👉🏼Enervating (Adjective)👈🏼
📍Meaning: making you feel weak and without energy
意思: 使衰弱的;使無力的;使喪失活力的
🔹Sentence: I was nearly killed by the enervating heat when I got lost in the desert.
👉🏼Exhausting (Adjective)👈🏼
📍Meaning: making you feel extremely tired
意思: 使人筋疲力竭的;使人疲憊不堪的
🔹Sentence: Living in Hong Kong is exhausting that everyone has to compete for a more prosperous but not necessarily happier life.
👉🏼Fatiguing (Adjective)👈🏼
📍Meaning: making you feel tired
意思: 令人疲勞的
🔹Sentence: Even though it is fatiguing for an old man to complete a marathon, he insists on finishing it in order to encourage his sick wife.
句子: 雖然對老人家而言,要完成一場馬拉松賽事相當疲勞,但為了鼓勵自己患病的妻子,他堅持完成賽事。
其實呢三個算係synonyms嚟, 只係想大家用多啲tiring以外嘅字啫。😬
Photo: Canva
Editor: Dai@Vocabno Team
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