ϟϟ SHOUT ϟϟ特輯除了收錄16位創作者作品,這次我們跨國連線從台灣、日本、韓國到中國,由張世倫、松本知己、宋修庭與任悅分別書寫攝影的現況觀察,反思「新」攝影的概念、發展與困境,ϟϟ SHOUT ϟϟ也是一份2015年的當代攝影紀錄報告。
☄ 台灣 /
☄ 日本 /
松本知己,T&M Projects創辦人兼執行長,T&M Projects是一間位在東京的出版社與代理商。松本不僅經營出版與代理項目,同時也進行寫作、策劃活動與展覽等等,並為香港攝影書展(HK Photobook Fair)的活動協辦者之一。2015年,T&M Projects將會前往紐約、巴黎參加書展。
☄ 韓國 /
宋修庭,常駐首爾的獨立策展人,Seoul Lunar Photo Fest共同創辦者,曾任吳哥窟攝影節(Angkor Photo Festival)和大邱攝影雙年展(Daegu Photo Biennale)顧問。她曾策劃許多展覽,包括2012年Mario Giacomelli在首爾攝影博物館的展出,以及2014年於荷蘭Noorderlicht Gallery的「Seoul and Five Views from Korea」。此外,宋修庭亦曾擔任世界新聞攝影比賽和POYi等國際攝影獎項之評審、西班牙攝影雜誌《OjodePez》客座攝影編輯、《GEO-Korea》主編,現為韓國《京鄉新聞》攝影專欄撰寫人。
☄ 中國 /
關於ϟϟ SHOUT ϟϟ :
SHOUT is a special issue series published by Voices of Photography with no stylistic limitations. In this very first issue we introduce 16 young artists from Taiwan, Japan, Korea and China, and invited photo critics Shih-Lun Chang, Tomoki Matsumoto, Sujong Song and Yue Ren to give their observations on contemporary photography.
Taiwan /
CHANG Shih Lun was born in 1975 in Taipei City and graduated from the National Cheng-Chi University of Taiwan with an MA degree in Journalism. His past experience includes staff researcher in a public museum and magazine journalist. He is currently a freelance art critic and a PhD candidate at the Centre for Cultural Studies in Goldsmiths College, University of London.
Japan /
MATSUMOTO Tomoki, founder & director at T&M Projects, publishing house and distributor, based in Tokyo. Not only organizing publishing and distribution projects, Matsumoto writes for media, produces events, coordinating exhibitions, etc. And he is a co-organizer of HK Photobook Fair, the first photobook fair in Hong Kong. In 2015, T&M Projects will participate in book fairs in NY and Paris.
Korea /
SONG Sujong is a Seoul-based independent curator and also co-founder of Seoul Lunar Photo Fest. Song served on the committees for the Angkor Photo Festival and Daegu Photo Biennale. She has organized many exhibitions including the 2012 Mario Giacomelli exhibition at the Museum of Photography, Seoul and Five Views from Korea at the Noorderlicht Gallery in 2014. She was on the judging panels for World Press Photo, POYi, and for numerous photography awards. Sujong currently writes a column on photography for the daily Kyunghyang Shinmun, was a guest photo editor for the Madrid-based OjodePez, and was formerly the editor-in-chief of GEO-Korea.
China /
REN Yue, Curator, critic, photography educator. Her ongoing blog “1416 Classroom” started in 2006, and focuses on photography and culture critique. She was a visiting scholar at New York University from 2008-2009, and currently holds a job in the School of Journalism and Communication in Renmin University of China.
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Voices of Photography 攝影之聲
exhibitions in madrid 在 林育賢(喵導) Facebook 的最佳解答
Dédalo-Labyrinth by Dino Valls (r)
Dino Valls is a Spanish painter born in 1959 in Zaragoza. Since 1988, he has lived and worked in Madrid. Building on a childhood passion for drawing, Valls taught himself to paint in oils beginning in 1975. After completing his degree in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Zaragoza in 1982, Valls devoted himself full-time to the profession of painting. As one of the Spanish representatives of the vanguard of figurative art, Valls’ work displays the strong influence of past masters and their studies of the human being. In the early ’90s, Valls began studying the use of egg tempera, adapting and customizing the techniques of Italian and Flemish masters from the fifteenth to seventeenth centuries to create new works in combinations of tempera and oil. His paintings elaborate and expand upon the methods of past masters, employing formal figurative techniques as the medium through which to explore the human psyche in a conceptual framework laden with profound psychological weight and symbolism. Valls has participated in important international exhibitions of contemporary art, and has held numerous showings in Europe and the United States.