刊登在《英國醫學期刊-胃腸病專刊》(BMJ Gut)【註1】的荷蘭研究,以及發表在《刺胳針‧胃腸肝病學》(Lancet G&H)【註2】期刊上的法國研究都曾明確指出,有愈來越多的50歲以下青壯年族群陸續被診斷出罹患大腸癌。儘管年輕族群中的病例總數目前仍相對偏低,但2篇研究都強調,20至29歲的發病率正急劇上升中。
大腸癌(large bowel cancer)包括結腸癌和直腸癌(colon cancer and rectal cancer)兩大部分。結腸直腸癌是醫學上正確的說法,然而一般人常稱為大腸直腸癌,似乎是將大腸癌等同結腸癌,其實是一種權宜的說法。依組織病理學的分類,通常所謂的結腸癌和直腸癌是指腺癌,長在大腸其他種類的癌病(例如淋巴癌、神經內分泌癌等等)不包括在內。(資料來源:【註4】)
近日漫威超級英雄「黑豹」查德維克博斯曼(Chadwick Boseman)因大腸癌病逝,引起了社會大眾對大腸癌的關注,其實大腸癌在我國已經超過10年都是罹癌人數第一位,而衛生部國民健康署也呼籲要落實「護腸4重點」,來協助國民一同預防大腸癌。
大腸癌有許多的危險因子,多半和生活作息有關,包含肥胖、高脂肪食物、紅肉、低纖維飲食、抽菸及飲酒等。其中飲食及運動的「兩多一少」- 多運動、多蔬果、少紅肉是預防大腸癌的健康秘訣。
▶少紅肉:國際癌症總署指出,每天攝取超過50克的加工肉品或100克的紅肉(豬、羊、牛)會增加17% 罹患大腸癌的風險。
➜「定期篩檢」降風險 採便在家輕鬆做
➜篩檢陽性確診要及早 「確診後定期追蹤治療」
Vuik FE, Nieuwenburg SA, Bardou M, et al
Increasing incidence of colorectal cancer in young adults in Europe over the last 25 years. Gut 2019;68:1820-1826.
Araghi M, Soerjomataram I, Bardot A, et al. Changes in colorectal cancer incidence in seven high-income countries: a population-based study. The lancet. Gastroenterology & Hepatology. 2019 Jul;4(7):511-518. DOI: 10.1016/s2468-1253(19)30147-5.
1. 來源
∎【註3】:(自由時報-自由健康網)「大腸癌發病率呈現年輕化趨勢! 研究:跟現代飲食西化有關」: https://bit.ly/3i7YBo5
∎【註4】:(馬偕紀念醫院)馬偕院訊(2008年12月-298期)「結腸直腸癌的預防和治療」(臺北院區大腸直腸外科主任陳明仁醫師): https://bit.ly/3jUToAj
∎【註5】:衛生福利部 - 大腸癌可預防 國健署籲落實「護腸四重點」:https://bit.ly/3jTxwp0
∎ 癌症希望基金會「大腸癌小檔案」;https://bit.ly/3360Y4u
2. 【國衛院論壇出版品 免費閱覽】
∎國家衛生研究院論壇出版品-電子書(PDF)-線上閱覽: https://forum.nhri.org.tw/publications/
3. 【國衛院論壇學術活動】
#國家衛生研究院 #國衛院 #國家衛生研究院論壇 #國衛院論壇 #衛生福利部 #國民健康署 #健保署 #中央健康保險署 #五南圖書 #國家書店 #五南網路書店
#大腸癌 #結腸癌 #直腸癌 #健康飲食 #規律運動 #定期篩檢 #確診後定期治療 #多運動 #多蔬果 #少紅肉
衛生福利部 / 國民健康署 / 財團法人國家衛生研究院 / 國家衛生研究院-論壇
colon cancer incidence 在 小劉醫師-劉宗瑀Lisa Liu粉絲團 Facebook 的最佳貼文
Playdough Surgery 🔪- Colectomy (colon removal) and Colostomy Creation - aka Hartmann Procedure
“Do all people only poop out of their butt? Can the poop come out from anywhere else?” - my 3yo wondered aloud one day.
I had to take this opportunity to tell him about the lifesaving surgeries that result in the creation of an opening in the abdomen (called a stoma) to release waste products. Did you know? More than 1 million people in North America live with a permanent ostomy, and some 100,000 new ostomy surgeries are being performed each year.
Thankfully, most colon surgeries can be completed without needing an ostomy. But our patient had an advanced, perforated colon cancer that required emergent removal (sometimes these are reversed later and reconnected when the patient is feeling better). My little guy couldn’t wait to stick his hand 👋🏻 into the abdomen and pull out the sigmoid colon like the surgeons in the videos we watched.
Last thought: it is sobering that colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in both men and women in the United States and the second most common cause of cancer-related death. African Americans have the highest incidence of colorectal cancer, >20% higher than in whites, and an even larger difference in mortality - they are more often diagnosed at an earlier age and with more advanced disease. [Am J Pathol. 2018 Feb; 188(2): 291–303]
Disclaimer: The following video is intended for entertainment/educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice.
#coloncancer #coloncancerawareness #colorectalcancerawareness #ostomy
#ostomyawareness #colorectalsurgery #surgeon #medicalstudent #medicine #medicalschool #playdough #playdoughfun #playdoughsurgery #playdoh #kidsactivities #doctormom #learnthroughplay #thebreakfasteur