0427 BBC中文
英國駐日本大使館證實,英國新入役的大型艦空母艦伊利沙白女王號(HMS Queen Elizabeth)戰鬥群將會駛往日本和韓國等作一連串訪問,並與兩國部隊進行聯合演練。大使館4月26日聲明透露,除了伊利沙白女王號,整個戰鬥群還包括另外六艘戰艦,隨行還有一艘潛艇。美國和荷蘭會各自派出一艘戰艦隨行。聲明又引述英國國防大臣Ben Wallace說,這個戰鬥群還會訪問印度和新加坡等,整個訪問航程需時約28星期。Ben Wallace形容,任務將會彰顯英國的影響力,並強調英國決心解決今後地區安全問題的挑戰。。這是伊利沙白女王號2017年正式開始服役後,首次大型駐外行動,英國軍方沒有公佈這個戰鬥群的具體航線,但分析留意到它訪問新加坡和韓國等地時,無可避免將會接近南海和東海等局勢緊張的地區。
英國一位情報首長日前警告稱,在中國等國家在科技與安全領域構成的威脅面前,西方國家目前正面臨「清算時刻」。英國情報機構「政府通信總部」(GCHQ)主任Jeremy Fleming表示,西方世界面臨著一個威脅,即他們所依賴的關鍵技術或將不再由西方塑造。政府通信總部負責收集來自全球的情報,以識別並破壞對英國帶來的威脅。該組織與美國國家安全局關係密切,同時與美國、澳大利亞、加拿大及紐西蘭的情報機構共同組成「五眼聯盟」。Jeremy Fleming指出,在情報方面中俄兩國均是英國的關切所在。而在科技領域,中國的影響更為長遠。
多年來,在中國經營的外國公司一直面臨社交媒體推動的消費者抵制行動,有時是因為文化上的不敏感,有時是因為政治爭議。「任何冒犯中國人民的人都應該凖備付出代價,」一些西方公司因對新疆侵犯人權的指控表示關注而遭到中國消費者抵制,中國外交部發言人華春瑩最近被問及此事時直白表示。H&M是此次抵制的主要目標,但耐克、阿迪達斯和彪馬也受到了影響,它們都是良好棉花發展協會(BCI)的成員,這是一個促進可持續棉花生產的非盈利組織。H&M在中國主要電商平台上遭到屏蔽,其實體店也從一些電子地圖上消失了。20家H&M門市至今仍然關閉。中國歐盟商會主席Joerg Wuttke表示,外國公司與中國的敏感點發生衝突很常見。這是一個長期的挑戰,隨著中國經濟上的重要性增強和歐洲態度的轉變,這個挑戰也在增大。
2021年4月23日,英格蘭和威爾士上訴法院(Court of Appeal of England and Wales)推翻39名郵政支局長(sub-postmasters and sub-postmistresses)的刑事犯罪判決,,郵政局監守自盜案自此成為英國迄今已知最嚴重的一起冤案。這些案件源於英國郵政局公司(Post Office Ltd)在2000年引入的日本富士通(Fujitzu)「地平線」(Horizon)電子會計系統。因其連番出錯,多達736名郵政支局長被郵政局公司起訴。許多人被判有罪,輕則罰款,重則入獄。
*【新冠疫情:香港新加坡計劃重啟旅行氣泡 期盼振興旅遊業】
香港與新加坡宣布,兩地將於5月26日開始實施雙向免隔離的航空旅遊氣泡(Air Travel Bubble, ATB)。如果這一計劃順利實施,將成為亞太區域第二條實施旅行氣泡的主要航線。此前澳洲和紐西蘭之間已經通過這種方式恢復了通行。新港兩地原本計劃在去年11月開始實施旅行氣泡,但由於此後香港疫情重燃而擱淺。此次公布的旅行氣泡計劃加上了更嚴格的條件,香港居民須完成接種兩劑疫苗最少14日後,才能參與,對前往香港的新加坡居民則未有此要求。
*【中國抵制澳洲進口不果 「殺雞儆猴」效果成疑】
紐西蘭外交部長馬Nanaia Mahuta上周在該國政府成立的「紐中關係促進委員會」發表演講時闡述了紐西蘭的對華政策,並稱對「五眼聯盟」擴大職權範圍的作法感到「不安」。此番講話引起印太地區議論,新中關係也引發國際媒體關注和審視。
「england court of appeal」的推薦目錄:
england court of appeal 在 Sam Tsang 曾思瀚 Facebook 的最讚貼文
For Immediate Release - Monday 16 October, 2017
Twelve senior international lawyers from the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Australia, Canada, South Africa and Malaysia, including the United Kingdom’s former Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice Lord Falconer QC, released a letter today expressing their concern that the imprisonment of Joshua Wong, Alex Chow and Nathan Law represents “a serious threat to the rule of law and a breach of the principle of ‘double jeopardy’ in Hong Kong”.
The lawyers criticize the Public Order Ordinance as a violation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and warn that China’s 2014 White Paper on Hong Kong threatens the independence of the judiciary which “risks becoming a charade, at the beck and call of the Chinese Communist Party.” Hong Kong’s rule of law and basic freedoms, at the heart of the principle of “one country, two systems”, now face grave threats, the twelve lawyers warn.
In addition to the former Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice in the United Kingdom, the letter is also signed by six other Queen’s Counsel (QCs) from the United Kingdom, including the chair of the Bar Human Rights Committee of England and Wales Kirsty Brimelow QC, former chief prosecutor in the trial of Slobodan Milosevic, Sir Geoffrey Nice QC, the former United Nations chief war crimes prosecutor in Sierra Leone, Sir Desmond de Silva QC, the United Kingdom’s former Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation and President of the Howard League for Penal Reform, Lord Carlile of Berriew QC, as well as prominent barristers Michael Mansfield QC and Rajiv Menon QC.
The South African judge and international jurist Justice Richard Goldstone, Canadian lawyer David Matas, Malaysian advocate and solicitor Andrew Khoo, Australian lawyer and former UN head of human rights in East Timor Patrick Burgess and American lawyer Jared Genser, who has represented several international figures such as Burma’s democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi when she was under house arrest, China’s Nobel Laureate Liu Xiaobo who died earlier this year and his widow Liu Xia, and former President of the Maldives Mohamed Nasheed, are also signatories to the letter.
The lawyers note that “serious concerns over the independence of the judiciary arise” from recent events in Hong Kong, as warned by Hong Kong’s own Court of Final Appeal Judge Kemal Bokhary five years ago. “Hong Kong’s judges want to protect its independence, but they face increasing pressure from Beijing,” the letter observed.
The full text of the letter is as follows:
As lawyers, we regard the imprisonment of Joshua Wong, Alex Chow and Nathan Law in Hong Kong as a serious threat to the rule of law and a breach of the principle of “double jeopardy” in Hong Kong – in violation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
These student activists led the Umbrella Movement in Hong Kong in 2014 – one of the most peaceful public protests the world has seen. Joshua Wong, Nathan Law and Alex Chow were already punished by a court a year ago. Joshua and Nathan respectively served 80 and 120 hours of community service, and Alex received a three-week suspended sentence. Yet the Hong Kong government decided to reopen the case and sought tougher punishments.
The law under which they were charged, the Public Order Ordinance, has been criticized by the United Nations for “facilitat[ing] excessive restrictions” to basic rights, and is incompatible with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), which applies to Hong Kong. Human rights organisations have long urged Hong Kong to revise the ordinance to comply with the ICCPR.
Serious concerns over the independence of the judiciary arise. Court of Final Appeal judge Kemal Bokhary warned of “storm clouds” over the judiciary five years ago. Hong Kong’s judges want to protect its independence, but they face increasing pressure from Beijing. In 2014, China issued a White Paper declaring that Beijing has “comprehensive jurisdiction over Hong Kong” – instead of “the high degree of autonomy” provided for in the Sino-British Joint Declaration and the Basic Law, Hong Kong’s constitution. China also announced that Hong Kong’s judges are merely “administrators” who must love the country and be "subject to oversight by the central government”. The independence of the judiciary, a pillar of Hong Kong, risks becoming a charade, at the beck and call of the Chinese Communist Party.
Hong Kong’s rule of law and basic freedoms, at the heart of the principle of “one country, two systems”, now face grave threats.
Kirsty Brimelow QC
Patrick Burgess – President of Asia Justice and Rights (AJAR)
Lord Carlile of Berriew CBE QC
Sir Desmond De Silva QC
Lord Falconer of Thoroton QC – former Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice
Jared Genser – Freedom Now
Justice Richard Goldstone (South Africa)
Andrew Khoo (Malaysia)
David Matas (Canada)
Michael Mansfield QC
Rajiv Menon QC
Sir Geoffrey Nice QC – former chief prosecutor in the trial of Slobodan Milosevic
Coverage by The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/…/uk-lawyers-say-hong-kong-rule…