freetype anti-aliasing 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最讚貼文

... an image showing the font rendered with golang/freetype (the exampl. ... look more like the gimp rendering (with no anti-aliasing, etc). ... <看更多>
#1. FreeType FAQ
What is FreeType? · It provides a uniform interface to access font files. · It supports high-speed, anti-aliased glyph bitmap generation with 256 ...
#2. Anti-aliasing rasterizer from FreeType 2 | Qt GUI 5.11
Anti -aliasing rasterizer from FreeType 2 ... FreeType is a freely available software library to render fonts. Used in Qt GUI. The sources can be found in qt5/ ...
#3. FreeType 2 FAQ - Most recent changes
Not directly, as FreeType is a font library, not a general purpose graphics library or text rendering service. However, note that the anti-aliased renderer ...
#4. [ft] anti-aliasing question - [email protected]
Windows GDI text rendering, it appears that FreeType is applying "more aggressive" anti-aliasing effects. The GDI text is anti-aliased, just not "as much".
#5. FreeType2 : disable anti-aliasing effect
Hi, there In freetype2 tutorials, it draws true type font anti-aliased by default no matter how big the font size is. sometimes at certain ...
#6. Modern text rendering with Linux: Antialiasing | Home
$ clang -I/usr/include/freetype2 \ -I/usr/include/libpng16 \ -Wall -Werror \ -o main \ -lfreetype \ main.c && ./main FreeType's version is 2.8.1 ...
#7. SDL2_ttf Subpixel Antialiasing - Stack Overflow
Though the main reason why I asked is because SDL2_ttf uses the FreeType library (which appears to support subpixel rendering.) So I was ...
#8. High-quality font support (Version 3) - Squeak Wiki
There is now support for anti-aliasing and sub-pixel-rendered fonts in Squeak, as well as a version of the open source FreeType font rendering library made ...
The open-source FreeType 2 font rendering engine uses an auto-hinter when such hinting data are not present or their use is restricted by a software patent.
#10. The sad state of font rendering on Linux
To get Windows-like rendering that I prefer, anti-aliasing, ... Linux distros use the FreeType library for rendering fonts.
#11. Font configuration - ArchWiki
The FreeType library renders the fonts, based on this configuration. The freetype2 font rendering packages on Arch Linux ...
#12. golang/freetype - rendering simple/small fonts on small LCD
... an image showing the font rendered with golang/freetype (the exampl. ... look more like the gimp rendering (with no anti-aliasing, etc).
#13. bitmaps.txt - De Koning Boegschroeven
Bitmap and Pixmap generation with FreeType ... Anti-aliasing palette and other concerns Conclusion Introduction ------------ This document describes the ...
#14. FreeType 2 FAQ
The FreeType 2 anti-aliasing renderer is indeed faster than the monochrome renderer ...
#15. Re: [ft-devel] FreeType grayscale anti-aliasing - GNU mailing ...
Anyway, I am trying to implement anti-aliasing on our font system >> and it is proving difficult, specifically for Bezier curves.
#16. Poor text rendering quality with freetype - GameDev ...
Your image suggests you're getting the Alpha wrong. Even if you do antialias, but then treat all non-transparent values as fully opaque, you'd get that.
#17. Font anti-aliasing round 3: Greyscale smoothing on Windows
Introduction; Why doesn't this work with the Windows' “Standard” font anti-aliasing option? The software necessary to bring FreeTypes' ...
#18. handle anti-aliasing and subpixel rendering, honour client ...
Turning off subpixel antialiasing in Gnome 3 on Debian ... like rendering to the screen, or "subpixel hinting" as some FreeType? code calls it.
#19. 字库概述 - Ubuntu中文
Freetype 提供libXft/cairo 如何画字的信息,包括处理anti-aliasing 或hinting. 因此freetype 的改变会影响到libXft/cairo 画出来的字,而Fontconfig 的改变会影响到 ...
#20. pygame.freetype - Font.size
All font file formats supported by FreeType can be rendered by pygame.freetype , namely TTF , Type1, ... Font.antialiased, —, Font anti-aliasing mode.
#21. modules.cfg - Apple Open Source
In case you compile the FreeType library with GNU make or makepp, this # file controls which ... RASTER_MODULES += raster # Anti-aliasing rasterizer.
#22. Slate UI - How can I disable anti-aliasing on fonts? - UE4 ...
Our font glyphs are generated by FreeType in the FFreeTypeInterface::GetRenderData function of FontCache.cpp. You can disable the anti-aliasing ...
#23. Factors Affecting the Text Quality of Low-Resolution ...
found to be significant factors for each anti-aliasing method. ... To this end, the FreeType 2 (http://www.freetype.org/) font-.
#24. [Freetype] anti-alias code using XGetSubImage/XPutImage
List: freetype Subject: [Freetype] anti-alias code using ... [Download RAW message or body] To make FreeType anti-aliasing avail to older Linux system (eg: ...
#25. John Carmack on Twitter: "Most font glyph rendering systems ...
Most font glyph rendering systems produce anti-aliasing with linear coverage, ... FreeType has a long article on it you may be interested in: ...
#26. ClearType anti-aliasing in Linux, or fonts like in Ubuntu - EmptyQ
Xft: libXft-2.1.14-lcd-cleartype.patch is the same as for cairo. This influenced my fonts in Opera, Lotus Symphony. FreeType: bytecode.patch -enables font ...
#27. ClearType anti-aliasing on Linux, or fonts like on Ubuntu
linux, mandriva, gnome, cleartype, fonts, anti-aliasing / Sudo ... Xft - a free library designed to use the Freetype rasterizer with the ...
#28. 1469712 – font antialiasing/hinting is not working on Fedora 26
Maybe Chrome cannot handle the new version of the freetype library. (Even with Anti-Aliasing turned off, Hinting is still essential to have ...
#29. Freetype better Anti-aliasing for Woody - pling.com
This version is used in Mandrake and improves the visualization of anti-aliased fonts in Xfree86. Fonts such as Luxi Sans or Microsoft Sans are ...
#30. Anti-aliasing and TrueType Fonts on OpenBSD
In order to support anti-aliased fonts, X has introduced in 2001 a new, client-side font rendering engine. The anti-aliasing calculations are done by FreeType, ...
#31. Treatise on Font Rasterisation - Freddie Witherden
Both hinting and anti-aliasing improve the ... by FreeType—a popular font rasterisation library used by ...
#32. Text anti-aliasing and scalable fonts with Xft on X Windows
On X Window platforms Views can optionally use Xft and FreeType for font rendering. Features: * Allows anti-aliasing and translucency (alpha channel) when ...
#33. [ft-devel] gamma correction and FreeType - Re
TrueType fonts would produce very similar results when it comes to blending gamma, as would any antialiased graphics. That's an important point: ...
#34. A New Rendering System for X - keithp.com
Current rendering extension protocol specification ... Here's the current rendering protocol spec, I'll try to update it on a regular basis. Anti-aliased fonts ...
#35. The sad state of font rendering on Linux | Infosec scribbles
To get Windows-like rendering that I prefer, anti-aliasing, ... This is how FreeType code in /include/freetype/ftdriver.h documents Windows ...
#36. Smooth Suggestions for FreeType - OSnews
The changes are aimed at rendering antialiased text at small sizes. ... David Chester has been doing some awesome stuff with Freetype. Font ...
#37. Adventures in Linux Ep. 2: Subpixel idiocy - Homo Ludditus
But occasionally he also addresses the antialiasing in Linux, ... to use the infinality interpreter mode for the freetype font library.
#38. 用"freetype"造句 - 查查在線詞典
It relies on FreeType to render font samples, and on Qt for its user interface. ... hinting and anti-aliasing, and optionally performs subpixel rendering.
#39. Subpixel anti-aliasing fonts of RHEL75: running IntelliJ IDEA ...
Subpixel anti-aliasing fonts of RHEL75: running IntelliJ IDEA in the remote VM ... So let's see which version of freetype RHEL is using, ...
#40. How to change Fedora's font rendering to get an Ubuntu-like ...
As you can see, Ubuntu is using RGB anti-aliasing with subpixel rendering ... the freetype-freeworld package out of the RMPfusion-free repository to get a ...
#41. Half pixel glitching (#966) · Issues - Freedesktop GitLab
What happens is that in some half pixel structures, FreeType marks ... Riglos Mono 1.1 disables anti-aliasing in all sizes as seen in the ...
#42. FreeType2 Research(Others-Community) - TitanWolf
Fonts start working, FreeType font as a font file programming development kit, extensive use in the game ... (Anti-aliasing minimum FreeType library <30Kb ).
#43. The paradox of Freetype/Xft/fontconfig - CJK glyphs do not hint ...
LANG="" Big5 document (CJK-with-antialias-2.png,197.11 KB, image/png) ... to specify to FontConfig/FreeType that outline, antialiased fonts ...
#44. Font Rendering with FreeType - Seiya Nuta
Implementing Resea GUI (Part 2): Font Rendering with FreeType ... by porting Cairo and FreeType, we can render beautifully anti-aliased characters without ...
#45. The Raster Tragedy at Low-Resolution Revisited | Beat Stamm
Font hinting is an opportunity to get on-screen text rendering as close to the art of ... of sub-pixel anti-aliasing methods (ClearType, CoolType, FreeType, ...
#46. High-DPI, Subpixel Text Positioning, Hinting - Google Docs
Ie. snap each glyph's width to whole pixels,; Do antialiasing, which may be ... The primary reason seems to be that we are using FreeType's autohinter, ...
#47. Crappy looking BitmapFonts... : r/libgdx - Reddit
It looks like everything is using Anti-Aliasing, I both used a BitmapFont using bmGlyph and by using ... https://github.com/libgdx/libgdx/wiki/Gdx-freetype.
#48. imagefttext - Manual - PHP
(PHP 4 >= 4.0.7, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8). imagefttext — 使用 FreeType 2 字体将文本写入图像 ... USE NEGATIVE OF DESIRED COLOR TO SWITCH OF ANTI-ALIASING
#49. AllegTTF - Doug's homepage
Anti -aliased text output and font loading routines for Allegro. Version 2.3. TTF font loading code from the Freetype Project.
#50. Freetype 안티 알리아싱(anti aliasing) 적용 안하기 - duongame
Freetype 안티 알리아싱(anti aliasing) 적용 안하기. bool glyphBit(const FT_GlyphSlot &glyph, const int x, const int y)
#51. 3. The Easy Steps to Enlighten Your Desktop
FreeType compiled with BCI presented much better screen font rendering results. ... and use good hinted fonts for smaller sizes without Anti-Aliasing.
#52. Fontconfig Xft Freetype-wuhen33400-ChinaUnix博客
不过anti-aliased text 只有在使用向量字型的时候有用, 绘制点阵字的时候就要使用core lib. Core library(以 x-truetype 或freetype 作为backend)自然也是可以画向量字 ...
#53. Re: Fonts looking washed out with newer freetype versions
AFAIK Freetype does not do gamma adjustment, you do it when writing the application code. Many applications don't do it, so anti-aliased ...
#54. OpenGL FreeType library overview - Programmer Sought
Here is a quick introduction, it tells you how to use FreeType to render TrueType fonts in OpenGL. Using this library we can render anti-aliased text, which ...
#55. modules/freetype2/builds/amiga/smakefile ... - mozilla-central
file revision / modules/freetype2/builds/amiga/smakefile@ ... anti-aliasing rasterizer #define FT_USE_TT // truetype font driver #define FT_USE_T1 // type1 ...
#56. Screenshots - jgneff/openjdk-freetype Wiki
When the ClearType methods are disabled, we get: grayscale anti-aliasing in FreeType 2.8.0 and earlier, or; Harmony subpixel rendering in FreeType 2.8.1 and ...
#57. anti-aliasing fonts - Tradução em português – Linguee
Muitos exemplos de traduções com "anti-aliasing fonts" – Dicionário ... The anti-aliasing calculations are done by FreeType, a free font engine that is used ...
#58. The new TrueType interpreter in FreeType 2.7.0 | Hacker News
When I got a new pair of glasses I disabled font anti-aliasing to make the edges as sharp as possible. I did this so I could more quickly ...
#59. src/smooth/ftgrays.c - chromium/src/third_party/freetype
ftgrays.c */. /* */. /* A new `perfect' anti-aliasing renderer (body). */. /* */. /* Copyright 2000-2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, ...
#60. Font Trouble Shooting Guide - OpenOffice
While it is possible to have FreeType rasterized fonts displayed antialiased this functionality isn't not implemented ...
#61. View Single Post - [Help] DirectX Weird Text - UnKnoWnCheaTs
Simply disable anti-aliasing if you want blocky looking text or implement a better font renderer, something like freetype or stb_truetype, ...
#62. freetype autohinter: nice for grayscale antialiasing, but terrible ...
freetype autohinter: nice for grayscale antialiasing, ... noticed this bit about the "freetype autohinter module" in /etc/fonts/local.conf:
#63. Higher Quality 2D Text Rendering - CiteSeerX
rendering of a glyph with good rendering quality (anti-aliasing is also ... Furthermore, FreeType also provides a font rasterization engine ...
#64. How To Create a Bitmap Font with FreeType - Level Up Coding
An easy C++ tutorial to create bitmap font images and textures ... out how to convert the vector-based glyphs to an anti-aliased bitmap.
#65. Adobe contributes font rasterizer technology to FreeType
Look at the vertical stem of 'E', which smeared over two pixels. This aliasing of stems makes the whole text look blurry and washy. I always ...
#66. Method of Anti-aliasing and some questions about it - support
I would like to ask how AA (anti aliasing) is implemented in GLFW. ... such as stb_truetype or freetype since these do proper sub-pixel anti-aliasing.
#67. About font rendering - CEGUI (Crazy Eddie's GUI) Forums
So I tried to off anti-aliasing when create free type font, it was terrible.. Is there any way to solve it? I will link screen shot, soon.
#68. FreeType Render Glyph AccessViolationException Attempted ...
When FreeType outputs a bitmap of a glyph, it really outputs an ... To correctly composite an antialiased pixel of a glyph onto a ...
#69. font rendering - ImageMagick
C:\>convert -list format | find /i "freetype" DFONT* TTF r-- ... But normal Windows programs will use anti-aliasing, depending on how the ...
#70. Ubuntu字库安装_mob604756f953bb的技术博客
Freetype 提供libXft/cairo 如何画字的信息,包括处理anti-aliasing 或hinting. 因此freetype 的改变会影响到libXft/cairo 画出来的字,而Fontconfig ...
#71. 5.5 Using Fonts in X11 - CCT@LSU
The freetype module is used in this example because it is more consistent with the other ... Anti-aliasing has been available in X11 since XFree86™ 4.0.2.
#72. OpenGL font rendering #8731 - githubmemory
If using font files, the OpenGL driver renders the fonts thinner than the SDL one ... openttd -v sdl -d freetype=2,driver=1 dbg: [freetype] Initialized dbg: ...
#73. Getting nice anti-aliased fonts in Debian | Frederik's Blog
At that time, I did not found anything better than compiling a more recent version of freetype (just standard ./configure, make, make install, ...
#74. Some line shaped characters are not displayed without Anti ...
Non-anti-aliasing components (AWT, Swing Motif and Nimbus L&F) ... Since this problem was recreated by FreeType's demo application (ftview),
#75. How to configure your Anti-Aliased desktop | KDE.news
Configuring the Xft extension (including antialiasing) Danny Tholen ... is an interface to the freetype rasterizer written by Keith Packard, ...
#76. FreeType in Launchpad
It also provides a high-quality anti-aliasing renderer, an innovative auto-hinting engine, and support for the following font formats: TrueType Type1, ...
#77. Fabulous fonts in Linux • The Register - TheRegister
You may have anti-aliasing selected via the KDE Control Center, but unless you build the FreeType font engine with a trick I'm going to ...
#78. freetype - go.pkg.dev
The Freetype font rasterizer in the Go programming language. To download and install from source: $ go get github.com/tdewolff/freetype It ...
#79. How to disable google chrome's terrible sub-pixel anti-aliasing ...
2564.103. Best Answer. You can fix your font rendering issues in the PDF viewer by installing freetype ...
#80. Tight Anti-Aliased Fonts in CentOS/RHEL - The Pan-Galactic ...
The only annoying piece in this is recompiling Freetype with the bytecode interpreter enabled, but it's pretty easy to follow the steps here.
#81. FreeType fonts in OpenJDK | Roman Kennke's Blog
Good work Igor (and who else was involveld)!. What's left is the rasterizer (anti-aliasing rasterizer and path widening) and the color ...
#82. smakefile in rtems-graphics-toolkit/freetype-2.4.10/builds/amiga
26, #define FT_USE_SMOOTH // anti-aliasing rasterizer. 27, #define FT_USE_TT // truetype font driver. 28, #define FT_USE_T1 // type1 font driver.
#83. How to have a Windows computer render fonts as beautifully ...
My first option for you would be to ensure that sub-pixel antialiasing is enabled and ... Subpixel anti-aliasing takes advantage of the red and blue pixels ...
#84. 6.6. Using Fonts in Xorg - FreeBSD.org
The freetype module is used in this example because it is more consistent with the ... In order to control which fonts are anti-aliased, or to configure ...
#85. Enlightenment 0.24 Released - Phoronix Forums
The curves and diagonals are anti-aliased. grid -aligned strokes are on ... Freetype offers 3 hinting flags. no hinting, auto hint and "no ...
#86. Ragg Quality
Both of these are highly dependent on the quality of anti-aliasing if any. ... Often the rendering is offloaded to another library (e.g. freetype), ...
#87. Rendering Resolution Independent Fonts in Games and D ...
Figure . : An example of hinted text from using Freetype. (Top). Unhinted text, (Bottom) Hinted text. Some font rasterizers also utilize sub-pixel anti-aliasing ...
#88. [SOLVED] Current and freetype font rendering
I have tried other fonts and prefer Arial. Enough said about that, please. For more than a decade I have used 120 dpi, anti-aliasing, full ...
#89. A comparison of a few font renderers
Don't expect to find many TrueType fonts that display that well! The Adobe rasteriser produces good results. As does the FreeType rasteriser in Xfsft. And the ...
#90. Font antialiasing - SFML
It's especially noticeable on small font sizes. I've found a way to correct it, by recompiling Freetype and SFML: the change in Freetype was ...
#91. pygame.freetype - W3cubDocs
The pygame.freetype module is a replacement for pygame.font. ... However, if bgcolor is None and anti-aliasing is disabled a monochrome 8 bit colorkey ...
#92. How to render non-anti-aliased font to internal image? - Pretag
Not directly, as FreeType is a font library, not a general-purpose graphics library or text rendering service. However, the anti-aliased ...
#93. VxWorks Embedded Vector Font Solution: eTTF - Professional ...
Advanced capabilities, such as scaling, rotation, and anti-aliasing are supported. eTTF uses the FreeType font engine and includes a WindML font driver.
#94. Text — Pycairo v1.10.0 documentation - Cairo Graphics
class FreeTypeFontFace(FontFace)¶. FreeType Fonts - Font support for FreeType. The FreeType font backend is primarily used to render text on GNU/Linux systems, ...
#95. TrueType font Support by FreeType Library - Irrlicht Engine
Can Render TrueType Font and AntiAlias font supported. and Can Render Asian MultiBytes fonts. OPENGL,DirectX and Software Renderer ready.
#96. Correction to article: No font antialiasing or mouse support *yet
Rendering antialiased text is not supported with the current bitmap-based fonts. If and when we add support for font rendering with FreeType, ...
#97. switch off anti aliasing in fedora 22 - Super User
Now my terminal font is acceptable and the fonts for e.g. firefox and other apps are readable enough. As a result the installation of freetype- ...
#98. F26 and blurry fonts - users - Fedora Mailing-Lists
Is that a bug in the freetype library or something that has to be fixed in all applications? Unfortunately, with Anti-Antialiasing disabled, ...
freetype anti-aliasing 在 Modern text rendering with Linux: Antialiasing | Home 的推薦與評價
$ clang -I/usr/include/freetype2 \ -I/usr/include/libpng16 \ -Wall -Werror \ -o main \ -lfreetype \ main.c && ./main FreeType's version is 2.8.1 ... ... <看更多>