From Automaton & SGI & Twitter
1. 《Cookie Clicker》的 Steam 成就名稱之長,或許是全平台最長的一個?
「There's really no hard limit to how long these achievement names can be and to be quite honest I'm rather curious to see how far we can go. Adolphus W. Green (1844–1917) started as the Principal of the Groton School in 1864. By 1865, he became second assistant librarian at the New York Mercantile Library; from 1867 to 1869, he was promoted to full librarian. From 1869 to 1873, he worked for Evarts, Southmayd & Choate, a law firm co-founded by William M. Evarts, Charles Ferdinand Southmayd and Joseph Hodges Choate. He was admitted to the New York State Bar Association in 1873. Anyway, how's your day been?」(每秒烤 10 sextillion 個餅乾)
2. LEGO 在 Twitter 釋出《Super Mario》的問號方塊影片,或許暗示著未來將與任天堂展開全新合作。
3. 據 Sersor Tower 數據指出,8 月份全球手遊發行商收入榜前 100 名中,中國廠商占 39 位,總收入合計 24.3 億美元。
這 39 位中,前三名為騰訊、網易與米哈游。
4. 牧場生活遊戲《星露谷物語:Stardew Valley》全球銷售量突破 1,500 萬套。
5. Marvelous 本季營收 64.7 億日圓,營業利益 14.6 億日圓,大幅成長 64.4%。雖然音樂影像與線上遊戲事業績效不佳,但本季度靠家用主機遊戲穩住整體營收。
6. 打完疫苗大約 13 小時後,身體內部像是在烈火地獄裡開 Party 一樣難受,大約 36 小時候慢慢回復正常。好險平安度過軔體升級的過程......