Jaint, Nidhi, et al. "Gender based alteration in color perception." Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 54.4 (2010): 366-70.
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同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過5萬的網紅Brenda Tan,也在其Youtube影片中提到,ALRIGHT love, relationships, dating, everything else that comes with it... ya'll asked I answered Timestamps: 0:00 1:03 Would you rather emotional or...
gender perception 在 Ainie Haziqah Facebook 的最佳貼文
In celebration of Women’s Month, the theme for 2021 is #ChooseToChallenge, where we are given the choice to empower, support and encourage both men and women to challenge gender discrimination to achieve equality. Gender equality is after all a mission for both men and women. Women in Malaysia are starting to change equality for themselves and their futures. Many countries around the world have also started to place heavy importance on gender equality, and Malaysia is one of them. Societies are finally realising the importance of taking a stand to demand equality for Malaysian women.
Malaysia is a country that has accomplished outstanding economic success, becoming the 6th largest economy in Southeast Asia and 39th largest in the world. However, the country’s women leaders are still considered underrepresented because only a small number of women take leadership positions in almost every corner of the board. Gender inequality poses significant challenges to women in Malaysia because it takes away opportunities from deserving talented women. Given that Malaysia has vast natural resources and human capital have been the driving engine of its economic development, gender inequality is still a serious hurdle Malaysia needs to overcome in order for a positive growth for the nation in the economic and political/leadership spheres. To address this gender discrimination in employment, members of society need to break away from gender biases. The perception that men are naturally fit for public places and women for private areas makes women seem only suitable to “assist” men in the work place. This practice has to be put to stop.
First and foremost, the idea of women representation has to be understood and acknowledged by everyone. It is very important to address this pressing problem because women make up 48.6% of the entire population and we need more of them to become leaders to ensure that the voices of Malaysian women are heard. Who would understand us better if it is not from our own kind?
For example, with only 33 female representation from both the government and opposition (out of 222 seats) in the Malaysia’s House of Parliament, the inclusion and participation of more women representative is actually very important for us to come up with excellent policies and laws that will tackle gender discrimination, crimes against women and the implementation of women-friendly policies to safeguard women’s issue and rights.
What can female leaders do to empower and inspire future female leaders? Actively engage potential leaders by identifying and investing in women with skills and capacity to lead and give them the confidence to do so. It is crucial in any sort of leadership practice to build confidence at home, in the educational institution and even at their workplace. By creating this “safe space”, we will be able to see more young women coming to the front without hesitation and with full confidence. When the younger generation of ladies/women sees the boldness of a leading women, it will give them the sense of hope and inspiration to embrace their potential and be committed to move forward as a leader. Female leaders should utilize these qualities such as perseverance, empathy and passion.
Rome was not built in a day. Likewise, the hope of hitting and having 30% of women parliamentarians is not going to be immediate. Providing platforms and opportunities are important but it is more important to create awareness and exposure as to why we should embrace and welcome female leadership into the picture. It is not only the young girls and women that should be educated but this has to reach their family members, acquaintances and their community in order for them to help these potential future leaders to nurture and grow to be a productive, compassionate and empathetic leaders in future. A new season is approaching and one can look with optimism on the impact it will have on women’s empowerment and leadership in Malaysia. Be brave, be bold and shatter that glass ceiling because our time is now or never.
Ketua Wanita Muda Negara
gender perception 在 遊.記.The Wanderlust Life of Chrissy CLK Facebook 的精選貼文
好耐冇post 工作照💕
When it comes to the issue of gender equality, it is always a controversial topic as male n female physically have so much difference. But ppl should reshape their own perception of how they view female. Women are powerful n independent as much as men. So girls, dont let ppl tell u what women should do, we can live our own life n all girls should have their own definition of womanhood.❤️
#internationalwomensday #主播 #主持 #hkemcee #hkmc #工作日常 #富途牛牛 #財經分析
gender perception 在 Brenda Tan Youtube 的最佳貼文
love, relationships, dating, everything else that comes with it... ya'll asked I answered
1:03 Would you rather emotional or physical cheating?
3:04 Will you confess to your crush (same gender) if you're not sure of her s*xuality?
4:37 How you met your current partner
4:55 Worst reason for breakup
5:26 In what ways do you think you and Mavis are compatible?
5:31 Talking about s*x
11:21 Is s*x more enjoyable with a guy or a girl?
12:00 When was your first time having s*x? Was it painful?
13:47 How should I react if my ex has told others about our s*xual history without my permission?
14:55 How do you approach girls / discreetly find other queer companions?
16:29 How to deal with body (size) insecurity during s*x?
18:23 How has your perception of love changed? As compared to when you were younger
20:22 Being bi, when it comes to s*x, do you have a preference between males and females?
22:23 What is your love language?
23:37 S*x before marriage? Have you gotten intimate with Mavis yet?
25:00 Have you faced any discrimination in public with your gf?
25:26 Have you ever had problems pleasurin yourself/partners?
26:23 Have you s*xted?
26:39 Most bizarre/wildest s*xual experience
26:45 How can one tell if they're pan if they haven't felt attraction to all genders yet?
27:51 What will you do if you and Mavis want s*x?
28:04 Girl fell in love with a guy who had a gf, still with gf 5 years later, should she confront gf
32:38 I always think about my ex whenever I think about s*x & intimacy and that makes it harder to get over them. Any advice?
34:11 With all the fights you had with your SO, does s*x help?
34:38 What are your views on hair removal on vjj? Is it really necessary TT__TT
37:28 If you have the ability to switch Mavis into a born male, would you do it?
38:50 How do females have s*x with their partner?
39:35 How did you and Mavis decide to stop being friends and get the romance in da air instead?
39:48 What happened in your previous relationship?
40:46 Who is the clinger one in your relationship? And how do each of you deal with it?
43:01 Hypothetically, if your partner was generally less capable than you in many aspects, would you feel the need to shelter them?
46:58 Tips on online dating, casual s*x, getting back into the dating game and how to ~feel ready~
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Edited by myself
Subtitles submitted by yallistg! Thank you!!!
Sponsored by nobody lah... who would wna sponsor this LOL

gender perception 在 Dd tai Youtube 的最佳貼文
對荷蘭人而言,單車就是生活,全國有約1600多萬的人口,不過單車數量卻比人口還多,普及程度已超越一人擁有一部,在荷蘭踩車絕對輕鬆,一來荷蘭地勢普遍平坦,二來最重要是單車擁有專用的交通燈號與道路,以阿姆斯特丹為例,市內單車徑的總長度便已有450公里。阿姆斯特丹全城有 40% 的交通量由單車承擔,早上及放工時間,隨處便穿著西裝甚至套裝裙的男男女女踩單車,可能亦是多做運動的原因,荷蘭人予筆者的另一感覺便是身材普遍都較為苗條。荷蘭政府一直堅持「單車友善政策」,在城市發展時已經考慮到未來單車網絡的規劃,全方位推廣單車以減低過分依賴汽車。友善評分指標有政府倡導 (Advocacy)、當地的單車文化 (Bicycle Culture)、單車設施 (Bicycle Facilities)、單車基建 (Bicycle Infrastructure)、單車活動的推廣 (Bike Share Programme)、城市中騎單車的男女比例 (Gender Split)、單車安全觀念 (Perception of Safety)、城市規劃 (Urban Planning)、政府對推廣單車的政策 (Politics) 等。帶小朋友到阿姆斯特丹玩,一定不可以錯過Nemo-荷蘭最大的科學中心博物館。它的外形奇特有如一艘大船,一共有五層樓,每層都相當寬敞,館內大部分展品都可親手觸摸操作,還有許多新奇有趣的玩意,最適合好奇心旺盛的小朋友:從模型、遊戲、影片到表 演和工作坊,簡直可以說是包羅萬有!
荷蘭兒童從6歲就開始接受性教育,父母會大方地在閒談中給孩子解釋性問題,孩子對性器官的認識,如同對胳膊、手的認識一樣普通。性觀念如此開放的國家,其性犯罪率卻遠低於歐洲平均水準,荷蘭未成年少女未婚懷孕率更處於歐洲最低。荷蘭政府認為性應該是『正大光明』的,而佳典範當屬紅燈區。過去冒險家們在結束驚險或單調的旅程登陸後,酒後尋歡便成了首選娛樂。當還未發明電燈的時代,性工作者依靠蠟燭發出微光,夜色下更誘惑滿溢。紅燈區(Red-light district)一詞最早出現於18世紀的美國,當時妓女會將紅色的燈放在窗前,藉此吸引顧客。而另一說法則認為來自鐵路工所持的紅色燈籠,當他們光顧妓院時往往會將燈籠留在外面。