我很榮幸地受邀推薦我摯友李宗恩博士的新書《當張仲景遇上史丹佛》。這本書很獨特, 李博士是一位資深的中醫專家和臨床醫生,卻也是一位經過嚴格科學訓練的科技人,在大膽蛻變深入中醫之前,他在矽谷有著成功的科技生涯。這本書反映了李博士與眾不同人生歷練下的洞悉力,文字清新流暢,內容時而讓人驚艷,時而讓人深思反省。
中醫和現代科學似乎是無限分開的兩個世界, 然而,李博士個人和他文筆下的討論,為讀者開啟了一個難得的窗口,窺見兩個充滿衝突卻又永遠相互纏繞世界的並存對偶性(duality of existence)。李博士的旅程,象徵著古老醫學現代化的挑戰之路,同時也象徵著對凡事以科技來定義的現代生活之深刻反思。李博士帶領我們尋求一種全新的方式來看待這兩個世界,我對李博士帶領我們探索的旅程深深感到興趣,也期許讀者一起參與這趟旅程!
Fei-Fei Li:Challenging path of the modernization of an ancient medicine
(Dr. Fei-Fei Li is a world leading expert in Artificial Intelligent. She is the inaugural Sequoia Professor in the Computer Science Department at Stanford University, Co-Director of Stanford’s Human-Centered AI Institute, and elected Member of both the US National Academy of Medicine and National Academy of Engineering.)
I’m honored and humbled to be asked to recommend my friend Dr. Andy Lee’s new book. I find this book very unique. The voice of Dr. Lee is that of a deep Chinese Medicine clinician and expert, but also a rigorously trained technologist who has carved a very successful career in the heart of Silicon Valley before the daring transition to a new career as a Chinese Medicine doctor. This book is a pleasantly easy and smooth read, yet oftentimes beautiful and introspective.
The worlds of Chinese Medicine and modern science seem to be infinitely apart, just like the worlds of Taiwan and the Silicon Valley. Yet, in Dr. Lee and his words, we the readers are given a rare glimpse into this duality of existence of two possibly conflicting yet eternally revolving worlds. The journey taken by Dr. Lee symbolizes the challenging path of the modernization of an ancient medicine, as well as a soulful reflection of the technologically defined modern lives. Dr. Lee is leading us to seek a new way of looking at both worlds. I’m intrigued by the journey that he is taking, and I sincerely invite the readers to join him on this journey together.
張慶瑞:物理忌妒 – 無用之用,是為大用
他畢業後,我斷斷續續由同學口中聽到他的職涯轉變,但並未特別放在心上。一直 到二○○九年,我因為在國科會國合處服務,到美國史丹佛大學訪視當時我參與啟動的Stanford-Taiwan Biotechnology (STB),聽到宗恩居然已經變成灣區的名中醫師,有點訝異,但也不是特別難理解。因為聰明的人,只要有恆心,做什麼事都會成功。
二○一九年我離開行政職後,便有許多時間思考,跨領域學問引起了我極大的興趣。 物理訓練最強大與扎實的是科學邏輯方法論,複雜系統模型簡單化再加上數學預測化。 其實,物理真正的本質訓練就在以簡馭繁,好的物理學家對事物的看法具備強大的簡約能 力。
在一九七○年代,科學界出現一個有趣的名詞叫「物理忌妒」(Physics Envy),就是 生物學家及其他領域的學者看到數學在物理學科如此成功,就想要複製物理成功的經驗;奇怪的是,只有在少數有些許成效,但基本上無法像物理一樣成功!也因此忌妒物理可以成功使用數學。物理忌妒不是忌妒物理,而是忌妒為什麼數學工具只能在物理上成功?看起來像是上帝特別寵愛物理,便引起大家忌妒。
領域的互動永遠是新知識的淵藪,現代的斜槓世代就是跨多領域的人才,然而老祖 宗卻告訴我們「鼯鼠五技而窮」,顯然歷史法則指出:沒有專精學門,是不容易出人頭地的。今日由於學問複雜與廣泛性提升,有些學問必須要跨領域互動才能了解與掌握問題所在,進而激發出解決的科學方法。而且這些跨領域互動初期必須沒有目的,才有機會激發出原創想法。
人類累積的已知愈來愈多,「知道的不知道」就愈多。物理學現有的知識是標準的 「知道的知道」,但是有許多學問我們不斷在使用,也很有效,但卻不完全知其所以然,我稱之為「不知道的知道」。中醫就是其中一種,這就是直覺與經驗的累積。
中醫的重現率不像物理學那般精準,也在於不完全知其所以然,所以急需要累積更多的數據,並有時間由「不知道的知道」發展轉化成「知道的知道」的狀態,這非常需要利用物理學的既有發展經驗來協助加速轉化的過程。宗恩具有充分的跨多領域專業訓練,相信在取得更多的中醫案例後,將有大智慧將中醫推動成「知道的知道」範疇。宗恩傳承東漢張仲景延續至倪海廈的正宗中醫思維,再結合台大物理系的科學邏輯基礎訓練,經歷史丹佛與矽谷應用科技的淬鍊,中學為體,西學為用,未來必定能真正完成「西醫精準化檢測,中醫客製化治療」的至高無上理想。將宏 觀醫學與微觀醫學並用,強固個體本身,隔絕入侵病毒。
本書是宗恩超越張仲景的起點,胡適的朋友以「我的朋友是胡適之」為榮,我深為 「我的學生是李宗恩」為傲。
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2,250的網紅Benjamin Man — iBenTV,也在其Youtube影片中提到,[3/3] This piece took around 10-11 months to compose, thANKFULLY I GOT FULL MARKS SO HARD WORK PAID OFF!!! I was lucky enough to be able to work with ...
but transition words 在 遠見雜誌 Facebook 的最讚貼文
英文商業書信、學術文章、甚至是有深度的談話都一定會用到的重點:transition words(轉折詞)。這些 transition words 和小時候學的 and, but, so 意思差不多,但詞性不同。
Transition words 正是讓句子與句子間語氣順暢連接的重要關鍵!一起來看看有哪些重要又常見的 transition words 吧!
📰追蹤遠見Google news,給你最新資訊:https://bit.ly/3cOC6l5
but transition words 在 Yim Mau-Kun Studio 冉茂芹畫室 Facebook 的最佳貼文
Reposting the article about firm and soft edges in drawing, with English translation.
Exchange with social media friends – Firm and Soft Edges in Drawing
答網友問 - 素描中的虛與實
Dear Mr. Yim, I love drawing and have watched your drawing video lessons many times. I’m mesmerized by the firm and soft edges and texture in your drawing and would like to emulate, but it’s hard for me to put the theory of firm and soft edges into practice. What is your advice for mastering firm and soft edges in drawing?
My reply:
Firm and soft edges in drawing is an artistic concept.
The firm and soft edges are but manifestations of the subject in the artist’s eye. The subject has its own existence regardless of firm or soft edges. Take the rose for example. It’s neither beautiful nor ugly in itself. We think roses are beautiful because people project their own emotions and aesthetics onto the roses. Firm and soft edges are a result of human observation and representation.
畫中的虛與實是一個概念。是一個藝術的概念。虛與實的作畫者眼中是物體呈現的一種現象。而物體本身是一個自在的存在,無所謂虛與實。就如玫瑰花,它本身並無美不美的問題,我們認為玫瑰花美,是人將感情、審美意識投放在玫瑰花身上的緣故。有人的觀察和描繪,才有“虛 ”與“實 ”。
The phenomenon of firm and soft edges is caused by the structure of the human eye. The way a concave lens is used for focusing is why sights can be in or out of focus. When people look at a drawing or painting with just a single field view, they instinctively try to define a hierarchy for the firm and soft edges.
When untrained artists observe objects, their gaze skips from focal point to focal point, so there is no hierarchy and no difference between the firm and soft edges. In other words, they are not observing the scene holistically. Holistic observation can therefore be considered a result of training. The field of view is expanded during holistic observation so that the firm and soft edges of objects can be compared and correctly judged. When we say something feels a certain way, it is the result of such observation and judgment. Without holistic observation, that feeling is bound to be incorrect.
The form in the front is generally treated as being firm while those at the back are treated as being soft. Obvious transition from shape to shape is firm and gradual transition is soft. Strong contrasts between light and darkness are firm, and weaker contrasts are softer. And so on...
One of the characteristics of a good drawing is clear relationship of firm and soft edges. Perspectives are the foundation of drawing. Planar analysis enhances representation of volume. And rhythm of firm and soft edges is manifestation of the artist’s creativeness.
To create a drawing with great rhythm of firm and soft edges, first, avoid drawing from photos.
Use straight lines to block in and planar analysis to build shapes. Under a single source of light, because there are values and planes, there are firm and soft edges.
Planar analysis is the process of dissecting the subject into planes and can only be obtained through training. When you put planar analysis into training, when you can see planes in the subject, then you can see the major blocks of light, medium and dark values, and the value gradation within each plane, then there is the rhythm of firm and soft edges.
but transition words 在 Benjamin Man — iBenTV Youtube 的最佳解答
[3/3] This piece took around 10-11 months to compose, thANKFULLY I GOT FULL MARKS SO HARD WORK PAID OFF!!! I was lucky enough to be able to work with an actual orchestra on this piece, and even got feedback from composer Dani Howard as well as conductor Pablo Urbina!
A: "Awakening in The Unknown" - 0:01
B: "Survival" - 0:58
C: "Defeat" - 1:21
D: "Mischief" - 1:54
E: "Confliction" - 2:17
F: "Reconciliation" - 3:37
G: "Finalé" - 4:14
(btw, my second composition was 'Ascending Heaven' so I'm not going to upload that lmao)
Reflective Statement:
My intention for this piece was to compose a programmatic orchestral work inspired by the anime “灰と幻想のグリムガル”. Each section corresponds to a key theme presented in the anime. A performers note was included in the score so that performers will have a better understanding of the context of each theme.
Composing this piece took 10 months from start to finish. I started this composition as a piano quartet with the cello carrying the main melody. Each section was composed individually to match a particular theme, and was then pieced together by composing a transition section between them. With my teachers guidance, I was advised to expand the piece into a full orchestral composition, which was an immense difficulty for me as I’ve never composed one before. I overcame this difficulty by studying each instrument; how it’s played (or can be played), what techniques can be performed, and listening to other orchestral pieces to identify its role in the orchestra. I further developed the piece by experimenting with contrasting dynamics to add excitement in certain sections of the piece. Lastly, I leant and applied engraving rules to my score to appear professional.
This piece allowed me to grow as a composer in different ways. For example, because I had the opportunity to work with an actual orchestra, I became aware of how certain notes and phrases are played (e.g. bowing for strings at fortissimo), and how each instrument compliments another. I also learnt to avoid composing melodic “fluff”, to make sure that every note has its own purpose and contribution to the aim of the piece.
Overall, I am extremely proud of this piece and am very excited to hear it performed at my school’s spring concert in March!
(298 Words)
but transition words 在 pennyccw Youtube 的最讚貼文
Ray Allen was so unstoppable in the early going that Allen Iverson's astonishing finish wasn't enough.
Allen tied an NBA playoff record with nine 3-pointers and had his own 17-0 run as the Milwaukee Bucks held off an Iverson-led rally for a 110-100 win over the Philadelphia 76ers to force a seventh game in the Eastern Conference finals.
Game 7 will be Sunday in Philadelphia, with the winner moving on to play the Los Angeles Lakers in the NBA Finals.
"It was scary being able to score like that knowing I hadn't been shooting the ball real well," said Allen, who finished with a career playoff-high 41 points. "I was asking myself, 'Where has this been for the past couple of games?'"
The Bucks let a 33-point lead dip to 10 in the fourth quarter as Iverson was phenomenal, scoring 26 of his 46 points. He finished three points shy of the NBA record for most points in a quarter, set by Sleepy Floyd of Golden State in 1987.
Allen's final two 3-pointers were the biggest of the game, coming after Philadelphia had pulled within 10 with 5:14 remaining.
"When [Iverson] went on that run, it seemed like he was unstoppable," Allen said. "He almost pulled it off."
Allen's performance came one day after he alleged that the NBA would rather see a 76ers-Lakers Finals than a Bucks-Lakers Finals. He spent a long time before the game sitting at his locker defending his words, then went out and made the biggest statement of the series.
Hitting four consecutive 3-point shots, Allen scored 19 consecutive Milwaukee points over the final 5 1/2 minutes of the first quarter and the first 1 1/2 minutes of the second. When he was finished, the Bucks had turned a 14-11 lead into a 33-15 edge.
Allen had 25 points at halftime, 31 before the second half was two minutes old. His nine 3-pointers tied the NBA record set by Rex Chapman of Phoenix in 1997 and matched by Vince Carter of Toronto against the 76ers on May 11.
In the highest scoring game of the series, the Bucks improved to 3-0 this postseason when facing elimination.
"We just had to keep our composure. We've been known to blow leads," Allen said.
After being forced to play Philadelphia's slowdown style during the previous three games, the Bucks turned this one into an uptempo game as soon as they could.
Iverson made his first two shots -- both 3-pointers -- but was hit with a technical foul by referee Joey Crawford midway through the first quarter. That turned out to be the moment when the momentum shifted squarely in Milwaukee's favor.
Allen hit the technical free throw for a 17-15 lead, then closed the quarter with a pair of 3s. Allen started the second quarter with another 3-pointer, then came up with a steal, two foul shots and a 3-pointer in transition that made it 33-15.
"Every night we try to play the way we want to play," Bucks coach George Karl said. "Making shots and playing with a lead makes them play uptempo. It's pretty simple stuff."
Glenn Robinson scored his first points of the game on a corner jumper that gave the Bucks a 40-17 lead, and Allen added two more 3-pointers over the final 2:04 of the second quarter to give Milwaukee a 60-31 halftime advantage.
Allen began the third quarter with yet another 3-pointer, then converted a fast-break layup on which he was fouled by Aaron McKie. He pumped his fists as he lay on the ground, then got up and completed the three-point play.
He later fed Robinson for a 3-pointer after Sam Cassell grabbed an offensive rebound, making it 75-46.
Iverson went to the bench with 2:37 left in the third quarter and the 76ers trailing by 28, then came out and had a four-point play, a three-point play, a 3-pointer and two foul shots early in the fourth quarter as the Sixers pulled to 84-73 with eight minutes left.
Allen hit his eighth 3-pointer with 6:21 left for an 89-75 lead and his ninth with 4:54 left to make it 92-79. Iverson reached 24 points for the quarter by converting a three-point play with 4:37 left, but Milwaukee scored the next four points to end the threat.
"We're experts at blowing leads. That's our forte," Karl said. "We usually let it get to five; tonight we stayed at 10."
Robinson had 22 for the Bucks and Scott Williams played his best game of the series in scoring 12 points -- including 10 of Milwaukee's first 14.
Williams also delivered a hard foul on Iverson just over two minutes into the game, elbowing Iverson hard in the shoulder as he drove the lane. Williams was called for a flagrant foul, and Iverson rubbed his shoulder before going to the foul line and missing his first attempt -- much to the delight of the sellout crowd of 18,717.
Iverson hit 3-pointers on his next two touches, but the technical foul seemed to take him out of his rhythm just as Allen was starting to get a groove.
"If we play like we're capable of playing and not let the referees have a hand in the outcome of the game, then we'll have nothing to worry about," Allen had said Thursday.
Turns out Allen was right, although Iverson did all he could to make the Bucks sweat.
"I bet they know now that if they get us down by 30 Sunday we're not going to give up," Iverson said.