倫理利己主義(英語:Ethical egoism)是主張道德主體應該出於自身利益行事。倫理利己主義、心理利己主義與理性利己主義是不同,心理利己主義聲稱人們只會出於自身利益 ...
倫理利己主義(ethical egoism)則據以進一步認定:每一個人都應該提昇自己的利益,人們有義務做任何有利於己的事。 但「利己主義」(egoism)並不等於目無他人 ...
#3. Altruism - 利他主義 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
利他主義 · Altruism · 名詞解釋: 利他主義是倫理學和心理學的一項主張。倫理學中認為完全無私的關懷別人,及為別人的利益著想,是道德判斷及道德行為的必要條件;換言之, ...
由 張瓈文 著作 · 2017 — Effective Altruism: Ethics for the 21st Century. 張瓈文(Peter Singer). 玄奘佛學研究; 28期(2017 / 09 / 01) , P1 - 17. 繁體中文. 有效利他主義 ; 效益主義 ...
altruism中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:n. 利他;利他主義。英漢詞典提供【altruism】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#6. 利己與利他之矛盾與統合
Language, 中文=Chinese ... The argument in ethics relating to “egoism” and “altruism” is that selfishness and selflessness are incompatible, ...
#7. ALTRUISM 中文是什么意思- 中文翻译 - Tr-ex
generosity and altruism. The Ethics of Altruism Association of Legal. 利他主义的伦理法律协会. Altruism egoism and genetic fitness: Economics and ...
#8. The Ethics of Altruism - 博客來
書名:The Ethics of Altruism,語言:英文,ISBN:0714684813,頁數:204,作者:Seglow, Jonathan (EDT),出版日期:2004/05/01,類別:人文社科.
#9. by altruism - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"by altruism" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#10. altruistic moral theory 中文倫理利己主義 - Awzn
“altruistic moral theory”中文翻譯利他主義倫理學說“optional altruistic suicide”中文翻譯非強制利他性自殺“altruist”中文翻譯n. The basic problem is that it is ...
#11. 期刊文獻資料庫
卷期, 16 期 ; 頁次, p.57~74 ; 關鍵字, 利他 ; 利他表現 ; 利社會 ; 道德教育 ; altruism ; altruistic performance ; prosocial ; moral education ; 語言別, 中文.
#12. 学校情境中利他主义的基础与重塑,ERICDATA高等教育知識庫
Altruism is one of the most treasured moral spirits by ethics,but loses popularity in current school education system.Altruism's concept needs to be re- ...
#13. NON-ETHICAL在劍橋英語詞典中的解釋及翻譯
2022年4月13日 — non-ethical的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. not invested in or relating to companies that are known for being socially and environmentally…
#14. 英语-汉语egoism翻译
'egoism'在免费英语-汉语词典的翻译,查看更多汉语的翻译。 ... Ethical egoism contrasts with ethical altruism, which holds that moral agents have an obligation ...
#15. Buying for good: Altruism, ethical consumerism and social ...
Buying for good: Altruism, ethical consumerism and social policy · Social Policy & Administration ( IF 2.738 ) Pub Date ... 中文翻译: ...
#16. Ethical Considerations - 長庚醫院
倫理– Ethics. 生命倫理– Bioethics. 健康照護倫理– Healthcare Ethics. 臨床醫療倫理– Clinical Ethics. 醫療爭議– Medical Dispute. 醫療疏失– Medical Malpractice ...
#17. The Only Way Is Ethics: Altruism, technology and design at ...
On the surface, SXSW is an absolutely optimistic event. The sheer quantity of activity in Austin, from start-up pitches to discussion panels ...
#18. altruistic moral theory 中文規範倫理學 - Oouzd
altruistic moral theory 中文規範倫理學. 規範倫理學規範倫理學(英語:normative ethics)研究人類在日常生活的道德行為中所遵守的規則。 規範倫理學的各種理論試圖 ...
#19. altruism - 从英语翻译成中文| PONS - 词典
The book, written from a sociobiological viewpoint, explores how genetics can be used to explain certain traits of human behaviour, in particular morality ...
#20. altruistic moral theory 中文 - JKE
altruistic moral theory的中文意思:利他主义伦理学说,查阅altruistic moral theory 的详细中文翻译、发音、用法和例句等。 查电话号码繁體版English 登录注册网站 ...
#21. 繁體中文版 - 電子學位論文服務
語言別, 繁體中文 ... the perceived role of ethics and social responsibility ... (3) Altruism has a positive effect on social responsible attitudes, ...
#22. Altruism definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
1. unselfish concern for the welfare of others; selflessness. 2. Ethics. the doctrine that the general welfare of society ...
#23. Altruism can be good for business, as these companies show
Even the most ethical companies prioritize financial success over social purpose. But reversing this approach can be good for the bottom ...
#24. What is altruism - Sesli Sözlük
Regard for others, both natural and moral; devotion to the interests of others; brotherly kindness; – opposed to egoism or selfishness: benevolence to ...
#25. The altruistic consumer isn't who you think it is | WARC
Brands are talking about ethics because consumers are increasingly aware – so goes the story. But Wasserman's Tom Lovegrove wasn't so sure.
#26. Michael Slote 的同理心(empathy)概念及其道德教育的蘊義
利(welfare)」的利他行為(Altruistic behavior)是由同理心驅使而為(Batson, ... 在中文的翻譯上,moral sense 被翻為「道德感. 覺」、「道德感」,本研究主要 ...
#27. Confucian Ethics: Altruistic? Egoistic? Both? Neither? in - Brill
Confucian Ethics: Altruistic? ... In contemporary ethics the Golden Rule is often taken to be, e.g., a positive substitute for the lex ...
#28. 无私-翻译为英语-例句中文 - Reverso Context
a spiritual paradise of unselfish adventure and ethical romance. 从小培养起无私、友爱的优良品质。 Foster the good quality of altruistic, friendly affection ...
#29. 單元一 何謂倫理及倫理存在意義
(一)中文有關倫理一詞的記載首見於禮記樂記中「凡音者,生於人心者也;樂者,通倫理也 ... 若主張「應促進他人的善」者,稱之為「倫理利他主義」(Ethical Altruism)。
#30. Why Effective Altruism: A Response to Wu - The Phoenix
The claim that “Wu in fact advocates for a very specific branch of moral philosophy called virtue ethics” is factually incorrect. I did ...
#31. 倫理學Ethics [功利主義/ 效益主義, 義務 ... - Roger Kung 的網誌
相對於規範倫理注重行為的原則,德行論(Virtue Ethics)強調的是行為者要有某 ... Ethical altruism can be seen as a consequentialist ethic which ...
#32. The Psychology of (In)Effective Altruism - CNKI学术- 中国知网
The Psychology of (In)Effective Altruism ... Effective altruism is a philosophy and social movement that advocates using the most effective ... 中文硕士论文.
#33. The ethicality of altruistic corporate social responsibility
It discusses the morality of altruistic CSR - philanthropic CSR activities that are not necessarily beneficial to the firm's financial position.
#34. 功利主義(Utilitarianism)_TED Talks | 學科主題資源網
功利主義(Utilitarianism)_TED Talks ; The why and how of effective altruism · How to Achieve Maximum Happiness ; We need a "moral operating system".
#35. USAID's Democratic Pluralism Initiative: Pragmatism or ...
USAID's Democratic Pluralism Initiative: Pragmatism or Altruism? [Abstract]. Ethics & International Affairs, Volume 5 (1991). December 2, 1991.
#36. 辛格:《有效利他的原因和方法》)。 (【TED】Peter Singer
A2 初級 中文 TED 有效 盲人 主義 團體 基金會 ... (【TED】Peter Singer: The why and how of effective altruism (Peter Singer: The why and how of effective ...
#37. development of morality 中文 - 查查在線詞典
development of morality中文:道德的發展…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋development of ... altruism behavior is the stratosphere of the development of morality ...
#38. Conformity Bias - Ethics Unwrapped
Altruism · Altruistic Cheating · Applied Ethics · Behavioral Ethics · Bounded Ethicality · Cognitive Bias · Cognitive Dissonance · Confirmation Bias ...
#39. What is Altruistic Surrogacy? |
However, most intended parents in altruistic surrogacy arrangements work with surrogates they already know. Because of the incredible selflessness required of ...
#40. Ethical decision-making and organisational evaluation of in ...
International Journal of Ethics and Systems ; 2021. ... Similarly, there was a significant positive relationship between altruism, DT and ORE.
#41. The Moral Instinct - The New York Times
Evolution has endowed us with ethical impulses. ... may be rooted in nepotistic altruism, the empathy and solidarity we feel toward our ...
#42. Practical Ethics | My Mooc
This course will encourage you to examine your ethical beliefs on topics relevant to the ... Altruism Climate change. Week 9. Climate change. Animals.
#43. 動物的道德行為(Ted演講中文字幕) 同理心 - YouTube
同理心、合作、公平和互惠,似乎都是人類關心其它個體的行為。然而Frans de Waal 分享的一些測試靈長類和其它哺乳類動物行為的影片裏,我們驚訝地發現 ...
#44. Peter Singer《行最大的善》摘要與心得 - 方格子
The Most Good You Can Do: How Effective Altruism Is Changing Ideas About Living Ethically 》Peter Singer2016如果生命只剩一個禮拜可以活, ...
#45. Egoism and Altruism: Self-serving vs Selfless Motivation to Help
Altruism is people's desire to help others even if the costs outweigh the benefits of helping. In fact, people acting in altruistic ways may disregard the ...
#46. 博碩士論文etd-0702103-150300 詳細資訊
論文語文/頁數, 中文/104. 統計, 本論文已被瀏覽5611 次,被下載4133 ... Bandura, A. (1991), The Social Cognition Theory of Moral Thought and Action, New York.
#47. Promoting Welfare Biology as the Study of Wild Animal Suffering
Animal Ethics's spokesperson Oscar Horta gave a talk about the problem of wild animal suffering at the Effective Altruism Global 2018 ...
#48. Overcoming the ethical challenges of cause marketing - the ...
Customers feel that buying CRM products leads them to encounter feelings of satisfaction and altruism which leaves room for companies to take advantage of ...
#49. Billionaires, altruism and the rise of the 'philanthrocapitalists'
But what are we to make of Bill Gates' fellow billionaires who use their vast wealth to discredit ObamaCare or initiatives to combat climate ...
#50. Study Suggests Altruism Correlated with Patients Choosing ...
Photograph shows the eye of a patient with proliferative diabetic retinopathy. The dark areas depict areas of disrupted blood flow with ...
#51. About CCU - National Chung Cheng University - 中正大學
To innovate with earnestness; be virtuous with altruism! ... being virtuous leads to high morality – all are not just for the benefit of an individual, ...
#52. Chapter4. 效益主義Utilitarianism. 一個行為的價值 ... - Medium
利他效益主義(altruistic utilitarianism):一個行為的價值,不計算行為者本身的快樂,而只計算它涉及的其他人。墨家就是這種的代表。
#53. Uncovering the moral heuristics of altruism: A philosophical ...
Both research streams support the view that individuals employ non-egoistic moral framing to back their altruistic behavior, thus moving beyond the homo ...
#54. Integrity Ethics Module 1 Key Issues - UNODC
This Module will address three of the major Western ethical theories: utilitarianism, deontology and virtue ethics. As was mentioned above, the critical ...
#55. Frans de Waal: Moral behavior in animals | TED Talk
What happens when two monkeys are paid unequally? Fairness, reciprocity, empathy, cooperation -- caring about the well-being of others seems like a very ...
#56. Current perspectives on the ethics of selling international ...
Keywords: international commercial surrogacy, ethics, children, ... Meritorious acts and altruism function as moral justification and as ...
#57. Thinking Outside the Altruistic Box - RAND Corporation
Thinking Outside the Altruistic Box ... objectivity and our unwavering commitment to the highest level of integrity and ethical behavior.
#58. Encyclopedia of ethics (eBook, 2001) []
altruism -- American moral philosophy -- amnesty and pardon -- analogical argument -- analytic philosophy and ethics -- anger -- animals, treatment of --
#59. Invitation for an Experimental Study on Altruism and Well ...
Invitation for an Experimental Study on Altruism and Well-being ... please contact the Human Research Ethics Committee for Non-Clinical Faculties, ...
#60. 涂爾幹論道德 對康德定言令式的社會學詮釋
作者(中文):, 盧有恆. 論文名稱(中文):, 涂爾幹論道德─對康德定言令式的社會學詮釋. 指導教授(中文):, 張旺山. 學位類別: 碩士. 校院名稱: 國立清華大學.
#61. ESG - Wistron
Altruism is our key message to all our stakeholders. ... Wistron will adhere to ethical standards exceeding local legal requirements as we continuously ...
#62. Ethics, technology and the future of humanity - WIPO
The widely-renowned Australian moral philosopher, Peter Singer, shares his views on ... We could imagine better outcomes: more intelligent, altruistic and ...
#63. Q&A with Peter Singer: "Effective Altruism" and Corporate ...
Doesn't that make corporate donors effective altruists? A: There are two elements to effective altruism: effectiveness and altruism. So whether ...
#64. Adding Ethics to Public Finance - International Monetary Fund
Evolutionary moral psychologists point the way to garnering broader support for ... (Universalists display altruism or trust in others that is unaffected by ...
#65. Ethics 101 : From Altruism and Utilitarianism to Bioethics and ...
Prices and stock availability may vary between Webstore and our Retail Stores. ENGLISH · 简体中文 · 日本語. Copyright © 2022 Kinokuniya Book Stores of Singapore ...
#66. 结果论(Consequentialism)和功利主义(Utilitarianism)是否 ...
因为“功利主义”在一般的中文语境中带有明显的贬义,且与utilitarianism的理论意义 ... 使其与另一种同为后果主义理论的伦理利己主义(ethical egoism)形成鲜明对比。
#67. altruism 中文意思是什麼
How to reconcile altruism in morality laid out vividly in moral sentiments of which the first chapter in on sympathy, and self interest in economics which ...
#68. Redeployed Nurse finds 'Kindness and Altruism' amid Pandemic
During my redeployment to the PSS team I found the perfect, ethical opportunity to practice “in-vivo altruism” and kindness with the COVID-19 patients I ...
#69. 利他行为_百度百科
我们将利他行为定义为对别人有好处,而对自己没有任何明显益处的自觉自愿行为。 中文名: 利他行为; 外文名: altruistic behavior. 应用学科: 心理学; 应用 ...
#70. altruism | ethics - Encyclopedia Britannica
altruism, in ethics, a theory of conduct that regards the good of others as the end of moral action. The term (French altruisme, derived from Latin alter, ...
#71. Speaker Khenpo Sonam Tenphel Lauds Troupes of Shoton ...
... the instruction of the yogi Thangtong Gyalpo, the founder of this tradition, with the pure altruistic intention of helping poor people.
#72. The socio-cultural implications of COVID-19 - UNESCO
... acts of altruism and care are being reported on a daily basis ... cosmopolitan and ethical tendencies, but also for their practical, ...
#73. 利他主義
利他主義(英語:altruism,也可譯為利他行為)源自於法文altruisme,字源可溯自義大利文及更早拉丁文alter, ... ISBN 978-957-11-3509-0 (中文(繁體)).
#74. Educational Products, Services and Technology.
Volunteering is generally considered an altruistic activity, intended to ... and cleared by the Carleton University Research Ethics Board (Protocol No.
#75. Best Morales Podcasts (2022) - Player FM
Provocative weekly debate on moral, religious and ethical issues. ... Monthly. From Altruism to Wittgenstein, philosophers, theories and key themes.
#76. Why overly kind and moral people can rub you up the ... - BBC
'Do-gooders' are often judged harshly. Why do we resent their acts of altruism or question their motives?
#77. 有效利他主義 - MBA智库百科
有效利他主義(effective altruism)、有效利他主義運動有效利他主義是 ... 全球专业中文经管百科,由121,994位网友共同编写而成,共计431,025个条目.
#78. 404.利他主義(Altruism) | 社團法人中華民國晴天社會福利協會
利他主義(也稱為利他行為)一詞源自於法文altruisme,字源可溯自義大利文及更早拉丁文alter,即其他、別人的意思,是一種無私的為他人福利著想的行為, ...
ethical altruism. 中文 在 動物的道德行為(Ted演講中文字幕) 同理心 - YouTube 的推薦與評價
同理心、合作、公平和互惠,似乎都是人類關心其它個體的行為。然而Frans de Waal 分享的一些測試靈長類和其它哺乳類動物行為的影片裏,我們驚訝地發現 ... ... <看更多>