crawdad 的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. a word used in some parts of the US to mean crayfish (= a small animal living in rivers that is…。了解更多。
#2. Crawdad Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of CRAWDAD is crayfish —used chiefly west of the Appalachians.
#3. Crawdad definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
Crawdad definition : → crayfish | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples.
#4. CRAWDAD | Meaning & Definition for UK English |
A freshwater crayfish. 'Whether you know them as mudbugs, ditch bugs, river lobsters, crawlybottoms, crawdads, or crawfish, anyone who ...
#5. Crawdad - The Free Dictionary
n., pl. (esp. collectively) -fish, (esp. for kinds or species) -fish•es. 1. Also called crawdad , crawdaddy. any of various mainly freshwater decapod ...
#6. crawdad - Urban Dictionary
to move backwards away from a perceived threat, as a crawdad does. When a crawdad is escaping, it moves quickly backward, despite any obstacles it may have ...
#7. Crawdad - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms |
crawdad Add to list Share · noun. small freshwater decapod crustacean that resembles a lobster. synonyms: crawdaddy, crawfish, crayfish. see moresee less. types: ...
#8. What does CRAWDAD mean? -
crayfish, crawfish, crawdad, ecrevissenoun. tiny lobster-like crustaceans usually boiled briefly · crayfish, crawfish, crawdad, crawdaddynoun. small freshwater ...
#9. Crawfish aren't actually fish. Here's how they got their name.
“Crawdad,” M-W helpfully explained, “is the synonym of the words crawfish and crayfish that is used chiefly west of the Appalachians to mean ...
#10. crawdad 中文 - 綫上翻譯
crawdad 中文:n.〔美俚〕 = crawfish.…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋crawdad的中文翻譯,crawdad的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
#11. crawdad - Wiktionary
EtymologyEdit ... Alteration of crawfish (which is itself a regional alteration of crayfish), with influence from dad. PronunciationEdit. (General American) ...
#12. Crawdad Meaning | Best 2 Definitions of ... - YourDictionary
Crawdad meaning ... Frequency: Crayfish. ... (US, regional) The crayfish.
#13. You Say Crawfish; We Say Crayfish - Bernheim Arboretum ...
Crayfish are also called crawdads and crawfish, and belong to the order Decapoda. Crayfish are found in lakes, caves, streams, rivers, ...
#14. Crayfish - Wikipedia
Crayfish are freshwater crustaceans resembling small lobsters In some locations, they are also known as crawfish, craydids, crawdaddies, crawdads, ...
#15. Meaning of word crawdad - in English -
Meaning of word crawdad|crawdads in English Dictionary noun crayfish, type of fresh water animal that closely resembles a lobster (but are much smaller)
#16. crawdad Definition in the dictionary English - Glosbe
Definitions · (US regional) The crayfish. · noun. (US, regional). grammar. The crayfish. · noun. small freshwater decapod crustacean that resembles a lobster · noun.
#17. Crawdad - Definition for English-Language Learners from ...
Definition of crawdad written for English Language Learners from the Merriam-Webster Learner's Dictionary with audio pronunciations, usage examples, ...
#18. crawdads - Meaning in Bengali - Shabdkosh
crawdads - Meaning in Bengali, what is the meaning of crawdads in Bengali dictionary, pronunciation, synonyms, usage examples and definitions of crawdads in ...
#19. crawdads - Translation into Arabic - examples English
Translations in context of "crawdads" in English-Arabic from Reverso Context: Just recently, actually, a study came out in "Science" that showed that even ...
#20. crawdad | English Definition & Examples -
Definition and high quality example sentences with “crawdad” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to ...
#21. crawdads - definition and meaning - Wordnik
crawdads : Plural form of crawdad . ... Support. Help support Wordnik (and make this page ad-free) by adopting the word crawdads.
#22. Definition & Meaning Crawdads -
What does Crawdads mean? Here you find 2 meanings of the word Crawdads. You can also add a definition of Crawdads yourself ...
#23. crawdad 的中文翻釋|影音字典- VoiceTube 看影片學英語
超過400 萬人愛用的線上英語學習平台!上萬部YouTube 影片教材,搭配中英文翻譯字幕與英漢字典,輕鬆掌握日常對話、瞭解單字的發音與用法。是最適合華人提升英文聽力和 ...
#24. Delia Owens explains the setting of "Where the Crawdads Sing"
As I write in the first chapter, “maybe it was mean country, but not an inch was lean.” Layers of life – mussels, oysters, crabs, and fish were ...
#25. Crawdad meaning in Hindi - करव्दाद मतलब हिंदी में - Hinkhoj
Crawdad meaning in Hindi : Get meaning and translation of Crawdad in Hindi language with grammar,antonyms,synonyms and sentence usages.
#26. Excerpt from Where the Crawdads Sing - Delia Owens
Maybe it was mean country, but not an inch was lean. Layers of life-squiggly sand crabs, mud-waddling crayfish, waterfowl, fish, shrimp, oysters, fatted deer, ...
#27. Meaning of crawdad in english english dictionary 1
crawdad - Translation, Meaning and Definition of crawdad in Almaany Online Dictionary of English-English. dictionary, English, dictionaries, free, online, ...
#28. crawdad是什么意思? crawdad翻译(中文英文) - 抓鸟
crawdad 的解释是:喇蛄,退缩者… 同时,该页为英语学习者提供:crawdad的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。
#29. 'Where the Crawdads Sing' more than a murder mystery - The ...
The title of Delia Owens' debut novel, "Where the Crawdads Sing," refers to a place "far in the bush where critters are wild, still behaving ...
#30. Delia Owens, author of Where the Crawdads Sing, and her
“There's a lot of symbolism in this book.” To anyone who has read “The Hunted,” those lines are tantalizing, even if Owens doesn't mean them to ...
#31. What is a crawdad and do they sing? - Movie Cultists
Where the Crawdads sing meaning of Title? The title of Delia Owens' debut novel, "Where the Crawdads Sing," refers to a place "far in the bush where ...
#32. crawdad - German translation – Linguee
Many translated example sentences containing "crawdad" – German-English dictionary and search engine for German translations.
#33. Plight of the Crawdads | Our Daily Bread
When my cousin invited me to join him to fish for crawdads (crayfish), I couldn't help but be excited. I grinned when he handed me a plastic ...
#34. crawdad在线翻译_英语_读音 - 海词词典
crawdad 的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:. 英英释义. Noun: tiny lobster-like crustaceans usually boiled briefly. small freshwater decapod crustacean ...
#35. crawdad 的中文翻譯| 英漢字典
crawdad \craw"dad\ (kr[add]"d[a^]d), crawdaddy \craw"dad*dy\(kr[add]"d[a^]d*d[y^]), n. (Zool.) same as {crawfish} [PJC] Crawfish.
#36. crawdad翻译为:喇蛄(一种淡水小龙虾
crawdad 的中文意思:喇蛄(一种淡水小龙虾,点击查看详细解释:crawdad的中文翻译、crawdad的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握crawdad这个单词。
#37. On Going Way Out Yonder Where the Crawdads Sing - Hello ...
Our September book pick author, Delia Owens, explains the reason why it was so important for her to write this book.
#38. Where the Crawdads Sing Quotes by Delia Owens - Goodreads
“His dad had told him many times that the definition of a real man is one who cries without shame, reads poetry with his heart, feels opera in his soul, and ...
#39. crawdad: Meaning and Definition of | Infoplease
crayfish (def. 1). Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease. See also: crawdad (Thesaurus).
#40. Crawdad meaning in Hungarian - DictZone
crawdad meaning in Hungarian » DictZone English-Hungarian dictionary. ... crawdad (crayfish, crawfish, crawdaddy) [crawdads] noun [UK: krˈɔːdad]
#41. crawdad: meaning, translation - WordSense Dictionary
WordSense Dictionary: crawdad - ✓ meaning, ✓ definition, ✓ translations. ... crawdads: crawdads (English) Noun crawdads Plural of crawdad.
#42. Where the Crawdads Sing Symbols, Allegory and Motifs
It is the giving and the taking back of the necklace as a symbol of power given and retrieved that it gains its figurative meaning. “Marsh Girl”. “Marsh Girl” ...
#43. crayfish | Description, Size, Habitat, Diet, & Facts | Britannica
crayfish, also called crawfish or crawdad, any of numerous crustaceans (order Decapoda, phylum Arthropoda) constituting the families Astacidae (Northern ...
#44. crawdad 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL
crawdad 中文意思是什麼. 英 美 澳. crawdad 解釋. n. 名詞 〈美俚〉 = crawfish. crawdad 例句. 目前還沒有crawdad例句。 相似字; 英漢推薦; 漢英推薦.
#45. Hickory Crawdads Ticket Terms and Conditions -
The Club (as defined below) may update the terms of the Agreement at any time, without notice, and Holder's use of this ticket after such change is posted ...
#46. 在"英语"词典里crawdad}的意思
该章节所呈现的将crawdad由英语向其他语言的翻译是通过自动统计翻译获得的;在英语中基本的翻译单位是单词«crawdad»。 zh. 翻译者英语- 中文. 小龙虾. 1,325 数 ...
#47. 比起荒野書寫,《沼澤女孩》談的更是人生走到某種孤獨盡處
本書的英文書名是Where the Crawdads Sing,直譯成中文是「小龍蝦歌唱的地方」,歐文斯是生物學家,因此根據書本獲得的理性知識,她當然清楚小龍蝦(或稱 ...
#48. Crawdads Meaning in Greek - AZWordMeaning
Find crawdads translation meaning in Greek with definition from english Greek dictionary.
#49. CRAWDAD - Translation in Greek -
Translation for 'crawdad' in the free English-Greek dictionary and many other Greek translations.
#50. Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens - The Bibliofile
Book review and synopsis for Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens, A coming-of-age crime drama about a girl growing up alone in the marshes of North ...
#51. crawdad的中文意思 - 英漢/漢英線上英文字典
crawdad 中文意思是什麼. crawdad 解釋. n. 名詞 〈美俚〉 = crawfish. 例句. 目前還沒有crawdad例句。 相似字; 英漢推薦; 漢英推薦.
#52. Where the Crawdads Sing Book Club Discussion Questions
What does being a woman mean to Kya? How does she relate to the other women in Barkley Cove? 7. Discuss Kya's relationship with Tate. How does ...
#53. Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens - Reading Group ...
What does being a woman mean to Kya? How does she relate to the other women in Barkley Cove? 7. Discuss Kya's relationship with Tate. How does ...
#54. Crayfish or crawdad? Mapping US dialect variations with R
... on where you live it could be "crawfish", "crayfish" or "crawdad". ... The results for the meaning of the word "city" are probably an ...
#55. 《沼澤女孩Where the Crawdads Sing》心得.探索孤寂的荒野
原文書名《Where the Crawdads Sing》意思是︰小龍蝦唱歌的地方,其隱含的意涵極為探索荒野的最深處蓬勃生機,亦是象徵著深埋在內心根處的生存意識, ...
#56. crawdad翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
crawdad 中文的意思、翻譯及用法:n. 喇蛄(一種淡水小龍蝦);(美)退縮者(等於crawfish)。英漢詞典提供【crawdad】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#57. Punjabi to English Meaning of crawdad
Meaning and definitions of crawdad, translation in Punjabi language for crawdad with similar and opposite words. Also find spoken pronunciation of crawdad ...
#58. 'Where The Crawdads' Sing Movie News, Release Date, Cast
Reese Witherspoon's production company, Hello Sunshine, is behind the adaptation of Delia Owens's blockbuster book Where The Crawdads Sing.
#59. Where the Crawdads Sing : Owens, Delia - Books -
Where the Crawdads Sing Paperback – March 30 2021 ; Language. English ; Page 1 ; Review. “A painfully beautiful first novel that is at once a murder mystery, a ...
#60. Crawdad: Estonian translation, definition, meaning, synonyms ...
Crawdad - Estonian translation, definition, meaning, synonyms, pronunciation, transcription, antonyms, examples. English - Estonian Translator.
#61. crawdad是什么意思,英语在线翻译 - 精品学习吧
#62. Crawdads, Crayfish or Crawfish - The Bitter Southerner
If you've ever had one of those little guys latch onto you with those pinchers you know exactly what I mean. Just when I thought Chicken Creek and the fantastic ...
#63. Definitions and meanings of "Crawdads"
Find synonyms, antonyms and the meaning of the crawdads in our free online dictionary! Find words starting with crawdads and anagrams of crawdads.
#64. Nepali to English Meaning of crawdad
Meaning and definitions of crawdad, translation in Nepali language for crawdad with similar and opposite words. Also find spoken pronunciation of crawdad in ...
#65. Tamil to English Meaning of crawdad
What crawdad means in Tamil, crawdad meaning in Tamil, crawdad definition, examples and pronunciation of crawdad in Tamil language. English-Tamil.Net | English ...
#66. Hickory Crawdads logo and symbol, meaning, history, PNG
The baseball franchise the Hickory Crawdads plays in the South Atlantic League and has the status of a Class-A team. Meaning and history.
#67. Delia Owens on "Where the Crawdads Sing" - CBS News
The title "Where the Crawdads Sing" was taken from a phrase Owens' mother used to use encouraging her tomboy of a daughter to take to the woods ...
#68. Where The Crawdads Sing 書評/心得/感想
還有Crawdads中文蝲蛄,一種淡水小龍蝦,是生活在淡水而非鹹水區域的 . 第二點是南部口音的部分,抨擊這點的人普遍認為作者的方言很糟糕,有南方讀者 ...
#69. Where the Crawdads Sing - Discussion Questions ...
Our Reading Guide for Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens includes Book Club Discussion Questions, Book Reviews, ... What does being a woman mean to Kya?
#70. crawdad - Dictionary -
Definition of crawdad in the Dictionary. Meaning of crawdad. What does crawdad mean? Proper usage and audio pronunciation of the word ...
#71. “Where the Crawdads Sing” Hits Way Harder Than Expected
Book Cover for Delia Owens's “Where the Crawdads Sing”. ... in their minds, meaning she is lesser than them regardless of her race.
#72. The Long Tail of 'Where the Crawdads Sing' - The New York ...
Delia Owens signing copies of her best-selling novel, “Where the Crawdads Sing,” at the New York Botanical Garden in September.
#73. Crayfish vs. Crawfish | Grammarly Blog
Let's focus on one tasty element that has puzzled many aspiring chefs—the crawfish. What's the difference between a crawfish, a crayfish, and a crawdad? Imagine ...
#74. crawdad meanings in English - KHANDBAHALE.COM
crawdad meaning in English is a translation of crawdad in English dictionary. Click to see meaning, synonym, antonym for word crawdad.
#75. Crawdad meaning in bengali - KitkatWords
Crawdad Definitions and meaning in English · tiny lobster-like crustaceans usually boiled briefly · small freshwater decapod crustacean that resembles a lobster ...
#76. Bangla to English Meaning of crawdad -
What crawdad means in Bangla, crawdad meaning in Bangla, crawdad definition, examples and pronunciation of crawdad in Bangla language. Bdword.Com | English to ...
#77. hickory crawdads wiki - ReStart Consulting
The Hickory Crawdads are a Minor League Baseball team in Hickory, ... Substance Meaning In Tagalog, Career Opportunities Movie Streaming, ...
#78. Where the Crawdads sing meaning? - YouTube
#79. Marathi to English Meaning of crawdad
What crawdad means in Marathi, crawdad meaning in Marathi, crawdad definition, examples and pronunciation of crawdad in Marathi language. English-Marathi.Net | ...
#80. Where the Crawdads Sing Chapters 12–17 Summary & Analysis
One day looking for shells on Point Beach, Kya sees a group of kids, including Chase Andrews and the mean girls from school. Kya hides and watches them. Because ...
#81. Where the Crawdads Sing - icrrd
Title: Where the crawdads sing / Delia Owens. ... meaning to tend them since Ma left but hadn't done much of anything.
#82. What is Crawdad? - meaning and definition - Slang Define
Crawdad - 1. slang term for crayfish Bailey occasionally found little crawdads in his backyard creek. "Not bad for a crawdad!
#83. Meaning of «crawdad» in Arabic Dictionaries and Ontology ...
crawdad - Meanings, synonyms translation & types from Arabic Ontology, a search engine for the Arabic Ontology and 100s of Arabic dictionaries for concepts, ...
#84. Arabic to English Meaning of crawdad
What crawdad means in Arabic, crawdad meaning in Arabic, crawdad definition, examples and pronunciation of crawdad in Arabic language. English-Arabic.Org | ...
#85. 2018年最受歡迎小說之一“Where the Crawdads Sing”_小乖乖 ...
這本小說如此新,國內還暫時沒有中文版引入,相信不久就會有啦!所以先分享英文版吧。大家不用擔心英文的難度,實際上,雖然比 ...
#86. Crawdad Song: About the Song - Ballad of America
"Crawdad Song" is an American folk song. This page has lyrics, video, audio, and song history.
#87. Everything We Know About the Where the Crawdads Sing Movie
Reese Witherspoon is officially producing the Where the Crawdads Sing movie! Delia Owens's debut novel and #1 New York Times bestseller ...
#88. Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens review - The ...
That trope is spectacularly extended in Where the Crawdads Sing, the debut novel by Delia Owens, an American wildlife scientist. It lands in ...
#89. Where the Crawdads Sing Important Quotes | SuperSummary
Where the Crawdads Sing. Delia Owens. 77-page comprehensive study guide; Chapter-by-chapter summaries and multiple sections of expert analysis; The ultimate ...
#90. What does crawdads mean - Search words by mask
Find the word definition ... Crossword clues for crawdads ... Raccoon fished for crawdads and perched at the edge of the water like black-masked bandits ...
#91. Is 'Where the Crawdads Sing' a True Story? Here's the Scoop
Where the Crawdads Sing is a standalone novel, meaning there likely won't be any sequel films unless a sequel novel is written, but hopefully, ...
#92. Crawdad | Definitions & Meanings That Nobody Will Tell You.
Define Dictionary Meaning is an easy to use platform where anyone can create and share short informal definition of any word. Best thing is, its free and you ...
#93. Gujarati to English Meaning of crawdad
What crawdad means in Gujarati, crawdad meaning in Gujarati, crawdad definition, examples and pronunciation of crawdad in Gujarati language. English-Gujarati.
#94. Where The Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens (with David Hill)
Mean Book Club is four ladies (UCB, BuzzFeed, College Humor, Impractical Jokers) who read, discuss and whine about NYT bestselling books ...
#95. crawdad - English-Japanese - World of Dictionary
crawdad is an English word started with c. Here is the definition of crawdad in Japanese. crawdad: noun ザリガニ. Ad. Variation of crawdad. crawdads.
crawdads meaning 在 Where the Crawdads sing meaning? - YouTube 的推薦與評價
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