NYDeTour週末何處去:10/20-10/22 (Fri-Sun)
*10/20 (Fri) Happy Hours at Japan Society
每個月一次的Japan Society Happy Hour星期五晚上會有日本藝術家Hiroshi Sugimoto:Gates to Paradise的開展儀式。活動也會提供Joto Sake免費試飲。
地點:Japan Society, 333, E. 47st Street, NY
時間:10/20 (Fri) 6pm-9pm
*10/20 (Fri) Brooklyn Historical Society Free Fridays: Lost Brooklyn
這星期五又是Brooklyn Historical Society的免費星期五活動。這次主題是「被遺忘的布魯克林歷史」,朋友們可以來這裡享用免費啤酒(tips appreaciated),聽關於布魯克林歷史的演講,了解一些Brooklyn Dodgers的歷史(now that they are in WS)。
地點:Brooklyn Historical Society, 128 Pierrepont Street, Brooklyn
時間:10/20 (Fri) 5pm-9pm
*10/20-10/21 (Fri & Sat) Garment District Art Festival
星期五和星期六兩天在曼哈頓時裝區(Garment District)附近的藝廊與藝術工作室都會開放讓民眾參觀。有興趣的朋友可以到連結網站查看詳細節慶內容。
地點:Various locations at Garment District
時間:10/20 (Fri) 10am-10pm; 10/21 (Sat) 11am-9pm
*10/20-10/22 (Fri-Sun) Clio Art Fair
想看獨立藝術家的創作展覽的朋友,這週末在Chelsea的Clio Art Fair有將近40位非常有才華的藝術家作品展示。看看這些藝術家與主流藝術家的創意有何不同。
地點:Clio Art Fair, 508, W. 26th Street, NY
時間:10/20-10/21 (Fri & Sat) 11am-8pm; 10/22 (Sun) 12pm-6pm
*10/21 (Sat) It’s Happening! Celebrating 50 Years of Public Art in NYC Parks
慶祝Art in The Parks 50週年紀念這星期六中央公園將變身為一個大型戶藝術展示空間。有超過100 件藝術作品和行動藝術將在此展出。其中來自台灣的藝術家藍巧茹(Catherine Lan)也將表演Taiwan Tribal Sprits。是到中央公園賞楓監看一盞的大好活動!
地點:East Pinetum in Central Park (Enter at 84th St. Entrance)
時間:10/21 (Sat) 11am-3pm
*10/21 (Sat) The Annual Tompkins Square Halloween Dog Parade
一年一度最療癒的活動之一「萬聖節狗狗化妝遊行」活動星期六在東村的Tompkins Square Park舉行。今年還特別有柯基犬(Corgi)的裝扮比賽,想像畫面就超可愛的!愛狗人士一定不能錯過!
地點:Tompkins Square Park, E. 10th Street bet Avenue A & Avenue B
時間:10/21 (Sat) 12pm-3pm
10/21 (Sat & Sun) Gowanus Open Studios 2017
Gowanus是布魯克林越來越熱門的地區,也吸引了許多藝術家在此駐點。這週末Gowanus將有Open Studios活動讓紐約客能夠進一步認識這邊的藝術家和了解這個社區。
地點:Various locations in Gowanus, Brooklyn. 可以在這些地方索取工作室地圖:https://www.artsgowanus.org/where-to-pick-up-maps-for-gos-2017
時間:10/21-10/22 (Sat & Sun) 12pm-6pm
*10/21 (Sat) High Line Honey
對養蜂采蜜有興趣嗎?星期六在High Line Park靠近W. 14th St 的通道有一項認識蜂蜜的活動,介紹都市養蜂的相關知識。有興趣的朋友別錯過了!
地點:High Line Park at W. 14th Street
時間:10/21 (Sat) 10am-4pm
中國的京劇和義大利的歌劇會擦出什麼火花?能串連義大利和中國文化的歷史人物應該就是馬可波羅了。星期六在Chinatown與Little Italy有馬可波羅節,有興趣的朋友可以到Mott St,Mulberry和Grand St.等街道觀看遊行和各項表演活動。
地點:Mott. St, Mulberry St & Grand St.
時間:10/21 (Sat) 11am-3pm
10/22 (Sun) Fall Open House at MoMA PS1.
MoMA PS1的秋季藝展開放日這星期天舉行,朋友們可以免費入場先睹MoMA PS1未來半年新的展出,也有現場音樂表演。非常推薦的活動!
地點:MoMA PS1, 22-25 Jackson Avenue, LIC
時間:10/22 (Sun) 12pm-6pm
*10/22 (Sun) Fall Foliage Walk on Randalls Island
想不用出城就可以到郊外賞楓嗎?星期天在Randalls Island有一場島上楓葉導覽活動,除了認識Randalls Island上的職務外,也可以欣賞美麗的東河河景和曼頓天際線。
地點:Randalls Island (從Manhattan E. 103rd St的Ward’s Island Bridge走過去)
時間:10/22 (Sun) 2pm
*10/22 (Sun) JAPAN Fes / EDO & Tea Tasting Contest & Okinawa & Curry Contest
星期天在UWS的Street Fair將有一個街區會舉辦日本茶飲試飲活動和咖哩競賽。和Ramen Fest一樣,朋友們購買日式,泰式和印度三種不同的咖哩食物並投票決定那一種咖哩最好吃。
地點:Broadway bet W. 92nd St & 94th St
時間:10/22 (Sun) 10am-6pm
Have a great weekend, my friends!
Go Yankees!!!!! 👎👎👎
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅KABU PAPA,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#登山 #nikkotoshogushrine #日光東照宮 #雲竜瀑 #二社一寺 #毘沙門天 #霊山 #山ガール こんにちはKABUPAPAです。 いつもご覧いただきありがとうございます 📶この動画は4K対応デバイスの使用で4K60pのウルトラハイビジョン映像がご覧いただけます❗️ ------...
edo society 在 無印良品 Facebook 的精選貼文
くらしの良品研究所から「江戸の仕事 ─使い尽くす暮らしのために─」、お送りします。
It is said that the characters of rakugo, who live in nagaya in the edo period, are not the first to be kicked out of nagaya even if they arrears the store (was-rent) at the time. I thought it was thanks to the humane landlord, and there was actually a more realistic reason, and it was one of the things that supported the circulation society of Edo. This time, let's introduce a variety of ′′ work ′′ that was linked to the eco life of Edo.
I will send you a ′′ Edo work ─ for life ─ ", from the institute of feel.
edo society 在 VOP Facebook 的最佳解答
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▍Voices of Photography 攝影之聲 ▍
Issue 16 : 廢 / 棄 / 空間
Abandoned Spaces
在這期的《攝影之聲》中,米田知子探訪建造於台灣日治時期而今已廢置的日本家屋,追溯歷史輪轉的流變軌跡;劉智聰巡覽香港的城郊丘墟,記錄綠蕪覆蓋的文明荒景;陳伯義踏查拆遷前的台灣眷村房舍,蒐索廢棄空間遺留的離散斑痕。同時,本期由日本攝影評論家鳥原学,導論自十七世紀《舊江戶城寫真帖》以降的日本廢墟寫真系譜;中國攝影評論家顧錚則以學者維森費爾德(Gennifer Weisenfeld)提出的災難視覺論述,解構廢墟影像的現代性;還有號稱本人就「住在廢墟裡」的台灣資深電影評論人李幼鸚鵡鵪鶉,細數各類電影中的廢墟場景。
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Abandoned spaces form a visual spectacle which are often featured in photography in addition to being aesthetic symbols. They are nothingness, history, memories, symbolizing withering as well as regeneration, forming an overlap of various concepts. As society falls into a never-ending loop of demolishing / constructing, and more "to be demolished" / "to be constructed" cases, quiet spaces, without anyone in them, are crying out softly in photographic images, forcing us to focus on the organic materiality and the relationship of control by political forces in abandoned spaces.
In this issue of Voices of Photography, Tomoko Yoneda visits Japanese homes built in Taiwan during the period of Japanese rule that have been abandoned today, tracing the evidence of change caused by history; we accompany Lau Chi-Chung on his inspection of Hong Kong's urban and rural ruins, recording the wastelands of civilization now covered with greenery; we follow Chen Po-I as he steps into Taiwan's military dependents’ villages before they are torn down, collecting the traces of gathering and separation left behind in these abandoned spaces. At the same time, this issue invites Japanese photography critic Manabu Torihara guides us through the anthology of Japanese ruin photography beginning with the publishing of Photograph Album of the former Edo Castle in the 17th century; Chinese photography critic, Gu Zheng deconstructs modernism in ruin photography using Gennifer Weisenfeld's theory of imaging disaster. Finally, we have an intricate discussion on the various ruin settings seen in movies provided by Alphonse Perroquet/Parrot Caille/Quail Youth-Leigh, a self-proclaimed resident of ruins.
To conduct the main thematic conversation of this issue, we traverse the long-emptied "An Kang Detention Center" in the rural areas of Xindian, Taipei with writer Roan Ching-Yueh and artist Yao Jui-Chung led by artist Kao Jun-Honn -- a venue where the Taiwan government locked up and tried political dissidents and Communist spies in the 1970s up to 1987 when Martial Law was lifted and the facility was abandoned. The three artists began a discussion of the ruins in the empty, dark hall of the Center (teeming with the danger of Dengue fever), dissecting the powers and desires of dysfunctional spaces.
Sadly, we learnt about the passing of Japanese photographer and theorist Nakahira Takuma in the midst of preparing for this issue of VOP and wish to express our deepest condolences. Upon our request and as a mark of our deep respect for Mr. Nakahira, photography critic Otake Akiko, a friend of Nakahira, has provided a piece of writing in remembrance of this photography giant who has given many rich fodder for thought in photographic art; we also feature Nakahira's essay on the famous Duel in Photography, describing how he burnt his film negatives by the seaside and photographer Hashimoto Shoko's invaluable shots taken of Nakahira at the Paris Youth Biennale in 1971.
As this issue reaches the hands of readers, it is notable that VOP is heading towards its fifth year of publication and the blueprints for the magazine's developments in our notebooks seem like something from yesterday. Many would use days, months or years to keep time, but we choose to use the strange way of "issue" as a unit of our memories. We would like to once again thank all our readers who have walked with us on this journey of images, as well as all our contributors and working partners for making VOP possible. We are indeed fortunate to journey on with all of you.
#攝影之聲 #廢棄空間
Voices of Photography 攝影之聲
edo society 在 KABU PAPA Youtube 的最佳解答
#登山 #nikkotoshogushrine #日光東照宮 #雲竜瀑 #二社一寺 #毘沙門天 #霊山 #山ガール
【日光東照宮について】AS Nikko Toshogu
Nikko Toshogu is a Shinto shrine established in 1617 to enshrine Tokugawa Ieyasu, the first shogun of the Tokugawa shogunate. Ieyasu was born on December 26, 1542 in Okazaki Castle in Mikawa (present day Okazaki, Aichi Prefecture). After a great deal of hardship from an early age he succeeded in pacifying the country after a turbulent period of conflict and established the Tokugawa shogunate system in 1603. His actions brought order and organization to Japanese society while promoting scholarship and industry. Ieyasu laid the foundation for over 260 years of peace and culture during the Edo Period, greatly contributing to the development of modern Japan.
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edo society 在 一二三渡辺 Youtube 的最讚貼文
Takeuchi Highway
Pass Takeuchi (Osaka Nara prefectures)
Takeuchi highway (do speak out of bamboo), head to the east of Osaka Prefecture, Sakai, Takeuchi, pass over the southern foot of Mt Nijo, leading to about Katsuragi City, Nara Prefecture, Nagao shrine near the 26km road.
Section near the village to the intersection Katsuragi City, Takeuchi Habikino swan has been designated an area of mostly Route 166.
Historical origins
* Route 12 Takeuchi year of Empress Suiko Chronicles (613) Article "in Beijing from Namba (Asuka) Daido reach (your uncle) put" were marked, Japan's oldest "official way ". Takeuchi current highway, most of which overlap with the way government Suiko era. The east has led to officers across the east-west road south Yokooozi Nara Basin. Once the road 丹比 (Taji Hi anyway), they said. Are estimated to cross it with a field name 丹比. Daily Article 天武 July Hazime Toshinori "Ming Society, looking to the west overlooking, 丹比 Otsu, both from the road, leading to the multitude of war," Tomie, was used to turbulent motion Invasion you know, are estimated to be highway road Takeuchi and Nagao.
* This road, running east-west road is the center of the tombs and the tombs Mozu Furuichi, was thought to be the road connecting the two tombs. Considered to be laid later than Nagao highway. In addition, the rear section of the southernmost east-west extension of tombs as if a mountain road HONDA straight to this road will be in contact through the southeastern edge of the burial mounds in front of Oyama. In other words, these two giant tombs that have been made to understand the latitude line on the map.
* # Of the officer as the road is not maintained as mentioned above the early 7th century, the western foot of Mt. Nijo (Osaka Taishichō present) tombs and monuments to many of the tombs from the 4th century until the 5th century are still, believe that there is already considerable traffic of people.
# The Asuka period, the learned priest come and go, and the residue used Sui envoy, temporary, resulting from continental culture of China and Korea, Asuka cultural Dzuetonatta insulators.
# In the Middle Ages and continued as part of the Ise road, now Route 166 that runs through. Takeuchi road so that will be used as a highway from the Asuka period until now.
# Edo, Basho once lived in villages along Takeuchi. Currently, there are mounds of tanka inscription 綿弓 Basho there has been developed as a park.