106年四技二專統測這前兩天落幕,那我們來看看外語群英語類 專業科目(二):英文閱讀與寫作 的 翻譯題吧!
每次走進書店,總會看到門口的架子上擺滿了國內外雜誌。[1. 瀏覽雜誌可以提供我們最新的訊息和多元的知識。]閱讀專業雜誌,例如攝影雜誌、汽車雜誌、服裝設計雜誌等,能獲得許多課外資訊。[2. 廣泛閱讀既可擴展我們的視野,也可充實我們的人生。]
1. 瀏覽雜誌可以提供我們最新的訊息和多元的知識。
A: Browsing through magazines can provide us the latest information and the knowledge of various disciplines.
*browse through 是瀏覽的英文,要記得加上through;提供有其他近義詞像是offer,但provide為較佳的選擇;多元則是用另一種方式來表示 of various disciplines (多種領域的),也可以用diverse knowledge來表達。
2. 廣泛閱讀既可擴展我們的視野,也可充實我們的人生。
A: Extensive reading can not only broaden our horizons but also enrich our lives.
*廣泛閱讀的固定譯法即為extensive reading相對intensive reading;拓展視野broaden one's horizons,要特別注意horizon要加s;本句句型則用not only ... but also ...;充實生活則用enrich one's life來表達。
Flowers have a language of their own. Red roses are the most popular flowers exchanged as they are symbols of love. [3. White roses imply a new beginning while yellow roses symbolize friendship.] Every flower sends meaningful information. Therefore, [4. if you want to let a flower do the talking for you, you had better make sure what message you want to convey.]
3. White roses imply a new beginning while yellow roses symbolize friendship.
A: 白玫瑰意指全新的開始,然而黃玫瑰是象徵友誼。
4. if you want to let a flower do the talking for you, you had better make sure what message you want to convey.
A: 如果你想要用花朵幫你表達,你最好確定自己想要傳達什麼訊息。
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