我小時候暑假天天都打球和打電動,每天跟朋友好好玩。現在當爸爸每天都叫Ryder寫中文作文,看英文書,覺得自己很兇忘了當小孩的樂趣。他說家裡的XBox One都是我在玩,感覺不公平。今天買了新遊戲MineCraft讓他玩,是我朋友介紹的,好像還不錯。遊戲我聽過,蠻有創意,也沒有暴力。我和詠嫻有時候都會忘記他才八歲,就是要開心的玩過暑假。I remember as a kid just playing ball and video games all summer break. Everyday was awesome playing with my friends. Now that I'm a dad, I seem to have forgotten the joys of being a little kid. We make Ryder write Chinese essays and read English books everyday. He always thinks it's unfair that only I get to play the Xbox One so we went out and bought a game for him today that many dads recommended. So far so good, no violence and a lot of creativity. Heard so much about the game before but had never let him play until today. Sometimes I forget he's just an 8yr old little boy and just needs to have fun. How soon we forget. #詠艾 #summervacation #xboxone #minecraft