【沒有人權,哪有國慶?停止打壓異見 還我言論自由】聯署聲明全文
(English below)
聯署團體:(更新 30.9.2020)
’Without human Rights, How Can We Celebrate “National Day”?Stop the crackdown on dissidents; give us our freedom‘
1 October 2020
The Chinese Communist Party has been in power for 71 years now—71 years of suffering for the Chinese people. Before coming to power, the Party promised to make China a democratic, free, prosperous and strong country, but it fooled hundreds of thousands of patriots into sacrificing themselves for the nation. For the first 30 years after the establishment of the regime, class struggle was the main focus and mass political campaigns were frequent. Economic policy was poorly devised, leading to famine and death.
In the following 10 years, the regime enacted economic reform but remained totalitarian. It cracked down on demands for change, leading to the fall of liberal state leaders Hu Yaobang and Zhao Ziyang and eventually the bloodshed of the 1989 Tiananmen Massacre. In the subsequent 31 years, corruption has been rampant and uneven wealth distribution serious. Underprivileged groups are squeezed by those in power. Ethics and morality have collapsed. Human rights defenders and dissidents are detained and imprisoned. The whole country lives under white terror. There are simply no human rights. Under Xi Jinping’s dictatorship, 1.4 billion people are living in a society without human rights or dignity. What is there to celebrate?
Today is what the Party calls “National Day”. But over the past 71 years, many have been ruthlessly imprisoned and tortured simply for expressing their political views. Countless people are still detained for their speech. On this day we should feel outrage rather than joy,. Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China and other organizations are particularly concerned about the Chinese and Hong Kong activists facing so-called “national security” charges. While those in China endure the persecution of a totalitarian regime, we in Hong Kong experience the same fate.
Chinese dissidents suffer unbearable pain every day as the Chinese government uses the pretext of “national security” to crack down on them. In this year, Hongkongers have lost rule of law and experience diminishing freedoms. Since the central government forcibly imposed the Hong Kong national security law (officially the “Law of the People’s Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region”) on 30 June 2020, dozens of individuals have been charged with so-called “national security” crimes. Twelve young people fleeing to Taiwan were taken to China. Hong Kong people’s freedoms are at greater risk than ever. Hong Kong people’s fate is even more interconnected with the Chinese people’s.
Many, diverse in age and background, desire democracy and freedom. They do not fear challenging the government despite dictatorship. They fight for democracy and share information about human rights. But their legal and legitimate actions and demands have been punished by the government with so-called “national security” charges. Their cases are only the tip of the iceberg in China. There are many unknown people persecuted by the regime.
The Hong Kong national security law has been in force for several months. Freedom of expression is drastically diminishing. Protest slogans are now interpreted by the Hong Kong government as violations of the national security law. The government creates red terror, attempts to silence dissenting views, and cracks down on dissidents. Hong Kong’s freedoms are quickly disappearing. Hong Kong people’s freedom of expression and freedom of assembly are seriously infringed.
We call on the Chinese and Hong Kong governments to stop whitewashing the daunting situation in China and Hong Kong and respond to the following requests:
1. Vindicate the 1989 pro-democracy movement and give victims’ families a fair explanation, apology and compensation;
2. Establish an independent commission to investigate the Tiananmen Massacre as well as police violence during the Anti-Extradition Bill protests in Hong Kong since last year;
3. Stop using “national security” as an excuse to ruthlessly destroy Hong Kong’s rule of law and freedom of expression;
4. Immediately release all detained Chinese and Hong Kong dissidents.
Signatories: (updated on 30.9.2020)
Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China
April Fifth Action
Community service office of KS Lam
Vancouver Society in Support of Democratic Movement
Tiananmen Mothers Campaign
Movement for Democracy in China (Calgary)
Friends of Conscience
China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group
League of social democrats
Tsing Yi Residents Rights and Interests Service Society
Hong Kong Social Workers` General Union
The Association for the Advancement of Feminism
The Democratic Party
Labour Party (Hong Kong)
Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions
Office of Dr. Kwok Ka Ki, Legislative Council Member
Citizens Radio
Office of Tsang Kin Shing District Councillor
June 4th Action
Civil Human Rights Front
Hong Kong Christian Fellowship of Social Concern
Concerning CSSA and Low Income Alliance
Retail, Commerce and Clothing Industries General Union
Christian Social Workers
Hong Kong Professional Teachers’ Union
Concern the Future of Hong Kong
註:六四紀念館已於9月15日重新開放,繼續舉辦「走在抗極權最前線——從『八九六四』到『反送中』」主題展覽,同時舉辦「中港被囚異見人士」專題展(至10月31日),介紹異見人士的事蹟,誠邀參觀及報導。查詢:2459 6489(電話/WhatsApp)、 64museum@alliance.org.hk (電郵)
#十一 #六四 #反送中 #人權 #言論自由 #humanrights #freedomofspeech #june4
calgary 集運 在 彭博商業周刊 / 中文版 Facebook 的最佳解答
【經濟】能源轉科技 擺脫高失業
在2014年年末原油價格從每桶100美元跌至50美元以下的時候,克雷格(Mark Craig)並不是很擔心。作為石油行業的老兵,這位卡加利(Calgary)的居民早就經歷過石油業的盛衰起落。他的信心似乎是有道理的,因為在被英國石油公司(BP Plc)買斷幾個月後,他就被Penn West Petroleum聘用,負責管理IT部門。但在四個月後,該公司削減了四分之一的員工,其中就包括克雷格。那時石油剛剛開始又一波下跌,在加拿大能源行業震中的卡加利市,沒有公司在招聘。現在他們仍然不招聘。56歲的克雷格說:「在Penn West之後,我意識到,基本上已經沒有工作了。」
隨著現實的逐漸清晰,克雷格以及卡加利市不得不作出調整。卡加利是阿爾伯塔省最大的城市,約有150萬居民,而整個阿爾伯塔省的失業率在去年11月份達到了7.3%,比全國平均水平整整高出一個百分點。上個月底,該省石油、天然氣和採礦業從業人員約14.3萬人,比2014年7月油價開始漫長下滑時減少了近4萬人。根據經紀公司CBRE Group Inc.的數據,在卡加利市中心,工作崗位的減少清晰可見——那裡的辦公空間空置率達到了27%,最高質量辦公空間收取的平均租金比2008年時質量最差的辦公空間還便宜。
市長納什(Naheed Nenshi)說:「我喜歡過山車,但這回有點太過份了。」他說,自從20世紀90年代初以來,他就在負責這個城市發展石油行業以外產業的努力,當時該行業佔到了該市經濟活動的一半左右。納什沒有試圖從頭開始建設新的產業,而是集中力量發展該市已有一定基礎的交通物流、農業綜合企業、可再生能源、金融服務、製造業和電影、電視等創意產業。他說,他們的目標是要「建設一個有減震器的經濟體,以便更好地適應全球大宗商品價格的波動」。他的政府迄今取得了一些成功。亞馬遜(Amazon)在10月份表示,將在該市開設一個營運中心,最終將僱用超過750名全職員工。另一個重大勝利來自西捷航空(WestJet Airlines),該公司9月份決定將其新廉價航空公司(名為「Swoop」)的基地建在卡加利。
卡加利和阿爾伯塔省提供的激勵措施幫助達成了這宗交易,帶來了500多個就業崗位。西捷航空戰略執行副總裁兼初創公司Swoop的負責人卡明斯(Bob Cummings)說,涉及該交易的所有利益相關方都表示,他們對這一項目非常渴望,「我不確定卡加利在五、六年前是不是這樣,當時油價是100美元。」
展望未來,納什信心十足,相信這個城市爭取亞馬遜第二總部入駐的長期努力將吸引更多的科技企業到來。卡加利經濟發展局總裁兼行政總裁莫蘭(Mary Moran)表示,雖然卡加利的拉拉隊認為該城市的石油和天然氣是一個優勢,但要讓外界相信,當地勞動力也擁有可用於其他工作類型的技能,仍是有挑戰也令人沮喪的任務。她描述了從地下深處的岩石塊中開採石油所需的專業知識。「我們沒有發明Tinder,我們沒有發明Shopify,但這裡仍然有非常複雜而精良的技術產生。」
莫蘭說,沒人期望能源行業完全從該城市消失,但隨著其足跡的縮小,當地人將不得不作出一些調整。為了幫助他的同行們重新振作起來,去年克雷格與人共同創立了「金點子項目」(GoldMind Project),這是一個由志願者經營的非牟利性組織。克雷格並沒有放棄尋找全職工作,儘管他在心裡默認,他獲得的任何職位都不會比之前最後一份工作輕鬆。他說:「不會再有人們想要的可以做到退休還有退休金等福利的工作,很多人已經開始認識到這一點。」――Kevin Orland、Katia Dmitrieva
#加拿大 #亞馬遜 #西捷航空 #失業率 #卡加利市
calgary 集運 在 Ing.TV(蔡英文) Facebook 的精選貼文
Logo(地球上方之圓圖)設計者:Rex Takeshi
330活動全球總頁面(活動總召:英國 謝海堂) http://ppt.cc/AfPb
紐西蘭 但尼丁 14:00 http://ppt.cc/nGrt http://ppt.cc/67UV
紐西蘭 奧克蘭 http://ppt.cc/6~EK
澳洲 雪梨 http://ppt.cc/4rGk http://ppt.cc/vuJ9
澳洲 布里斯本 15:00 http://ppt.cc/EW2Z
澳洲 坎培拉 http://ppt.cc/2g7w
澳洲 墨爾本 14:00 http://ppt.cc/Up89
澳洲 凱恩斯 16:00 http://ppt.cc/Xsz~
澳洲 阿德雷德 15:30 http://ppt.cc/cxmD
日本 東京 14:00 http://ppt.cc/628v(日本三地聯合)
日本 京都 14:00
日本 福岡 14:00
韓國 首爾 13:00 http://ppt.cc/jega(快閃)
韓國 釜山 13:00 http://ppt.cc/jega(快閃)
菲律賓 馬尼拉 17:30 http://ppt.cc/p8bd
香港 13:00 http://ppt.cc/b6Tf
義大利 米蘭 10:30 http://ppt.cc/RF-x
奧地利 維也納 13:00 http://ppt.cc/wOht
德國 柏林 14:00 http://ppt.cc/b~IB http://ppt.cc/b~IB
德國 法蘭克福 13:30 http://ppt.cc/gADu
荷蘭 阿姆斯特丹 15:00 http://ppt.cc/vnPb http://ppt.cc/kq9q
法國 巴黎 14:00 http://ppt.cc/QWTs http://ppt.cc/2V~P
法國 土魯斯 14:00 http://ppt.cc/GWXU
法國 史特拉斯堡 14:00 http://ppt.cc/P2rk
英國 倫敦 13:00 http://ppt.cc/ERqb http://goo.gl/cZzl5K
愛爾蘭 都柏林 10:00 http://ppt.cc/I~gt
西班牙 巴賽隆納 16:00 http://ppt.cc/-JJH http://ppt.cc/8JmN
西班牙 瓦倫西亞 12:00 http://ppt.cc/5wNb
西班牙 馬德里 2014/3/29 11:30 http://ppt.cc/vmnb
瑞士 蘇黎世湖 14:00 http://goo.gl/pO14eK
比利時 布魯塞爾 14:30 http://ppt.cc/Me0n
美國 紐約 15:30 http://ppt.cc/nPAI
美國 波士頓 http://ppt.cc/Ozcz
美國 賓州、華盛頓 2014/3/28 http://ppt.cc/bMkW
美國 北卡羅萊納州 http://ppt.cc/AEeV
美國 匹茲堡 http://ppt.cc/Fk~B
美國 德州 13:30 http://ppt.cc/DwCG
美國 密西根州 http://ppt.cc/j~tG
美國 西雅圖 http://ppt.cc/sFWb
美國 聖地牙哥 13:00 http://ppt.cc/Vnix
美國 洛杉磯 14:00 http://ppt.cc/eYTV
美國 舊金山 2014/3/29 13:00 http://ppt.cc/TwB4
美國 南加州 14:00 http://ppt.cc/YQvz
美國 聖路易 http://ppt.cc/-2Wa
美國 奧勒岡 15:00 http://ppt.cc/evdD
美國 芝加哥 14:00 http://ppt.cc/ZxRQ
加拿大 溫哥華 2014/3/29 16:00 http://ppt.cc/qeAX
加拿大 蒙特婁 15:00 http://ppt.cc/Pebq
加拿大 多倫多 2014/3/29 17:30 http://ppt.cc/WhOb
加拿大 卡加利 2014/3/29 17:10 https://www.facebook.com/events/498257716950830/?source=1
【English version】
Anyone interested in participating/ volunteering in the parade/ demonstration?
The event is held to support Democracy of Taiwan and raise the awareness of Democracy all over the world.
The majority of participants will be Taiwanese people who are working, residing and studying overseas. We are welcome anyone and everyone to join us as this will be a global event, held in 16 countries across the world in 45 different cities on the same date which is March 30.
This is a demonstration in a form of Marathon throughout the world starting from New Zealand relaying all the way across the time zones to the other end of the world, where Canada is.
Please refer to the list below and find the city / country you are in. Click on the link that leads to the facebook page of the event for that specific city for more information.
Cheer for the demoocracy : )
Dunedin, NZ 14:00 http://ppt.cc/nGrt http://ppt.cc/67UV
Auckland, NZ http://ppt.cc/6~EK
Sydney, AU http://ppt.cc/4rGk http://ppt.cc/vuJ9
Brisbane, AU 15:00 http://ppt.cc/EW2Z
Canberra, AU http://ppt.cc/2g7w
Melbourne, AU 14:00 http://ppt.cc/Up89
Cairns, AU 16:00 http://ppt.cc/Xsz~
Adelaide, AU 15:30 http://ppt.cc/cxmD
Tokyo, JP 14:00: http://ppt.cc/628v
Kyoto, JP 14:00
Fukuoka, JP 14:00
Seoul, SK 13:00 http://ppt.cc/jega(flash mob)
Busam,SK 13:00 http://ppt.cc/jega(flash mob)
Manila, PH 17:30 http://ppt.cc/p8bd
Hong Kong 13:00 http://ppt.cc/b6Tf
Milan, IT 10:30 http://ppt.cc/RF-x
Vienna, AT 13:00 http://ppt.cc/wOht
Berlin,GE 14:00 http://ppt.cc/b~IB http://ppt.cc/b~IB
Frankfurt, GE 13:30 http://ppt.cc/gADu
Amsterdam, NL 15:00 http://ppt.cc/vnPb http://ppt.cc/kq9q
Paris,FR 14:00 http://ppt.cc/QWTs http://ppt.cc/2V~P
Toulouse, FR 14:00 http://ppt.cc/GWXU
Strasbourg, FR 14:00 http://ppt.cc/P2rk
LONDON, UK 13:00 http://ppt.cc/ERqb http://goo.gl/cZzl5K
Dublin, IE 10:00 http://ppt.cc/I~gt
Stockholm, SE http://ppt.cc/i45Z
Barcelona, ES 16:00 http://ppt.cc/-JJH http://ppt.cc/8JmN
Valencia, ES 12:00 http://ppt.cc/5wNb
Madrid, ES 2014/3/29 11:30 http://ppt.cc/vmnb
Lake Zurich, CH 14:00 http://goo.gl/pO14eK
Brussels, BE 14:30 http://ppt.cc/Me0n
New York, US 15:30 http://ppt.cc/nPAI
Boston, US http://ppt.cc/XAOE
Washington, Pennsylvania,US 2014/3/28 http://ppt.cc/bMkW
North Carolina, US http://ppt.cc/0pi2
Pittsburgh, US http://ppt.cc/Fk~B
Texas, US 13:30 http://ppt.cc/DwCG
Michigan, US http://ppt.cc/j~tG
Seattle, US http://ppt.cc/sFWb
San Diego, US 13:00 http://ppt.cc/Vnix
Los Angeles, US 14:00 http://ppt.cc/eYTV
San Francisco, US 2014/3/29 13:00 http://ppt.cc/TwB4
Southern California, US 14:00 http://ppt.cc/YQvz
St. Louis, US http://ppt.cc/-2Wa
Oregon, US 15:00 http://ppt.cc/evdD
Chicago, US 14:00 http://ppt.cc/ZxRQ
Vancouver, CA 2014/3/29 16:00 http://ppt.cc/qeAX
Montreal, CA 15:00 http://ppt.cc/Pebq
Toronto, CA 2014/3/29 17:30 http://ppt.cc/WhOb
Calgary, CA 3/29 17:10 https://www.facebook.com/events/498257716950830/?source=1
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