”, as if my passion for life is dead. But the thing is, you gotta KEEP ON MOVING! by moving I simply mean finding out what you could do NOW and then act upon it. For me it becomes easier when I move - no matter how SLOW or in what DIRECTION... even if it’s a step back😬👌🏽
Because every time I force myself to move, at some point the feeling of that SPARK DOES COME BACK⚡️ Maybe cuz I got an insight, cuz my frustration turns to anger&productivity, cuz I realize that I DO have power over my actions, that I AM RESPONSIBLE & CAPABLE of directing my life.
Compared to dwelling on feeling STUCK, MOVEMENT is a reminder that every path is made of a MILLION baby steps. You gotta continue, even when you feel frustrated.
We’re ALL IN OUR OWN LANE, there’s no “too old” to work on yourself. I think in life we’ll not always feel happy, because CHANGE is constant & every time something goes down, life sucks! But I am learning now to recreate my happiness often.
We OWE it to ourselves to be HAPPY! The “purpose of life” for me is simply LIVING it - so don’t overthink this, just get out there! You’ll look back&laugh, maybe cuz things were glorious, or they were a “glorious DISASTER”😉🤟🏽
You are born to shine. EACH one of us has a SPARK. And believe me, every time you do find that spark within it will feel like it just COULDN’T WAIT for you to LIGHT IT UP and turn it into a whole damn FIRE!!!💥🔥