講師 Brad Traversy ( http://bit.ly/37qv5Ev )已經從事程式設計工作 12 年,教學工作近 5 年。 他是 Traversy Media 的所有者,這是一個成功的網頁應用程式開發 YouTube 頻道,專注於從 HTML5 到像 Angular 這樣的前端框架以及像 Node.js、 PHP 和 Python 這樣的伺服器端技術。
這門課 Brad Traversy 將教你為 Bootcamp Directory App 建立一個真實世界的後端
從這 12 小時的課程,你會學到
1. Bootcamp Directory App 的實戰後端 RESTful API
2. HTTP 基礎 (Req/Res Cycle, 狀態碼等)
3. 進階 Mongoose Queries (查詢)
4. JWT/Cookie 認證
5/ Express & Mongoose 中介軟體 (地理編碼、授權、錯誤處理等)
6. API 安全性 (NoSQL 注入,XSS 保護,速率限制)
7. API 文件和佈署
🔥 udemy 目前 NT360 特價中,請更新優惠折扣碼 ( http://bit.ly/2O0wbOm )
「express res」的推薦目錄:
express res 在 TOYSREVIL Facebook 的最讚貼文
"TOYSREVIL HALLOWEEN 2015 Webzine" is essentially a collection of Halloween / Horror themed imagery (illustrations / photos / custom-toys) stockpiled in a single online issue readable for FREE for anyone across the globe! The specific theme for this issue, is "CUTE OR DEATH"! Interpret this as you may!
You can draw it / illustrate it / ink it (as part of #inktober too! *hint-hint*), or take a photo (of your suitably-themed toys), or showcase your suitably-themed customized art toy(s).
Selected images will be "published" in a dedicated issue and released in time for (or shortly after :p) Halloween. I did it last year with *I Like Toys*, but I am bringing it back to TOYSREVIL-branding this cycle :)
Email me submissions / images at "toysreviler [at] gmail.com" or "toysrevil [at] yahoo.com". The format I am going for is A4-sized, so high-res images are sized accordingly. Black and White, or in full Color, Landscape or Portrait, or Square = your choice!
As I am woefully under-graphic-techniques-inclined, I accept JPGs and (possibly) TIFs, so I can photoshop them for online publishing. (Please do pardon my lack of editorial deign sense, in advance :p).
Deadline/Timeline: October 23rd-ish, 2015 (I need time to do the layouts, people ~ lol), for an October 30th Roll-Out!
Also include the following:
01. Your Name / Nick (Used for publishing)
02. Your URL(s)
03. A short write up / story of your image (Optional).
Got it? Go For It!
Terms & Conditions:
- Copyright of Image belongs to the artists submitting said image(s).
- By submitting your image(s), you have given TOYSREVIL the express permission to publish your works online in both the "TOYSREVIL HALLOWEEN 2015 Webzine" and for promotional purposes.
- There will be zero monetary compensation for your submissions in this cycle, thank you (But you will get #MANHUGS from me).
- Final Editorial Discretion is mine, thanks.
- Terms & Conditions subject to change.
- In the event that there are not enough content for an issue … aaahhhh I'll fill it somehow with my own stuff and doodles LOL
BLOGGED #onTOYSREVIL: http://bit.ly/1VPNken
Online issue I made last year (screengrabs on #Facebook): http://on.fb.me/1k1TXJC
Online issue I made last year (on ISSUU): http://bit.ly/1pbnulC