The pandemic-born “emo rave”-categorised “Change, Reset ft. PRINCI” portrays how distressed human beings lean on their desire for intimacy and connection on chat apps, without any physical interaction. The personality-training AI chatbot app “Replika” and dating app “Tinder” specifically, became the inspiration for this music video. The First-Person point of view coupled with a “Pokémon GO”-like AR interface fills this journey with sorrow and uncertainty.
The concept of this track was Sonia Calico's observations on how people are dependent on technology during the pandemic. After several online conversations PRINCI, producer and vocalist who sings on this track, layered the lyrics of a one-sided relationship on top of Sonia Calico's sci-fi sob story, and handed the results to Veeeky. While working on the MV storyboard, Veeeky expanded the story into a struggle between humanity and technology. These 3 artists' works closely relate to the struggles and anxieties happening in this moment. However, the scenario that follows the change/update is left to the viewer's imagination.
疫情中誕生,被Sonia 戲稱曲風為 “Emo Rave” 的單曲〈Change, Reset ft. PRINCI〉訴說著壓抑的人類把對親密感和連結的渴望寄託在各種能產生對話卻無法真實觸碰的軟體中。因此真人交友軟體 Tinder 和人格學習的 AI 聊天機器人 Replika 成了 MV 靈感來源,並設定用類似 Pokemon Go 的 AR 實境擴張使用介面將虛擬物件與真實世界的場景連結。
Sonia Calico 把疫情中人類寄情於科技的觀察整理成一縷傷感的未來幻想,把此想法傳達給歌手PRINCI 經過來回的網路討論,PRINCI 有感而發地寫下 “一方要改變、另一方卻只想停留在原地” 的失衡關係,於是將歌名取為 〈Change, Reset〉(改變與重置)。最後由 Veeeky 把概念延伸到 MV 中人性化意念與科技的交戰。三位創作者均圍繞在當下情緒的掙扎與焦躁,而改變(更新)後是什麼光景就留給觀者自行想像。
Music producer: Sonia Calico
Video producer: Veeeky
Singer: PRINCI @shesthatprinci
Listen the whole EP:
expanded uncertainty 在 元毓 Facebook 的最佳解答
1. 3月6日在「利率倒掛與repo rate」一文我點出去年9月開始美國短期貨幣市場的現金枯竭現象十分嚴重也值得注意。近日我所知的台灣主流財經媒體或所謂專家像我這樣反覆重點強調repo market之現金問題者,似乎幾希。要知道,repo market每日的交易額約在$2兆~4兆美元。
從Fed統計資料亦可看出,2018年9月後Repo market的總交易量顯著成長(見圖),意味著市場對現金的需求。
2.這造成此次貨幣幻覺的股市修正下,黃金失去避險功能 -- 現金在市場更為稀有。黃金持有者,包括黃金ETF,都必須賣出黃金以滿足現金需求。
3. 這點我們在Fed Bank of New York公開針對repo market短短一週時間(3/12~3/17)高達$1兆美元現金注入的救市計畫,即可看出現在市場現金乾涸現象十分恐怖。
反之,Fed如此快速反應也是值得肯定,即便Allan Meltzer、張五常這些經濟學大師應會認為治標不治本,但他們也會同意現金真空的當下,Fed緊急、快速且大量的注資有其必要性。
這不僅僅牽涉到Milton Friedman的「恆久收入假設」-- 虛擬金融市場的崩盤可能引起人們對未來收入轉趨悲觀,從而採取的經濟防守策略將真把不景氣帶來。
這更牽涉到現金短時間內乾枯可能引發的通貨緊縮現象,從而造成美國政府(尤其是州政府以降) 瀕臨破產的財政危機。 此點我在「利率倒掛」一文也解釋過。
4. 華爾街日報3/15社論針對Fed緊急救市方案關於短期現金市場注資這點,也是抱持肯定態度:「...The best Fed decisions in this regard are its expanded liquidity provisions. This includes an enhanced dollar-swap facility in coordination with six other major central banks around the world. It also reduced the price on the dollar-swap rate by 25 basis points to encourage other banks to use the facility. The rush to the safety of dollar assets in this time of uncertainty has created a shortage of dollars in some parts of the world, and this will help other central banks fill that financial need. ...
The Fed also expanded its access to the discount window, which is the classic vehicle for providing liquidity to banks under stress. The Fed made an explicit point of encouraging banks to use the window, no doubt to reduce the stigma that some counterparties attach to banks that use it. The Fed reduced the “penalty rate”for using the window to 0.25%, which is almost no penalty at all.」
5. 談一點對前景的看法:
a. 本次股市大跌我認為是「貨幣幻覺」的修正,而非實體經濟的制度安排或生產力遭受破壞。
b. 然而,媒體販賣恐懼的過度炒作與政府的過度防疫舉措等等的經濟損失仍難以衡量。會不會因此造成恆久收入預期改變?我認為可能性不低。六月底再回頭檢視吧。
c. 印鈔救市,美國本質制度性問題不改,當然成效會有2008年以來的邊際效應遞減問題,同時也極有可能產生「經濟蜂窩性組織炎」的金包銀現象。是我等投資者不可不慎的思考點。
d. 這幾天我等價值投資者應該是興奮且快樂得難以入眠,誠如巴菲特在2016年股東信所說:「“When downpours of that sort occur, it’s imperative that we rush outdoors carrying washtubs, not teaspoons. And that we will do.”(當天空下起黃金雨,緊急措施應該是抓個大洗衣盆而不是小茶匙衝入雨中。我們就會這麼做。)」