Yo guys! I have some things to share from @garniermalaysia with their commitments to achieve cleaner & greener beauty 😍
🍃 More recycled and recyclable packaging
🍃 More solidarity sourcing
🍃 Greener Sciences & formulas
🍃 More Renewable Energy
🍃 More actions to fight plastic pollution
I have the Garnier Green Beauty PR Kit with me and I love the message behind it! It is our responsibility to stay educated and aware of the impacts beauty products have on our planet earth! I am proud user of Garnier as they are taking a stronger approach in solidarity sourcing as well as more actions to fight plastic pollution. 🌱
As you can see in the photo, all Garnier products are certified Vegan, Halal & Cruelty Free. ✨
Furthermore, Garnier is using sustainable packaging helps reduce the effects of recent environmental issues! ♻ It is heart-warming to know that Garnier creates products that are made with the health of our bodies and the environment in mind.
Garnier as a brand has been committed to sustainability for years; producing more natural formulas, using sustainable and fair-trade ingredients, even being the first to bring certified organic products to the mass skincare market.
Garnier’s effort to not only care for us but as well as taking extra step to be more environmentally friendly. 🌍
Get yours now from the nearest Watsons stores or Watsons Online! 🛒🛒🛒
Sayangi Bumi, Go Green Beauty. Don’t forget to prepare a minimum of 3 recyclable items (size 500ml or less). Go to selected Watsons Malaysia outlets with Green Beauty Dropbox and GET rewarded when you recycle 🎁. Available until 27 Oct 2021 only, check it out from my stories now!
#GarnierMalaysia #garniergreenbeauty #watsonsmalaysia #OneGreenStep
「fair trade environment」的推薦目錄:
- 關於fair trade environment 在 Panda Loh Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於fair trade environment 在 Singapore Blogger - Missy琪琪 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於fair trade environment 在 賴叔閱事 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於fair trade environment 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於fair trade environment 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於fair trade environment 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳貼文
fair trade environment 在 Singapore Blogger - Missy琪琪 Facebook 的最佳解答
Care for the earth because it's the only planet you can see your handsome OPPA... or 小鲜肉
Correct or not! 🤣
Actually, this pandemic allows our environment to "breathe" for a while but we also can help out by buying sustainable or eco-friendly products.
Sustainability is like cutting emissions, lowering energy usage, sourcing products from fair-trade organizations and also ensuring our waste are disposed properly.
It takes everyone to make this work, so @takashimayasg has taken a bold step towards a eco-conscious retail experience with a focus on sustainability. In-store campaign is on from now till 31st May 2021. You can also catch some of the artworks created using recycling products done by @itespore Art Students.
To encourage more sustainable living, some of the instore promos are
1. Trade in your milk bottles (any brand) and get up to 37% discount. Promo till 31st May
2. Bring your old spectacle frames to recycle and receive voucher to offset the range of frames made from sustainable wood. Promo ends 25th April.
3. Recycle your empty skincare jar/tub and receive a free Jurlique starter kit and additional 20% off Jurlique products.
4. Selected stores in Food Village (B2), Bring your own bag or container when you shop for your favorite food, collect 10 stamps to enjoy $2 off your next purchase.
You can check out their 2 months worth of campaigns and promotions instore or check out their social media!
Once again thank you @smitten_pr for inviting and all the participating stores for their effort in sustainable living.
fair trade environment 在 賴叔閱事 Facebook 的最佳貼文
“Hot Girls Wanted” – 為咗自由同自主,你可以去到幾盡?
又係 #較早前錄影 嘅時間。今日同大家介紹嘅,係 2015 年 Netflix 出品嘅紀錄片 “Hot Girls Wanted” 。呢套 docu 圍繞男男女女、朝朝暮暮都會睇嘅一樣嘢:鹹片, porn 。
食色性也,人嘅性慾同對飲食嘅慾望,一樣與生俱來。當然,男仔可能到十零歲先至識得自瀆 (唔好同我吹水話你六歲打飛機、七歲隊穿牆、八歲搞大咗隔離中學個師姐個肚) ,而女仔對於身體生理上嘅需要,就更加因人而異。
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Okay 賴叔年紀唔細,早年未有互聯網呢,係偷睇老豆床頭啲《蛇貓狗》雜誌嘅。學譚校長名曲話齋,「《龍虎豹》好睇!好睇!但係又好撚貴~」咁人仔細細去唔到報攤或者便利店買閒書,當然就係喺屋企搵「梳屎」。
呀又,除咗純文字嘅鹹古同埋硬照之外,賴叔之少年時代係有錄影帶嘅。 VHS 呀, 全寫係乜嘢?有冇人答到我? Video Home System 呀。喺屋企播錄影帶,影像男男女女喺度𠵱𠵱唷唷,認真入屋。
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好喇,講返 porn ,或者香港人慣稱嘅 「AV」 。其實大家都知道係一門娛樂事業,有成億計嘅觀眾得閒無事就搵片睇,色情網站淨係收廣告費都賺到笑,莫講話有啲鹹片網推出 Premium 服務,等用戶可以專享更高清嘅片種同埋免受廣告破壞雅興。
有需求,自然有供應,製片商需要演員,而中間人,即係所謂 agent ,就係負責喺網上招人 (全部索女同我入嚟!) 然後幫啲演員接 job (you know what I mean) 。
「Hot Girls Wanted」 嘅中介人 Riley 喺美國邁亞密駐紮,佢求學時期被欺凌,出嚟工作之後喺快餐店洗碗,轉行做 Porn Star Agent 反而發過豬頭,有屋有車有番狗 (鬼佬好難唔係養番狗) ,收班女演員房租,仲喺佢哋片酬度抽一成佣。所以話, middlemen 呢種角色好值錢。
咁 Riley 出完 post 就有來自美國大城與小鎮嘅 wannabes 飛撲埋嚟,各有前因,為錢、為離家出走、為咗唔敢拍拖但又要做愛,乜都有。咁成班十八二十 (sorry ,廿二可能已經過咗入行年齡) 嘅𡃁妹就喺 Riley 安排交通同食宿之下,去到陽光與海灘、豪宅與遊艇俯拾皆是嘅佛羅里達州。
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由於時下流行睇「鄰家女孩」,即係,有大明星你唔睇,硬係要睇啲有親切感,喺西洋菜街跌個招牌落嚟打中兩打嘅「素人」,所以 Riley 招募呢班冇人識、用藝名嘅女演員,都絕對不愁冇工作機會。
喺為期四個月嘅拍攝期間,新晉女優 Tressa 經歷過高山低谷。由最初興致勃勃要闖出一片天,唔想喺 Texas 老家終此一生,以為八嚿水美金拍一齣好好搵;到放假返老家對住老豆老母難以啟齒;到之後因為三個月新鮮感漸過而要越玩越大,例如嘗試塞節瓜咁粗嘅假狗入下體,又例如要接 facial abuse 嘅片種,之類。
咩係 facial abuse ? Er ,唔係一啲會令人睇得愉悅嘅片種,集侮辱、強迫、痛苦於一身,但呢個世界百樣米養百樣人,百樣片養百樣閒塞仔,冇計。
咁 Tressa 呢,就仲要有個男朋友嘅。佢男朋友都接受 Tressa 向外闖嘅決定,但係當大家一齊出席朋友聚會而其他人問起「我可以喺乜嘢片種度搵到你」、「不如直接射上個屏幕度大家都齊睇」, Tressa 男友登時想搵窿捐。
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「Hot Girls Wanted」 其實冇咩好爆嘅情節,故事推進落去,都係典型嘅女優回頭是岸,同男朋友返鄉下共賦同居,做個餐廳經理咁平凡過活,告別水銀燈下嘅紙醉金迷。
不過呢套 docu 又咁啱 side-track 咗一位藝名為 Belle Knox 嘅女優,佢特別在佢本身喺美國著名大學 Duke University 攻讀,一邊讀書,一邊拍鹹片去籌措學費。當真身被踢爆之後, Belle 上電視接受訪問。以女性主義、身體自主等大道理侃侃而談,並自稱享受作為 AV 女優嘅體驗。
當 Riley 同其他女演員講起 Belle 嘅時候,態度就比較不屑⋯⋯原因? Belle 接拍嘅第一套片,都係前述嘅 facial abuse 。嗰套戲嘅導演串爆佢作為女性主義份子而出賣肉體,然後指令男優凌辱到 Belle 要 say sorry 同 open wide ⋯⋯ Riley 旁邊啲女優睇到冇眼睇, #FacePalm 。
其實關於鹹片、關於 AV 女優嘅紀錄片或書籍,天南地北都大把,尤其是香港人特別鍾意睇日本嘢,對於女優引退前後嘅辛酸、哀歌或悲慘身世,多少略有所聞。
咁美國嗰邊可能文化有少少唔同,冇有識死嘅𡃁妹仔因為拜金而下海,搞一大輪 (literally) 發現扣除買衫、造甲、比妝、交租等開銷之後,根本賺唔到幾個錢,只係上咗成長速成班。
或者咁啦。時下流行講 ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) 同埋 Responsible Investing 。連買海鮮都可以揀「可持續」嘅。如果成人影業界都可以推行「人道對待」或「安全拍攝」、 「Fair Trade」 等標籤制度,普羅觀眾或者可以睇得心安理得少少咁多多。
因為,睇完 「Hot Girls Wanted」 ,我真係對於睇鹹片興味索然⋯⋯
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