Smart retail brings up the hybridization between traditional shopping methods and modern “smart” technologies. These bring smarter, safer and more convenient services to customers while shopping. Apart from improving customer experience, smart retail also accelerates inventory management and enhances store operations.
Smart retail systems could empower brick-and-mortar retailers to attract more consumers into the store as well as keep customer retention. #COMPUTEXVirtual visitors could witness this ecosystem from COMPUTEX exhibitors.
brick and mortar management 在 股癌 Gooaye Facebook 的最佳貼文
橡樹資本 Howard Marks 的新 memo,每次都會貼出來,建議可以看完,但我抓一點來寫心得好了。
The renewed spike of Covid-19 cases has caused the reopening of the U.S. economy in some areas to be delayed or reversed.
- 二次疫情導致再封或延遲開放,已知
The emergence of politics as the general election approaches decreases, in my opinion, the likelihood that future support payments will be as generous as the early rounds.
- 合理,流動性問題解決了,失業慢慢解決當然不用大撒幣了,但是施點小恩惠仍可期
People with the choice may not return to the office for several months, holding back both overall productivity and the recovery of businesses that exist to serve office populations.
- 後疫情現象,已知
People who are reliant on mass transit to commute to work – or on schools to care for their kids – may be slower to return to work than they otherwise would be.
- 難怪腳踏車相關股認真的在噴?無法大眾運輸改騎腳踏車
Some industries whose business models have been affected – like airlines, resorts and entertainment – may take years to recover to their prior levels.
- 已知,所以才在節目講說還躺在地上的股票不要亂撿,以風險程度來說飯店、航空、渡假村、實體娛樂相關產業>>>>>>> 民生、軍武,且可能是下一個破產的熱門人選
Many restaurants and other small businesses may never reopen.
- 已知,疫情會改變許多人的生活型態
With industries evolving, more being done digitally and management teams having had an opportunity to watch their companies function with fewer people, some jobs may never return.
- 疫情後有些公司會發現原來這麼多冗員,原來少少的人配上最新科技根本就能運作,所以會有人失業也是已知
Finally, the pandemic has accelerated preexisting trends such as automation and the decline of brick-and-mortar retail, and thus their contribution to job losses.
- 所以電商噴爆,合理
brick and mortar management 在 AppWorks Facebook 的最佳解答
[歡迎參加!] 12/14 (Fri) 6pm: Meet with AI Startup Female Founders: AppWorks PechaKucha Night
你知道有超多優秀的 AI 女性創業家是從 AppWorks 加速器畢業的嗎?想了解她們在 AI 世界如何一步一腳印闖出自己一片天?當天我們邀請到 AppWorks Accelerator 傑出的女性創業校友們以 Pecha Kucha 的分享形式快速精實的帶你了解她們的創業歷程。歡迎對 AI 創業有興趣的女生/男生都來參加!
- Alyssa Chen, Analyst / Head of Accelerator
[Meet the #Girlboss: Cate Xie, CEO & Co-founder of SkyREC]
Cate Xie is the Co-founder & CEO of SkyREC Inc., a data consulting company for brick-and-mortar retail based on video and data analysis. SkyREC was the champion of Slush Asia Pitch Competition 2016 and has delivered its service to more than 100 brands, 2,000 stores with the branch offices in Shanghai and Tokyo.
With 10 years experience in the video surveillance industry, Cate Xie specializes in business development, international customer relationship management, branding marketing, and data consulting. Prior to SkyREC Inc., Cate Xie started her first career in tech startups after graduating from National Chengchi University and Stanford University.
More about Cate:
More about SkyREC:
[Calling AI startup founder!]
AW#18 is taking applications now. Final round deadline is on Jan 2. Apply NOW: