候選編號: #60
「第四屆亞洲籃協女子U16錦標賽」在2015年8月2至8月9日期間於印尼棉蘭舉行, 隊伍由主教練 官健好小姐及助教 黃芷晴小姐帶領,國際裁判 方建龍先生隨隊陪同。
香港 71 : 32 馬來西亞
哈薩克斯坦 50 : 80 香港
香港 49 : 43 新加坡
印尼 47 : 54 香港
烏茲別克 33 : 88 香港
印度 44 : 66 香港
代表隊於是屆賽事得六戰全勝佳績,成功拿下B組(Level II)出線權,來屆將躋身A組(Level I)爭奪冠軍。
It's time for voting for the SAMSUNG 2015 Hong Kong Sports Stars awards.
Show your support to our Hong Kong Junior Women (U16) Team 2015, they have worked very hard and have achieved an extraordinary result for 2015.
Hong Kong Sports Stars Award for Team Only Sport
# 60 Hong Kong Junior Women U16 Team 2015
Just a quick flash back, the team has went to Medan Indonesia on August 2-9, 2015 to joined the 4th FIBA Asia U16 Championship for Women.
This championship was leaded by Coach Koon Kin Ho, assistant Coach Wong Tsz Ching and FIBA Referee Fong Kin Lung.
The team has brought home these following results;
6 wins 0 lost- Level II 1st place. During the 5th FIBA Asia U16 Championship for Women, the team will advance to Level I and have a chance to go among these following teams (China, Japan, Korea, C. Taipei, Thailand)
Hong Kong vs Malaysia 71:32
Kazakhan vs Hong Kong 50:80
Hong Kong vs Singapore 49:43
Indonesia vs Hong Kong 47:54
Uzbekistan vs Hong Kong 33:88
India vs Hong Kong 44:66