Gogoro 今日 (23) 發表全新車款 Gogoro VIVA MIX,宣布以 59,980 元的親民價格搶進普通重型白牌機車市場。以台北市為例,淘汰二行程機車並新購 Gogoro VIVA MIX Basic,扣除政府補助後購車總金額最低只要 $40,980。
台灣機車市場銷量一直以普通重型白牌機車為主流,在 2020 年佔整體機車銷售 96%,其中又以價格帶落在 5 至 8 萬之間、採用10 吋輪圈、軸距小於 1,250 mm 的車款,最受消費者青睞。因此 Gogoro 順應消費者需求,打造出 Gogoro VIVA MIX 巧量級智慧電動機車,以輕巧靈活的車身、個性化的功能設計、令人愛不釋騎的獨特體驗,要為台灣機車市場注入一股新浪潮。
運具電動化已成為全球趨勢,Gogoro 正在引領潮流,讓機車快速邁向電動化與智慧化發展,是全球電動機車產業的領頭羊。本次 Gogoro VIVA MIX 的推出,不僅擁有靈巧的操控感及性能表現,並首度運用 FLO DRIVE™ 皮帶傳動系統,獨特混色美學,再加上親民的售價,預期將大力撼動 125c.c. 等級大眾機車市場,吸引更多消費者加入電動機車的行列。
Gogoro 創辦人暨執行長陸學森表示:「每個十年,都是一次時代躍進,科技演變快得超乎你我想像,驅動我們不斷向前推進。2021 年將是電動車下一個十年的開始,Gogoro 正在引領這個浪潮,又一次將創意與科技帶入大眾生活,滿足每個人日常生活型態,讓使用能源的方式更便利友善,一起為世界帶來更好的改變。」
Gogoro 產品長彭明義表示:「Gogoro VIVA MIX 不僅保留 Gogoro 產品的 DNA,更承襲 Gogoro 1 系列經典的皮帶傳動系統與騎乘感受,融合 VIVA 車款小巧靈活的特性,搭配 Gogoro 獨有的色彩美學,讓機車族完美享受騎乘樂趣。Gogoro VIVA MIX 既能滿足大眾日常生活所需,卻又不失獨特的科技體驗與騎乘趣味,為人人皆容易上手與輕鬆擁有的車款,搭配更方便的維修服務、更完善的換電網路,Gogoro 將進入全新的大眾機車市場領域,讓電動機車朝更普及化的下一階段發展。」
恰好車身 百搭所有身型
Gogoro VIVA MIX 提供全新舒適且靈巧的騎乘體驗,搭配輕量化鋁合金輪圈,10 吋輪胎讓坐姿更舒服,高度更是只有 74.5 公分,龍頭把手高度和彎度更便利騎士操作,不論何種身型都能輕鬆駕馭;STYLO™ 行動沙發座椅墊更是這次的亮點之一,透過超防水仿布紋飾樣表面和高支撐力海綿,提供騎士舒適的支撐,宛如量身打造的訂製款沙發,絕佳的乘坐品質和充裕的雙載空間;搭配新式後扶手和飛旋踏板,在騎乘時提供後座乘客滿滿安心感。
此外,Gogoro VIVA MIX 車廂擁有 23.9 公升置物空間,能輕易置放一頂 ¾ 罩標準安全帽和一頂1/2 罩標準安全帽,提供絕佳的收納空間;而 Gogoro 省力駐車架,透過結構與重量配置,可減少 25%1 的力氣,架車更輕鬆;同時搭載獨有的倒車輔助系統2,只要觸動倒車輔助鍵,即使在擁擠的車位中也能輕鬆自如移動。而 Gogoro VIVA MIX Belt 車款配有置杯架,飲料不怕沒空間擺放,並且內有防滑橡膠提供穩定的置杯空間,不必擔心飲料傾倒;同時內附 USB 充電插孔,騎乘中也能充電。
導入全新 FLO DRIVE™ 皮帶傳動系統 騎乘更安靜
配備歐司朗 OSRAM3 LED 超亮全時頭燈
此次 Gogoro VIVA MIX Belt 的動力研發上再次突破自我,推出全新 G2.2L 鋁合金水冷永磁同步馬達,導入螺旋齒設計,透過精密測試調整齒輪規格和材質,讓騎乘體感更滑順,同時將音頻避開人耳敏感區間,把聲壓下降 40%4 ;此外,承襲 Gogoro 1 系列的皮帶傳動系統,搭載國際大廠 Gates 碳纖維皮帶,不僅更加耐用,保養更是輕鬆,騎乘也更安靜。透過直覺的電門控制,可輸出 6 kW 8.05 hp / 3000 rpm 最大馬力,隨傳隨到的極致性能,同時擁有 150 公里的超高續航力5,絕對能滿足日常生活使用。
延續家族膠囊設計,Gogoro VIVA MIX 配備超亮全時頭燈,沿用 Gogoro 1 系列創新技術打造,搭載由德國照明大廠歐司朗 OSRAM 製造生產的高亮度 LED,提供車主絕佳的行車安全。車尾使用內斜面立體式的 LED 尾燈設計,由車身造型延伸出立體設計,營造出充滿趣味的空間感,強化日夜間行駛的安全性;儀表板則是採用直覺式的 LCD 正顯背光單色液晶螢幕,無論白天或黑夜,騎乘資訊清晰可見。
車身輕巧 安全不打折
前後雙碟 SBS 同步煞車系統
Gogoro VIVA MIX 車身操控靈活,配上安全的制動系統,打造最安心的騎乘體驗。Gogoro VIVA MIX 搭載 SBS (Synchronized Braking System) 同步煞車系統,搭配前 / 後碟式煞車,可有效的穩定車身並縮短煞車距離,同時搭配前後 10 吋的 MAXXIS MA-EV 高抓地力雙能胎,大幅提升車輛行駛的安全性。前懸吊裝載潛望鏡式前叉,後懸吊則是搭配雙槍式後避震,體驗穩定又舒適的操控感受。
多種混音色系 由你來決定
POP 個性化配件系統 滿足你的百變
Gogoro VIVA MIX 大量運用 100% 環保可回收 PP 材質,透過 Gogoro 獨家的調色技術、和耐刮的材質特性,讓車輛兼具美觀、實用和耐用等特性。大膽應用三色對比設計風格,讓Gogoro VIVA MIX 在街頭暢遊一躍成為目光焦點。此次 Gogoro VIVA MIX 有 Gogoro VIVA MIX Basic、Gogoro VIVA MIX Keyless 和 Gogoro VIVA MIX Belt 三款車型,Gogoro VIVA MIX Belt 提供「電音藍、雷鬼棕、放克紫、饒舌紅、合聲白、節奏灰」等六種時尚的色彩搭配,靈感來自於你所愛聽的音樂,不同的色塊譜出不同的個性曲風,更首次搭配專屬的開關機音效,混搭出屬於自己的風格。而 Gogoro VIVA MIX Keyless 有合聲白、節奏灰和現代藍調等三色;Gogoro VIVA Basic 則提供基本白一款,多變風格,任你選擇。
隨型混搭風格,創造無限可能。POP 個性化配件系統提供多款配件,滿足你的百變、千變、萬變!Gogoro VIVA MIX 重點特色配件包含圓潤造型車前飾板、置物掛勾、置杯架、左 / 右側腳踏板飾蓋7等,進行多樣化的個人配置,打造獨一無二的專屬座騎。
輕鬆入手!$59,980 起即刻擁有 Gogoro VIVA MIX
「Gogoro 睿智選」同步登場 多重信用卡分期方案、早鳥優惠與銀行回饋選好選滿
Gogoro VIVA MIX 巧量級智慧雙輪價格親民,Gogoro VIVA MIX Basic 定價僅要 $59,980,Gogoro VIVA MIX Keyless 為 $63,980,Gogoro VIVA MIX Belt 則為 $69,980。以台北市為例,淘汰二行程機車並新購 Gogoro VIVA MIX Basic,扣除政府補助後購車總金額最低只要 $40,9808,即刻擁有同級中最好的操控靈活性和性能表現,詳細產品資訊請參考 Gogoro 官方網站:https://www.gogoro.com/tw/smartscooter/viva/mix/。同時,可享資費優惠首兩年每月最低 $999 ( 24 個月每期資費折扣 $200,最高可享資費優惠 $4,800),或配件折扣金 $2,400 二選一。另外,於指定期間內購買 Gogoro VIVA MIX 系列,可享早鳥限定禮免費升級鋁合金掛鉤(建議售價 $690),邀請您一起輕鬆體驗更自在美好的城市旅程。此外,更提供以下多元套餐組合供消費者選擇:
「睿智選」 A 套餐:全民 GO 電動!日付不到 $30 元,Gogoro VIVA MIX 暢快入手
即日起至 4/4,使用「全民 GO 電動 銅板入手專案」購買 Gogoro VIVA MIX 系列或其他 Smartscooter 智慧雙輪指定車款10,可享前三年最低月付 $899 ,前三年屆滿可選擇尾款一次結清,或選擇以分期付款方案支付11。
「睿智選」 B 套餐:全車系零元搶先 GO!攜永豐銀行全台首發 29 期零利率方案,頭款最後付12
有別於常見的信用卡分期付款,使用永豐銀行信用卡購買 Gogoro 全車系,可享 6 成購車款項分成 28 期,以購買 Gogoro VIVA MIX Basic 為例,最低每月僅須支付 $1,285;完成前 28 期付款後,第 29 期再一次付清 4 成的尾款13。申辦「零元搶先 GO 」信用卡分期方案的消費者,更加碼享受永豐銀行提供的最高 $10 萬元信用貸貸,信貸申辦成功後再拿 $2,000 配件折扣金14,購車體驗升級,消費力更升級。
「睿智選 」C 套餐:銀行一起 GO!十大銀行零利率,刷哪張都划算
台灣十大銀行響應電動化浪潮,祭出 12 期分期零利率的購車好康,包含第一銀行、兆豐銀行、中國信託銀行、國泰世華銀行、合作金庫銀行15、玉山銀行、匯豐銀行、台新銀行、台北富邦銀行以及星展銀行。
「gates belt」的推薦目錄:
gates belt 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 的最讚貼文
Are you being threatened by occultists or by demons?
You don’t have to be afraid of them.
Feed your faith in Jesus and be conscious of His love, goodness and grace towards you.
See Him protecting you with all His power and authority.
If you recall the Parable of the Prodigal Son, the prodigal son received the family ring of authority from his father the moment he came home.
““But the father said to his servants, ‘Bring out the best robe, and put it on him. Put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet.” (Luke 15:22 WEB)
So even if you’re a new believer, you have full access to this authority over demons since the moment you placed your faith in Jesus. Now you just need to walk in that truth.
The devil cannot intimidate a believer who is confident in who he is and what he has in Christ.
Meditate on and confess verses such as:
“You are of God, little children, and have overcome them; because greater is he who is in you than he who is in the world.”
(1 John 4:4 WEB)
“I also tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my assembly, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it. I will give to you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will have been bound in heaven; and whatever you release on earth will have been released in heaven.”” (Matthew 16:18-19 WEB)
“The seventy returned with joy, saying, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us in your name!” He said to them, “I saw Satan having fallen like lightning from heaven. Behold, I give you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy. Nothing will in any way hurt you. Nevertheless, don’t rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.”” (Luke 10:17-20 WEB)
“These signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new languages; they will take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it will in no way hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”” (Mark 16:17-18 WEB)
“Finally, be strong in the Lord, and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world’s rulers of the darkness of this age, and against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and, having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having the utility belt of truth buckled around your waist, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having fitted your feet with the preparation of the Good News of peace; above all, taking up the shield of faith, with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the evil one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; with all prayer and requests, praying at all times in the Spirit, and being watchful to this end in all perseverance and requests for all the saints:”
(Ephesians 6:10-18 WEB)
“When I saw him, I fell at He laid his right hand on me, saying, “Don’t be afraid. I am the first and the last, and the Living one. I was dead, and behold, I am alive forever more. Amen. I have the keys of Death and of Hades.” (Revelation 1:17-18 WEB)
These passages of Scripture will strengthen your spirit, letting you believe that the God that’s on your side is far greater than any demonic enemy.
In spiritual warfare, the word of God, blood of Jesus and praying in tongues are your greatest weapons.
Declare the blood of Jesus over yourself and your family for protection and the blood of Jesus to bind your spiritual enemies.
The blood of Jesus is holy and whatever is unholy cannot prevail against it.
Before you pray in tongues, ask the Holy Spirit to help you pray regarding the spiritual enemy who is against you.
Most of the time we don’t know the root of the matter, but the Holy Spirit can help you uproot the problem, close all possible doors of attacks and frustration all the wicked schemes of the enemy.
When your war is not against flesh and blood, you need spiritual weapons, and praise Jesus, we have already been equipped with the very best!
You eat food at least three times a day. What makes you think feeding on a sermon once a week at church is enough to strengthen you for the whole week?
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