Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology (CGH) 創刊於 2003 年,是美國胃腸病協會 (AGA; American Gastroenterological Association) 的官方期刊之一。
2018 年的 impact factor 為 7.958,在 Gastroenterology & Hepatology 領域排名為 Q1(8/84) 期刊。關於平均審稿週期,網頁公告為「小於兩週」,接受率約 12%,屬於投稿難度高的期刊。
🔔 2020 / 10 / 17(六)醫學論文與寫作工作坊
💖 新思惟校友(月)論文發表再創新高 💖
🎉 登上 NEJM!🎉
2020 年 8 月 PubMed (SCI) 追蹤_共有 68 位 (72 篇)。
以下是 2020 年 8 月這 72 篇的組成:
Original article x 46(Clinical 30, Basic 5, NHIRD 8, Meta-analysis 3)
Letter x 8
Review x4
Case report x 12
Image x 1
Editorial x1
🔔 2020 / 10 / 17(六)醫學論文與寫作工作坊
✓ 不再害怕統計,讓你親手畫出數據圖,有。
✓ 入門稿件寫作與準備要訣,有。
✓ 投稿期刊選擇策略。多元文體與學術參與,有。
✓ 還是寫不出來?過來人時間安排建議,有!
內科 #陳一銘醫師,復健科 #吳爵宏醫師,放射科 #蔡依橙醫師,與你一樣的世代,超過 200 篇 SCI 發表經驗,給你最實用的建議。
🔔 近期校友傑出榮耀 #每天都有學員發表
[快訊] 張譽耀醫師團隊,以糞便測試預測潰瘍性大腸炎黏膜癒合狀況之研究,獲 PeerJ 刊登!
[快訊] 陳建翰醫師團隊,關於減重手術後,以評分系統預測半年後體重下降幅度之研究,獲 Scientific Reports 刊登!
[快訊] 梁宗榮醫師團隊,關於胃造口管在更換時錯位之個案報告,獲 Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 刊登!
[快訊] 劉文智醫師團隊,報告兩例嚴重膝蓋外傷併發感染並重建成功之個案,獲 Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery (Hong Kong) 刊登!
[快訊] 李紹榕醫師團隊,關於混合式手術醫師作為微創時代的心臟手術主力之致編者信,獲 The Annals of Thoracic Surgery 刊登!
「editorial 範文」的推薦目錄:
- 關於editorial 範文 在 新思惟國際 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於editorial 範文 在 [情報] Writing skills for GRE/GMAT + Argument 模板 - 批踢踢 ... 的評價
- 關於editorial 範文 在 DSE Listening Text type (Editorial) 文憑試聆聽體裁(社論,評論) 的評價
- 關於editorial 範文 在 2021 DSE 文言範文精讀課程 #年度課程#好評載譽#六堂教曬 ... 的評價
- 關於editorial 範文 在 [情報] Writing skills for GRE/GMAT + Argume - PTT網頁版 的評價
- 關於editorial 範文 在 letter to the editor範文dse的解答,FACEBOOK ... - 工程師的救星 的評價
editorial 範文 在 DSE Listening Text type (Editorial) 文憑試聆聽體裁(社論,評論) 的推薦與評價

DSE Listening Text type ( Editorial ) 文憑試聆聽體裁(社論,評論) ... English Writing Question 7 Sample writing(2018文憑試英文作文卷第7題 範文 ). ... <看更多>
editorial 範文 在 2021 DSE 文言範文精讀課程 #年度課程#好評載譽#六堂教曬 ... 的推薦與評價
2021 DSE 文言範文精讀課程 #年度課程#好評載譽#六堂教曬所有範文#三名新生同報一人免費- 大考濃縮課程,顧名思義即係將狂追課程頭三期內容濃縮成四堂八小時, ... ... <看更多>
editorial 範文 在 [情報] Writing skills for GRE/GMAT + Argument 模板 - 批踢踢 ... 的推薦與評價
在amazon逛了逛相關的評價,發現riting skills for the gre/gmat的評價挺不錯的,
特別是Part 2的Issue部分,說明、佈局、練習都在其中。
Just one tiny mistake.
Argument 模板分享
(網誌板) https://ppt.cc/Es4;
Careful scrutiny of the editorial reveals numerous potential problems with
it-problems that render its auther's position untenable.
The speakers's argument suffers from several reasoning flaws,which together
render the argument unconvincing.
For several reasons,this claim is dubious at best.
Unfortunately,these facts accomplish little toward refuting the assertion
Thus,I find the argument wholly unpersuasive.
This argument relies on several crucial but unsubstantiated assumptions and
is therefore unconvincing as it stands.
Unfortunately,the argument is depend on a series of poorly supported
inferences and therefore is specious at best.
I find this assertion dubious for several reasons.
The argument suffers from several reasoning flaws and is therefore
unconvincing as it stands.
This argument relies on a number of questionable assumptions and is therefore
This argument suffers from several reasoning flaws, which together render the
editorial wholly unconvincing.
The editorial implies that...however,the editorial provides no evidence to
support this implication.
This argument depents on a series of four cause-and-effect relationships,none
of which the author has established.
The author must establish a clear cause-and-effect relationship
It is unfair to infer that the former is attributable solely to the latter.
Here the director might very well confuse cause and effect with mere
第二宗罪 Insufficient-sample
The statistics from only a few recent years are not necessarily a good
indicator of future trends/hardly suffice to prove a clear trend.
Yet the mere fact that..does not necessarily mean that...
Thus,before I accept the editorial's conclusion,the author must show
that...is representative of...
第三宗罪: 錯誤類比 (based on a false analogy )
With respects to the first of the two facts, the author attempts here to draw
what might amount to a false analogy between...and...
The authors analogy to ... is dubious at best.
第四宗罪 all things are equal
This argument suffers from a classic reasoning flaws:what is true for one
member of a group is also true for that group as a whole.
第五宗罪 Either-Or choice
In short,unless the editorial's auther explores and eliminates other
options,I remain unconvinced that...
第六宗罪 pool/report/survey is doubtful
A final problem with the editorial involves the possibility of additional
results from the survey-results that the editorial neclects to mention.
If the results turn out to be unreliable as aresult, then any conclusion
based on those results must be deemed unreliable as well.
The memo provides no evidence that the reports are reliable.
第七宗罪 gratuitous assumption
The speaker neglects to consider and rule out other explainations-for
instance,...Without eliminating other possible reasons for ...,the speaker
cannot convice me that...
Besides, the author ignores the possibility that...
While this might be the case,the author must provide clear evidence to
substantiat this assumption.
Yet it is entirely possible that...
The argument relies on the assumpution that ...
Admitting for the sake of argument that...
Even if the author can prove that...
Even assuming that...
Otherwise,I cannot accept the author's inference that...
Accordingly,the author's contention that...is questionable at best.
Otherwise,I remain skeptical of the author's final conclution that...
Until the author supplies this sort of evidence,he cannot convince me that...
If this is the case, the author's implicit it claim that ... would be very
weak indeed.
The author must first convince me that ... ,not until then could I begin to
consider the recommendation.
Therefore,I remain unconvinced that...
However, with no solid evidence to support this reasoning, the claim amounts
to little more than pure conjecture.
To fully assess the ultimate claim, I would need reliable detailed... should
it follow the chair's recommendation.
To bolster it, the author might conductor a scientific survey of...
In order to properly evaluate it, ar a minimun,I would want to know...,and I
would want to survey ... about...
The author must also show that the survey results are reliabl and that they
accurately reflect...
In order to convince me that ..., the author must at least ...
To fully persuade me, the author must also explain why...
To obtain this sort of proof, I would need to survey...
By 字神帝國小助教
更多GMAT資源 https://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/trenton-kang/archive?l=f&id=23
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