Broaden Your Horizons Take 1 - Broaden Your Horizons Meaning - British English Pronunciationhttp://www.iswearenglish.com/ An explanation of ... ... <看更多>
Broaden Your Horizons Take 1 - Broaden Your Horizons Meaning - British English Pronunciationhttp://www.iswearenglish.com/ An explanation of ... ... <看更多>
broaden your horizons 就是增廣見聞, 擴展視野的意思abroad 是出國broad 是寬廣的這三個字都有broad 不會和board 搞混但是這樣我這樣講很無聊所以當 ... ... <看更多>
"I mean, where are you originally from?" The intent of re-asking the question is to say: I'm asking based on your facial features, style of ... ... <看更多>
也說明:broaden my horizon 和broaden my horizons 的差別在哪裡?如果不好說明,請提供一些例句。 國立臺北科技大學技術及職業教育研究所張基成所指導 ... ... <看更多>
也說明:broaden my horizon 和broaden my horizons 的差別在哪裡?如果不好說明,請提供一些例句。 國立臺北科技大學技術及職業教育研究所張基成所指導 ... ... <看更多>
也說明:broaden my horizon 和broaden my horizons 的差別在哪裡?如果不好說明,請提供一些例句。 國立臺北科技大學技術及職業教育研究所張基成所指導&nbsp;... ... <看更多>
to increase the range of things that someone knows about or has experienced : Travelling certainly broadens your horizons. SMART Vocabulary: ...
#2. broaden/expand/widen sb's horizons in Traditional Chinese
to increase the range of things that someone knows about or has experienced. 開闊(某人)的眼界. Travelling certainly broadens your horizons.
#3. Other Ways to Say “Broaden My Horizon” - LiveXP
“Broaden my horizon” definition ... It means to increase the range of knowledge or experience. It's broadening or expanding your opportunities in ...
#4. Broaden one's horizons/mind - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of BROADEN ONE'S HORIZONS/MIND is to increase the range of one's knowledge, understanding, or experience. How to use broaden one's horizons/mind ...
#5. broaden my horizon - 英中– Linguee词典
大量翻译例句关于"broaden my horizon" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#6. BROADEN YOUR HORIZONS (phrase) definition and synonyms
Definition of BROADEN YOUR HORIZONS (phrase): make you see more opportunities and choices.
#7. "broaden my horizon" 和"broaden my horizons" 的差別在哪裡?
'Horizons' is accurate. You are explaining widening all your views. It does not make sense to look further in one direction so you don't say ...
#8. Broaden my horizons - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
To have a new experience. I'm really nervous to live at school, but I know I need to broaden my horizons and get some experience living without my family.
#9. Broaden horizons definition and meaning - Collins Dictionary
Broaden horizons definition: When something broadens , it becomes wider . [...] | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples.
#10. 英語空間:「自我陳述」詞彙運用謬誤 - 今日文匯- 文匯報
根據Longman Dictionary的定義,「all-round」的意思為「good at doing ... 可幫助自己擴闊視野,有時學生會使用「broaden my horizons」這個詞組。
#11. broaden someone's horizons - Wiktionary
(idiomatic) To increase someone's interests, skills, or experiences beyond their current range. He broadened his horizons by finally trying Vietnamese cuisine.
#12. What does the phrase 'broaden your horizon' mean? - Quora
Basically, it means to become knowledgable or skilled in a wider variety of things. You might hear it in the context of becoming more sociopolitically aware, or ...
#13. How to express"broaden my horizon" in other way ... - italki
''broaden my horizon' seems to be a cliche, how to express the same meaning in an innovative way? Jan 2, 2015 3:51 AM.
#14. Widen my horizons - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
widen (one's) horizons. To have or seek out new experiences, especially if one's experiences have been relatively limited. I'm really nervous to live at school, ...
#15. Broaden His Horizons Meaning - British English Pronunciation
Broaden His Horizons Take 2 - Broaden His Horizons Meaning - British English Pronunciationhttp://www.iswearenglish.com/ An explanation of ...
#16. Broaden Your Horizons Meaning - British English Pronunciation
Broaden Your Horizons Take 1 - Broaden Your Horizons Meaning - British English Pronunciationhttp://www.iswearenglish.com/ An explanation of ...
#17. broaden my perspective or broaden my horizon? - TextRanch
I'm trying to broaden my horizons, So Molly took me to the symphony last night. You know, I didn't broaden my vision, Dad. It broadens my shoulders, slims my ...
#18. 全世界最甜美的辭職信? - 世界公民電子報
Horizons 的複數指「視野」;(知識、經驗等的)範圍」,拓展視野horizon用複數。Widen my view不是自然用法。 我不想重覆做相同的事,所以才辭職。
#19. How to use "broaden your horizons" in a sentence - WordHippo
Find more words! Another word for, Opposite of, Meaning of, Rhymes with, Sentences with ...
#20. broaden my social horizons definition - Dictionary - Reverso
2 verb When you broaden something such as your experience or popularity or when it broadens, the number of things or people that it includes becomes greater ...
#21. Broaden my horizon or horizons2022-精選運動賽事直播及討論 ...
The context is: “I know that this experience will truly widen my horizons” Merci beaucoup pour votre aide!! Definition of broaden horizons ...
#22. expand | broaden | widen your horizons - English Club
Meaning. If you expand your horizons, you broaden your outlook on life and its possibilities. For example. It's a great idea for ...
#23. 7 Simple Ways to Broaden Your Horizons
To broaden your horizons, you need to put yourself out there and do new things. This can mean learning about different cultures, meeting people from other parts ...
#24. broaden your horizons synonyms with definition
Synonyms for 'broaden your horizons': gussy up, wake up, enliven, spice up, vary, liven up, ignite, perk up, jolly up, embroider, beef up.
#25. Broaden-someone-s-horizons Definition - YourDictionary
(idiomatic) To increase someone's interests, skills, or experiences beyond their current range. He broadened his horizons by finally trying Vietnamese cuisine.
#26. How to Broaden Your Horizons & Get Out of Your Comfort ...
What does it mean to broaden your horizons? If you want to be happy, then sometimes, you have to broaden your horizons by doing things that you wouldn't ...
#27. broaden - WordReference.com Dictionary of English
broaden - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. ... Collocations: the [river, road] broadens at, broaden your [horizons, mind, ...
#28. Broaden my horizons - How To Pronounce
Crowdsourced audio pronunciation dictionary for 89 languages, with meanings, synonyms, sentence usages, translations and much more.
#29. expand my professional horizons | English examples in context
"I'm going to expand my horizons and broaden my experience". 7.
#30. Broaden Your Horizons - Urban Dictionary
A snide way to suggest anal sex. "At first she was unsure about the whole ordeal, then I suggested that she should broaden her horizons." or " ...
#31. broaden - Longman Dictionary
broaden · transitive] · The course helps school-leavers broaden their knowledge of the world of work. · I'd like to work abroad to broaden my horizons (=learn, ...
#32. What is another way to say broaden my horizons? - BioSidmartin
skyline, range of vision, field of view, vista, view. 2'she wanted to leave home and broaden her horizons' range of experience, outlook, ...
#33. 5 Great Ways to Broaden Your Horizons (with Examples)
5 ways to Broaden Your Horizons · 2. Take a new class · 3. Engage with people with different opinions · 4. Do something that scares you · 5. Read a ...
#34. broaden one's horizons in English dictionary
Meanings and definitions of "broaden one's horizons". (idiomatic) To increase one's interests, skills, or experiences beyond their current range.
#35. broaden my horizon是什么意思 - 百度知道
broaden my horizon 是什么意思 ; 中南西北. 2015-05-22 知道合伙人教育行家. broaden my horizon:开拓我的视野 ; Steven_Tianjin. 高粉答主. 2015-05-22 关注我不会让你失望.
#36. 「開闊眼界」你還在用broaden my horizon??? - 人人焦點
例句:Yeah, I like going to the museum a lot, as it's an eye-opening experience for me. I mean, at the museum, I get to see so many amazing ...
#37. broaden your horizons 中文 - 英語翻譯
broaden your horizons中文中文意思:[網絡] 擴闊視野;開闊你的視野;擴闊你的眼界...,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋broaden your horizons的中文翻譯 ...
#38. 國高中英文難題求救區- broaden your horizons 就是增廣見聞 ...
broaden your horizons 就是增廣見聞, 擴展視野的意思abroad 是出國broad 是寬廣的這三個字都有broad 不會和board 搞混但是這樣我這樣講很無聊所以當 ...
#39. Translate to broaden my horizons in Tagalog with examples
Contextual translation of "to broaden my horizons" into Tagalog. Human translations with examples: broadened, broaden my mind.
#40. Broaden Definition & Meaning - Dictionary.com
Friendship with such cultured, interesting people would broaden the horizon of my whole life. ... A humble man himself, he had made all his sacrifices to broaden ...
#41. I can learn more knowledge and broaden my horizon.是什么意思
海词词典,最权威的学习词典,为您提供I can learn more knowledge and broaden my horizon.的在线翻译,I can learn more knowledge and broaden my horizon.
#42. 10 ways to expand your horizons while you're stuck at home
If you can, leave your phone at home, go outside and get some fresh air. You'll feel relaxed, relieved and refreshed in no time, which leads me to my final ...
#43. broaden my horizon - Englisch-Deutsch Übersetzung - PONS
Übersetzung Englisch-Deutsch für broaden my horizon im PONS Online-Wörterbuch nachschlagen! Gratis Vokabeltrainer, Verbtabellen, Aussprachefunktion.
#44. broaden my horizon 的中文含义- dute.org - 在线词典
单词broaden my horizon 的含义:[0] 拓宽我的视野:指通过学习、阅读、旅行等方式,增加自己的知识和见识,提高自己的认识水平。
#45. broaden my horizon需要加s吗? - 知乎
Broaden one's horizons 必须加s. 剑桥词典给出的短语是: broaden/expand/widen someone's horizons 表明是idiom(成语)解释的意思是to increase the range ...
#46. Broaden - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms - Vocabulary.com
To broaden something is to make it wider or more expansive. ... “broaden your horizon” ... "Broaden." Vocabulary.com Dictionary, Vocabulary.com, ...
#47. broaden my horizon是什么意思 - 翻译在线翻译- 听力课堂
broaden my horizon 的中文意思:,点击查看详细解释:broaden my horizon的中文翻译、broaden my horizon的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握broaden my ...
#48. horizon - Oxford Learner's Dictionaries
Definition of horizon_1 noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture ... She wanted to travel to broaden her horizons.
#49. 7 Ways To Expand Your Horizon And Push For New Frontiers
The first step to expanding your horizon is to assess where you have ... experimenting with fresh activities can broaden your perspective.
#50. Two strategies to broaden your career's horizons - MentorCruise
Actually that's a bit of my point here. Starting somewhere. We usually start our career in one field, centered in one technology such as one ...
#51. 3 ways to broaden your career horizons - 80,000 Hours
This is clearly problematic: it might mean you're just completely missing your perfect career! What can you do about this? How can you broaden ...
#52. Definition and synonyms of broaden in the English dictionary
... the English dictionary with examples of use. Synonyms for broaden and translation of broaden to 25 languages. ... another way to say broaden my horizons.
#53. Broadening Your Horizons: How you can learn new skills and ...
Broaden your horizon and learn new skills, discover a new hobby, and find ... out your passion and add new meaning and value to your life.
#54. Broaden My Horizon - song and lyrics by Engtanz - Spotify
Listen to Broaden My Horizon on Spotify. Engtanz · Song · 2022.
#55. I want to broaden my horizon: Neeraj Madhav - Times of India
I want to broaden my horizon: Neeraj Madhav. Radhika C Pillai / TNN / Nov 7, 2014, 22:56 IST. The actor is busy with a line-up of films. I want to broaden ...
#56. 4 Ways To Expand Your Horizons In 2023 - Antimaximalist
One of the most obvious ways you can broaden your horizons is to try ... stories in my life I can look back on with fondness and laughter.
#57. BROADEN YOUR HORIZONS 中文是什么意思- 翻译 - Tr-ex
在英语-中文中"BROADEN YOUR HORIZONS"的上下文中进行翻译。 It's hugely multicultural, meaning you can broaden your horizons. - 它是非常多元文化的, ...
#58. Broaden in a sentence
Synonym : branch out, diversify, extend, widen. ... 5 She wanted to travel to broaden her horizons. Random good picture. Not show.
#59. Broaden your horizons - Squarespace
Broaden your horizons meaning in english. puloburonegidosowunu.pdf Broaden ... I was once in an adventurous position where I had to broaden my horizons.
#60. Broaden your horizons synonyms - Thesaurus.plus
What is another word for Broaden your horizons? · diversify · branch out · expand · spread · vary · differentiate · transform · alter.
#61. Broaden your career horizon
Broaden your career horizon. ... "I wonder if you know what an important function you fulfilled for my husband. I think the weekly sessions with you stopped ...
#62. How to safely phrase "I wish to broaden my cultural horizons ...
"I mean, where are you originally from?" The intent of re-asking the question is to say: I'm asking based on your facial features, style of ...
#63. 視野が広がった。 – It broadened my horizons. - ニック式英会話
「I wanna broaden my horizons.(自分の視野を広げたい)」など。 「horizon(ホライズン)」は「地平線・水平線」という意味なのですが、複数の「horizons」なら「視野」 ...
#64. Expand Horizons synonyms - 29 Words and Phrases for ...
break fresh ground · break new ground · break the ground · broaden horizons · broaden knowledge · broaden your mind · create opportunities · create opportunity.
#65. 【雅思考官最想听到的表达25】Broaden my horizons 谁都会说
【雅思考官最想听到的表达25】 Broaden my horizons 谁都会说,今天芬芬就偷偷多教你三个! 万德铂睿_雅思IELTS. 立即播放. 打开App,看更多精彩视频.
#66. Broaden my horizon的問題包括PTT、Dcard、Mobile01
也說明:broaden my horizon 和broaden my horizons 的差別在哪裡?如果不好說明,請提供一些例句。 國立臺北科技大學技術及職業教育研究所張基成所指導 ...
#67. Tori Greenberg - Executive Assistant to CTO/CISO - LinkedIn
I work hard toward achievement, and am open-arms to opportunities that will broaden my horizon. I pride myself on being a team player, willing to lead or ...
#68. Broaden my horizon idiom
See the full definition Hello, … paul heinen st cloud mn BROADEN/EXPAND/WIDEN SOMEONE Broaden my horizons - Idioms by The Free Dictionary 31 Words and ...
#69. Broaden my horizon english meaning
Broaden my horizon english meaning. What is another word for broaden your horizons - WordHippo WebDefinition of horizon in the Idioms Dictionary. horizon ...
#70. 無題
What Does Broadening My Horizons Mean? - Caniry Filament Health BROADEN/EXPAND/WIDEN SOMEONE BROADEN/EXPAND/WIDEN SOMEONE Broaden my horizons - Idioms by ...
#71. Broaden horizon in english
Now I wanted to broaden my horizon. It could be something I did for myself, to broaden my horizons. I'm trying to … broaden horizon in english mean broaden ...
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重要的事情说三次) camille rich broaden my horizon中文mean Broaden my horizons - Idioms by The Free Dictionary Webincrease in scope. up. supersize. scale ...
#73. 無題
Broaden my horizon 中文. to broaden the horizon中文, to broaden the horizon中文意思broaden/expand/widen sb Web造句與例句手機版.
#74. 無題
There isn't a big difference aside from what flows better with the context of the sentence. broaden horizon意思mean WebJan 2, 2015 · Broaden my horizons, ...
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Broaden your horizon to a future filled with opportunities. ATAR Registration. ATAR Registration · QTAC Application. QTAC Application.
#76. The ACT Reading Practice Test Questions
years ago to use his talents as a playwright to broaden ... Place, and if he broadened their horizons just a little ... 85didn't mean he was weak.
#77. 無題
Horizon definition and meaning Collins English Dictionary Broaden someone to broaden one ... The Meaning of “Broaden My Horizon” and Its Synonymous .
#78. Yannick Noah's Roland Garros title, 40 years later - Tennis.com
It was a triumph with many layers of meaning, not least for those off of ... “He opened my eyes to not be so Swedish, to broaden my horizon.
#79. George Harrison - Wikipedia
Sometimes called "the quiet Beatle", Harrison embraced Indian culture and helped broaden the scope of popular music through his incorporation of Indian ...
#80. The Value of Historical Knowledge Through Challenging ...
Learning mathematics does not simply mean acquiring/developing a set of ... helped to broaden my academic horizon and gave me a different ...
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"At EPAM, I can broaden my horizons and grow professionally every day – there's always something new to solve." ... "In over 10 years of my professional career in ...
#82. 無題
... SOMEONE Web25 Jun 2021 · “Broaden my horizon” definition. ... what does it mean to broaden your horizons mean Web25 Oct 2017 · In framing my thoughts, ...
#83. 無題
開闊(某… https://dictionary.reverso.net/english-synonyms/to+expand+your+horizons WebMay 13, 2020 · こころを開け! broaden my horizon 和broaden my horizons ...
#84. 無題
Broadening my horizons - Idioms by The Free Dictionary WebApr 14, ... broaden by The Free Dictionary Broaden his horizons Definition & Meaning - Merriam …
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I waited in vain for the recruiters to reply to my job application. ... Broaden my horizon Meaning: to increase the range of one's knowledge, understanding, ...
#86. 转发人数597, 视频作者万德铂睿_雅思IELTS, 作者简介跟着我 ...
Webi need to broaden my horizons ik one of you like rap. ... broaden one's horizons中文mean broaden one Web【雅思考官最想听到的表达25】Broaden my horizons ...
#87. Broaden/expand/widen someone's horizons
Verb To increase in extent, amount, or degree … banca cpcom Broaden his horizons Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster Web7 Simple Ways to Broaden Your ...
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Broaden one's horizons中文. i need to broaden my horizons ik one of you like rap Web科学使我们大开新的眼界。 widen one's horizon开阔眼界。 on the horizon 在 ...
#89. 無題
... broaden your horizons中文意思broaden your mind 意思mean The Meaning of “Broaden My Horizon” and Its Synonymous broaden your mind - Spanish translation ...
#90. 無題
5 … po elemento de la tabla periodica broaden your horizon翻译mean ... 最想听到的表达25】Broaden my horizons 谁都会说, … https://dictionary.cambridge.org/ ...
#91. 無題
How to pronounce Broaden my horizons HowToPronounce.com to broaden one's horizons meaning in hindi mean 7 Simple Ways to Broaden Your Horizons Horizon ...
#92. 無題
oldtimer svg broaden one's horizons中文mean Broaden one broaden one ... one's horizon中文, broaden one's horizon中文意思broaden my horizon需要加s吗?
#93. These trip broaden my horizon
Mohit Kulasari - Recruitment Manager - LanceSoft, Inc. LinkedIn broaden my horizon - German translation – Linguee Ben Ripley - Member Services Officer ...
#94. 無題
broaden中文(繁体)翻译:剑桥词典- Cambridge Dictionary TO BROADEN MY ... The Meaning of “Broaden My Horizon” and Its Synonymous 開闊視野用英文怎麼說?
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UNIQLO will continue to broaden this initiative, working with people all around the ... I never saw more horizon in my life than on that day in the West ...
#96. Three of Wands Tarot Card Meanings
Detailed Tarot card meaning for the Three of Wands including upright and ... the many chances available to you to broaden your horizons through study, ...
#97. 無題
Broaden horizon collocation. Web2 days ago · Definition of broaden horizons from the Collins English Dictionary. Read about the team of authors behind ...
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Corporate Revamp your hiring decisions, and broaden your team expansion ... Many thanks for an excellent and committed service from My Anatomy Team .
#99. What is Mechanical Engineering?
These tools and others have further broadened the horizons of mechanical ... According to the United States Department of Labor, the mean salary for a ...
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Broaden His Horizons Take 2 - Broaden His Horizons Meaning - British English Pronunciationhttp://www.iswearenglish.com/ An explanation of ... ... <看更多>