The sensors were installed along the Meishan fault -- which runs along the urban district of Meishan Township in Chiayi County and Gukeng Township in Yunlin County -- to monitor seismic activity there. #earthquake
fault earthquake 在 說說能源 Talk That Energy Facebook 的最佳解答
#別再相信資深反核人士的謠言 #寫信去問NRC囉
大概兩個月前寫信去給美國核管會NRC,今天打開信箱發現他們在我生日休假那天回信了XDD,人生成就解鎖(1/1 美國核管會回覆信件)。
我主要是想詢問到底核電廠選址與斷層的距離是否有清楚的規範?答案是 #沒有規定電廠選址與斷層的距離到底要多少或禁止核電廠建置於斷層周邊,而是要求特定距離的核電廠設施必須做地質危害評估以及禁得起地震考驗這樣。台灣也有做SSHAC,但還沒看到正式出爐的報告(就陳大教授搶先披露那個)。
Dear Mr. Chen,
Thank you for your questions related to whether the NRC has regulations that state how far a nuclear power plant (NPP) should be located from a fault that might move and cause earthquakes. The following paragraphs respond to your questions. As you requested, this response also cites NRC regulations that explain how the NRC analyzes potential hazard at a NPP resulting from earthquakes caused by movement along a fault located near the NPP.
The US NRC does not have a regulation that specifies the distance required between a fault and a nuclear power plant (NPP). However, in Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR), specifically 10 CFR Part 50 (Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Materials), Appendix A, Criterion 2, the NRC requires safety-related structures, systems, and components (SSCs) of a NPP to be designed to withstand the effects of natural phenomena such as earthquakes without losing the capability to perform their safety functions.
美國NRC沒有規定斷層和核電廠(NPP)之間所需距離的法規。但是,在聯邦法規(10 CFR)的標題10中,尤其是10 CFR第50部分(生產和使用材料的國內許可)附錄A,準則2中,NRC要求與安全相關的結構,系統和組件( NPP的SSC)旨在承受地震等自然現象的影響而又不喪失執行其安全功能的能力。
As defined in 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix S (Earthquake Engineering Criteria for Nuclear Plants), a Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE) is the vibratory ground motion for which certain SSCs must be designed to remain functional if an earthquake occurs. 10 CFR Part 100.23(c) (Geological, Seismological, and Engineering Characteristics) requires that geological, seismological, and engineering characteristics of a site and its environs be investigated in sufficient scope and detail to permit an adequate evaluation of the proposed site, provide sufficient information to support evaluations performed to estimate the SSE vibratory ground motion, and permit adequate engineering solutions to actual or potential geologic and seismic effects at the proposed site. Part 100.23(d) (Geologic and Seismic Siting Factors) requires that geologic and seismic siting factors considered for design include a determination of the SSE vibratory ground motion for the site and the potential for surface deformation due to faulting (i.e., tectonic deformation of the ground surface). Part 100.23(d)(1) (Determination of the Safe Shutdown Earthquake Ground Motion) requires that uncertainties in SSE vibratory ground motion estimates be addressed through an appropriate analysis (e.g., a probabilistic seismic hazard analysis, or PSHA) with due consideration for the geologic characteristics specified in 10 CFR Part 100.23(c). For a fault that is considered to be a potential source of earthquakes (i.e., a seismic source), that geologic feature can be analyzed using the Senior Seismic Hazard Analysis Committee (SSHAC) process. That process is a formal approach for incorporating information about the fault into a model used to characterize the fault as a seismic source, which is analyzed as part of the SSHAC process.
In Regulatory Guide 1.208 (A Performance-Based Approach to Define the Site-Specific Earthquake Ground Motion). the NRC provides guidance for applicants and licensees regarding how to meet the regulatory requirements discussed above. In addition, criteria for NRC staff to review applications for constructing and operating a nuclear power plant related to geologic, seismic, and geotechnical site characteristics are found in Chapter 2.5 of NUREG-0800, the NRC’s Standard Review Plan. If assessment of the potential for surface deformation must be considered because a fault is located such that it could result in surface rupture at the NPP site and deformation of engineered plant structures as required in 10 CFR Part 100.23(d), guidance for evaluating surface deformation is provided in NUREG-0800, Chapter 2.5.3. NUREG-2213 presents updated implementation guidelines for SSHAC studies in case you might wish to learn more about that process.
fault earthquake 在 媽媽監督核電廠聯盟 Facebook 的最佳貼文
地質科學基本常識:就如同休火山有可能重新蘇醒噴發,休眠中的斷層也同樣有可能再度甦醒發生致災性的大地震!(08/31/2019 Los Angeles Times)
美國地質學家團隊發現,已經沉睡起碼200萬年的威明頓盲斷層(Wilmington Blind Thrust Fault)有甦醒的跡象。
一但這個忙斷層甦醒發生錯動,除斷層本身可造成規模6.2地震,如果引發其他斷層連帶也發生錯動,就可造成規模7以上大地震。哈佛大學博士班學生沃菲( Franklin Wolfe )說,這好比一個沉睡的巨人,並不經常爆發,但不代表沒有危險。
洛杉磯時報8月31日報導,哈佛大學、南加大(USC)與美國地質調查局(USGS)地震專家最新研究,已經沉睡起碼200萬年的威明頓盲斷層(Wilmington Blind Thrust Fault)有睡醒跡象。所謂盲斷層是指斷層不與地面接觸,從地表看不出來。威明頓盲斷層全長12.5哩左右,從橙縣杭廷頓灘(Huntington Beach)向西北從洛杉磯港與長堤港(Port of Long Beach)底下穿過,再經過派洛斯福德半島(Palos Verdes Pensinula),最後從聖塔蒙尼卡灣(Santa Monica Bay)入海。
專家說,這個斷層在沉睡時洛杉磯居民完全不必擔心。不過一旦睡醒,除斷層本身可造成規模6.2地震,如果引發其他斷層可造成規模7以上大地震。哈佛大學博士班學生沃菲(Franklin Wolfe)說,這好比一個沉睡的巨人,並不經常爆發,但不代表沒有危險。
地震專家之所以發現這個斷層,是因為斷層位於威明頓油田(Wilmington Oil Fields)地下。石油公司數據顯示地下深層岩石有斷層存在,但200萬年來都未向較淺地層延伸。不過美國地質調查局專家十年前在研究地下水庫時,發現斷層有延伸至較淺地層跡象。進一步證實這個發現無誤,亦即威明頓斷層不再沉睡。
Earthquake fault long thought dormant could devastate Los Angeles, researchers say (08/31/2019 Los Angeles Times)…/an-earthquake-fault-long-thought-…
fault earthquake 在 Fault (geology) - Wikipedia 的相關結果
Large faults within Earth's crust result from the action of plate tectonic forces, with the largest forming the boundaries between the plates, such as ... ... <看更多>
fault earthquake 在 Earthquakes and faults 的相關結果
Earthquakes occur on faults. A fault is a thin zone of crushed rock separating blocks of the earth's crust. When an earthquake occurs on one of these faults, ... ... <看更多>
fault earthquake 在 What is the relationship between faults and earthquakes ... 的相關結果
Earthquakes occur on faults - strike-slip earthquakes occur on strike-slip faults, normal earthquakes occur on normal faults, and thrust earthquakes occur ... ... <看更多>