交大電子學長公司MVP Fastlane徵才
## 團隊簡介/地點
MVP Fastlane是2017成立的新創軟體公司,專為美國大小新創公司解決軟體技術問題,並為台灣帶來更多接觸美國市場、新創文化、科技新知的機會。
最新與美國頂尖新創公司Honey Science合作,將在台灣招聘多位資深前端軟體工程師與工程師。Honey是專注於消費者網路購物經驗的新創公司,已成功在美國獲得40M美金投資,這次挑戰在台灣設立分部,歡迎有興趣在台灣加入美國新創公司的工程師們前來應徵。更多Honey的介紹請參考http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-tn-honey-20171024-story.html
辦公室地點:新竹市學府路40號 (新竹交通大學育成中心)
## 工作內容
Integrate existing and upcoming Honey products with new and existing merchants
Optimize merchant integrations and improve Honey User experiences
Detect and resolve challenges that impact Honey revenue
Quickly learn and Ramp Up on training provided.
## 能力需求
Programming with JavaScript (ES5 and ES6), understand its quirks, workarounds, and best practices.
Writing unit tests with JEST (Jasmine framework).
Front-End build tools, especially Webpack.
Version control and front-end packaging tools: GIT and NPM.
Familiar with how ESLINT works.
HTML, native DOM APIs.
Self motivated and able to quickly learn the technical training, tools, and process.
Upbeat attitude and problem solving mindset.
Proficency in English
### 加分
React.js, component life-cycle, component design.
Redux and Flux design pattern.
Good understanding of what makes good UX.
Experience with other Front-End frameworks like angular, ember, backbone, etc.
## 薪資範圍
資深工程師: 月薪 70,000 ~ 120,000
工程師: 月薪 50,000 ~ 70,000
## 福利/推薦項
面談; 優於業界標準
## 工時/特休
週休二日, 依國定假日休假
## 聯絡方式
or apply@mvpfastlane.com