🔔叮咚叮咚! 她是我們2月份《灣聲印象 台灣音像Ⅱ》的長笛演奏家-#Jasmine崔娜卿
Superstar flutist Jasmine Choi will perform with One Song Orchestra for the concert of IMPRESSION PORTRAIT OF TAIWAN on Feb. 23 at the Grand Theater of National Taichung Theater & Feb. 25 at the National Concert Hall.
#Jasmine崔娜卿 的演出風格橫跨古典樂、實驗音樂、爵士樂及流行音樂,也曾與許多世界知名的樂團合作並擔任獨奏演出。2015年獲得英國音樂雜誌Sinfini譽為音樂史上十大傑出長笛演奏家之一,在從事全職的獨奏生涯之前,曾是「維也納交響樂團」第一位韓裔音樂家,並在法比歐.路易西執掌樂團期間擔任長笛首席,同時,她也是美國「辛辛那提交響樂團」在帕佛.賈維指揮期間、第一位韓裔的木管音樂家呢!
Jasmine Choi has performed across the globe in a variety of genres from classical solo, chamber, and orchestral to experimental, jazz, and pop. Selected as one of the ten best flutists in the history of music by Sinfini Magazine UK in 2015. Before her full-time career as a soloist has begun, Ms.Choi was the first Korean musician to hold a post in Vienna Symphony Orchestra when she joined as principal flute under Fabio Luisi, as well as the first Korean woodwind musician in the US when she joined Cincinnati Symphony under Paavo Jarvi.
2018年起擔任南韓最早的古典音樂廳「首爾世宗文化會館」的駐館藝術家,近期「紐約古典演奏家樂團」也宣布,邀請 #Jasmine崔娜卿 於2018-2021年擔任其駐團藝術家,還將為她全新創作三部長笛協奏曲,並進行世界首演‼️🤩🤩
She is the 2018 Artist-In-Residence at Sejong Arts Center in Seoul, the oldest classical concert hall in South Korea, giving four different recital programs throughout the year. In addition, the New York Classical Players has recently announced Ms.Choi as their Artist-In-Residence for the next three seasons (2018-2021) and will commission three flute concertos for her followed by world-premiere performances.
當台灣經典名曲遇上充滿魅力的 #Jasmine崔娜卿 會迸出什麼樣的火花呢?🤔
不多說了!快來歌劇院及音樂廳一起欣賞 #Jasmine崔娜卿 演奏由 #李哲藝老師 創作的《金色年代》吧!
Jasmine is going to perform the Taiwan Dreams in Golden Ages for Flute & Orchestra composed by the Che-Yi LEE, Music Director of the One Song Orchestra.
預習 #Jasmine崔娜卿 充滿魅力的演奏👉🏻https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOH3jFqeJAM
我的天哪!實在是太期待了,我要趕快買票 這邊請👉🏻https://www.artsticket.com.tw/…/P…/ProductsDetailsPage.aspx…
Jasmine Choi 최나경
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