[試車報告] Ford Mustang GT V8 野・馬
4K UHD: https://youtu.be/PsxsP7-KtnU
復刻這檔事,近來在汽車產業似乎變得流行,尤其美系車款,’60~70年代可說是Muscle Car的顛峰時期,孕育了不少經典車款,數十年之後,只要遇到研發瓶頸,就開始思索產品設計的初衷,因此有不少新車,都帶點復古的神韻,其中Muatang車系,稱得上是成功的佼佼者。
上一代車款在2002年北美車展推出因此概念版本,已經成功勾勒出近似初代車款的風格,2005年量產後果然受到市場歡迎,國內總代理曾於2012年導入搭載3.7升V6引擎的小改款,讓喜愛美系跑車的玩家,有了新選擇。2014年,Mustang車系邁入50週年,總代理在當年3月24日在台發表搭載2.3升四缸渦輪增壓引擎的EcoBoost版本,絕美的造型,保留1967年Mustang Fastback的斜背設計風格,就連車頭、車側腰線,都將時尚與復古融合。
然而,2.3升渦輪增壓車款,雖然最大動力擁有314hp/44.3kgm,然而搭配六速手自排,以其1650kg的車重配置下,實際動力感受似乎未如預期般強悍,就連排氣聲浪也稍嫌溫吞,似乎得換上5.0 V8車款,才足以襯托霸氣外露的身形!
坐進Mustang GT的座艙,內裝質感並未因為旗艦車款而有所提升,不過擁有與初代車款相近的設計風格,以金屬飾板點綴,雖然用料塑膠感偏重,但卻具有出色的設計風格,車上除了擁有SYNC娛樂通訊整合系統,還可藉由車上的Track App內建的偵測裝置,進行加速測試。控制面板下方的行車模式開關,採撥桿式設計,造型概念源自於飛機,就連時速錶上的速度標示,刻意標上Ground Speed,讓人有種貼地飛行的感覺。
啟動引擎,5.0升V8 DOHC 32V引擎發出悅耳的咆哮聲,這具引擎除了進、排氣側均擁有Ti-VCT連續可變氣門機構外,凸輪軸等機構均採鍛造處理,搭配11.0的高壓縮比,美規車型擁有435hp/55.3kgm的最大動力,而國內販售車款為歐規版本,動力輸出略微調降,最大馬力為421hp/6500rpm,最大扭力為54kgm/4250rpm,搭配SelectShift六手自排,終傳比由3.15提升至3.55,原廠0~100km/h加速成績為4.8秒。
迷人的聲浪,配上狂妄的動力輸出,Mustang 5.0 GT V8理論上擁有絕佳的加速性能,不過後輪的下壓力不足,因此即便搭配前255/40ZR19、後275/40ZR19的Pirelli P-Zero跑胎,在循跡關閉的狀態下,轉速拉升至2000rpm全油加速,後輪會因劇烈燒胎而呈現近似停滯的狀態,在地面微濕的狀況下,反而以Advance Trac開啟的狀態下測試成績最佳,雖然起步瞬間感覺有極輕微的停頓感,仍然跑出5.2秒的成績,幾乎每筆測試成績都相同。
不過純就底盤設計感受,Mustang GT V8仍有狂放的暴力激情,前54%、後46%的車體配重,先天適合滑胎,尤其Mustang更是少數美系車中,後軸標配LSD防滑差速器的車款,更適合體驗獨特的滑胎過彎。然而,在濕滑的山道上想要流暢地駕馭這匹野馬其實並不容易,前麥花臣、後多連桿在路感回饋上稍嫌模糊,懸吊行程設定也偏長,阻尼的軟硬調配也沒那麼精緻,再加上車重較高,劇烈操駕總是少了那麼點人車一體的感覺,即是將行車模式切至Sport或Race模式,儘管知道Advance Trac在瀕臨失控時會介入控制,但心裡總是少了那麼點信賴感,除此之外,這輛野馬夠拉風,加速也夠癲狂,無論燒胎、甩尾,營造華麗的視覺動態,通通難不倒它!
Mustang GT V8的性能數據雖然直逼BMW M3/M4、C63 AMG等歐系性能車,但駕馭感受仍無法與其相提並論!然而235萬元的售價,確有著極高的性價比,
論拉風、論激情,都能帶給駕駛者不同層次的感受,尤其V8引擎渾厚的聲浪,更能傳達GT跑車剽悍的風格,喜愛美係跑車的玩家,不妨跳過2.3EcoBoost版本,一次到位,直接選擇GT V8。
Ford Mustang GT Specification
引擎型式 5.0L V8 DOHC 32V
最大馬力 421hp/6500rpm
最大扭力 54kgm/4250rpm
長寬高 4783x1915x1395mm
軸距 2720mm
車重 1730
驅動模式 FR
煞車結構 四輪碟煞
懸吊結構 前麥花臣、後多連桿
輪胎規格 F:255/40ZR19、R:275/40ZR19
國內售價 235萬元起
Track App賽道程式
Line Lock暖胎前輪鎖
Ford Taiwan
#ford #mustang #gt #tcar #試車報告 #葉明德
同時也有18部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過12萬的網紅一二三渡辺,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Kawasaki Zefar (ZEPHYR) is a motorcycle that Kawasaki Heavy Industries is manufacturing. Only ZEPHYRχ is put on the market as of 2008 though it was ma...
ford specification 在 TCar 試車頻道 Facebook 的最讚貼文
[試車報告] Ford New Focus 1.5L Ecoboost炫技
影片: https://youtu.be/1PfX4Y6Qryo
Ford New Focus輕快地在山道馳騁,1.5升四缸渦輪引擎敏捷但順暢地拉轉,
造型亮眼 風采迷人
這次New Focus的公辦試車,在苗栗山城的高爾夫花園飯店舉行,我們傍晚從台北飛車南下,搶在發表會之前抵達,雖然試車前已經在官網確認過資料,見到實車還是會被亮眼的造型所吸引,燈光投射藉由明暗讓俐落的線條畢露,無論4D或5D車型,散發著不同的魅力。
第二天一早,我們被分配到的車型是的藍色5D 1.5L Ecoboost的主力車款,陽光下顯得更亮眼!
搭配觸控式螢幕,界面設計變得簡潔,但功能性更豐富,除了配置SYNC 第二代通訊整合系統,還多了EAPA停車輔助、LDW車道偏離警示、LKA車道偏移警示、ACS都會行車防護系統、Blis盲點偵測、低速碰撞警示及緊急援助通訊等配備,其中SYNC以藍牙與手機連結後,若車輛發生意外,導致氣囊爆發或燃油泵浦切斷,系統會自動報案,並提供GPS定位以利救援。
科技性而言,New Focus的表現的確亮眼,尤其在輔助停車及低速碰撞警示上,能夠幫助開車恍神,或不太敢上路或停車的新手,試車當天總代理特地在安排在觀光磚廠進行關卡測試,都會行車在蠕動前行時,遇到前車突然煞停能夠幫助駕駛煞車,不過駕駛者也必須立即下踩煞車,否則輔助系統兩秒後將釋放煞車,屆時仍會撞上前方障礙物。
動力柔順 操控安定
Focus 1.5L Ecoboost主要用來取代過去2.0升的S版,是Ford車系首度搭載這款引擎,除了排氣量僅有1.5升,採缸內直噴搭配氣門正時,再輔以渦輪增壓,為了避免增壓造成的高溫,原廠還增設中央冷卻器,水箱罩內的散氣孔並設有可變閘門,具有提升引擎工作溫度,並可減低風阻的功效;最大馬力為180hp/6000rpm、最大扭力為24.5kgm/1600~5000rpm。豐沛的扭力平原,等於起步後便能感受到平順的扭力輸出。
然而,這樣的數據在國產車中,已有類鋼砲的威猛,搭配SelectShift六速手自排,方向盤後方另設有換檔撥片,的確增加不少駕馭激情,只不過引擎與變速箱設定的結合,並未如高性能鋼砲那般猛暴,相反地,感覺更像是配了一具大排氣量的NA引擎那般平順,與自己的老大哥ST相較,起步也沒有出現扭力轉向那種搶胎的暴力感。關閉動態輔助系統,踩住煞車、拉升轉速,於2000rpm時放煞車全油門加速,起步瞬間215/50R17的配胎並未出現激烈空轉,驅動輪賣力地將動力化為速度,起跑瞬間Focus 1.5L Ecoboost也少了狂猛的貼背感,僅稱得上順暢地加速著,不過引擎聲浪細緻,變速箱換檔柔順,雖然與性能鋼砲展現的激情不同,已能滿足家庭用車的需求。0~100km/h實測成績為8.74秒。
以一具1.5升四缸渦輪引擎而言,這樣的動力表現的確頗具水準,不過在操控表現上Focus擁有更讓人激賞的演出,先說說底盤設定上的變革,與前期款車型相較,新車款的減震筒閥門經過重新設計,阻尼係數變得較軟然而懸吊襯墊的硬度卻提升25%,讓懸吊特性趨近於軟中帶硬,能夠過濾大部分的碎震,又能夠避免激烈操駕時,減震桶與連桿間的間隙因襯墊變形而加大,換言之,能夠有更精準的彎道反應,將前麥花臣、後多連桿的結構,調校得更陳穩,再加上動力輔助方向盤速度感應明顯,劇烈操駕也能接收清晰的路感;依試車前簡報產品開發處經理表示,New Focus的電動輔助的作動時間更快,可縮短轉向空窗期,而實際在山道上激烈操駕,配合修正後的底盤,在轉向彎頂點及出彎的過程,除了路感之外,還能藉由雙掌微微感受到輕微拉力,加上懸吊修正,不僅於入彎時能夠感受到支撐力,行經顛簸路面破鋪面斑駁路段時,懸吊收縮能夠過濾碎震,有效抑制車體諧震,底盤沒有多餘的跳動,將穩定、舒適與靈活的特質之間做出最佳平衡。
前期款Focus的運動性原已相當出色,Focus 1.5L Ecoboost的整體變革,更讓人感到滿意,除了用有百萬級進口車才看得到的主動式科技防護,提升後的性能及操控特質,都有躍進式的演進。就動力而言,雖然沒有猛暴的增壓特質,輸出表現順暢,如需超車,只要連續扳動換檔撥片,0~100km/h 8.74秒的實測成績,證明也有水準以上的加速實力。
經過懸吊重新調校,底盤偏向沈穩,但均衡性卻變得更出色,激烈操駕時的轉向靈活度,並未因此減損,整體均衡性更為出色。嚴格來說,只有在激烈操駕時感覺煞車踏板行程略長,且在山道上以Trail Brake方式入彎,感覺制動性能不夠犀利,若能針對煞車部分進行調整,Focus在滿足家庭需求之外,能更增添更多駕馭情趣。
Ford New Focus 1.5Ecoboost Specification
引擎型式 1.5L L4 DOHC 16V Turbo
最大馬力 180hp/6000rpm
最大扭力 24.5kgm/1600~5000rpm
長寬高 4360x1823x1470mm
軸距 2648mm
車重 1428kg
煞車結構 四輪碟煞
懸吊結構 前麥花臣、後多連桿
輪胎規格 215/50R17
上市優惠價 89.9萬元起
SYNC 8吋彩色觸控螢幕
文: 葉明德
Ford Taiwan
#ford #focus #ecoboost #葉明德 #tcar #試車報告
ford specification 在 TCar 試車頻道 Facebook 的最讚貼文
[試車報吿] Jaguar New XF美型與性能兼備
影片: https://youtu.be/89xn1ki7IWw
洗鍊的造型,每道線條都存在著躍動感,融合豐沛動力與敏捷操控,象徵著捷豹優異的運動特質。 2016年式New XF問世,帶來Jaguar暌違許久的駕馭激情,讓人迷戀…
鋁合金車體 剛性提升28%
可惜,這樣的風格,在Ford Group入主後未能獲得延續,不過現在新世代的Jaguar XF問世,將昔日的風采及動感找回來了…
New XF尚未啟動,就散發著一股迷人的線條,猶如體態輕柔的輕熟女般,讓人忍不住為它駐足停流。低沿的車頭線條及水箱護罩,比上一代車款低了36mm,風阻係數也由0.29Cd降至0.26Cd。車身短了15mm,軸距提升至2960mm,比上一代車型多了51mm,因此擁有更寬敞的空間表現,不僅前座頭部空間提升27mm,後座膝部增加了24mm。
儘管如此,New XF仍擁有完善的主被動防護裝置,諸如ASPC(All Surface Progress Control)全地面起步系統,可以透過定速控制介面,設定車速3.6~30km/h間作動,在濕滑路面上可有效避免起步打滑。另外,為了方便駕駛者在壅塞的都會區停車,其搭載自動停車輔助及360度環景攝影系統,不僅畫質清晰,車上的立體攝影鏡頭及影像處理裝置,還能掌握車輛與車道邊緣對應位置,車輛偏移時,能夠發出影像,並且震動方向盤幅柄以提醒駕駛者。
加速敏捷 操控絕佳
XF 35t搭載排氣量3.0升V6雙轉子機械增壓引擎,最大動力可達340hp/6500rpm、45.9kgm/4500rpm,搭配ZF八速手自排,齒比配置雖然與其他車款相同,不過原廠刻意將終傳比加大,由2.73改為3.23,因此擁有更敏捷的加速反應,循跡控制解除後,將排檔座的行車模式切至Race,踩煞車、拉轉起步,245/45R18的Continental ContisportContact 5配胎緊緊地Hold住地表,彈射瞬間貼背力道紮實,引擎劇烈拉轉,發出甜逸聲浪,可惜未能選配跑車式尾管,否則澎湃的轟鳴聲,勢必更能凸顯性能味。經過實際測試,XF 35t 0~100km/h的成績正好為5.4秒,是一輛不折不扣地性能房車。
今年是Jaguar建廠80週年,承襲豐富的賽事經驗,讓New XF擁有鮮明的跑車靈魂。原廠在操控性能提升上煞費苦心,特地採用D7a鋁合金車體,總重282kg除了重量更輕,剛性較前一代車型提升了28%,再結合趨近50:50的車體配重,將操控優勢透過前雙A臂、後多連桿的懸吊結構完全展露。
雖然試駕車款未配置ADS主動式懸吊,然而阻尼配置精良,具有高度運動性,劇烈操駕能夠有效抑制側傾,再加上方向盤回饋的路感清晰,坐在駕駛座上,彷彿駕馭一輛四門版的F Type Coupe,讓人有愈開愈上手的駕馭體驗,人車的溝通與互動直接,可以隨心所欲地在山道上享受驅策大馬力的樂趣,在車頭荷重較輕的情況下,轉向反應相對精準,出彎時再結合豐沛的扭力,輕踩油門便可享受凌厲的貼背快感,高速通過連續彎道,底盤沒有絲毫地漂浮感,除了紮實,可以在收放油門之間掌握XF的動態節奏,如果興致一來,只要將電子輔助系統關閉,這輛4 Door Coupe還可以華麗地甩尾,跑車特質極為濃鬱。
XF的進化,不僅展露於漂亮的外型,還包含充滿樂趣的駕馭感受。在德系對手清一色地朝舒適化靠攏的此時,New XF用相對硬派的底盤設定,凸顯性能房車的潛質,將暌違許久的運動感找回來,那種人車一體的境界,讓你清楚明白XF所擁有的不僅是美貌,還有難以抗衡的跑車特質。看來,動感的捷豹,已經走出失落的年代!
Jaguar XF 35t Specification
引擎型式 3.0L V6 DOHC 24V SuperCharge
最大馬力 340hp/6500rpm
最大扭力 45.9kgm/4500rpm
長寬高 4954x1967x1475mm
軸距 2960mm
車重 1710kg
煞車結構 四輪碟煞
懸吊結構 前雙A臂 、後多連桿
輪胎規格 245/45R18
售價 339 萬元起
Jaguar Drive Control行車模式切換
Trac DSC進階式循跡動態穩定控制
文: 葉明德
#jaguar #xf #tcar #葉明德 #試車
ford specification 在 一二三渡辺 Youtube 的精選貼文
Kawasaki Zefar (ZEPHYR) is a motorcycle that Kawasaki Heavy Industries is manufacturing. Only ZEPHYRχ is put on the market as of 2008 though it was manufactured as a series model according to the displacement.
Fate of background and model put on the market
The style without a caul that dares to be yearned is pushed forward in the racer replica glory age and it puts it on the market. It receives from the user from whom this requests choices other than a full caul, explosive sales is shown, and it becomes the key mover of a naked boom. The horsepower setting not to consider the self-imposed restraint dared to come to create a stir in the catalog spec competition that overheats too much, and to become a turning point into which the style of the choice of user's motorcycle changes.
The hit of this Zefar became a mainspring to make the two-wheeled vehicle business of Kawasaki Heavy Industries where the withdrawal was examined by weak sales in the replica boom reborn to big sources of revenues of this company.
Zefar (ZEPHYR) meant the west wind in English, the wish of becoming a new phase to the industry that blew from Akashi at the Kawasaki Heavy Industries two-wheeled vehicle manufacturing base factory was put, and it was named. At that time, Kawasaki Heavy Industries has details of negotiating with Ford to want to name ZEPHYR to this new car by all means, and having obtained the use right of the name though had already acquired ZEPHYR as the trademark for the four-wheeled vehicle that the Ford company manufactures.
It was general for the manufactured motorcycle of the manufacturer two wheel in the country four company to write the manufacturer logo in the fuel tank and to write the model name in the side cover, and the design written in 'ZEPHYR' and the side cover oppositely in the fuel tank as 'KAWASAKI' was very fresh at that time.
Both receiving the smash hit of 400cc afterwards, 750cc model and 1100cc model who exceeded it were put on the market, and it became a long hit model. The atmosphere of Z-2 that is the model model is told by the same specification as 400cc model such as the steel pipe frame, 1 round eye light, and no both cauls, four air cooling series cylinder engines, and two Riyasas. Especially, the fuel tank where roundness was worn, the cam cover, and forming the tail strongly associate Z-2 as for 750cc model who is the same "Nanahan" as Z-2.
Moreover, the Cast wheel of the standard issue is changed to the spoke wheel (tube tire specification) to make the atmosphere of Z-1・Z-2 thicker, and Zefar 750RS・1100RS that distributes a solid emblem of "KAWASAKI" (However, the style of type is different from the one of Z-1・Z-2) to the fuel tank is U for a certain period of time.
Founder 400cc of two valves was U by about two years though ZEPHYR(400cc) was put on the market as ZEPHYRχ of four valve specification (Zefarcai 399cc・53 horsepower) to oppose a naked motorcycle of the other companies. Moreover, 750cc model is used as an instruction car of the large-scale automatic operation two wheels.
It became a production end at the end of 750cc the model 1100cc model and 2006, and the final edition model by whom the fire ball color and the seat emblem to make the founder model of Z-1・Z-2 done in were changed was sold.
The first year of manufacturing
* ZEPHYR(400cc) - 1989
* ZEPHYR750 1990 of -
* ZEPHYR1100 1992 of -
Valve air cooling series four stroke DOHC 2 four cylinder engine
* ZEPHYR(400cc) - 46-horsepower 398cc (Z400FX that appeared in 1979 is a
* ZEPHYR750 68- horsepower 738cc (The engine of Z650 (alias zapper) system that
appeared in 1976 is used).
* ZEPHYR1100 86- horsepower 1062cc (The engine of Boejar XII that appeared in 1986 is made air cooling, it uses, and the spark plugs of two a cylinder are used).
* Steel pipe double Cradle
* Reception desk: Telescopic Sata (There is no device).
* Two (It is not Yunitoraccshistem). Rear: chokedamps enclosed shock
Transition of specification by restyling
* ZEPHYR (400cc and two valve engine) → 1996 year and ZEPHYRχ (400cc and four
valve engine)
* ZEPHYR750・ZEPHYR1100 → 1993 year and RS (spoke wheel specification)
Sisters car
ZEPHYR550 of the car only for export existed in the past, too.
* The July edition in 2005 Kawasaki motorcycle magazine and pp.32-33

ford specification 在 一二三渡辺 Youtube 的精選貼文
It was formally announced to assume the car name to be "Nissan and GT-R", and was begun the early reservation order on September 26. It came to walk on the road besides the skyline though a current tradition was succeeded to in consideration of the balance of Infiniti and G when selling it out of Japan. Opening a global site (six national languages including Japanese) to the public was begun on the same day, too.
Two from which installation of Nissan high performance center in 160 places in the whole country that does sales and after-sales service was announced at the same time
GT-R was first open to the public in Fuji Television Network "New report premiere A" on October 21. At this point, the mask was still given to the bumper.
Founder R35 type(2007-)
Impressive advertisement: THE LEGEND IS REAL
The sales price in Japan began selling from 7.77 million yen on the vicinity and December 6. "Premium edition" with which "Black edition" in which a special interior color and the leather seat in addition to the base model can be chosen in a Japanese specification and the BOSE premium sound system and the antitheft device are equipped normally is prepared.
Design etc.
The total length and the width, etc. have increased greatly by the R34 type as an initial model of the third generation GT-R in this R35GT-R seen Takehone the design though De Zain is suppressed.
It is equipped with the speed meter, the tachometer, and the display of the number of gears at 340 km/h in the car. (It was a bytalk, and the method that was the right in the left the speed meter as said by the tachometer for R34GT-R was adopted. )Moreover, it became more large-scale than MFD from which multi function display (MFD) that was able to be called one of the features of R34 type skyline GT-R even by this R35 type was installed in the R34 type equipped with continuation and more multifunctional. Polyphonic digital to develop Grantsurismoshirez took charge of the design of the MFD screen.
The start and the stop of the engine are done with a red button that exists in the center console. When the door is opened from the outside, the doorknob is a storage type, and it pushes in a knob, the knob that has projected from the other side is pulled, and the opened shape is taken.
Drive train
...past ATTESA E-TS.. following 3. Moreover, the clutch, the transmission, and the transfer are put behind the vehicle, and "Independent type transaxle 4WD" integrated with Riyadef is adopted. It is called, "Premium midship package" together with the engine arranged in the reception desk midship. Moreover, because it has machine type 1.5WayLSD (Rimiteddosrippdef) in Riadef, running in the circuit is easy.
It exists a lot, and alpha Romeo in the FR age etc. also have the one that the clutch and the transfer were distributed to rear, and the rear-wheel-drive car of the transaxle : about transaxle type 4WD though it has been achieved by delivery Ford and RS200 by it in the 1980's. As "Independent type transaxle 4WD" to make the clutch, the transmission, and the transfer become independent by the set because the clutch is installed in the engine side in the drive train of RS200, it becomes the first in the world, and Nissan is acquiring the patent for this. This was achieved by adopting the drive shaft made of carbon FRP light, Inarsha few, the vibrational absorption high. Moreover, it is called "VDC-R" because of GT-R that does a weather resistant super-car in Shilshi, has three modes, and it equips it with the slipping sideways prevention mechanism of a special tuning.

ford specification 在 一二三渡辺 Youtube 的精選貼文
It was formally announced to assume the car name to be "Nissan and GT-R", and was begun the early reservation order on September 26. It came to walk on the road besides the skyline though a current tradition was succeeded to in consideration of the balance of Infiniti and G when selling it out of Japan. Opening a global site (six national languages including Japanese) to the public was begun on the same day, too.
Two from which installation of Nissan high performance center in 160 places in the whole country that does sales and after-sales service was announced at the same time
GT-R was first open to the public in Fuji Television Network "New report premiere A" on October 21. At this point, the mask was still given to the bumper.
Founder R35 type(2007-)
Impressive advertisement: THE LEGEND IS REAL
The sales price in Japan began selling from 7.77 million yen on the vicinity and December 6. "Premium edition" with which "Black edition" in which a special interior color and the leather seat in addition to the base model can be chosen in a Japanese specification and the BOSE premium sound system and the antitheft device are equipped normally is prepared.
Design etc.
The total length and the width, etc. have increased greatly by the R34 type as an initial model of the third generation GT-R in this R35GT-R seen Takehone the design though De Zain is suppressed.
It is equipped with the speed meter, the tachometer, and the display of the number of gears at 340 km/h in the car. (It was a bytalk, and the method that was the right in the left the speed meter as said by the tachometer for R34GT-R was adopted. )Moreover, it became more large-scale than MFD from which multi function display (MFD) that was able to be called one of the features of R34 type skyline GT-R even by this R35 type was installed in the R34 type equipped with continuation and more multifunctional. Polyphonic digital to develop Grantsurismoshirez took charge of the design of the MFD screen.
The start and the stop of the engine are done with a red button that exists in the center console. When the door is opened from the outside, the doorknob is a storage type, and it pushes in a knob, the knob that has projected from the other side is pulled, and the opened shape is taken.
Drive train
...past ATTESA E-TS.. following 3. Moreover, the clutch, the transmission, and the transfer are put behind the vehicle, and "Independent type transaxle 4WD" integrated with Riyadef is adopted. It is called, "Premium midship package" together with the engine arranged in the reception desk midship. Moreover, because it has machine type 1.5WayLSD (Rimiteddosrippdef) in Riadef, running in the circuit is easy.
It exists a lot, and alpha Romeo in the FR age etc. also have the one that the clutch and the transfer were distributed to rear, and the rear-wheel-drive car of the transaxle : about transaxle type 4WD though it has been achieved by delivery Ford and RS200 by it in the 1980's. As "Independent type transaxle 4WD" to make the clutch, the transmission, and the transfer become independent by the set because the clutch is installed in the engine side in the drive train of RS200, it becomes the first in the world, and Nissan is acquiring the patent for this. This was achieved by adopting the drive shaft made of carbon FRP light, Inarsha few, the vibrational absorption high. Moreover, it is called "VDC-R" because of GT-R that does a weather resistant super-car in Shilshi, has three modes, and it equips it with the slipping sideways prevention mechanism of a special tuning.