2017.10.22「永續科學國際研討會」(2017 International Symposium on Sustainability Science)
本院訂於今年10月22日(星期日)於本院人文館3樓國際會議廳舉辦「2017永續科學國際研討會」,探討主題分為「能源轉換」(Energy Transformation)及「空污與健康」(Air Pollution & Health)兩項。本次會議除邀請國際知名學者進行專題演講外,亦安排國內外相關領域之專家學者及政府官員對談,如美國前能源部代部長、聯合國教科文組織教授、世界科學院(TWAS) 執行長等、台灣經濟部與環保署首長等。本院期藉由主辦此次會議讓國際間見證臺灣對於促進人類福祉與地球永續的學術關懷。
網站: https://www.as-2017isss.org/
2017 International Symposium on Sustainability Science, October 22(Sun)
The 2017 International Symposium on Sustainable Science will be held on October 22 (Sunday) at the International Conference Hall (3F), Building of Humanity and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica. The principal theme of the Symposium is "Interlocked challenges and opportunities in energy transformation and air pollution reduction". In addition to inviting internationally renowned scholars to conduct keynote speeches, we also invite the experts and scholars in relevant fields from local and abroad to take part in discussion such as former Acting under Secretary of Energy of USA, UNESCO Professor, and officials of Ministry of Economic Affairs, and Environmental Protection Department of Taiwan, R. O. C., etc. Through this Symposium, we expect the world to witness Taiwan's academic endeavor for the benefit of mankind and the sustainability of our earth.