【 輕舟已過萬重山 】落日飛車「出差」巡迴紀錄片
第一集 check in (報到)
Roll, Roll, Roll Your Boat
Sunset Rollercoaster ‘Business Trip’ Tour Documentary
The true stories behind almost a hundred gigs of Sunset Rollercoaster’s 2019 World Tour.
Buckle up and enjoy this seemingly endless business trip on loop-the-loops.
ep. 1 ’Check In’
Each member of Sunset Rollercoaster talks about their musical roots and the three phases of the band after their formation. From the love of music, to the desire to achieve their musical ideas, they’ve trained themselves both on the chops and the sound-engineering knowledge, looking for breakthrough every single day. They set out to go on this seemingly endless tour and record the journey.
Sunset Rollercoaster “2019 Business Trip” Tour
主唱/吉他 Vocal / Guitar :曾國宏 Kuo
貝斯 Bass:陳弘禮 Hung Li
鍵盤 Keyboard:王少軒 Gump
爵士鼓 Drums:羅尊龍 ZL
電子鼓/節奏樂器 Drum pads / Percussion:黃士瑋 Birdman
薩克斯風 Saxophone:黃浩庭 Haoting
客座鍵盤 Keyboard:顏世傑 JB
客座薩克斯風 Saxophone:謝明諺 Minyan Hsieh
演出製作 Production:夕陽音樂產業有限公司 Sunset Music Production Co.,Ltd
藝人/巡迴經紀 Artist Management:應佳霖 Mary Ying
歐美巡迴經紀Tour Management :嚴敏 Mia Min Yan
視覺統籌 Visual Coordination:張芳瑜 Joy Chang
出品 Present
夕陽音樂產業有限公司 & 吉术斋
Sunset Music Productions Co.,Ltd & Geek Shoot Jack
監製 Executive Producer
應佳霖 Mary Ying
徐遠卓 Yuanzhuo Xu
張芳瑜 Joy Chang
導演 Director
郭松雲 Songyun Guo
攝影 Cameraman
王宇浩 Yuhao Wang, 周世偉 Shiwei Zhou, 尚登 Deng Shang, 賈思揚 Siyang Jia, 郭松雲 Songyun Guo, 黃士瑋 Birdman, Jay Cheng, Victoria Chen, 蘇柏瑋 Subway, 黃浩庭 Haoting, Siva Wasanruk, Bancha Sawangkasirl, Slwat Picksrl, Suradate Wongam, 詹曜維 Sam Chan
音響工程師F.O.H Mixing / Monitor Engineer:鄭凱元 Kai
舞監 Stage Manager:聞理 Fred
音響工程師 Monitor Engineer:蔡易達 Tsai,Yi-ta
燈光設計 Lighting Designer:鐘禮學 Chung, Li-hsueh
技師 Technician:江韋樺 Chiang, Wei-hua
視訊設計 Visual Design:張芳瑜 Joy Chang
剪輯 Editor
白勇剛 Yonggang Bai
調色 Colorist
王宇浩 Yuhao Wang
盧希 Xi Lu
包裝設計 Graphic Designer
大蒜糖 Garlicsugar Kung
蔣孜遠 Ziyuan Jiang
孫浩澤 Haoze Sun 張世恆 Shining Zhang
字幕 Subtitles
尹麗媛 Liyuan Yin
宣傳 Promotion
蔣賀家 Hejia Jiang
特別感謝 Special thanks to
曉峰音樂公社 Xiaofeng Music