Sebagai wanita, di dalam bidang permotoran yang dilihat lebih dikuasai lelaki, cukup untuk menjadikannya satu cabaran.
Asalnya bekerja sebagai seorang Pembantu Jualan di sebuah farmasi, menjual suplemen dan Vitamin C.
Memang tiada pengetahuan langsung mengenai dunia permotoran sehinggalah beliau sertai suami pada 2012 dengan memutuskan untuk berhenti kerja makan gaji sebagai mekanik dan memulakan bisnes bengkel.
Tujuan buka bisnes kerana mahu menjalani kehidupan yang lebih baik. Bagaimanapun, tidak lama selepas bengkel dibuka, beliau diuji apabila ayah meninggal dunia.
Ia adalah masa yang sangat menyedihkan kerana tidak berkesempatan untuk menatap jenazah ayah buat kali terakhir disebabkan tidak boleh meninggalkan bengkel atau menutupnya.
Bekerja 12 jam sehingga 14 jam sehari. Kadang, bengkel beroperasi sampai ke tengah malam, malah anak pun membesar di bengkel dan rumah yang ada hanya untuk kami membersihkan diri dan tidur. Itu menjadi turning point beliau untuk hadir kelas dan belajar.
‘’Perubahan yang diharapkan akhirnya mula berlaku pada 2015 selepas saya menghadiri program Intensif Magnet Kekayaan & Kejayaan (IMKK). Program RichWorks ini banyak mengubah diri saya, daripada seorang yang tiada ilmu kepada seorang usahawan, dalam erti kata sebenar.’’
Namun beliau yang bergelar ahli Titan RichWorks, pernah buat kesilapan dengan buat keputusan keluar dari circle. Jualan bisnes mula tersekat pada RM1.1 juta dan terus menyaksikan halangan dalam aliran tunai dan stok bekalan bila tiada MenThor, ilmu dan bimbingan berterusan.
Pada 2018, beliau menyambung pembelajaran yang terhenti selepas sedar akan kesilapan, dan memohon untuk menyertai Titan semula. Pada Januari 2019, beliau kembali berada dalam circle Titan dan bisnes menjalani pemulihan, jelas dengan jualan yang meningkat kepada RM3.2 juta!
Walaupun PKP, Sales sepanjang Januari hingga Ogos 2020 sudah pun mencecah RM2.7 juta !
Nak LONJAK-kan bisnes dan sales anda untuk persediaan hadapi cabaran bisnes 2021?
Komen JUMP untuk team kami bantu sekarang!
As a woman, in motorsports that are seen more male mastered, enough to make it a challenge.
Originally worked as a Sales Assistant in a pharmacy, selling supplements and Vitamin C.
There was no knowledge at all about the world of motorsport until he joined his husband in 2012 by deciding to quit working as a mechanic and start a workshop business.
The purpose of opening business is to live a better life. However, shortly after the workshop opened, he was tested when dad died.
It's a very sad time not to have the chance to stare at dad's body for the last time not to leave the workshop or close it.
Work 12 hours to 14 hours a day. Sometimes, the workshop operates until midnight, even the child grows up in the workshop and the house that we have just to clean ourselves and sleep. It was his turning point to attend class and study.
' ' The expected change finally started in 2015 after I attended the Wealth & Success Magnet Intensive programme (IMKK). This RichWorks program changed me a lot, from someone who has no knowledge to an entrepreneur, in real sense. '''''
But he who is called Titan RichWorks, has made a mistake by making decisions out of circle. Business sales start to be stuck at RM1. 1 million and continue to see obstacles in cash flow and stock supply when there is no MenThor, knowledge and guidance continues.
In 2018, he continued the learning that stopped after being aware of mistakes, and begging to join the Titan again. In January 2019, he returned to the Titan circle and business undergoing recovery, clear with sales that increased to RM3. 2 million!
Although PKP, Sales throughout January to August 2020 have already reached RM2. 7 million!
Want to LONJAK your business and sales to prepare for the 2021 business challenge?
Comment JUMP for our team to help now!
「child of the world anak」的推薦目錄:
- 關於child of the world anak 在 Azizan Osman Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於child of the world anak 在 9bulan10hari Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於child of the world anak 在 9bulan10hari Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於child of the world anak 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於child of the world anak 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於child of the world anak 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳解答
child of the world anak 在 9bulan10hari Facebook 的最佳貼文
Orang kata anak perempuan ni mengada-ngada dan manja..
Kalau apa-apa berlaku mesti nangis dulu baru selesaikan masalah tu..
Orang kata anak perempuan ni cerewet.. sikit-sikit minta tolong ayah ibu untuk ‘back up’ dia kalau bergaduh dengan abang atau adiknya.
Tapi! Anak perempuan adalah kesayangan ibu dan ayahnya tau..
Mereka ada satu tarikan dan keunikan tersendiri yang membuatkan dirinya sangat berharga!
Anak perempuan persis ibunya..
Ibu adalah orang pertama yang menjadi kawan rapatnya.. Ibu juga pelindungnya.. Ibu tempat dia meluah rasa.. Ibu penenang dan tempat bermanja.. Solekan ibu membuatkan dia meniru gaya.. Masakan ibu yang paling tersedap di dunia..
ABC selalu ibu ajar.. agar menjadi orang terpelajar.. agar anak menjadi pintar.. walaupun ibu kekadang terpaksa menahan lapar..
Anak perempuan kuat merajuk.. Kasihnya ibu walaupun marah selalu datang pujuk.. sampaikan tidur dikerusi tersenguk-senguk.. ibu tak putus asa agar hati anaknya menjadi sejuk.
Ligatnya si anak tak geti duk diam… sampaikan ibu nak masak pun tak tenteram.. anak perempuannya datang sepahkan sayur bayam.. ikutkan hati ibu nak aje baham.. apakan daya anak dara nak belajar masak kenalah faham.
Jenguk ke bilik tengok anak dara kesayangannya tengah bermain alat solek.. katanya nak cantik macam Erin Malek.. nak dimarah bedak sudah terbalik.. sudahnya ibu join sama-sama main solek-solek.. bahagiannya si anak.
Semakin hari semakin besar anak dara kesayangan ibu.. bila darah haid pertama keluar anak menjerit dapatkan ibu.. petanda anak ibu sudah akil baligh la tu.. si anak menangis dalam pelukan ibu.. ibu ketawa ‘ jangan menangis anakku’..
Ibu selalu berpesan pada anak perempuannya.. agar selalu taat pada sang Pencipta.. kena menghormati ibu dan bapa.. kena pandai jaga maruah diri dan mahkota.. jangan sampai tergadai diri malu ibu bapa.. jauh mana pun pergi, tetaplah iman dan hati serta ingat pesan orang tua.
Pesan ayah juga jangan dilupa.. kejarlah cita-cita sehingga berjaya.. jangan terleka dibuai hal dunia.. setiap perbuatan, setiap kelakuan.. jaga batas dan pergaulan. Kuatkan semangat dan tempuh segala cabaran dan ujian dengan senyuman.
Anda ada anak perempuan? Didiklah mereka dengan sempurna dengan sopan dan santunnya diri dan ilmu agama.
Buat papa mama yg nak ilmu kehamilan - kelahiran - berpantang - mendidik anak2 & penyusuan susu ibu boleh klik link ini utk dptkannya ya : 😍
Copyrights 9bulan10hari silakan SHARE ❤️❤️
People say this girl is making up and spoiled..
If anything happens, cry first then solve the problem..
People say that the daughter is fussy.. asking mom's father to ' back up ' if she's fighting with her brother or sister.
But! Daughter is the beloved of her mother and father..
They have one attraction and their own uniqueness that makes themselves so precious!
Daughter is exactly her mother..
Mom is the first person to be her close friend.. Mom is also her protector.. Mom where she palms.. Mom and spoonful place.. Mom's makeup made her copy style.. The most delicious mother's cooking in the world..
ABC always teaches.. to be a educated person.. so that the child becomes smart.. even though mother sometimes has to hold the hunger..
My daughter is sulking.. Mother's love even though angry always comes to persuading.. give her sleep in the chair.. mother doesn't give up so that her child's heart becomes cold.
It's so hard that the child doesn't want to stay quietly... delivering the mother to cook is not peaceful.. her daughter came to put spinach veggies.. according to her mother's heart, she wants to eat it.. what's wrong with her daughter who wants to learn
Visiting the room to see her beloved daughter playing makeup.. she said she wants to be pretty like Erin Malek.. she wants to be scolded by the powder and she's upside down.. finally mom joins her makeup together.. her child's part.
My beloved daughter is getting bigger and more day.. when the first period blood comes out the child screams and gets a mother.. it's a sign that my child is having puberty.. the child cries in the arms of the mother.. mom laughs ' don't cry ..
Mother always told her daughter.. to always obey the Creator.. you have to respect your parents.. you must be good at taking care of your self-dignity and crown.. don't be ashamed of your parents.. no matter how far you go , keep faith and heart and remember the message of parents.
Don't forget your father's message.. chase your ambition until you succeed.. don't be fooled by the world.. every act, every behavior.. keep your limits and friendship. Be strong and go through all challenges and tests with a smile.
Do you have a daughter? Educate them perfectly with polite and self-polite and religious knowledge.
For papa mama who wants pregnancy knowledge - birth - abstinence - educate children & breastfeeding mother's milk can click this link to get it: 😍
Copyrights 9 months10 day please SHARE ❤️❤️Translated
child of the world anak 在 9bulan10hari Facebook 的最讚貼文
Mommy masih ingat lagi tak kali pertama melihat wajah anak? apa perasaan mommy waktu tu? 😍😍
Tak boleh nak digambarkan begitu indahnya waktu tu kan.. rasanya macam dunia tu hanya kita dengan anak.
Rasa tak puas tengok muka dia lama-lama. Dengan wajah dia yang putih merah tu.. gebunya.. yang pastinya bau dia yang paling syok sangat nak cium banyak kali. 🥰🥰
Buat papa mama yg nak ilmu kehamilan - kelahiran - berpantang - mendidik anak2 & penyusuan susu ibu boleh klik link ini utk dptkannya ya : 😍
Do you still remember the first time to see your child's face? What was mommy's feeling at that time? 😍😍
Can't be described as beautiful as that time.. it feels like the world is only us with our children.
Feels not satisfied looking at his face for a long time. With the face of his white and red.. his chubby.. that's definitely the smell of him that's the most fun to kiss many times. 🥰🥰
For papa mama who wants pregnancy knowledge - birth - abstinence - educate children & breastfeeding mother's milk can click this link to get it: 😍Translated