溫帶氣旋Ciara過境德國促成德國全境風力發電量創下新高紀錄,風電發電量佔比達60%,整體再生能源總發電量佔比高達全國用電量的75%驚人紀錄! (Clean Energy Wire 02/11/2020)
Storm 'Ciara' blows German wind power production to new record
via Tony Yen : "因為溫帶氣旋Ciara光臨中歐,全歐洲的風力發電過去幾天大增,其中德國甚至創下風能瞬間發電量43.7GW的歷史新高紀錄。
News 11 Feb 2020, 13:36 Benjamin Wehrmann Storm 'Ciara' blows German wind power production to new record
by Renewables Wind dpa / Deutschlandfunk / Clean Energy Wire
The storm dubbed "Ciara" has pushed wind power production to a new record in Germany, temporarily boosting feed-in into the grid to nearly 43.7 gigawatts (GW), grid operator TenneT told news agency dpa in an article carried by public broadcaster Deutschlandfunk. The previous record stood at 43.4 GW. According to energy think tank Agora Energiewende*, renewables covered about three quarters of Germany's power consumption on 9 and 10 February, with onshore and offshore wind turbines contributing the lion's share. However, the storm also caused troubles for grid operators, since the record feed-in happened intermittently and even caused some turbines to be shut down for safety reasons, the article says.
According to the website energy-charts by research institute Fraunhofer ISE, wind power alone covered nearly 60 percent of net power production on 10 February, dwarfing coal-fired power production, which stood at about 11 percent on that day.
Wind, solar and other renewable sources supplied almost 43 percent of gross German power consumption in 2019, up from 38.2 percent in 2018. This marked a new annual record that already exceeds the government’s 2020 target of 35 percent, but the unprecedented output level is overshadowed by a near halt in onshore wind development. The number of new wind turbines recently fell to unprecedentedly low levels and the country is veering off track in reaching its 2030 target of a 65 percent renewables share."
Storm 'Ciara' blows German wind power production to new record (Clean Energy Wire 02/11/2020)
PS. 編按:所謂溫帶氣旋,其威力類似我們亞洲地區所稱的颱風,或是北美地區所謂的颶風。
這是英國新聞媒體報導這次溫帶氣旋Ciara過境英國時,強風暴雨威力的實際景象 :
Storm Ciara causes floods and destruction in UK – in pictures (02/09/2020)