【玳瑚師父公告】 《以茶會友(十四)- 身心健康旺旺餐會:第二場》
December Christmas Meal Session With Master Dai Hu - #14
(English version below)
日期及時間: 8pm - 1030pm, 星期三, 14 December 2016
地點: Keyaki Japanese Restaurant, Pan Pacific Hotel, Marina Square
有意出席者,請發短訊聯絡吾的助理: +65 90212098,以便留位。為了表達個人誠意,請勿透過別人代傳簡訊。
Miss Choy who came to my Sunday Meal session was very happy with the vast amount of knowledge that she gained to help her family and herself.
Miss Ho also sent me a text message, saying that it was a fruitful session for her.
If you or your family is having any medical problems, I welcome you to seek my advice tomorrow night.
The Ancient Wisdom of Feng Shui is more than able to solve our health woes, especially the grave ones. But you must take action fast!
In the dinner session, Master Dai Hu shall present to you the most precious and practical of gifts, teaching you how to avoid being stricken by these diseases with the use of effective Feng Shui!
Date & time: 8pm - 1030pm, Wednesday, 14 December 2016
Venue: Keyaki Japanese Restaurant, Pan Pacific Hotel, Marina Square
For those keen in attending, kindly send a text message personally to my assistant at +65 90212098 to reserve your seat. Please do not send a seat request on behalf of another person.
Information required will be your Chinese name and birth details, so that Master Dai Hu can customise a New Year meal for your health, based on your elemental needs.
As I wish to keep the session personable, it will be a small group. I welcome people who are eager to learn and willing to put in the effort to turn life around for themselves and their loved ones. Do register early to avoid disappointment!
Food and drinks will be at your own expense. There will be no other charges. Please bring your own pen and paper, and most importantly, a sincere learning attitude!