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"down the rabbit hole", a metaphor for an entry into the unknown, the disorientating or the mentally deranging, from its use in Alice's ... ... <看更多>
今天來看一個跟愛麗絲夢遊仙境有關的用語。 *(go) down the rabbit hole 進入到兔子洞這是甚麼意思呢?記得愛麗絲進入到一個奇幻的地方,就是從 ... ... <看更多>
#1. History of the Idiom “Down the Rabbit Hole” - Medium
Today, when people say they “went down the rabbit hole”, they usually mean that they got sucked into spending way to long reading about or ...
#2. 今日短语/ Down the rabbit hole 掉进无底洞 - BBC
表达“down the rabbit hole” 用来描述陷入一个愈发奇怪、令人摸不着头脑或出人意料的状况,而且一件事情促使另一件事情的发生,接连不断,因此越陷越 ...
#3. (going) down the rabbit hole Definitions and Synonyms
Definition of (GOING) DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE (phrase): confusing or illogical situation.
#4. Rabbit hole Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of RABBIT HOLE is a complexly bizarre or difficult state or situation conceived of as a hole into which one falls or descends; especially : one ...
#5. Down the rabbit hole 掉進無底洞 - 與BBC一起學英語
表達「down the rabbit hole」 用來描述陷入一個愈發奇怪、令人摸不著頭腦或出人意料的狀況,而且一件事情促使另一件事情的發生,接連不斷,因此越陷 ...
rabbit hole 的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. a hole in the ground dug by a rabbit: 2. a ... Their advice is not meant to send you down a rabbit hole, ...
#7. Falling 'Down the Rabbit Hole' - VOA Learning English
In English, we use the expression down the rabbit hole when we get so caught up in the search for something – like an answer to a problem ...
#8. Definition of go down the rabbit hole | New Word Suggestion
go down the rabbit hole ... To enter into a situation or begin a process or journey that is particularly strange, problematic, difficult, complex, or chaotic, ...
#9. Down the rabbit hole Idiom Definition - Grammarist
The idiom down the rabbit hole is derived from the children's book Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, written by Lewis Carrol in 1865. In the story, a young girl ...
#10. The Rabbit-Hole Rabbit Hole | The New Yorker
In its most purely Carrollian sense, then, to fall down a rabbit hole means to stumble into a bizarre and disorienting alternate reality. These ...
#11. (Go) Down The Rabbit Hole —What It Means - Know Your ...
1. When someone goes “down the rabbit hole,” it means they spent a lot of time on an activity, perhaps more than they originally intended.
#12. Go down the rabbit hole - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
go down the rabbit hole ... To enter into a situation or begin a process or journey that is particularly strange, problematic, difficult, complex, or chaotic, ...
#13. Urban Dictionary: "Go Down the Rabbit Hole"
An allusion to Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland. To go "down the rabbit hole" is to enter a period of chaos or confusion. Can also be said when taking a ...
#14. What Does "Go Down the Rabbit Hole" Mean in English?
It's about continuing to learn about something or talk about something excessively, and it may actually be to the extent that it is wasting time ...
#15. 'Going Down the Rabbit Hole' Meaning and Origin
The earliest written record of the phrase is found in Lewis Carroll's 1865 classic, “Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.” In its opening chapter, ...
#16. 「著迷」的英文的怎麼說?跟著《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》學英文!
後來隨著這部作品越來越暢銷,人們就引用go down a/the rabbit hole 來描述「陷入令人困惑的處境」,或者「進入一個截然不同的世界」般的感受;另外也 ...
#18. What does "Down the Rabbit Hole" REALLY mean? - YouTube
#19. rabbit hole meaning, origin, example sentence ... - The Idioms
This phrase came about in 1865 in Lewis Carroll's story of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Alice actually falls down a rabbit hole in the story and ends up in ...
#20. What does it mean to go down the rabbit hole? - Quora
“Down the rabbit hole describes the act of journeying into a bizarre or disorienting environment that is difficult to remove oneself from. A person may say he ...
#21. RABBIT HOLE | Meaning & Definition for UK English - Lexico ...
noun · 'I got lost down a rabbit hole of websites dedicated to papercraft, or the art of folding bits of paper into striking art. · 'In his acceptance speech, he ...
#22. What is rabbit hole? - Definition from WhatIs.com
In a fall down the rabbit hole, an individual sets off on the path with a goal, gets sidetracked by various events and changes direction several times along ...
#23. Down the Rabbit Hole - Wikipedia
Look up down the rabbit hole in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. Down the Rabbit Hole is a metaphor for adventure into the unknown, from its use in Alice's ...
#24. down the rabbit hole-翻译为中文-例句英语
使用Reverso Context: You guys really want to go down the rabbit hole?,在英语-中文情境中翻译"down the rabbit hole"
#25. 掉入未知的「兔子洞」 - 紐約時報中文網
Rabbit hole 來源於《愛麗絲漫遊奇境記》,意思是「複雜奇異且未知的情景」。而跟隨關於獨生子女政策的紀錄片《獨生之國》,你可以進入一個殘酷而真實 ...
#26. ""go down the rabbit hole""是什麼意思? - 關於英語(美國)的問題
The phrase "Go down the rabbit hole," is a figure of speech. It means something that is confusing or unknown. The phrase "Go down the rabbit ...
#27. Down the rabbit hole - 晴報- 親子/教育
Down the rabbit hole 用來指「陷入奇怪、混亂、荒謬的情況或環境,通常難以自拔、難以得到解脫」,或「漫長而曲折的探索路途」。例句:He has fallen deep ...
#28. (going) down the rabbit hole synonyms with definition
Synonyms for '(going) down the rabbit hole': strange, funny, weird, unreal, idiosyncratic, incongruous, surreal, outlandish, eccentric, edgy.
#29. Down the Rabbit Hole - Steam
Down the Rabbit Hole is a VR adventure set in Wonderland prior to Alice's arrival. You will guide a girl who is looking for her lost pet by ...
#30. Down The Rabbit Hole Meaning with Helpful Examples - 7ESL
Down The Rabbit Hole Meaning ... The idiomatic phrase “down the rabbit hole” means to enter into an odd and/or chaos-filled environment where things can be ...
#31. What does it mean to go 'down a rabbit hole'? - Plain English
We usually use “down the rabbit hole” when someone goes off in a pointless direction that can do that person harm. The way I used it before is ...
#32. Down the rabbit hole | OUPblog
If you are a writer, you've probably gone down a rabbit hole at one point or another. The idiom owes its meaning to Lewis Carroll, ...
#33. down the Rabbit hole - Chinese translation – Linguee
Many translated example sentences containing "down the Rabbit hole" – Chinese-English dictionary and search engine for Chinese translations.
#34. "Going down the rathole" vs. "Going down the rabbit hole."
"down the rabbit hole", a metaphor for an entry into the unknown, the disorientating or the mentally deranging, from its use in Alice's ...
#35. Rabbit-hole Meaning - YourDictionary
(From Alice in Wonderland) A way into a bizarre world. These mushrooms will take you down the rabbit hole, man. noun.
#36. What does rabbit hole mean? - My English Pages
Origin. The phrase rabbit hole comes from Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1865). It refers to the hole down which the heroine falls.
#37. Down The Rabbit Hole - 博客來
書名:Down The Rabbit Hole,語言:英文,ISBN:9781624110511,頁數:442,作者:Crane, Julia,出版日期:2017/01/09,類別:青少年閱讀(13-18歲)
#38. “Go down a rabbit hole”, what does it mean? : r/EnglishLearning
Going down a rabbit hole is when you are reading about something (or maybe watching a YouTube video) and something interesting/related catches ...
#39. The Psychology of Why We Fall Down Internet Rabbit Holes
The laws of gravity in the digital space mean people to nudge deeper into things they may not care about -- in the pursuit of curiosity.
#40. rabbit hole - Wiktionary
EnglishEdit. EtymologyEdit. Extended senses reference Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, where Alice travels down a rabbit hole into a bizarre world.
#41. Juan Pablo Villalobos's “Down the Rabbit Hole” - Words ...
"Down the Rabbit Hole" is told from the point of view not of a gangster, ... learning words from his dictionary and collecting hats from around the world.
#42. rabbit hole 意思? - 知乎
keep going down one rabbit hole after another是什么意思? 查看问题描述. 关注问题 写回答. ...
#43. I went down a rabbit hole. | WordReference Forums
None of the other posts with the term rabbit hole seemed right for the meaning I need. Thanks. "" ...
#44. Going Down the Rabbit Hole | Department of Computer Science
These past few weeks, I've gone down a few of my own rabbit holes. Usually, my computer wandering leads me to the realm of gameplay on Youtube ...
#45. Down the Rabbit Hole: toward appropriate discussion of ... - CP
Down the Rabbit Hole : toward appropriate discussion of methane release from gas hydrate systems during the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum and other past ...
#46. Rabbit hole - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms | Vocabulary.com
a hole in the ground as a nest made by wild rabbits.
#47. What is the rabbit hole meaning? - YYCnewCentraLlibrary.com
Why did Alice cry? What does Alice falling down the rabbit hole represent? What is the rabbit hole meaning? : ...
#48. Depression is Like Going Down the Rabbit Hole | NAMI
... suffered debilitating bouts of depression since I was at least 15 years old. This year I will turn 54. During these bouts I would tumble down a rabbit hole.
#49. fall down a rabbit hole | English to Portuguese - ProZ.com
"Did my mother really just say this, or have I actually fallen down a rabbit hole?" ...
#50. Dear all, 今天來看一個跟愛麗絲夢遊仙境有關的用語。 *(go)...
今天來看一個跟愛麗絲夢遊仙境有關的用語。 *(go) down the rabbit hole 進入到兔子洞這是甚麼意思呢?記得愛麗絲進入到一個奇幻的地方,就是從 ...
#51. Deeper Down the Rabbit-Hole
iii. Page 8. analysis leads to the third contribution of this work, which is the definition of a new theory specially suited for the dynamics of imagination ...
#52. Down the Rabbit Hole在線翻譯- 英語 - 海词词典
海詞詞典,最權威的學習詞典,為您提供Down the Rabbit Hole的在線翻譯,Down the Rabbit Hole是什麼意思,Down the Rabbit Hole的真人發音,權威用法和精選例句等。
#53. Down that rabbit hole?进入那个兔子洞? - 英语点津
This expression is, or rather was popularized by the classic children's book Alice in Wonderland. Here's an explanation by Dictionary.com:.
#54. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Chapter 1 - SparkNotes
The Rabbit pulls a watch out of his waistcoat pocket and runs across the field and down a hole. Alice impulsively follows the Rabbit and tumbles down the ...
#55. Going down the rabbit hole... - Michele Chynoweth
This little phrase has been stuck in my head lately so I looked its definition up: “Down the rabbit hole” is a metaphor for an entry into ...
#56. What Does Rabbit Hole Mean? | The Word Counter
Have you ever fallen down an internet rabbit hole? Learn the meaning of rabbit hole and the origin of this metaphorical phrase today.
#57. Pros and Cons of Falling Down the Content Rabbit Hole
The thing is, once you follow your curiosity down the rabbit hole, you won't get that hour back. That means you might have to spend extra ...
#58. Definition and synonyms of rabbit hole in the English dictionary
We can't allow ourselves to descend down the rabbit hole of unbridled partisanship for partisan sake. Mike Quigley. Meaning of "rabbit ...
#59. What is Go Down The Rabbit Hole? - meaning and definition
Go Down The Rabbit Hole - 1. An allusion to Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland. To go "down the rabbit hole" is to enter a period of chaos or confusion.
#60. What does rabbit hole mean? - Definitions.net
Definition of rabbit hole in the Definitions.net dictionary. ... it really grew as I studied, kind of went down the rabbit hole studying his influences .
#61. Rabbit Hole
The Rabbit Hole DesignsHome | RabbitholeWild Turkey BourbonGo down the rabbit hole - Idioms by. The Free Dictionaryrabbit hole - Dictionary.
#62. What Does Going Down Rabbit Hole Mean? - Neeness
Used especially in the phrase going down the rabbit hole or falling down the rabbit hole, a rabbit hole is a metaphor for something that transports someone into ...
#63. When You've Fall Down the Rabbit Hole: 17 Ways to Climb Out
So, falling down the rabbit hole is that time when you find yourself suddenly falling head-first into the abyss of another world, the “old” ...
#64. RABBIT HOLE Meaning in Urdu - Tr-ex
Examples of using Rabbit hole in a sentence and their translations · We're already down the rabbit hole. · خرگوش سوراخ کے نیچے…
#65. Full article: You must fall down the rabbit hole
But our plan here is to swiftly fall down the rabbit hole, ... matter and meaning are basically the same) in relation to particle physics.
#66. who is vicky in down the rabbit hole - Poltekkes Pontianak
Stacy Sutherland: Down the Rabbit Hole, by Vicki Welch Ayo. ... The Idioms Dictionary 's book, Down the Rabbit Hole, she answers this question myself, did!
#67. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland -- Chapter I
Down the Rabbit -Hole. Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped ...
#68. 3 ways to stop "falling down the rabbit hole" in your career
If you've ever seen or read a version of Lewis Carroll's “Alice in Wonderland,” you may remember the beginning when Alice, chasing after the ...
#69. White Rabbit, the - Longman Dictionary
White Rabbit, the meaning, definition, what is White Rabbit, ... He keeps looking at his watch because he is late, and disappearing down rabbit holes.
#70. down the rabbit hole 2021 is on the move
Bring your own camping gear or rent luxurious accommodations at our Rabbit Resort. Down The Rabbit Hole, where you are who you are when no one can see you…
#71. Down the rabbit hole - phrase meaning and origin
: : Going down the rabbit hole led Alice into a strange, dreamlike world where things didn't make sense. (Very dreamlike. At the end, she woke ...
#72. Systems Thinkers Must Go Down the Rabbit's Hole
You take the red pill and stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.” In the Hollywood blockbuster The Matrix, computers imprison humans ...
#73. Was bedeutet "Rabbit Hole"? Bedeutung und Verwendung
Der englische Ausdruck "Rabbit Hole" steht für "Kaninchenbau". Häufig dieser auch zusammen mit der Phrase "Down the Rabbit Hole", was so viel ...
#74. Reaching Down the Rabbit Hole review – fascinating tales ...
Or at least Burrell is the prose man, turning Ropper's professional stories into tight little homilies of neurological and existential meaning.
#75. “Down the Rabbit Hole—An Interactive Examination of Less ...
It could symbolize possession, marking territory, or a form of sexual punishment. Around this discussion we talked about the deeply animal ...
#76. Down the Rabbit Hole | Financial Times
Down the Rabbit Hole, the debut novel by Mexican writer Juan Pablo Villalobos, performs an unexpected trick. By dramatically shifting the ...
#77. Amazon.com: Dictionary Art Print - Down The Rabbit Hole
Amazon.com: Dictionary Art Print - Down The Rabbit Hole - Printed on Recycled Vintage Dictionary Paper - 8"x11" - Mixed Media Poster on Vintage Dictionary ...
#78. Down the Rabbit Hole | 誠品線上
(Stephen King)Down the Rabbit Hole is the first book in the Echo Falls mystery series by ... And getting them back will mean getting tangled up in a murder ...
#79. to go down the rabbit hole :: English-German translation - Dict.cc
dict.cc English-German Dictionary: Translation for to go down the rabbit hole.
#80. what the bleep! down the rabbit hole 中文 - 查查在線詞典
what the bleep! down the rabbit hole中文:兔子洞里到底是什么…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋what the bleep! down the rabbit hole的中文翻譯,what the bleep!
#81. Down the Rabbit Hole - TV Tropes
Down the Rabbit Hole · https://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/ · Advertisement: So you've got yourself a little story about a more than ordinary young girl ...
#82. Avoid Going Down the Rabbit Hole - A change management ...
Avoid Going Down the Rabbit Hole - A change management perspective ... and my apologies if you are a “believer”, there is no Easter Bunny.
#83. Down the rabbit hole: The promise and perils of decentralised ...
Down the rabbit hole : The promise and perils of decentralised finance – Weekly edition of The Economist for Sep 18th 2021.
#84. Going Down The Rabbit Hole Of Realization, Awakening, And ...
This episode touches on our individual rabbit holes and how we tend to slide down deeper into them. It explores the significance of peaking behind the ...
#85. Down the rabbit hole | Life | themountaineer.com
Geologist Rasoul Sorkhabi claims the original idea of Shangri-La comes from the Sanskrit word “Shambala,” meaning “Place of Peace” or “Source of ...
#86. What the Bleep!?: Down the Rabbit Hole (2006) - IMDb
What the Bleep!?: Down the Rabbit Hole ... Interviews with scientists and authors, animated bits, and a storyline involving a deaf photographer.
#87. “Down the Rabbit-Hole”- What Does It Mean?
When engaging in everyday conversation, people very rarely state exactly what they mean. We often communicate in figures of speech and ...
#88. The 2020 rabbit hole: Why conspiracy theories draw people in
Searching for answers in times of great confusion and grief can send people down dark rabbit holes, as experienced by Dannagal Young, ...
#89. Down the rabbit hole | Library of Congress
Editorial cartoon shows Alice of "Alice in Wonderland" falling down a large rabbit hole labeled "Underground Activities", at the bottom of which is a rabbit ...
#90. Down The Rabbit Hole Wines - McLaren Vale SA
Down The Rabbit Hole is a winery which aims to inspire imagination with an attitude of adventure. The vineyard is located in McLaren Vale, South Australia.
#91. Down the Rabbit Hole We Go! - Oxford Scholarship
Conspiracy theories are not fringe ideas, tucked neatly away in the dark corners of society. They are politically, economically, and socially relevant to ...
#92. Spirituality: Down the rabbit hole with God - Norwich Bulletin
Spirituality: Down the rabbit hole with God. Cal Lord. For The Bulletin. Dear Friends,. Have you had a “rabbit hole” experience lately?
#93. Down the Rabbit Hole by Lewis Carroll | CommonLit
Chapter 1: “Down the Rabbit Hole”. [1]Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank,
#94. How Do We Recognize and Get out of the Rabbit Hole
Falling down the Rabbit Hole is a metaphor for falling into a troubling or surreal state or situation. In Alice in Wonderland, Alice spots a white rabbit ...
#95. We've followed Alice down the rabbit hole - UnHerd
We've followed Alice down the rabbit hole. Something nasty has happened to children's storytelling in the years since Disney's fantasy.
#96. Adventures in Academia-Land: Down the Research Rabbit Hole
Research rabbit holes are a rewarding way of getting started when you aren't quite sure where exactly to begin. Don't allow yourself to feel ...
#97. What does it mean to be down the rabbit hole? - Movie Cultists
The first use of the phrase falling “down the rabbit hole” comes to us thanks to the great Lewis Carroll who introduced the term in 1865 in Alice's ...
down the rabbit hole meaning 在 IDIOM: GO DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE - YouTube 的推薦與評價
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