✨ จับจริง แจกจริง ขอแสดงความยินดีกับผู้โชคดีที่ได้รับสร้อยคอทองคำ 1 บาท จากการจับรางวัลแคมเปญ “ขุดแหลก แจกโชค” ครั้งที่ 1 ทั้งหมด 10 ท่าน
✨ สำหรับการจับรางวัลครั้งที่ 2 จะจับในวันที่ 30 พ.ย. 2563 ของรางวัล ได้แก่ สร้อยคอทองคำหนัก 5 บาท จำนวน 2 รางวัล และ รถขุดคูโบต้า KX91-3SX CE ช้างศึกอิดิชั่น จำนวน 1 รางวัล มูลค่ารวมกว่า 1,400,000 บาท
💥 ใครที่อยากลุ้นรางวัล รีบซื้อรถขุดคูโบต้า ภายในวันที่ 31 ต.ค. 2563 นี้เท่านั้น
หมายเหตุ :
เงื่อนไข (1.) ผู้มีสิทธิ์ลุ้นรับรางวัลคือ ลูกค้าผู้ซื้อรถขุดคูโบต้ามือหนึ่งทุกรุ่น ตั้งแต่ 1 มิถุนายน 2563 - 31 ตุลาคม 2563 จากตัวแทนจำหน่ายของบริษัทสยามคูโบต้าคอร์ปอเรชั่น จำกัด ทั่วราชอาณาจักรไทย และทำสัญญาเช่าซื้อให้แล้วเสร็จ ภายใน15 พฤศจิกายน 2563 จะมีสิทธิ์ลุ้นรับของรางวัล โดยการซื้อรถขุดคูโบต้า 1 คัน จะมีสิทธิ์ลุ้นรับรางวัล 1 สิทธิ์
(2.) กำหนดจับรางวัล ทั้งสิ้น 2 ครั้ง โดยมีรายละเอียด ดังนี้
ครั้งที่ 1 วันที่ 31 ส.ค. 63 เวลา 10.00 น. ของรางวัล สร้อยคอทองคำหนัก 1 บาท จำนวน 10 รางวัล มูลค่ารวม 250,000 บาท (ผู้มีสิทธิ์จับรางวัล คือ ลูกค้าที่ซื้อรถขุดคูโบต้าระหว่างวันที่ 1 มิ.ย. 2563 -31 ก.ค. 2563และ ทำสัญญาเช่าซื้อให้แล้วเสร็จ ภายใน 15 ส.ค. 2563)
ครั้งที่ 2 วันที่ 30 พ.ย. 63 เวลา 10.00 น. ของรางวัล รถขุดคูโบต้า ขนาด 3.2 ตัน รุ่น KX91-3SX (KIS) (CE) ช้างศึกอิดิชั่น จำนวน 1 คัน มูลค่า 1,150,000 บาท และ สร้อยคอทองคำหนัก 5 บาท จำนวน 2 รางวัล มูลค่า 250,000 บาท (ผู้มีสิทธิ์จับรางวัล คือ ลูกค้าที่ซื้อรถขุดคูโบต้าระหว่างวันที่ 1 มิ.ย.2563 – 31 ต.ค. 2563 และ ทำสัญญาเช่าซื้อให้แล้วเสร็จ ภายใน 15 พ.ย. 2563)
(3.) สถานที่จับรางวัล : บริษัทสยามคูโบต้าคอร์ปอเรชั่น จำกัด (สำนักงานใหญ่) เลขที่ 101/19-24 หมู่ที่ 20 นิคมอุตสาหกรรมนวนคร ตำบลคลองหนึ่ง อำเภอคลองหลวง จังหวัดปทุมธานี 12120
(4.) วิธีการจับรางวัล : ผู้แทนจำหน่ายคีย์ข้อมูลลูกค้าที่ซื้อรถขุดคูโบต้าในระบบ KADs (KUBOTA AUTHORIZED DEALER SYSTEM) ของบริษัทฯ ซึ่งข้อมูลลูกค้าประกอบด้วย
- ข้อมูลเบื้องต้นของลูกค้า ได้แก่ ชื่อ-นามสกุล ,ที่อยู่ ,เบอร์โทรศัพท์
- ข้อมูลการซื้อสินค้า ได้แก่ รุ่นรถ หมายเลขรถ หมายเลขเครื่อง วันที่ซื้อ ผู้แทนจำหน่ายที่ซื้อสินค้า
(5.) บริษัทฯจะประกาศรายชื่อผู้โชคดีทาง Facebook รถขุดคูโบต้า-Kubota Excavator (www.facebook.com/KubotaExcavator
) โดยมีรายละเอียด ดังนี้ ครั้งที่ 1 : วันที่ 31 สิงหาคม 2563 / ครั้งที่ 2 : วันที่ 30 พฤศจิกายน 2563
(6.) ผู้โชคดีที่ได้รับรางวัลจะต้องส่งเอกสารฉบับจริงในการรับรางวัลที่ธุรกิจเครื่องจักรกลก่อสร้าง บริษัท สยามคูโบต้าคอร์ปอเรชั่น จำกัด (สำนักงานใหญ่) เลขที่ 101/19-24 อาคาร 2 ชั้น 4 หมู่ที่ 20 นิคมอุตสาหกรรมนวนคร ตำบลคลองนึ่ง อำเภอคลองหลวง จังหวัดปทุมธานี 12120 โทร.02-9090300 ต่อ 449 (ภายในเวลาทำการ จันทร์-ศุกร์ เวลา 08.00 - 17.00 น.) ด้วยตนเองหรือทางไปรษณีย์ เพื่อตรวจสอบหลักฐาน และยืนยันการรับสิทธิ์ภายใน 15 วันหลังประกาศรางวัล มิฉะนั้นจะถือว่าสละสิทธิ์
(7.) ผู้โชคดีที่ได้รับรางวัลจะต้องรับรางวัลตามที่กำหนดไว้ รางวัลที่ได้ไม่สามารถแลกเปลี่ยนเป็นเงินสด หรือของรางวัลอื่นได้และไม่มีการจ่ายเงินเป็นส่วนประกอบ
(8.) ในกรณีที่ผู้โชคดีลำดับที่ 1 สละสิทธิ์ บริษัทฯจะมอบรางวัลให้กับผู้โชคดีสำรองตามลำดับ
(9.) คำตัดสินของคณะกรรมการถือเป็นเด็ดขาดและที่สุด
(10.) พนักงานของบริษัทสยามคูโบต้าคอร์ปอเรชั่น จำกัด และ บริษัท สยามคูโบต้า ลีสซิ่ง จำกัด รวมถึงพนักงานของผู้แทนจำหน่ายฯบริษัทตัวแทนโฆษณา และคณะกรรมการดำเนินงานพร้อมครอบครัวไม่มีสิทธิ์เข้าร่วมรายการ
(11.) ผู้ได้รับรางวัลยินยอมให้ บริษัทสยามคูโบต้าคอร์ปอเรชั่น จำกัด นำภาพข้อมูล หรือรายละเอียดต่างๆ ของผู้ได้รับรางวัลไปใช้ในการโฆษณาประชาสัมพันธ์ของบริษัทฯ ผ่านสื่อต่างๆ ประกอบการโฆษณาประกอบด้วย โทรทัศน์ วิทยุ หนังสือพิมพ์ โปสเตอร์ Facebook, Line, Website และสื่อสิ่งพิมพ์ทุกชนิด
(12.) รางวัลตั้งแต่มูลค่า 1,000 บาทขึ้นไป จะต้องชำระภาษีหัก ณ ที่จ่าย 5% ของมูลค่าของรางวัล
(13.) ผู้โชคดีมีสิทธิ์ได้รับรางวัลสูงสุดเพียงรางวัลเดียวเท่านั้น หากมีการจับรางวัลผู้โชคดีรายชื่อซ้ำกัน บริษัทฯจะจับรางวัลใหม่เพื่อให้ผู้โชคดีรายใหม่แทน
(14.) ผู้โชคดีที่เช่าซื้อผ่านสยามคูโบต้าลีสซิ่ง จะต้องมีสถานะการผ่อนชำระรถขุดคูโบต้าตามปกติเท่านั้น
(15.) ใบอนุญาตจัดมีการให้เล่นเกมพกหรือรางวัลใน การเสี่ยงโชคฯ โดยศูนย์บริการประชาชน กรมการปกครอง ใบอนุญาตเลขที่ 29/2563-30/2563
สอบถามข้อมูลสินค้าและบริการเพิ่มเติม ได้ที่
Inbox https://m.me/KubotaExcavator
Website : https://www.siamkubota.co.th/construction/product/25
สายด่วนบริการสยามคูโบต้า : 1747
ศูนย์ลูกค้าสัมพันธ์ สยามคูโบต้า : 0-2909-1234
#รถขุดคูโบต้า #KUBOTA #แกร่งเกินคุ้มครอบคลุมทุกงานจ้าง
#รถขุดยอดขายอันดับ1 #คูโบต้า #KIS #KubotaIntelligenceSolutions #คูโบต้านวัตกรรมอัจฉริยะ #ขุดแหลกแจกโชค
หมายเหตุ ยอดขายอันดับ1 อ้างอิงจากข้อมูลยอดขายรถขุดคูโบต้า ตั้งแต่เดือน ม.ค. 2562 - เดือน ธ.ค. 2562 อ้างอิงจากข้อมูลสถิติจำนวนรถขุดใหม่ขนาดเล็ก (ตั้งแต่ 1-10 ตัน) ที่จดทะเบียนตามกฎหมายว่าด้วยรถยนต์ จากกรมขนส่งทางบก (ทั่วประเทศไทย)
✨ Real draw, real giveaway. Congratulations to the lucky winner who won 1 Baht gold necklace from the prize draw for the 1th ′′ Lucky giveaway ′′ campaign. Total 10 persons.
✨ For the 2st prize draw, it will be caught on 30 Feb. The prize draw is 5 Baht of gold necklace, 2 Prizes and Kubota KX91- 3 2563 CE, 1 Prizes worth over 1,400,000 Baht.
💥 Anyone who wants to win a prize, hurry up to buy a Kubota excavator by 31 T. This 2563th only
Conditions (1.) Winners win prizes are customers who buy first-hand Kubota Excavator. From 1 June 2563-31 October 2563 from the dealer of Siam Kubota Corporal. Limited edition throughout the Kingdom of Thailand and leasing contract to be completed on 15 November 2563 There will be a chance to win prizes by buying 1 Kubota Excavator. You will have a chance to win 1 privileges.
(2.) 2 prize draws with the following details.
The 1th time, 31th day. July 63 at 10.00 pm Gold necklace giveaway weighing 1 baht. 10 prizes worth 250,000 baht. (Winners are the customers who buy Kubota excavator during 1 June. 2563-31 Jul. July 2563 and leasing contract complete within 15 s. July 2563)
The 2th time, 30th day. Nov. 63 at 10.00 pm 3.2 Ton Kubota Kubota Excavator 2 3 3 (KIS) (CE) 1 Edition Chang worth 1,150,000 Baht and 5 Baht gold necklace weighs 2 Baht. Prize worth 250,000 baht (The winner of the prize is the customer who bought the Kubota excavator between 1 June. Nov. 2563-31 T. 2563 and leasing contract completed within 15 May. 2563)
(3.) Prize Drawing Place: Siam Kubota Corporation Co Ltd. (Headquarters), 101/19-24 Moo 20, Nakhon Nakhon, Khlong Luang, Pathu province. Mthani 12120
(4.) Drawing Method: Customer Data Key Dealer Buying Kubota Excavator in KADs System (KUBOTA AUTHORIZED HEALER SYSTEM) of the company where customer data is comprised.
- Customer's preliminary information is name - surname, address, phone number.
- Purchasing information include car model, car number, machine number, date of purchase, distributors who bought items.
(5.) The company will announce the lucky list via Facebook. Kubota-Kubota Excavator (www.facebook.com/KubotaExcavator)
) with the following details. 1th: August 31th, 2563th / 2th: November 30, 2563
(6.) The lucky winner must submit the real documents in the award at Siam Kubota Corporation Mechanical Business, Limited (Headquarters). 101/19-24 Building 2, Floor 4, Moo 20, 20 Industrial Estate, Nakhon, Khlong Nong, Khlong Nong, Khlong Luang, Pathum Thani province 12120 Tel. 02-9090300 on 449 (within business hours Monday-Friday 08.00-17.00 hrs. ) by self or by mail to verify evidence and confirm eligibility within 15 days after award announcement. Otherwise, the waiver is forfeited.
(7.) The lucky winner must win the prize as defined. The prize cannot be exchanged for cash or other giveaways and no component is paid.
(8.) In case the 1nd lucky person forfeited the company will reward the lucky winner in order.
(9.) judgments of the committee are final and final.
(10.) Staff of Siam Kubota Corporation Ltd and Siam Kubota Leasing Ltd. including employees of distributors, advertisement representatives and board of directors and family are not eligible to participate.
(11.) Award Winners consent to Siam Kubota Corporation Co Ltd. Images, information or details of winners to advertise, corporate public relations through various media. Advertising comprises of TV, radio, newspaper, Facebook, Line, poster, Facebook, Line, Website and all kinds of press.
(12.) Prizes from 1,000 baht or more. Must pay 5 % of the value of the prize.
(13.) The lucky winner has only one top prize. If the lucky winner is drawn, the duplicate will win a new prize for the new lucky winner instead.
(14.) The lucky person who leases through Siam Kubota Leasing will require the normal Kubota Excavator installment status only.
(15.) Permits are given to play games, carry or reward for gambling by the Citizenship Service Center, Department of Governance, license number 29/2563-30/2563
For more information about products and services, please contact.
Inbox https://m.me/KubotaExcavator
Website : https://www.siamkubota.co.th/construction/product/25
Siam Kubota Hotline: 1747
Siam Kubota Customer Relations Center: 0-2909-1234
#รถขุดคูโบต้า #KUBOTA #แกร่งเกินคุ้มครอบคลุมทุกงานจ้าง
#รถขุดยอดขายอันดับ1 #คูโบต้า #KIS #KubotaIntelligenceSolutions #คูโบต้านวัตกรรมอัจฉริยะ #ขุดแหลกแจกโชค
Note the number 1 sales. Quote from Kubota excavator sales data since June 1 Dec. 2562-Dec. 2562 referred to statistics of small new excavators (from 1-10 tons) registered by car from the Department of Land Transport (Thailand)Translated
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「construction company name」的推薦目錄:
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In celebration of today’s anniversary of this wet mess/epic. Let’s celebrate the hard work this crew put into bringing this world to life. Water movies are never easy but when it comes to this movie anytime you bring it up and a crew member from it is in earshot, the stories pour out. Not always bad, I know a AC that said he had a blast, he loved the boat rides out and all the camaraderie the crew had to have to get thru it. To all the crew that helped bring WATERWORLD to life, We salute you and thanks for the memories. I personally enjoy this hot mess of a movie, it’s one of the last ones of its kind...done practically...in a way.
let’s take a deepest of dives into WATERWORLD
The director, Kevin Reynolds, knew there would be problems before production had even started, “During pre-production. Because having never shot on water to that extent before, I didn’t really realise what I was in for. I talked to Spielberg about it because he’d gone to do Jaws, and I remember, he said to me, “Oh, I would never shoot another picture on water”.
“When we were doing the budget for the picture, and the head of the studio, Sid Sheinberg, we were talking about it and I said, “Steven told me that on Jaws the schedule for the picture was 55 days, and they ended up shooting a 155 days”. Because of the water. And he sat there for a moment and he said, “You know, I’m not sure about the days, but I do know they went a hundred percent over budget”. And so, Universal knew the potential problems of shooting on water. It’s monstrous.”
The film began with a projected budget of $100 million which had reportedly increased to $175 million by the end of production. The principle photography had overrun for at least thirty days more than originally planned due to one major decision.
Whereas today they would film in water tanks with partially built sets, employing green screens to fake the locations, back in 1995 they decided to build everything full size and shoot out on the ocean.
This causes extra logistical problems on top of those that already come with making a major action blockbuster. Cast and crew have to be transported to sets. The camera boats and sets float out of position and will have to be reset between takes taking up valuable production time.
The first draft of Waterworld was written by Peter Radar, a Harvard graduate who wanted to break into the film business. His contact in the film industry was Brad Kevoy, an assistant to the legendary director Roger Corman.
Roger Corman is best known for making films very quickly on a small budget. He also liked to give young talent a chance to direct and write their own films. Brad informed Peter that if he could write a Mad Max rip off, he would arrange to finance and let him direct the picture.
Radar came back and pitched the idea for what would become Waterworld. Kevoy took one look at him and said,
“Are you out of your mind? This would cost us three million dollars to make this movie!”
So Radar kept hold of the idea and decided to re-write the script but, this time, going wild. He wrote what he wanted to see on-screen, limited only by his imagination, not a real world production budget.
He managed to get the newly written script shown to a pair of producers with whom he had made contact with. They loved it and ironically they passed it onto Larry Gordon. He shared the enthusiasm saying it had the kind of cinematic possibilities he was looking for. A deal was signed on Christmas Eve of 1989.
As further script rewrites progressed, it became clear that Waterworld was too big for the Larry Gordon’s production company to undertake by themselves. In February 1992, a deal was signed with Universal Pictures to co-produce and co-finance the film. This was now six years after the first draft had been written.
Universal had signed director Kevin Reynolds to Waterworld. Whilst he was finishing his latest film, Rapa Nui, pre-production for Waterworld was already underway.
The decision was taken that the largest set for the film, known as the atoll, would be built full size. The atoll was the primary location for film and in the story served as the location for a small population of survivors.
The logic behind this decision was due to the high percentage of live action filming required in this location, as well as a huge action set piece. No sound stage would be big enough to incorporate this number of scenes and it was crucial that we see the mariner sail his boat into the atoll, turn around and set out again. A full-size construction was the only way to go as the use of miniature and special effects would be impractical.
The next problem was deciding where to build this huge set. After much research, Kawaihae Harbour in Hawaii was chosen as the location. The atoll could be constructed in the harbour and rotated when needed thus allowing for open sea in the background. Later towards the end of principle photography, the atoll could be towed out into the open sea for the filming of the big action sequences which would be impractical to shoot in an enclosed harbour.
Director Kevin Reynolds also discussed the possibility of using the same water tank as James Cameron’s The Abyss, which had filmed there around five years ago,
“We had even entertained the notion of shooting at that big nuclear reactor facility where they had shot The Abyss, to use it for our underwater tank. But we found it in such a state of disrepair that economically it just wasn’t feasible. We didn’t have as much underwater work as they did. Most of The Abyss is interiors and underwater and model work, ours is mostly surface exterior.”
The production company had originally envisioned building the atoll by linking approximately one hundred boats together and building upon this foundation, just like the characters in the film. The production crew set out to search Hawaii and get hold of as many boats as possible.
During this search, a unique boat in Honolulu caught their attention. Upon further investigation, they discovered it was built by Navitech, a subsidiary of the famous aircraft production company, Lockheed.
They approached Lockheed with the strange request of figuring out how they could build the foundations of the atoll. Lockheed found the request unusual but didn’t shy away from the challenging. They agreed to design the atoll foundation and Navitech would construct it.
Meanwhile, an 11ft miniature model of the atoll was sent out to a model ship testing facility in San Diego. Scaled wave tanks are used to determine the effects of the open sea on large scale miniature models of new untested ship designs. This would help determine what would happen with the unusual design of the atoll when it was out of the harbour.
The atoll, when finished, was approximately ¼ mile in circumference. It took three months to construct and is rumoured to cost around $22 million. As the atoll would be used out on the open sea, it required a seafaring license. Nothing like this had been done before and after much deliberation, it was eventually classed as an unmanned vessel. This meant that all cast and crew would have to vacate the set whilst it was towed into position. By the end of production, the atoll was towed out to sea a total of five times.
Shooting out on the open sea presented a series of logistical problem as Reynolds describes,
“We had an entire navy, basically – I mean, this atoll was positioned about a mile off-shore in Hawaii, it was anchored to the bottom of the ocean so it could rotate. What you don’t think about are things like, you’re shooting on this atoll to maintain this notion that there’s no dry land, you always have to shoot out to sea. Away from the land. So we chose a location where we had about a 180 degree view of open water. Nevertheless, any time when you’re shooting, there could be a ship appear in the background, or something like that, and you had to make a choice. Do I hold up the shot, wait for the ship to move out, or do we shoot and say we’re going to incur this additional cost in post-production of trying to remove the ship from the background.
And at that time, CGI was not at the point it is now, it was a bigger deal. And so, even though if you’re shooting across the atoll and you’re shooting out onto open water, when you turn around and do the reverses, for the action, you had to rotate the entire atoll, so that you’re still shooting out to open water. Those are the kinds of things that people don’t realise.
Or something as simple as – if you’re shooting a scene between two boats, and you’re trying to shoot The Mariner on his craft, another boat or whatever, you’ve got a camera boat shooting his boat, and then the other boat in the background. Well, when you’re on open water things tend to drift apart. So you have to send lines down from each of those boats to the bottom, to anchor them so that they somewhat stay in frame. When you’ve got a simple shot on land, you set up the camera position, you put people in front of the camera and then you put background in there. But when you’re on water, everything’s constantly moving apart, drifting apart, so you have to try to hold things down somewhat.
And these are simple things that you don’t really realise when you’re looking at it on film. But logistically, it’s crazy. And each day you shoot on the atoll with all those extras, we had to transport those people from dry land out to the location and so you’re getting hundreds of people through wardrobe and everything, and you’re putting them on boats, transporting them out to the atoll, and trying to get everybody in position to do a shot. And then when you break for lunch, you have to put everybody on boats and take them back in to feed them.”
The final size of the atoll was determined by the size of the Mariners boat, the trimaran. The dimensions for the trimaran were finalised very early on in pre-production, allowing all other vehicles and sets to be sized accordingly.
Production required two trimarans boats which are so called because they have three hulls. The first was based on the standard trimaran blueprint and built for speed but also had to accommodate a secret crew below decks.
During wide and aerial shots it would have to look like Costner himself was piloting the boat. In reality, a trained crew could monitor and perform the real sailing of the boat utilising specially built controls and television monitors below deck.
The second trimaran was the trawler boat which could transform into the racer through the use of special practical effects rigs. Both of these boats were constructed in France by Jeanneau. Normally this type of vessel requires a year to construct but production needed two boats in five months!
Normally once the boat had been constructed, Jeammeau would deliver it on the deck of a freighter, requiring a delivery time of around a month. This delay was unacceptable and so the trimarans were dismantled into sections and taken by a 747 air freighter to the dock Hawaii. Upon arrival, a further month was required to reassemble the boat and get them prepared for filming.
sets recreating the inside of the tanker were built using forced perspective in a huge 1000ft long warehouse which had an adjoining 2000ft field. In this field, they built the set of the oil tankers deck, again constructed using forced perspective. Using the forced perspective trick, the 500ft long set could be constructed to give the impression that it was really twice as long.
There’s more to a film than just it’s sets and filming locations. Over two thousand costumes had to be created with many of the lead actors costumes being replicated many times over due to wear and tear.
This is not an uncommon practice for film production, but due to the unique look of the people and the world they inhabit, it did create some headaches. One costume was created with so many fish scales the wardrobe department had to search the entire island of Hawaii looking for anyone who could supply in the huge quantity required.
Makeup had to use waterproof cosmetics, especially on the stunt players. As everyone had a sun burnt look, a three-sided tanning booth was setup. The extras numbering in their hundreds, with ages ranging from six to sixty-five, passed through the booth like a production line to receive their spray tan. The extras then moved onto costume before finally having their hair fixed and becoming ready for the day.
In some scenes, extras were actually painted plywood cutouts to help enhance the number of extras on the set. This can easily be seen in one particular shot on board the Deez super tanker.
Filming on the water is not only a difficult and time-consuming process but also very dangerous. It’s been reported that Jeanne Tripplehorn and Tina Majorino nearly drowned on their first day of filming.
Waterworld’s star Kevin Costner reported having a near-death experience when filming a scene in which the mariner ties himself to his catamaran to survive a storm. The pounding water caused him to black out and nearly drown.
Unbeknownst to most of the crew, Kevin Costner’s stunt double was riding his jet ski across 40 miles of open ocean between his home on Maui and the film’s set on the Big Island. When he didn’t show up for work one day, the production team phoned his wife, who informed them he had already left for work. The stunt double’s jet ski had run out of gas halfway through his “commute” and a storm had swept him farther out to sea. It took a helicopter most of the day to find him. The stunt doubles name was Laird Hamilton.
As well as the logistical problems of creating a film of this scale and on water, they also had to deal with the press who seemed intent on wanting the film to fail. Director Kevin Reynolds discusses the situation,
“It was huge, we were constantly fighting – people wanted to have bad press. That was more exciting to them than the good news. I guess the most egregious example of that that I recall was that the publicist told me that one day…we’d been out the day before and we were doing a shot where we sent two cameras up on a mast of the trimaran and we wanted to do a shot where they tilled down from the horizon down to the deck below. We’re out there, we’re anchored, we’re setting the shot up and a swell comes in, and I look over and the mast is sort of bending.
And I turned to the boatmaster and I said, “Bruno, is this safe?”. And he looks up the mast and he goes, “No”. So I said, “Okay, well, we have to get out as I can’t have two guys fall off from 40 feet up”. So, we had to break out of the set-up, and go back in a shoot something else and we lost another half-day.
Anyway, the next day the publicist is sitting in his office and he gets this call from some journalist in the States and he goes, “Okay. Don’t lie to me – I’ve had this confirmed from two different people. I want the facts, and I want to hear about the accident yesterday, we had two cameramen fall off the mast and were killed”.
And, he goes, “What are you talking about?”. And he goes, “Don’t lie to me, don’t cover this up, we know this has happened”. It didn’t happen! People were so hungry for bad news because it was much more exciting than…they just said it, and you know, it hurt us.”
Upon release, the press seemed to be disappointed that the film wasn’t the massive failure they were hoping it to be. Universal Studios told Kevin Reynolds that one critic came out of an early screening in New York and in a disappointed tone said,
“Well, it didn’t suck.”
It is true that during principle photography the slave colony set sank and had to be retrieved. However due to bad press, the rumour became much bigger and to this day when you mention the sinking set, most people assume it was the huge atoll.
During production, press nicknamed the film “Kevin’s Gate” and “Fishtar”, referring to 1980’s box office failures Heaven’s Gate and Ishtar. Heaven’s Gate failed so badly it led to the sale of United Artists Studio and has become synonymous with failure in Hollywood.
As well as the exaggerated set problems and other various production rumours, there were also difficulties with the script. In a risky move, the film was green lit and moved into production without a finalised script.
The final total is a reportedly thirty-six rewrites. One of the writers involved was Joss Whedon. Joss had worked on many scripts before becoming a director having being at the helm of both The Avengers and the sequel Avengers: Age Of Ultron. He described his experience on Waterworld as,
“Seven weeks of hell”
Everything came to a head just three weeks before the end of principle photography. Kevin Reynolds who was an old friend of Kevin Costner allegedly walked off set or was fired. There was no official statement on what happened.
When Reynolds left the production this event caused many changes to be made. Composer Mark Isham had already composed approximately two-thirds of the film’s score by the time Reynolds left and that event ultimately caused him to leave production. As Mark describes in this interview excerpt,
“Kevin Reynolds quit the film, which left me working for Kevin Costner, who listened to what I had written and wanted a completely different point of view. He basically made a completely different film — he re-cut the entire film, and in his meeting with me he expressed that he wanted a completely different approach to the score. And I said, “oh let me demonstrate that I can give that to you”, so I presented him with a demo of my approach to his approach, and he rejected that and fired me. What I find a lot in these big films, because the production schedules are so insane, that the directors have very little time to actually concentrate on the music.”
Rumours report that Costner took control of production. He directed the last few weeks of principle photography and edited the final cut of the film that was released in cinemas.
Reynolds discusses his surprise at discovering that one of the most famous scenes from what is known as the extended version, was left on the cutting room floor,
“…it would have differed from what you saw on the screen to some extent, and one of the things I’ve always been perplexed by in the version that was released, theatrically, although subsequently the longer version included it, and the reason that I did the film, was that at the very end of the picture, at the very end of the script, there’s a scene when they finally reach dry land and The Mariner’s sailing off and he leaves the two women behind, and in the script they’re standing up on this high point and they’re watching him sail away, and the little girl stumbles on something.
And they look down and clear the grass away and that’s this plaque. And it says, “Here, near this spot, 1953, Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary first set foot on the summit of Everest”. And that was in script and I was like, “Oh, of course! Wow, the highest point on the planet! That would have been dry land!”. And we got it! We shot that. And they left it out of the picture. And I’m like, “Whaaat?!”. It’s like the Statue of Liberty moment in Planet of the Apes. And I was like, “Why would you leave that out?”
Written by John Abbitt | Follow John on twitter @UKFilmNerd
If any the crew cares to share any of their experiences on it please comment.
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Continue ReadingGlobal House. Giant building materials shop which can be rich. Not confusing. / by investing manly.
If you ask me which big and famous Bangkok construction materials and home decoration shop is in Bangkok.
The answer that I got would be Homepro Thai. Bunthaworn material.
Do you know if you ask this same question to other provinces?
The answer may be another name added. That's ′′ Global House ′′
Did you know that Global House has more than 60 branches across Thailand?
But there is no branch in Bangkok..
How is the story of Global House
Invest man will tell you about it.
Scenario and Economic Update with Blockdit
Podcasts available on the go
Many businesses in Thailand that have grown to earn ten thousand million Baht.
Always start business from Bangkok then expand all over the country.
But this story is not for Global House.
The beginning of Global House is from Mr. Witun Suriyawanakul.
Founder of the company that was born and raised in Roi Et province.
After graduating from Bachelor of Civil Engineering from Khon Kaen University in B.E. 2523
Mr. Witur has opened a construction contractor business in my hometown.
Not long after construction business
I have expanded to open a building material shop called Roi Et Farm.
Roi Et Farm has implemented technology.
Barcode system has been done. Computer restock.
Which is considered very modern in those days.
Soon Roi Et Farm will revolutionize construction materials trade in Roi Et province.
By changing the old shop to modern trade.
I want customers to choose products by themselves like department stores.
After almost 10 years of growing up
Roi Et Farm has expanded to become ′′ Global House ′′ in year. B.E. 2540
Global House. First branch in Roi Et province.
Later, it's expanded to Khon Kaen, Udonthani and Chiang Mai which is the first branch outside the Northeastern
Poor in the year. Prof. 2550 is also registered as a public company.
Titled ′′ Siam Global House Public Company Limited ′′
Global House has a Warehouse Store format.
Well it's like a huge warehouse space
Comprehensive construction materials and home decoration
The highlight is that there are more than 130,000 items to choose from.
And each branch is up to 18,000-32,000 sqm wide.
There is a distribution center at Wangnoi district, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya province.
Automatic warehouse system using robotics. Pick up and storage within 11 layer high inventory.
To provide high efficiency distribution center control
Also in each branch Drive-thru service.
So customers can drive to pick up items from the back of the shop as soon as they buy
Nowadays, Global House has branches across all sectors in Thailand. All 66 branches.
Headquarters in Roi Et Province
And the interesting thing is that there is no branch in Bangkok.
Maybe it's because Global House wants to avoid land or expensive rent in Bangkok.
And want to avoid competition with other people like Home Pro Tai Material
Global House also has 1 branches in Cambodia.
And there is a subsidiary that ventures with SCG Discovery Limited.
It's Holding Company that invests in business, construction materials and home decoration in ASEAN region.
3 years of Siam Global House Public Company Limited
The year of the year. B.E. 2560
Income 21,552 million baht.
Net profit 1,609 million baht
The year of the year. B.E. 2561
Income 26,262 million baht.
Net profit 2,003 million baht
The year of the year. B.E. 2562
Income 29,182 million baht.
Net profit 2,093 million baht
Currently, Siam Global House has a company worth around 70,000 million baht.
The story of Global House gives some idea of doing business.
Let's know that doing business but in other provinces can make huge income.
If you analyze customer demand well, manage systematically.
And like service like Global House
Can be great.
Without stepping in Bangkok for one step..
Scenario and Economic Update with Blockdit
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- Annual Report 2562 Siam Global House Public Company Limited
construction company name 在 一二三渡辺 Youtube 的最佳貼文
ヨタハチ TOYOTA 800 S800 トヨタ スポーツ800 ライダーズカフェMACHⅢ
Car of phantom that came for the first time
First ostrich dish specialty store and Raidarzcafe MACH? in Japan
3171-..Yo 469?6 TEL&FAX072?361.. Osaka Prefecture Sakai City Mihara
Ward north .... http://www.h4.dion.ne.jp/~maltuha/index.html
Information on shop holiday
The next day on the first Tuesday every month becomes shop holiday.
...Toyota sports..) is a small ..(of Toyota sports 800.. sports car that Toyota Motor manufactured from 1965 to 1969. The body model is UP15.
It is known by having demonstrated an incompetently excellent performance by the low degree of a super-light construction and the air resistance. It is called from the lover by the alias of Yotahati.
It is ranked as a good match, and the evaluation is high with the S Series that starts from HONDA and S500 that Honda Motor Co., Ltd. produced in 1963 as the excellent work of a small sports car made in Japan in the 1960's.
At that time, it started development in Kanto Auto Works that was the subsidiary company of Toyota from 1962 on the assumption that the engine and the chassis of the economy car paprikas who were minimum models whom Toyota had been producing were misappropriated. In development, in the back, Tatsuo Hasegawa who served as the chief examiner is involved in the development of the founder Corolla as the chief examiner when the paprika is developed.
Development was advanced at first by the name of "Paprika sports", and to secure high performance with the engine for an incompetent paprika, the control of lightening and aerodynamic resistance thorough to aircraft was attempted. Therefore, the monocoque construction with a high difficulty is adopted, and weight is suppressed to 580kg slightly as for a type on the market though it is an open body.
It was marketed in March, 1965. The Tokyo district standard sale price was set comparatively at a low price for 595,000 yen. It is seen to have been thought at first as a competing model without 563,000 yen and the great difference of HONDA S600.
However, it had not arrived at the situation of selling of a large amount of sports cars of ..saying as small.. 2-seater, and export out of Japan was hardly done. The number of total production to the production stoppage in 1969 has stayed in 3131.
It was appearance at time when the motor race was becoming active in Japan, HONDA and S600 that was able to be called a good match also existed, and "Yotahati" left a lot of anecdotes by the motor race in Japan.
An efficient engine was installed, and it was not easy to bend heavily and Yotahati that ran while making the sound of "Polo polo polo" or "Noisy butter" and the twin-cylinder engine that was tepid for HONDA S600 that ate the fuel had an unexpected strong point that the pit stop frequency was able to be reduced from another car as a result by the lightness because the fuel consumption and the tire wear-out in addition to good manoeuverability were little though it was anyway fast. The "Economic car" barrel merit was especially useful very much for long-distance race that injury time by the pit stop greatly influences victory or defeat.
It is a victory of Utani east Jiro by the all-Japan car club championship race in the bridge circuit on July 18, 1965 that is talked in the legend as a negative place of scenic beauty by "Yotahati". It was rolled in the spin of S600 of life Sawatetsu in rain by the decisive battle, and the order was regained while retreating even to 16th place at one o'clock at a dash afterwards by a marvelous pursuit, S600 of the life swamp that made the running was finally pulled out, it left, the 2nd place following were pulled apart in addition for 19 seconds or more, and Yotahati of Utani that broke and did the pit in of by the crash small was won to the first stage of category GT-I race to 1300CC.

construction company name 在 一二三渡辺 Youtube 的最佳貼文
ヨタハチ TOYOTA 800 S800 トヨタ スポーツ800 ライダーズカフェMACHⅢ
Car of phantom that came for the first time
First ostrich dish specialty store and Raidarzcafe MACH? in Japan
3171-..Yo 469?6 TEL&FAX072?361.. Osaka Prefecture Sakai City Mihara
Ward north .... http://www.h4.dion.ne.jp/~maltuha/index.html
Information on shop holiday
The next day on the first Tuesday every month becomes shop holiday.
...Toyota sports..) is a small ..(of Toyota sports 800.. sports car that Toyota Motor manufactured from 1965 to 1969. The body model is UP15.
It is known by having demonstrated an incompetently excellent performance by the low degree of a super-light construction and the air resistance. It is called from the lover by the alias of Yotahati.
It is ranked as a good match, and the evaluation is high with the S Series that starts from HONDA and S500 that Honda Motor Co., Ltd. produced in 1963 as the excellent work of a small sports car made in Japan in the 1960's.
At that time, it started development in Kanto Auto Works that was the subsidiary company of Toyota from 1962 on the assumption that the engine and the chassis of the economy car paprikas who were minimum models whom Toyota had been producing were misappropriated. In development, in the back, Tatsuo Hasegawa who served as the chief examiner is involved in the development of the founder Corolla as the chief examiner when the paprika is developed.
Development was advanced at first by the name of "Paprika sports", and to secure high performance with the engine for an incompetent paprika, the control of lightening and aerodynamic resistance thorough to aircraft was attempted. Therefore, the monocoque construction with a high difficulty is adopted, and weight is suppressed to 580kg slightly as for a type on the market though it is an open body.
It was marketed in March, 1965. The Tokyo district standard sale price was set comparatively at a low price for 595,000 yen. It is seen to have been thought at first as a competing model without 563,000 yen and the great difference of HONDA S600.
However, it had not arrived at the situation of selling of a large amount of sports cars of ..saying as small.. 2-seater, and export out of Japan was hardly done. The number of total production to the production stoppage in 1969 has stayed in 3131.
It was appearance at time when the motor race was becoming active in Japan, HONDA and S600 that was able to be called a good match also existed, and "Yotahati" left a lot of anecdotes by the motor race in Japan.
An efficient engine was installed, and it was not easy to bend heavily and Yotahati that ran while making the sound of "Polo polo polo" or "Noisy butter" and the twin-cylinder engine that was tepid for HONDA S600 that ate the fuel had an unexpected strong point that the pit stop frequency was able to be reduced from another car as a result by the lightness because the fuel consumption and the tire wear-out in addition to good manoeuverability were little though it was anyway fast. The "Economic car" barrel merit was especially useful very much for long-distance race that injury time by the pit stop greatly influences victory or defeat.
It is a victory of Utani east Jiro by the all-Japan car club championship race in the bridge circuit on July 18, 1965 that is talked in the legend as a negative place of scenic beauty by "Yotahati". It was rolled in the spin of S600 of life Sawatetsu in rain by the decisive battle, and the order was regained while retreating even to 16th place at one o'clock at a dash afterwards by a marvelous pursuit, S600 of the life swamp that made the running was finally pulled out, it left, the 2nd place following were pulled apart in addition for 19 seconds or more, and Yotahati of Utani that broke and did the pit in of by the crash small was won to the first stage of category GT-I race to 1300CC.