Bowers & Wilkins 801 D4 是一款3 路落地式揚聲器,延續了 B&W 800 系列的成功故事。第一台 B&W 801 Matrix 於1979 年問世,征服了全世界的音樂愛好者和 ... ... <看更多>
Bowers & Wilkins 801 D4 是一款3 路落地式揚聲器,延續了 B&W 800 系列的成功故事。第一台 B&W 801 Matrix 於1979 年問世,征服了全世界的音樂愛好者和 ... ... <看更多>
Highlight of theThe Brand New B&W 801 D4 Launch Conference. 最新一代 B&W 鑽石系列 801D4 全馬首發推介發布會花絮。 ... <看更多>
✨Bowers & Wilkins 801 D4 是一款3 路落地式揚聲器,延續了 B&W 800 系列的成功故事。 第一台 B&W 801 Matrix 於1979 年問世,征服了全世界的音樂愛好者和錄音室。 ... <看更多>
B&W 800 D3 和B&W 801 D4的聽感比較, 請聽如後影音檔! 從比較中可知, B&W 801 D4的聲音進化, 其音場更深邃空靈 了。 B&W 800 D3的聲音 ... ... <看更多>
在未来幾年將成为高級音響的標準。憑借800鑽石系列推出的各項新技術,具備監聽音質的801 D4已经是業界同類產品的標準。 全店,訂單滿$3,000免運. NT$1,650,000. 顏色.
#2. Bowers & Wilkins 英國b&w 801 D4 落地式喇叭- 穩力音響
Bowers & Wilkins 英國b&w 801 D4 落地式喇叭. $1,650,000. $ 1,750,000. 現金積點. 可獲得:16,500 點. 可折抵:300 點. 活動. 加價購.
#3. B&W 801 D4 最新款鑽石高音旗艦喇叭(公司貨)
B&W 801 D4 最新款鑽石高音旗艦喇叭(公司貨). NT$1,650,000. *注意!產品猶豫期並非試用期,一旦開箱,除非新品瑕疵可換新之外,一律不接受退貨。
#4. B W 喇叭801的價格推薦- 2023年5月| 比價比個夠BigGo
【 B&W 】 Bowers&Wilkins 《 801 D4 》博仕音響台北音響店推薦喇叭專賣來店更優惠!!! $1,260,000. 價格持平. Yahoo拍賣 博仕音響-歐美 ...
#5. 金漆招牌顯實力Bowers & Wilkins 801 D4 音效超群
2005年B&W開發出25mm鑽石振膜高音單元,採用鑽石高音單元的800D系列於同年面世,這個時期800D與801D兩個型號同時存在。2010年B&W推出800D系列的第2代, ...
Diamond tweeter鑽石高音喇叭 · 說明:3路透氣式系統 · 驅動單元 · 頻率範圍: 13Hz ~ 35kHz · 頻率回應: 15Hz ~ 28kHz (+3dB) · 靈敏度:90dB (2.83 伏,1 米) · 諧波失真:第2和3諧 ...
#7. B&W 800 D4 系列初登場,801 D4是旗艦 - 普洛影音網
改以800 D2或800 D3取代,現在怎麼沒見到800 D4,反而出現801 D4?B&W並沒有詳細說明理由,只說D4的旗艦喇叭就是801 D4。此外還有中聲道HTM81 D4與HTM82 ...
#8. 801 D4 Tower Speaker | Bowers & Wilkins
801 D4 is our flagship and the most powerful model in the new 800 Series Diamond range. Its no-compromise design includes all our most advanced technologies in ...
#9. 發燒友不可不知的B&W 801 D4 超級揚聲器 - 世界高級品
位於頂部的勻稱中音箱體,使用堅硬、無共振的鑄鋁渦輪頭外殼代替木材。採用黑色或灰色網罩覆蓋。頻率範圍為13 Hz~35 kHz,額定阻抗為8 歐姆,最少3 歐姆 ...
#10. b w 801 - 喇叭(音響、喇叭) - 人氣推薦- 2023年5月| 露天市集
b w 801 網路推薦好評商品就在露天,超多商品可享折扣優惠和運費補助。 ... 【醉音影音生活】英國Bowers & Wilkins B&W 801 D4 落地式喇叭/揚聲器.台灣公司貨.
#11. 【音響技術】Bowers & Wilkins 801 D4 音效超群|大草、馬田
金漆招牌顯實力在很多發燒友的心目中,擁有56年悠久歷史的英國著名揚聲器品牌 B&W (Bowers & Wilkins)絕對是名牌中的名牌,因為它的產品系列範圍極廣, ...
#12. 鴻韻音響 Bowers & Wilkins 801 D4 是一款3 路落地式揚聲器
Bowers & Wilkins 801 D4 是一款3 路落地式揚聲器,延續了 B&W 800 系列的成功故事。第一台 B&W 801 Matrix 於1979 年問世,征服了全世界的音樂愛好者和 ...
#13. Highlight of theThe Brand New B&W 801 D4 Launch ...
Highlight of theThe Brand New B&W 801 D4 Launch Conference. 最新一代 B&W 鑽石系列 801D4 全馬首發推介發布會花絮。
#14. 樂府音響| Bowers & Wilkins 英國B&W 801 D4 | Yahoo奇摩拍賣
Diamond 系列最後一次改造幾年後,B&W 終於在全球發表最新800 D4 系列,此次推出包含了全新的工業設計和大量新技術在裡面! D4 在外觀上與D3 沒有太大差異。
#15. BOWERS & WILKINS 801 D4 座地式喇叭| AV Life 生活影音
這款音箱在未來幾年將成為評判高端音箱的標準。憑藉800鑽石系列™推出的各項新技術,具備監聽音質的801 D4已經是業界同類產品的標杆。
#16. Bowers & Wilkins 801 D4 Floor-standing Speaker - Price
... 重量:100.6kg, 比較Bowers & Wilkins 801 D4 Floor-standing Speaker 價格, ... B&W特約零售商,共10間門市提供自提或貨到付款服務門市設有多款音響產品陳列, ...
#17. 【B&W】801D4 | 落地音響 - 樂府音響
【B&W】801D4 | 落地音響 ... Diamond 系列最後一次改造幾年後,B&W 終於在全球發表最新800 D4 系列,此次推出包含了全新的工業 ... D4 在外觀上與D3 沒有太大差異。
#18. B&W 801 D4 Speakers - Audio T
801 D4 is the largest floorstanding loudspeaker that tops the 800 Diamond range and will be the standard by which all high-end designs are judged over the ...
#19. 英國B&W 801D4喇叭 - 音旋音響
英國B&W 801D4喇叭. $ 1,650,000. 品牌: B&W ⇒more... 型號: 801D4. 801009.jpg. 返回上一頁. 產品上架時間2021 十月30 週六. 到頂端. 音旋音響.
#20. Bowers & Wilkins 801 D4 Loudspeaker - The Absolute Sound
The 801 D4 has an integral all-aluminum plinth; the previous generation used a zinc-aluminum alloy. Bolted to the undersurface of the plinth are ...
#21. B&W 801 D4 Reference Speaker - HiFi Centre
The loudspeaker that sets the standard all high end designs will be judged by for years to come. Endowed with every new technology the 800 Series Diamond ...
#22. Bowers & Wilkins 801 D4 - Sound Advice Review
The 801 D4 is the flagship model of the company's latest-generation reference loudspeaker range, and a direct descendant of a speaker line ...
#23. b&w+801 - 比價撿便宜- 優惠與推薦- 2023年5月
【姜軍府】《音響論壇雜誌第397期》2021年書架喇叭+超低音實戰音響論壇試聽室的終極審視B&W 801 D4 台北市. 100. 歷史價格. 運費$60. Y!奇摩拍賣Icon.
#24. Bowers & Wilkins 801 D4 - Audio Advice
Bowers & Wilkins 801 D4 ... The loudspeaker that sets the standard other high-end designs will be judged by for years to come. Endowed with every new technology ...
#25. B&W 801 D4 Floorstanding Speaker - Soundlab New Zealand
801 D4 is our flagship and the most powerful model in the new 800 Series Diamond range. Its no-compromise design includes all our most advanced technologies in ...
#26. Bowers & Wilkins 801 D4 Floorstanding Speakers
Innovation. 801 D4 is defined by it. In each of its incarnations over the decades, 801 has always been the most advanced loudspeaker that we know to make at ...
#27. Bowers & Wilkins 801 D4 是一款3 路落地式揚聲器,延續了 ...
✨Bowers & Wilkins 801 D4 是一款3 路落地式揚聲器,延續了 B&W 800 系列的成功故事。 第一台 B&W 801 Matrix 於1979 年問世,征服了全世界的音樂愛好者和錄音室。
#28. 鴻韻音響HIEND-AUDIO on Instagram: "不可不知的B&W 801 ...
1 Likes, 0 Comments - 鴻韻音響HIEND-AUDIO (@audio087685) on Instagram: "不可不知的B&W 801 D4 超級揚聲器 https://www.audionet.com.tw/thread-14151-1..."
#29. Bowers & Wilkins 801 D4 Floor Standing Speaker Pair
Your Price $57,900 (per pair). Contact us for Delivery · B&W Piano Black Gloss · B&W Rosenut · B&W Satin White · B&W Walnut.
#30. 801 D4 Floorstanding Speaker Pair Satin Rosenut
Height: 1221 mm · Width: 451 mm · Depth: 600 mm.
#31. Bowers & Wilkins 801 D4 - LB Tech Reviews
The 801 D4 is the largest and most expensive speaker in the new series, but instead of looking like any of the 801s since the 1990s, they've now ...
#32. Bowers & Wilkins 801 D4 Floorstanding Speakers
801 D4 is Bowers & Wilkins flagship and the most powerful model in the new 800 Series Diamond range. Its no-compromise design includes all of Bowers & Wilkins ...
#33. Bowers & Wilkins B&W 801 D4 – Floorstanding Speakers Pair
Bowers & Wilkins B&W 801 D4 – Floorstanding Speakers Pair – 800 Series Diamond ... the 801 also marks the return to our portfolio of one of our most iconic ...
#34. B&W 801 D4 Loudspeaker - Hi-Fi News
A new 800 series, and a return to the original 801 name, but the 801 D4's enhancements are more than skin deep Some six years since the ...
#35. 宝华韦健B&W 801 D4旗舰发烧级落地音箱展示 - 阿强家庭影院
宝华韦健B&W 801 D4是我们的旗舰产品,是新800钻石系列功率最大的音箱。它的设计没有一丝妥协,以最简洁、最优化的形式使用了我们所有先进技术, ...
#36. b&w 801 喇叭- FindPrice 價格網2023年5月精選購物推薦
門市全館展示中現場蒞臨/電話報價再優惠保固五年b&w 801 喇叭的推薦商品價格,還有更多新竹B&W音響《挑戰全台最低價》英國B&W Bowers&Wilkins 801 D4 落地喇叭相關商品 ...
#37. 801 D4 (Gloss Black) - Piyanas
801 D4 is our flagship and the most powerful model in the new 800 Series Diamond range. Its no-compromise design includes all our most advanced technologies in ...
#38. Bowers & Wilkins 801 D4 Floorstanding Speakers
801 D4 is Bowers & Wilkins' flagship and the most powerful model in the new 800 Series Diamond range. Its no-compromise design includes all their most advanced ...
#39. 技術規格 - B&W Bowers&Wilkins 800 Series Diamond™
Colour. 801 D4 落地式揚聲器. 全新800 Series Diamond™技術為一體,監聽等級的801 D4,將在未來數年為業界重新定義高階揚聲器的標準。
#40. Bowers & Wilkins (B&W) 801 D4 Floorstanding Speaker (Pair)
801 D4 is B&W's flagship and the most dynamic model in the new 800 Series Diamond range. Its unparalleled design comprises all the advanced technologies in ...
#41. B&W 801 D4 (7 stores) at PriceRunner • Compare prices »
B&W 801 D4 ; Brand. B&W ; Type. Floor Speakers ; Colour. Black, Natural, Red, White ; Signal Separation. 3-Way ; Speaker Construction. Bass Reflex.
#42. The Bowers & Wilkins 801 D4 Loudspeakers | Stereophile.com
When you're a critic, you get paid to quibble, so here's mine: Bowers & Wilkins' iconic 801 D4 speaker ($35,000/pair) is pretty enough in ...
#43. B&W 800 D4系列聽感分享與討論 - Mobile01
B&W 800 D3 和B&W 801 D4的聽感比較, 請聽如後影音檔! 從比較中可知, B&W 801 D4的聲音進化, 其音場更深邃空靈 了。 B&W 800 D3的聲音 ...
#44. B&W 801 D4 TOWER SPEAKER - The Digital Experience
B&W 801 D4 TOWER SPEAKER. R849, 990.00. Available in Rosenut, Gloss Black, Satin White and Satin Walnut. Please call for stock availability.
#45. vintage-bw-800 - audio-club 音響俱樂部
以前,B&W (Bowers and Wilkins) 的廣告常說... 什麼錄音室、什麼試聽室. ... B&W 自從1979 年推出Matrix 801 奠定勝基以來, ... 2021 年,改版為800 D4 系列。
#46. B&W 801 D4 Walnut | heavenaudio.gr
B&W 801 D4 Walnut · 40 years of excellence. Innovation. · The ultimate Matrix Matrix bracing uses interlocking panels to reinforce loudspeaker cabinet walls in ...
#47. B&W(비앤더블유) 801 D4 - AV 플라자
상품명. B&W(비앤더블유) 801 D4 · 판매 가격 60,000,000원 · 제품상태. 추천. 신상품. 청음가능 · 브랜드. B&W(비엔더블유) · 제조사. B&W · 원산지. England · 옵션. 색상.
#48. Bowers & Wilkins 801 D4 Review - Reviewary
The 801 D4 has an integral all-aluminum plinth; the previous generation used a zinc-alu- minum alloy. Bolted to the undersurface of the plinth ...
#49. b&w 801 d4 二手價格 - HifiZero
B&W (Bowers & Wilkins) 801D4. 32000 32000 USD USD. Audiogon. 2023-04-11. B&W 801D4/MR (ペア). 4480000 4480000 JPY JPY. audiounion. 2023-04-02.
#50. 801 D4 - Glasgow - Loud & Clear
The crème de la crème of the 800 D4 Series, 801 D4 is Bowers & Wilkins' flagship floorstanding loudspeaker and certainly deserves that moniker.
#51. Bowers & Wilkins 801 D4 800 Series ... - Trutone Electronics
801 D4 is our flagship and the most powerful model in the new 800 Series Diamond range. Its no-compromise design includes all our most advanced technologies in ...
#52. B&W 801 D4 | Bowers & Wilkins - SG-Akustik Hifi Studio
Bowers & Wilkins 801 D4 Standlautsprecher (Paarpreis). Das Spitzenmodell der D4 800-Serie Diamond. Ein Lautsprecher, der den Standard setzt, an d…
#53. 英国B&W 801 D4 Diamond 音箱 - 音响贵族网
当前位置: 首页 > 音箱系列 > 英国B&W 801 D4 Diamond 音箱. 英国B&W 801 D4 Diamond 音箱. 0. 英国B&W 801 D4 Diamond 音箱. 价格请来电商议. 商品点击数:7908.
#54. B&W – 801 D4 (Par) - FG High End
B&W – 801 D4 (Par) ... El altavoz que establece el estándar será juzgado por otros diseños de gama alta en los años venideros. Dotado con cada nueva tecnología ...
#55. B&W 801 D4 – toppmodell gulvhøyttaler i 800 Series Diamond
B&W 801 D4 er 800-seriens monumentale og kompromissløse toppmodell. Med sine 100 kg og to 10" Aerofoil-basser er den umulig å overse.
#56. Bowers & Wilkins 801 D4 | HFA - Hifi-Advice
I did like a lot the B&W family sound . Like you I have never liked the d3 series as I felt they were to hifi style sounding and did not ...
#57. Bowers & Wilkins 801 D4 - Berlin - HiFi im Hinterhof
801 D4 is our flagship and the most powerful model in the new 800 Series Diamond range. Its no-compromise design includes all our most advanced technologies in ...
#58. B&W 801 D4 Noir laqué - Enceintes colonne sur Son-Vidéo.com
L'enceinte B&W 801 D4 se distingue de la B&W 802 D4 par des haut-parleurs de grave de plus grand diamètre qui apportent davantage d'ampleur et d'autorité à la ...
#59. B&W 801 D4 - Floor-standing speaker - Sartoria Acustica
B&W 801 D4 ; Features Diamond tweeter. Solid body Tweeter-on-Top Continuum™ cone FST Anti-Resonance plug. Biomimetic Suspension Turbine™ Head Matrix™ Aerofoil™ ...
#60. Bowers & Wilkins 801 D4 Floorstanding Speaker - FP41890
Bowers & Wilkins FP41890 800 Series Diamond 801 D4 Gloss Black 3-Way Floorstanding Speaker (Each). This is not just another speaker range.
#61. B&W 801 D4 - Lyrics Audio
Diffusore 3 vie, bass reflex, 2 woofer da 250mm con membrana Aerofoil, 1 midrange FST da 150mm con membrana Continuum e sospensione biometrica inserito ...
#62. Bowers & Wilkins 801 D4 - skutečně referenční standard
Reproduktor, který nastavuje standard, podle něhož budou ostatní high-endové konstrukce posuzovány po mnoho let. Model 801 D4, vybavený všemi novými ...
#63. B&W 801 D4 Diamond Series Loudspeakers
The flagship model in the 800 Series Diamond range is more than a speaker. It's the culmination of half a century of acoustic research and engineering, ...
#64. B&W 801 D4, MCINTOSH C12000, MC1.25KW, LINN Selekt ...
B&W 801 D4, MCINTOSH C12000, MC1.25KW, LINN Selekt DSM, Rega Planar 8. 八十五的梦想. 立即播放. 打开App,看更多精彩视频. 100+个相关视频.
#65. B W 801 S2的價格推薦- 飛比有更多音響/喇叭商品
B W 801 S2價格推薦共2筆。另有b w 801、b&w 801 d4價格、b&w 801d。飛比為你即時比價,全台電商網購價格輕鬆找,一秒為你找便宜,快速比對商品價格,讓你花最少, ...
#66. B&W 801-D4 Floorstanding Tower Speaker (Pair)
B&W 801 -D4 Floorstanding Tower Speaker (Pair) The Highest Grade Speaker in the B&W 800 Series. Category: B&W 800 Series - High Level HiFi.
#67. B&W 801 D4, la paire Enceintes colonnes - Elecson
B&W 801 D4, la paire ... L'enceinte acoustique qui établit une norme pour toutes les autres enceintes colonnes haut de gamme et pour les années à venir. Pourvue ...
#68. Bowers & Wilkins 801D4 Floorstanding Speakers - Tivoli Hi-Fi
Innovation. 801 D4 is defined by it. In each of its incarnations over the decades, 801 has always been the most advanced loudspeaker that we know to make at ...
#69. Bowers & Wilkins (B&W) 801 D4 Floorstanding Speaker (Pair)
Bowers & Wilkins (B&W) 801 D4 Floorstanding Speaker (Pair) · All-Aluminium Turbine Head Cuts Out Any Undesired Resonances · Biometric Suspension.
#70. B&W 801 D4 - HIFICLUB
Cada alto-falante Diamond Series 800 (além do standmount 805 D4) tem um cone midrange dedicado usando quatro tecnologias principais da Bowers & Wilkins: o cone ...
#71. 宝华B&W 801 D4落地箱& 麦景图McIntosh 演示系统,看音响
宝华B&W 801 D4落地箱& 麦景图McIntosh 演示系统,9HIFI是一个汇聚Hi-End影音的综合平台.
#72. Boxe Bowers & Wilkins 801 D4 la AVstore.ro
Acesta este punctul de referinta si emblema B&W. Este cea mai avansata gama de boxe produsa de Bowers & Wilkins. 801 D4. Boxa ce stabileste un ...
#73. 一文讀懂Bowers & Wilkins 寶華韋健801 D4 - 每日頭條
英國最有名的喇叭品牌之一B&W 創立於1966年。創立者John Bowers(1922-1987)在17歲時正逢第二次世界大戰,進入英國Royal Corps of Signals,後來進入 ...
#74. B&W 801 D4 Negro - Ars Antiqua Audio
La 801 D4 es nuestro buque insignia, así como el modelo más potente de la nueva Serie 800 Diamond. Su diseño sin compromiso incluye la totalidad de nuestras ...
#75. B&W 801 D4 Diamond luidspreker - Lexicom Multimedia
De B&W 801 D4: de kroon op de geheel vernieuwde en wereldberoemde luidsprekerserie · De indrukwekkende Bowers & Wilkins 801 D4 is het absolute topmodel uit de ...
#76. B&W 801 D4 Finition Blanc - Les Artisans du Son
B&W 801 D4 ... Le nouveau vaisseau-amiral de la marque B&W : une enceinte qui définit la norme avec laquelle les autres conceptions high-end seront jugées à l' ...
#77. Bowers & Wilkins 801 D4 - OvertureAV.com
The Bowers & Wilkins 801 D4 speaker system is available for sale at Overture in Sales Tax Free Delaware. We welcome any Trade-Ins!
#78. ...ES LEBE DIE KÖNIGIN! - B&W Group (Schweiz)
Im STEREO-Hörraum, wo die bewährte. 800 D3 seit ihrem Test in Heft 11/16 Dauer- gast und unbestechliche Arbeitsbox war, reichte über die 801 D4 etwa der ...
#79. B&W 801 D4 - Afmerate
B&W 801 D4 Bianco ; Diffusori da pavimento € 38000 ; Prezzo di listino. Disponibile immediatamente in negozio ; disponibile NOVITA'.
#80. B&W 801 D4 Piano Black, Occasion, Mint Condition, With ...
Offered is „801 D4 Piano Black, Occasion, Mint Condition, With Original Packaging and Accessories“ by B&W as second-hand device from the ...
#81. Bowers & Wilkins 801 D4 | Lafarga & Herranz
La Bowers & Wilkins 801 D4 es el buque insignia y el modelo más potente de la nueva Serie 800 Diamond. Su diseño sin comprometer nada incluye todas las ...
#82. B&W 801 D4 - 第3页 - 耳机俱乐部论坛
B&W 801 D4 ,耳机俱乐部论坛. ... 2021-10-12 15:22:50. 新的D4中音簍空彈波個人覺得需要時間來考驗其穩定度. 点击重新加载. cgstudio Lv.2. 2021-10-30 17:22:43.
#83. B&W 801 D4 - Lattiakaiutin - HifiStudio
B&W 801 D4 - Lattiakaiutin · Ilmainen toimitus yli 100€ ostoksiin! · Ilmainen palautus · Taattu helppo ja nopea toimitus.
#84. 801 D4 | Poulissen Audio Video Center
B&W 801 D4 De luidspreker die de norm bepaalt en waarop alle high-end luidspreker ontwerpen worden beoordeeld. De 801 D4 is voorzien van alle nieuwe ...
#85. B&W 801D4 review - AudioShark Forums
Re: B&W 801D4 review. If I was just getting into this hobby and had $35,000 to spend, the 801 D4's would be at the very top of my list ...
#86. Bowers & Wilkins B&W 801 D4 luidsprekers - hifi studio Wilbert
Bowers & Wilkins B&W 801 D4 luidsprekers | HIFI WILBERT UTRECHT · Artikelgegevens · Bowers & Wilkins B&W 801D4 luidsprekers.
#87. B&W 801 D4 купити в BW.ua - Bowers & Wilkins
Оснащенная всеми новыми технологиями Серии 800 Diamond ™, референсная Bowers & Wilkins 801 D4 – это верх совершенства. B&W 801 D4 bw.ua.
#88. B&W 801 D4 - Stereo Much
Caratteristiche tecniche · Sistema: 3 vie 4 altoparlanti · Driver: 1 tw da 2,5 cm, 1 mid-range da 15cm, 2 woofer da 25cm · Gamma di frequenza: 13 Hz-35 kHz ...
#89. B&W (Bowers & Wilkins) 801-D4 Diamonds, BLACK, NEW in ...
B&W 801 D4 Loudspeaker ... Some six years since the arrival of the Bowers & Wilkins 800 Series Diamond range, and over 40 years after the launch of the company's ...
#90. B&W 801 D4 - Angelucci HiFi
801 D4, Il diffusore che stabilisce il riferimento per tutti gli altri prodotti high-end e sarà giudicato per gli anni a venire.
#91. B&W 801 D4 - SOUND Sevilla
B&W 801 D4. 38.000,00€. 801 D4 Series Diamond. Caja acústica de suelo. La caja acústica ...
#92. Bowers & Wilkins 801 D4 (Standlautsprecher) - Hirsch + Ille
Der Turbine™ Head ist gänzlich von Hoch- und Bassgehäuse getrennt. Die Biomimetische Aufhängung liegt bei Bowers & Wilkins besonders im Fokus. Als Resultat ...
#93. B&W 801 D4 - Colunas de Som - José Lopes Marques
B&W 801 D4 - Colunas de Som. €38.000,00Preço. Acabamento. Compra Rápida →. Caixa acústica Bass-Reflex de referência • Tweeter de diamante de 25 mm com ...
#94. For Sale - B&W 801 D4 10” woofers (BNIB) - diyAudio
FS : AUS/NZ preferred (Shipping overseas ok but will cost a small fortune) These are the genuine spare parts for the B&W 801 D4 loudspeaker.
#95. 801 D4 - רמקולים רצפתיים של B&W ב"פיוז סטריאו" - הכי טוב שתשמע
B&W 801 D4 | רמקולים רצפתיים ב"פיוז סטריאו" - החנות המובילה בישראל לסטריאו וקולנוע ביתי. לחצו לפרטים נוספים.
b&w 801 d4 在 【音響技術】Bowers & Wilkins 801 D4 音效超群|大草、馬田 的推薦與評價
金漆招牌顯實力在很多發燒友的心目中,擁有56年悠久歷史的英國著名揚聲器品牌 B&W (Bowers & Wilkins)絕對是名牌中的名牌,因為它的產品系列範圍極廣, ... ... <看更多>