#Opinion by Leung Kai Chi 梁啟智|"Originally, there was not a consensus among the populace how to response to the revised electoral system. The various solutions I have heard about so far include enduring all the disgrace and insults just in order to run for office, and putting election under a boycott as proposed by a lot of people. The difference between the two is whether you cast a blank or invalid vote, or abstain from voting. Some advocate running in election in a jeering manner by making “the Coriander Party” and ‘the Siu Mai(Cantonese steamed dumping with shrimp) Concern Group” bricks-and-mortar political groups that send candidates to stand in election to see what reasons the vetting committee will be able to come up with to disqualify them from taking part. However, it was not anticipated that the government adopted a high profile to dress down anyone who calls on others to cast a blank vote, which, to everyone’s surprise, unified what the populace thought in a short while. Everyone is now convinced that casting a blank vote is a solution worth considering. As far as incitement to casting blank vote made a criminal offence is concerned, I am afraid that the government is the first one culpable for it."
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consensus vote 在 李怡 Facebook 的最讚貼文
Convert the “Two Evils” to “Two Goods” | Lee Yee
According to the Basic Law, the 4-year-term of the 6th Legislative Council (LegCo) councilors (the lawmakers) has come to an end. Therefore, the National People’s Congress Standing Committee’s (NPCSC) decision on extending the terms of current lawmakers for “no less than one year” will not be “made by the people” like the four years given by voters, but “assigned by the central government” which was not set by the Basic Law. If the current lawmakers accept the appointment, they would be accepting a lawmakers selection process that is in breach of the Basic Law; if they don’t, it would not be a “group resignation”. It would just be them declaring they do not accept an appointment that is not given by the people.
For the pan-democratic lawmakers (pan-dems), whether to accept this appointment or not, has become a dilemma. They have had numerous deliberations trying to find consensus, in the hope of continuing their “sticking together thick and thin” mentality, but they could not come to an agreement. There was a rumor couple of days ago that most pan-dem lawmakers side with “stay”, who gave some reasoning to support their “taking the lesser of two evils” decision; but those who side with “go” have also given their reason, and have also suggested deciding by a referendum or a poll.
Chairman of the Democratic Party Wu Chi-wai, who has sided with “stay” said that, if people are not satisfied with them, they can vote for the others like the localists or any newly emerging parties in the 2021 election. He does not think there is any problem. Judging by the pan-dems primary election a while ago and the orientation on the internet lately, the answer is possibly no longer an “if” but a “definitely”.
There are two evils, indeed. “Stay” would attract death wish like “you are a new person now” from the pro-CCP and pro-establishment camps, which is disadvantageous for next year’s election; in addition, when accepting the appointment, the “no less than one year” can be extended to two years, three years or longer. “Go” means they will lose the power to protest in the LegCo meetings, although they don’t even have sufficient number to be a key minority, but they can still use delaying tactic; also, not being a lawmaker means attracting less media attention and not being able to bring the LegCo debates into the society; and of course, their income would be dramatically reduced.
Tsang Chi-ho (Broadcaster from RTHK) said yesterday, “this is a political conspiracy that, no matter staying or going, pan-dems will be badly hurt.” I fear it is exactly the case. There is no “lesser evil” as both are “evil”.
The evil is to cause division within the pan-dems camp. In the past, pan-dems lawmakers always opposed the localists and protesters, but the anti-ELAB movement last year has brought pan-dems with different orientations together with the mantra: each brother climbs the mountain his own way, no cutting ties, no snitching; young protesters motivated people to join peaceful demonstration, and in turn, their fierce actions were supported by the peaceful and rational pan-dems. This joint force seemed to have formed, which continued to District Councils election and pan-dems primary election, and that is the scenario the CCP wants to see the least.
When Carrie Lam’s regime suggested extending the lawmakers’ term for a year, someone at the pro-establishment camp said the four current lawmakers, who have been disqualified to join the new election, should not be able to have their terms extended. The pan-dems have allegedly said, if the terms of these four cannot be extended, then all pan-dems lawmakers will resign together. But that was only the pro-establishment testing the water because the CCP has already hatched a plan. It will allow everyone to extend a year, so now the “ball of dilemma” will be on pan-dems’ court: if they accept the appointment, their wall of support from the people will collapse, if they refuse, they would no longer have any power.
A KOL has recently made a suggestion which I found excellent: how about those four who have been disqualified accept the extension, and the rest of the pan-dems refuse?
So what is the good of that? 1. these four accepting the extension is not saying they agree on the legitimacy of NPCSC’s appointment, but to highlight how ridiculous it is to disqualify them since NPCSC accepts their candidacy; 2. the other lawmakers refusing the appointment mean they hold onto the democratic ideal of the Basic Law and “elected by people”, and that they deny the legality of the lawmaker’s appointment by NPCSC; 3. these two actions will embarrass the CCP and meet the criticism of candidates being disqualified and the appointments made by NPCSC from the international society, who might increase sanctioning action; 4. there is still a voice from the opposition in LegCo. Since there are not enough people to maintain a key minority anyway, then four people would be sufficient, and they can also bring the LegCo debates into the society; 5. prevent pan-dems from dividing and keep the “yellow” people in the society together; 6. destroy the political conspiracy of dividing pan-dems, once again boost the spirit of people who support democracy and build a foundation for the next election.
This is a way to change danger to opportunity and convert the “two evils” to “two goods”. The only loss would be a substantial amount of resources.
consensus vote 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的精選貼文
[時事英文] 「霸佔主席台」英文怎麼說?
近 800 位同學在學的英文思考術 https://bit.ly/3eTHIvH
The speaker’s podium must be very sturdy to have survived all these scuffles.
sturdy: 結實的,牢固的;強壯的
Lawmakers in Taiwan’s legislature scuffled last Tuesday over the nomination of Chen Chu, a former Kaohsiung mayor and top advisor to President Tsai Ing-wen, to head the Control Yuan, an oversight board that the administration has long wished to eliminate. Legislators from the opposition Kuomintang (KMT) occupied the Legislative Yuan Tuesday morning while others laid outside on a driveway to block Chen from entering and thus delay the nomination proceedings.
1. legislature 立法機構
2. scuffle (v.) over 發生衝突; scuffle (n.) 短暫扭打,小衝突
3. the nomination of 提名
4. a top advisor 最高顧問
5. the Control Yuan 監察院
6. head (v.) 領導,主管
7. the oversight board 監察委員會
8. a legislator 立法者
9. occupy the Legislative Yuan 佔領立法院
10. nomination proceedings 提名程序
Last Wednesday (July 15), the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) caucus accused the Legislative Yuan of using police force against lawmakers when hundreds of officers were assigned to protect Control Yuan presidential nominee Chen Chu during a scuffle in the legislative compound on 14 July. KMT legislators clashed with lawmakers from the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) as they tried to enter through a back door while Chen was escorted by police through a side door, only for KMT members to take down the speaker’s podium in the chamber.
11. a caucus 黨團
12. the Legislative Yuan 立法院
13. the use (n.) of police force against 利用治安權力
14. presidential nominee(監察院)院長候選人
15. compound (n.) (圍起來的)場地,樓群,院落 (這裡legislative compound 指立法院內)
16. clash(v.) with 打鬥,打架;發生衝突;爭論,爭辯
17. enter through a backdoor 從後門進入
18. be escorted by 被護送
19. the speaker’s podium 主席台*
20. chamber (用於特定用途或官方用途的)房間,室,廳;議院
*occupy the speaker’s podium 攻佔主席台
It was the second time in the past two weeks KMT lawmakers have stormed the legislature and scuffled with DPP members to prevent a confirmation vote of Chen. The KMT has alleged Chen will not be impartial as she is a DPP member and a former aide to President Tsai.
21. storm the legislature
22. allege (v.)指控 (對方有不法事宜,但尚未有證據證實)
23. impartial 公正的,無偏見的
24. a former aide 先前的助手
Last Tuesday’s brawl came as a broad political consensus grows to eliminate the Control Yuan and the Examination Yuan, another of Taiwan’s five branches of government, instead folding their powers into those of the legislature, amid longtime accusations that their members are not truly independent from the government officials they seek to watch over.
25. brawl 混戰
26. broad political consensus 廣泛的的政治共識
27. the Examination Yuan 考試院
28. fold sth into sth 合併*
29. accusation 指控
30. not truly independent 並非真正獨立
31. watch over 監督
*fold sth into sth : https://bit.ly/2Blrjla
On July 17, the Legislature approved the appointment of Chen Chu as head of the Control Yuan, after days of discord between the ruling Democratic Progressive Party and opposition Kuomintang over her nomination. Chen was confirmed as president of the Control Yuan in a 65-3 vote, with two votes invalidated, in the 113-seat Legislature. Lawmakers of the main opposition KMT, who had vehemently opposed Chen's nomination from the start, abstained from the confirmation vote.
32. approve the appointment of 批准…的委任
33. the head of 的首長
34. days of discord 多日衝突
35. invalidated 無效、作廢
36. vehemently oppose 強烈反對
37. from the start 打從一開始
38. abstain from 棄權
經過執政的民進黨與反對黨國民黨多日衝突,立法院於7月17日批准任命陳菊為監察院院長。 在立院113個席位中,陳以65票對3票通過為監察院院長,兩票無效。 主要反對黨國民黨的立委從一開始就強烈反對陳的提名,但在確認投票中棄權。
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1. The Diplomat: https://bit.ly/2CQiYX8
2. Taipei Times: https://bit.ly/3eLGtxF
3. Focus Taiwan: https://bit.ly/2OLfVlK
圖片出處: https://bit.ly/3fQYko8
時事英文大全: https://wp.me/p44l9b-1Y8